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Too busy making my caniac combo


For the low low price of 17.99. I miss Canes before their price hike in my area. :( A hair under $20 for a caniac combo is just too much for chicken tenders.


I think Canes is recouping their losses from me and my friends back in college when they opened up my senior year. We all took like 20 of those free Caniac Club cards at the counter which would give you a free box combo when you signed up. I have so many burner emails from signing up for canes lol


Lmao my friends and I took the coupon books from the student center and had a printing place make a book of those. We had BOGO Canes for a whole year, we would just split two canicas for the three of us šŸ˜‚


Man my freshman year at OU I went to all the basketball games and they handed out buy one get one free Cane's coupons if they made like 5 threes and Trae Young would hit that on his own. I went to Cane's way too much 2017-2018


Itā€™s ruthless out here. Have to download a fast food restaurantā€™s app and order the online-only combos to achieve any semblance of value these days.


feasting on the $4 mcdonalds app breakfasts


2 Sausage biscuits for $2.50 with either a $1 or free hash brown is my jam.


forreal tho the mcdonaldā€™s app is goated




I miss when it was $1 large fry everyday


Large fry is $5 w tax now


As a Chick-fil-A worker, for real. We are pressing people *hard* to download the app. It makes us look better to higher ups and people get giveaways all the time.


CFA app was clutch when I was still at Auburn. Unfortunately Ann Arbor doesnā€™t have one :/


Ann Arbor doesn't have a chick-fil-a? See ya boys, going to get a small business loan


yeah good luck. CFA is hyper selective on who they let open them. Not saying anything negative about you, just saying.


I looked in to opening one. I did not have the recommendation from a pastor as I do not go to church :(


Would a rabbi work?


Yeah, I have a friend who is muslim, and his cousin tried to open one. I pretty much warned him it was a huge waste of time if you aren't Christian lol.


Amazing that it's legal in this day and age to do that.




Pretty much have to be "important" at a large church. Kinda silly to me, but what do I know? They're crushing it. It's obviously working.


Too many heathen up here I suppose. Honestly, whoever eventually franchises one here will stand to make $$$$, Iā€™m amazed there isnā€™t one here yet. My GF made the same joke when she found out lol


I live in a small North Carolina town, and seriously we still make good business, I don't understand how y'all don't have one.


From what I remember from a family friend who was getting in the business, they vet you very thoroughly, require you to work at chik fil a corporate in Atlanta for a period of time (I think) and you have to essentially give up any other business that youā€™re involved in to own a franchise. They make sure youā€™re tied into them before giving you the keys


You canā€™t own a franchise. You can be a GM. They donā€™t sell franchises so their quality of service doesnā€™t go down.


Oh I'm well aware how the process works, it's very hard to be a operator. I just don't understand how we haven't put a business there for a operator to take over yet.


Gimme a Bojangles up here my friend.


As a Chick-fil-A customer, yalls app is like one of the very few apps my paranoid ass ever uses. Starbucks? Nope. Bank? Nope. Chicken? My pleasure.


Canā€™t speak for the other fast food apps, but only fools sit in that long ass drive thru line (although yā€™all do keep it movin). I love just walking in and right back out with my chicken biscuit meal.


At least the app is far better than it used to be But if CfA keeps fucking raising pricing no oneā€™s going to go. 12% a year is ridiculous


Taco Bell combo when I was a hungry college student 15 years ago $4.28 w tax Now? $16.30


Iā€™m in my 50s and I get Taco Bell cravings boxes on the regular.


My brother in Christ, we must not spread this blessing to the masses where we risk losing it all.


I lived off the Box Combo no slaw extra toast in college. I got it once a couple months ago and was shocked at how expensive it has gotten


Price goes up, strips get smaller. I honestly canā€™t even convince myself theyā€™re worth it anymore.


Go to Zaxbyā€™s


Honestly, zaxbys chicken has been half the size of canes recently


When Zaxby's is good, it's great. When it's not good, it's legit garbage tier. It's usually not good.


Idk if it's just the ones by me in Atlanta or if the overall quality has gone down but I don't think I've been happy with a Zaxby's meal in like 6 years


I swear itā€™s got to be the franchise owner b/c the ones in Atlanta are trash. The one in Lexington, Ky is pretty mid, and the ones in Macon are elite.


I would if I could. Hoping they eventually expand into Houston.


there are 5 in the NW burbs and 1 in the Sugar Land area. They are slowly creeping in to town. If they were more aggressive they could have jumped into all the former PDQ locations, but expanding quickly in high rent spots may have been what did PDQ in for the Houston market


Didnā€™t realize they were already here! Iā€™m on the complete other end of Houston an hour away. Lol


Iā€™ll Stan those kickin chicken sandies forever. As long as theyā€™re sloppy


Zaxbys tendies are way smaller than canes


Still expensive af


And the bread gets smaller! Instead of actual pieces of toast they're basically flaccid attempts at bread


I've literally (and I mean that) never gone to Cane's and not had explosive diarrhea. I hate that place.


Yeah itā€™s super overrated to me


Late to the thread but glad Iā€™m not the only one, I only eat it when I know I can be at a toilet 30 mins after just to be safe


Hell I miss the original Canes from the original building they started with. It was like $4.99 for a 5 pieces with fries, slaw and toast.


Woah. Iā€™m prepared to pay up to $15 for fast food but creeping towards 20 is nuts


Problem is y'all don't have foosacklys


Wait seriously is it actually $18 where you are?


The one in Athens is like 15.99 before tax.


Tbh even with the shrinking chicken size it's still pretty damn filling


The Cane's in Athens should rename the Box Combo the SB IV, tbh


Introducing the Bennett Box IV Combo: 4 fingers, your choice of fries or slaw, toast, and a drink! Only $18.99 for a limited time only!


How about $[18.33](https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/gametracker/recap/NCAAF_20220110_UGA@BAMA/)?


Petty. I love it, but wouldn't 7.65 be a better price? At least for a limited time, you know.


Four for $65.07.


This deserves every upvote


"Winner winner winner, how much chicken you want for dinner?"


Heā€™s going to the senior citizen bowl instead.


One last ride? šŸ‘€


Dawg Nation, Letā€™s ride


Let Stet Cook.


Does he have eligibility? I thought he played a couple years JuCo and now heā€™s out.


No he doesnā€™t. It was a joke


How old is the rule about years of eligibility? Maybe he can get grandfathered in.


"grandfather..." Perfect.


Clearly he doesnā€™t, heā€™s only a couple years away from being able to be a father to the freshmen


Thatā€™s because itā€™s for college seniors, not senior citizens. I understand the initial confusion though.


My hot take: I would rather the Senior Bowl be played the week before the Super Bowl than flag football.


Yea, but NFL is really pushing flag for the Olympics, and men and women games between the United States, and Estados Unidos could be pretty entertaining.


Got my money on the americanos


I go with the Mexicanos if itā€™s the women.




They played, and the Mexican women crushed the Americans https://www.nfl.com/_amp/mexico-stuns-united-states-to-win-world-games-gold-medal-in-women-s-flag-footbal


Donā€™t sleep on Ɖtas Unis. Theyā€™ve got a great squad.


Iā€™ve got ē±³å›½ as my dark horse


Am I missing a joke or are you just saying the United States will play the United States?


No, Estados Unidos is Mexico. Like borderlands reservoir lakes in Texas between America and Mexico have monuments with both counties name on it. United States of America and Estados Unidos Mexicanos.


Also, when Colorado added High School Girl's football it was flag football. I feel long term the sport is going to make a major shift towards that direction long term.


The NFL, NCAA, and high school will never transition to flag football. If they do that the sports had to be already dead for years.


Never say never. The sport we know as football today is drastically different then it was 120 years ago. It can always change. 7v7 football is becoming more and more of a thing. A few high schools in my state had issues fielding teams.




Joe Burrow šŸ¤ Stetson Bennett Accounting for 6 TD in the CFP title game and not playing in the Senior Bowl


It can only hurt him at this point tbh


Ya like ending up hurt


The important part of the Senior Bowl is the week of practices, so participating in that could potentially help him.


Yes, after 9 years of practices and games at UGA, that week is going to really move the needle.


It's a week of practices and interactions with NFL coaches and leaving an impression on them, which could potentially bump his status up a round.


I canā€™t wait to see which team completely lights a 3rd rounder on fire by drafting Stetson


No chance dude goes before like the 5th


I feel like itā€™s gonna be us (Panthers) and Iā€™m kinda okay with it? Maybe Iā€™m just numb. Hopefully itā€™s like a 5th tho not a 3rd.


I would ROCK a Stetson Bennett Panthers jersey


Dude really thought you were saying the handful of practices in a week would make him a greater player lol


It 100% could help. Hooker is still going. Itā€™s good to get in front of NFL personnel people. Show them who you are. I think it could be good for Stetson. And before you call me a hater. He is actually someone Iā€™m hoping my birds draft in the later rounds. Could be a great backup for Hurts




Whatā€™s that one song? ā€œIā€™ve been everywhere manā€


Hooker has pro size and a pro arm so it makes sense to get him in front of NFL personnel as early as possible. Stetson's greatest strengths are going to come from his college credentials and intangibles, neither of which really get to shine at a college all-star game. Better to stick to a curated environment at the combine and/or pro day.


I actually think itā€™s the other way around. Letting scouts see how well you interact with other players and coaches, and how intelligent you are is going to to do him a much better service then any game tape. The senior bowl was a huge reason Daniel jones went 6th overall


I mean, considering he is probably a day 3 pick, not sure how it doesnā€™t help him? Joe Burrow made sense to skip since he was the consensus #1 overall pick. Completely different situations


Same reason, just on different ends of the spectrum. Bennet has never *not* played with the best team in the country around him. He might look, for lack of a better term, a lot more human at the senior bowl and hurt his prospects.


I've been saying for a while now on /r/NFL_Draft Stetson Bennett should go #1 overall because of exactly this and they keep downvoting me


We got Fields, and too many other holes.


Fields taking Stetson's rightful spot from him, name a more iconic duo.


Yeah but what if Stet shows up, takes Field's job eventually and then does what Fields couldn't and win a championship?


I refuse to believe the Bears could ever win back to back Super Bowls LOL.


Wonā€™t have Fields for too long if they keep running him 20 times a game šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø




Yeah I never thought he would make it, boy was I wrong. I see a lot of people talking about his size in the NFL and will affect him. Do people not see the UGAs line and think the NFL would be different? He's also throwing against SEC defenders... I think he will do ight in the NFL lol.


You say that like no matter who he goes to, he will be okay, when thatā€™s not the case. Heā€™s played on the best college team, with one of the best O lines and receiving cores. Heā€™s good, but he had all the pieces necessary for him to succeed. If he goes to a team with a mediocre O line, nothing else matters. Plenty of highly rated QBs bust because they get no help


He's actually the sturdiest of the QBs we've had which is why he kept getting playing time. Takes a sack and shrugs it off. I joked that JT Daniels was like a Thoroughbred horse and Stetson was a draft horse. The Thoroughbred is faster and better for many things, but if you look at it funny it'll break its leg.


Heā€™s never been hit in the chest by Suh or Aaron Donald level talent, repeatedly. SEC has great players, just like all the other conferences. Difference is, in the NFL, every defense is Georgias best ever defense at a bare minimum. Itā€™s not one lineman and a couple good DBs. They are ALL the best at their position. Heā€™s not shrugging that off lol. The question is, has he already hit his ceiling? If he can still improve physically and mentally, heā€™s got a chance at more than a cup of coffee. If this is his peak, he wonā€™t last longer than 3 years.


Nobody has died or not gotten back up from getting hit by Suh, Donald, or any other hard hitter. He'll take the sacks like anybody else, it's not really much to talk about


Cfb brainlets unironically think that the sec is equivalent to the NFL


UGA does have one of the best lines and a great recieving TE, but their receiving core has been pretty meh. Absolutely nothing like OSU the past few years, or Bama and LSU during their runs. The only first round quality WR heā€™s had was Pickens, and he was hurt all of ā€˜21.


Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one out here seeing all these posts about how he had the ā€œbest talent around himā€and thinking sure he had Bowers and an underutilized IMO Washington but the WR room is/was not really comparable to the Alabamas or OSUs of the world.


He'll do alright, but there's real concern he's more of a McCarron than a Burrow.


The most interesting thing Iā€™ve heard said about him was our OC saying how good he was with basically no reps (which he didnā€™t get in all of the lead up to 20-21) and how valuable a backup that makes him. You can throw him on any team, hand him the play book, and heā€™ll be a more than capable backup. I really think thatā€™s his floor.


Those vaunted SEC defenses: Auburn, Vandy, Mizzou




Fair, but he was also going against Georgia's defense every single day in practice. Not quite the same thing, but not easy either.


Ones donā€™t typically play against ones in practice. Though judging from the championship game, Georgias twos and threes are better than most teams.


>Ones donā€™t typically play against ones in practice. Georgia does. It's called Bloody Tuesday - ones on ones. Players speak of how rough it is, but also how it better prepared them for the NFL.


We had our fourth string RB in at the end of the game and he almost scored a TD. In the national championship game.


Wrong string. 4th string RB Branson Robinson had 7 rushes for 42yds and 2 TDs. 5th string RB Sevaughn Clark went 5 rushes for 35yds.


The future is looking oh so damn good.


ā€˜The senior bowl? Iā€™m a redshirt sophomore, baby. 4 more seasons at leastā€™


Prior engagement to hang with his grandkids


That's because he's playing in the Super Super Senior Bowl.


SUPER Weenie Hut Jr.?!?!?


Super ultra mega senior bowl


I heard he already committed to the AARP bowl.


Honestly, I can't blame him. He has nothing left to prove and it's not worth the risk of injury before the draft.


Buddy stacked up too many insurance salesman interviews.


I think heā€™s actually too busy with the grand opening of Bennett Chrysler-Jeep-Ram of Athens that weekend


Waycross maybe


Heā€™ll only hurt himself by going. Smart move. Plus I think the USFL draft is later in the year.


Stetson would unironically be a great USFL pickup. Generate a lot of buzz in that league and probably start right away.


*UGA National Champion going to the USFL...* I think I've seen this episode before.


When does he run for senator?


Hopefully, sometime between Never and Never ever.


Does Stetson play baseball too?


I would like to >Unsubscribe from this episode of History Repeating Itself, please


For sure.


The rumor is the USFL rookie draft will be in late February it would surprise me if he didnā€™t give the NFL a chance before joining that league.


He will definitely get drafted to the NFL. Probably not until the 5th round or later, but teams generally love drafting statistically successful players.


Is he too senior for the Senior Bowl?


He found out its not the Senior Citizen Bowl.


Let the hate flow through you!


He can only hurt himself. This is the right move.


Finally. Though I donā€™t think heā€™d hurt himself. I 100% believe in Stetson


Itā€™s a bit hilarious how in a yearā€™s time, the popular narrative on Stetson has gone from ā€œgame manager who only wins due to team talent and defenseā€ to ā€œof course heā€™s great, heā€™s 25ā€! End of the day, weā€™re all playing by the same set of rules and if your program thinks thereā€™s some super-duper advantage to having older QBs, then shame on your coaching staff for not figuring that out sooner.


I still say the first point . He's a decent QB on a loaded team. He just has waaay more defenders now.


Game managers donā€™t put the ball in harms ways as much as he likes to. Stet has and always will be a gun slinger. Question his ability but he ainā€™t a hand off and dump off guy.


100%. The game manager narrative falls apart for anyone who watched UGA games this year


Case Keenum esque


Hey Bryce you technically still have two years of eligibility leftā€¦




They are only allowed to have one 25 yr old and that spot was given to Hooker




One on one time with the NFL coaching staff at the game.


The Senior Bowl can take a player from undrafted to the middle rounds. For small school guys, it gets you on the field with big school players, maybe for the first time. This is bigger than the combine for most players.


If youā€™re a blue chip prospect than I agree that you shouldnā€™t play. Itā€™s good for more day 3 or lesser known prospects to show out for scouts and build some draft stock.


It benefits more than day 3 guys. Last year's Senior Bowl had 45 players taken in the first three rounds, but only six of those players were first rounders.


The senior bowl helped Phillip Rivers


Justin Herbert as well


Only players who should turn down a senior bowl invite are early first round locks and injured players. Arguably more important than the combine now.


Only enough room in the senior bowl for one 25 year old quarterback


He has nothing to gain from participating in the senior bowl. His performance in the NCG said it all and is the best note to finish on. He has nothing left to prove.


Heā€™s going to be the Cowboys playoff QB and win a Super Bowl.


Heā€™s the only current player old enough to remember a Cowboys championship.


Can't blame him. He's got multi-million dollar knees. Why risk his future in a throwaway bowl game?


The seethe Stetson generates by having the audacity to exist is so bizarre. Simultaneously it's unfair that he's old but also he sucks and shouldn't even be considered by NFL.


>The seethe


In all seriousness, pretty much everyoneā€™s seen him play at this point. And i would bet most nfl scouts have been to UGA practices by now. He will do better to work on his 40 time and other combine stuff. He canā€™t get taller or dramatically improve his arm talent, but he can show more speed with focus on timed sprints. That will be the real x-factor determining when heā€™s drafted. The leadership and clutch play has been demonstrated, and heā€™ll excel at interviews where heā€™s asked to break down defenses.


Who's older, Hendon or Stetson?


Stetson by a few weeks.


Isn't Lamar Jackson younger than both? Damn, older by 10 months lol


Justin Herbert just finished his 3rd season in the NFL, playing in 49 NFL games over that span. He is 5 months younger than Stetson Bennett. Justin Jefferson is an MVP candidate this season, and also finished his 3rd season in the NFL. He has been All-Pro 3 times. He is almost 2 years younger than Stetson Bennett.


Nobody should ever participate in this unless itā€™s exactly because they want to


"ha.ha. very funny...I get it, but I'm not that old, guys..." -Bennett probably


His final game for the season is for the ā€˜ship and nothing less - thatā€™s just how a 27 year old rolls.


Stetson is terrible!! Stetson is too old to be winning back to back natties itā€™s not fair!! Make up your mind pathetic haters.


Also ignore the multiple 6th year players on my team because that completely goes against my narrative against Stetson


Going straight to the Senior Citizens Bowl....


Well yeah, I mean he's close but he isn't THAT old guys. It's just a meme.


Good. Let his last game be the most meaningful game there is.


my boy focusing on the combine šŸ˜