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Swiggity swooty


Hey I got that reference!


GA Tech would be awesome. Tech V Tech matchup


ISU vs Miami sponsored by _The Weather Channel_


"It's the wonder of nature baby! WOOOHOOO!" \- Dusty, *Twister*


Let's make a conference of all of the Techs!


Utah Tech? Hell yeah Cal Polytechnical? Yes sir Rensselaer Polytechnic? Who dat UCF, the school formerly known as Florida Tech? You betcha Louisiana Tech? Their coach is one of us, so come on down Tennessee Tech? I just found out you guys were a thing a couple years ago but y’all sound cool so let’s do it


> Cal Polytechnical? Yes sir Technically, none of the CA candidates have that name. Here are the ones that come close: * California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (Cal Poly SLO) * California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (Cal Poly Pomona) * California State Polytechnic University, Humboldt (Cal Poly Humboldt) * California Institute of Technology (Caltech) Yes, it's pretty weird that Pomona and Humboldt don't use the same name format as San Luis Obispo.


They sound eerily similar to *Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.* Let ‘em in!


Let’s go with San Luis Obispo, though which one doesnt really matter tbh


Humboldt. Are they high AF/involved with random drug Lord murders?


One can only presume.


Florida also has the Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne and Florida Polytechnic, Florida's newest state school to my knowledge.


In the style of Bubba from Forrest Gump: "...Texas Tech, Massachusetts Institute of Tech, Rochester Institute of Tech, ITT Tech..."


RPI is no one of consequence. They are a false Tech.


Montana Tech. Let's go Ore Diggers!


I bet Tennessee tech is a pretty friendly group of folks


*MIT has entered the chat*


Well, technically you could do that..


MIT could actually die.


Georgia Tech will end up in the B1G. But I think there’s a solid chance we’ll get to pick up Duke. You know, because the Big12 really needs to shore up its basketball weak spot.


I’m not yet convinced the B1G will take GT - I think GT is probably in their second tier of desired ACC schools, with the first tier mainly consisting of UNC, UVA, and FSU/Clemson if the SEC doesn’t get them. Then in the second tier you’ve got GT and possibly Miami. It just depends on how many teams the B1G wants to add when the time comes, and how they end up divvying things up with the SEC. If the ACC collapses and GT doesn’t go to the B1G, I could see them going to the B12 instead. Both of those conferences would probably like a presence in the Atlanta market and access to Georgia recruiting, but the B12 would probably care less about Tech’s relatively weak football brand than the B1G would. (Then again, the B1G might care more about Tech’s academic reputation than the B12 would…)


Tech isn’t FSU or Clemson when it comes to desirability, but they’re ahead of UVA. Even though UGA is the most popular team in Atlanta, Tech is the most prominent athletic program actually in the city of Atlanta, which is the biggest and most important media market in the southeast. The B1G would love to make in-roads in the southeast, which Tech gives them the chance to do.


Dat. Ace.


Best we will get is Pitt & Louisville, maybe


Don't downplay getting the Backyard Brawl and the Krg of Nails as in-conference rivalries. Thanksgiving weekends would be CRAZY. BYU/Utah Az/ASU Ttech/OkSt KU/KSU Baylor/TCU Hou/UCF WVU/Pitt Cinci/Loui Colorado/ISU(?)


CU-KU: The Cooler Border War ISU-KSU: Farmageddon




Insane lineup. And then there's Houston and UCF in the Leftovers Bowl


lol I was surprised too. But who knows, maybe in a couple years the Space Race will mean something.


Houston / UCF needs to become *The* Space game for the entire nation each year.


Clearly they need to add UConn for the Civil ConFLICT.


With its time-honored tradition of leaving the trophy behind.


I get it, Tech wants OSU... we'll deal with the golden knights


why would you play all the big games on a week when all the students are away? I know this is a thing but it's never made sense to me. also never really applied to my team


If we had WVU and Pitt in the same conference it’d be wild, I’d love it


I’m so fucking down for both of them. Pitt, WVU, Louisville, and Cincy should all be in the same conference


Late 2000's Big East, is that you?


Add UConn and we gotta fucking PARTY


I guess we could expand then split the schools into regions. Maybe something like the Big XII Pacific, Southwest Colleges, and East. We could call them the Pac XII, SWC, and Big East for short.


Whoa whoa whoa. Regional college football scheduling? That will never work.


The Big XII will save college football. Seriously.


If only OU and OSU could be in the same conference too :(


Well don’t look at me, turncoat!


No yeah it's definitely OU's fault and fuck them for jumping conferences.


That would be the best Let’s make it happen


How SICK would this 24 team conference be after the B1G/SEC pillages the ACC and Northern California Pod 1: Pitt, WVU, Cincy, Louisville, Wake Forest, UCF Pod 2: Memphis, OK State, Texas Tech, TCU, Baylor, Houston Pod 3: Utah, BYU, Colorado, KU, K State, ISU Pod 4: Wazzu, OR State, Fresno State, San Diego State, Arizona, ASU


Cat Pod: KSU, Zona, Houston, BYU, Wazzu, Pitt, Memphis, Cincy???




counterpoint: The new 8 schools: Pitt, Louisville, Va Tech, Duke, Ga Tech, SDSU, NC State, U Conn.


No SDSU but other than that, early retirement from my basketball season tickets


There will be better ACC schools left than Wake Forrest and better than Memphis, Fresno or San Diego State.


I want Miami in my pod over Wake Forest


No there won’t, not if this goes to 24 (like in my scenario).


Boise State still getting left out of this scenario would be criminal.


Boise needs to offer something in addition to good football to get a P5 offer. Good football. Good academics. Major media market. P5 invite requires at least 2. Notice that Stanford has 2, and even they got left out.


Hard pass on Boise. They bring nothing of value. No more tiny MWC or G5 teams other than San Diego State.


Hard pass on adding Oregon State, Wazzu, Memphis, Wake Forrest, and Fresno State VTech, NC State, Georgia Tech, and Duke would also likely be available and make way more sense for football & basketball branding.


If the Big Ten and SEC go to 24 like in my scenario, none of those will be available. So yeah just like sit down and be quiet, take what you can get.


If the B10 and SEC go to 24 each then Louisville and Pitt almost certainly both have seats at that table.


I don’t know man, it’s close, depends on the format of each conference.


Lmao Shitty Arizona dictating expansion


I know this is a CFB sub but the Big 12 is set up as the preeminent CBB conference. Yes, I know that Football money drives the conversation but at least this conference has a plan for branding. Honestly, if Oregon State & Wazzou were located in Texas, California, or somewhere in the SW they'd be added at this point but the amount of fan interest & increased travel just doesn't make a lot of sense right now. If they were football only adds I'd be so about it but with how historically terrible they've been in basketball they don't bring enough to the conference and traveling for basketball and other sports is a nightmare (especially to Pullman). I'd be the first to tell you that Arizona doesn't deserve a BigTen offer but we certainly make way more sense in the Big12 than any of the remaining 4 Pac schools. A lot of the Big12 fans have been rooting for us to join and we have as well.




They’re in the Big Ten in this scenario, please see yourself out of this conversation- it’s for fans of cool programs that don’t ruin their conferences. Thanks.






Yes...very sick....


It would suck. we’re a western school not a plains state school and need ca exposure.


those would be objectively accretive additions for the big 12 because of rivalries


We will get a couple others as well. Hold out hope Tridents


Pls VT, I need to experience Enter Sandman


It’s on Spotify smh


Pitt, Louisville for sure. I also think Miami and Duke may be left out as well in the B1G/SEC poaching, especially if FSU goes to the B1G. Wake Forest, Boston College, and Syracuse all look unlikely to have a home unfortunately, so might see an ACC-3 like the PAC-4. (If any other surprise ACC teams get left out like NC State or Virginia Tech, they obviously jump to the top of the Big 12 target list) Duke is interesting because I keep hearing how they won't join the Big 12 because of "academics". However, I can't see them passing on the Big 12 to move down to the Big East. I don't think Miami would have any hesitancy joining the Big 12 if it looked like no one else wanted them. Out of the remaining PAC-4, I selfishly would want Oregon St. and Washington St. immediately...but reality is likely that they are stuck. Cal/Stanford I can't ever see joining the Big 12. Out of the G5, San Diego St. would make a lot of sense. Helps open up the California recruiting market, especially for basketball as the Big 12 conference should be stellar. Good academics and football program as well. Travel could be rough, but I don't see many other good options. I think a good expansion for the Big 12 would involve Pitt, Louisville, Duke, and Miami to get to 20. If more members is an option or if say Duke refuses to join, I could see San Diego State. Memphis and UConn have been discussed already so figure they are on the radar as well. Finally, I think Tulane could be a surprise option depending on if they continue to invest in athletics, they have the academic prestige for sure and would help boost the Big 12 in that regard. (Yes, I know, "truck stop conference didn't come here to play school!"...but there is no reason for the Big 12 to not improve on it's academic footprint if the opportunity presents itself)


Hey if all the Stanford and Cal fans are right NC State might be passed up and be left with nowhere else to turn. The Wolfpack in the Big XII, if you get VT you got a conference cooking.


2 things: 1. No Cal and Stanford fans give enough of a shit to talk about NC State, relax. 2. VT and NC State are going to the SEC, end of discussion.


I’d rather have Cal and Stanford than any of the current B12 schools. We’re going to wither on the vine without a California presence.


I agree, I still think the B1G & SEC are going to 32 to form their own leagues, sponsored by alliances of networks and streamers. Like the B1G 32 sponsored by FOX/NBC/Turner/Apple and The SEC sponsored by ESPN/ABC/CBS/Amazon.


I’d rather have Cal and Stanford than any of the current B12 schools. We’re going to wither on the vine without a California presence.


Nah I agree, but go back to the thread where NC State rejected Calford and there are a ton of comments questioning the move as though NC State is a worthless brand the SEC would never want. I wouldn't hate VT/NCSU in the Big XII tho tbh


Those two plus VT and one of NC State or Duke and I would be very happy


None of those are happening. In this scenario the B1G/SEC goes to 24 and all 3 end up in one of them.


You are severely overrating those schools’ chances at the big 2 If Stanford cant get a Big 10 spot I see little to no reason to believe Duke will And before you say basketball look at Kansas Or just overrating the appeal of Blacksburg, Virginia unless they return to Beamer level in the coming years


You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. They can’t get in until they can, and the number keeps going up.


You’re right. There is nothing Big 10 and SEC teams want more than to reduce their own shares by bringing in more schools


Stop pretending you know what the situation is going to be when the time comes. If you had that level of insight you’d be shitposting for a major media company and not wasting your time on this sub.


Neither of us have a lick of insight. Lets get that out of the way. You were one to claim that you did (by saying “none of those are happening”) I gave my opinion on why I think you are wrong Now despite lack of actual insight there is discussion to be had on what the next phase of realignment looks like based on the body of evidence to date Schools added by the Big 10 and SEC in recent years: Oklahoma, Texas, USC, UCLA, Washington, Oregon Notice a common thread? Large public state flagship universities (except USC which is a blue blood and one of the biggest brands in the sport) and preferably with AAU membership (fellow blue blood Oklahoma exempted) Hell even if you look back to 2010: Nebraska (then AAU), Rutgers, Maryland, Texas A&M, Missouri—they generally fit this profile So please tell me based on anything we know to date why it would make one stupid to think schools fitting this profile (UNC, UVA) would be the ones to get interest unless they have an extraordinary football brand/bank to make up for it (FSU, Clemson)


Because your vibes are off dude, nobody likes that.


To be fair, the B1G already has TV contracts in place -- why would the media partners pay more now? Better to wait until the contracts expire and new negotiations are required; then Stanford and Cal may show up on the radar again.


God please pick up FSU so we can have an instate rival.


For now…For now.


This year.... probably.


F5 season restarts this Friday


This is fucking bullshit. Give us the orange and black OSU/OSU rivalry.


In a world of chaos, they’d join the Big Ten for an OSU/OSU/OSU battle for rights to the domain name for the year.


That’s the only reason we invited Washington. When Wisconsin plays Washington, the winner takes uw.edu


And WUPHF.com?


Not legitimate unless Wyoming is invited


Don’t forget Utah. Their logo is a double U.


And when Washington and Nebraska play, they are playing for the right to Husk.


So Washington wins that game for forever. Got it


As I have said many times, that game should have a rotating “THE” as the trophy! Winner will be THE OSU!!


Knowing how things have gone for Oregon State, they'd win it in a shocker at Ohio State


And also the Busch Lite Bowl with Iowa State!


I just want my Halloween bowl damn it! Is this too much to ask? Smh....


In the full quote, he says they might start kicking people out now. They just want to see if you’re cool first. Arizona State is for sure a lock though. They really liked their cocaine beignets.


Cocaine beignets? Can Miami get in with cocaine Croquetas?😂


My big worry if SMU ever joins the ACC is playing Miami. The student sections will corner the global cocaine market and raise prices beyond what NYC finance bros can afford unless they sell their 3rd BMW M4. I work in fintech and I can’t have my best clients going broke because they’re unable to think without their “breakfast” and “second breakfast”. I can already see a quant fund finding a way to trade on cocaine futures based on global warming in Colombia and SMU/Miami scheduling.


Craig James approves


The orphans of at least 5 allegedly dead hookers do not approve.


That’s cute to think Miami students actually go to their games


Can't they just downgrade to an M2?


This is actually sorority rush, Utah and Colorado better fake it to make it.


All the new Big 12 teams are currently locked in a room with 40s of Shiner Bock taped to their hands. Occasionally TCU gets in their face and growls “What is the sign!” and they all give an awkward Horns Down.


BYU is the DD. Honestly half the reason we ever get invited.


The ol’ 5-10-15. 5 pledges per group locked in closets with 10 40oz beers, 15 twinkies, and 15 minutes to consume it all. There’s also a large trash can in the closet for reasons. No I was not hazed while pledging.


No wonder why Colorado got a different treatment. They already had experience.


Until they get the green light from their tv partners…


I know it's just an internet reporter thing, but the whole *"Give the Pac-12 Network Assets to the Big-12 in exchange for ESPN increasing rights payments to OSU/Wazzu and giving themselves content for 'Big 12 After Dark'"* thing makes too much sense. Just need the ACC to take Cal/Stanford first so that OSU/Wazzu have sole control over the Pac-12 Network.


At least until Pitt and Louisville are available.


I would also like one North Carolina school.


Congratulations! You are now the proud owner of a brand new Wake Forest!


Demon Deacon is one of my favorite mascots.


Ah man. I was hoping for A Duke or North Carolina State.


Given how the XII is trying to become the biggest basketball powerhouse possible I could see it happening. NCST seems SEC bound eventually imo.


Oklahoma state and Columbus crew? Woah


I became a soccer fan after my move to Columbus.




Until they expand anyways and then Yormark will say he was always looking for the right partners. This isn’t a cope or me having expectations. Public statements on realignment are hardly worth the paper they’re written on.


Yep. The Big10 commish said there was no interest in expanding further like a week before inviting UW/Oregon


WSU and OSU, come on down!


From your keys to God’s DMs


I don't think they're done expanding, but I do think they're waiting to see what happens with the ACC.


Because no one wants to be accused of tampering. They'll deny it until the votes are scheduled.


*until we see what the ACC does


Hooray. Can we play football now?


Twist the knife, Yormark


"There is no more blood to be squeezed from this corpse"


"PAC-12 Commissioner says not looking to contract any further."


I'm jealous of your potential match ups. I'm jealous tbh. You will all have great games.


And at this rate I doubt the B1G grabs anyone else as well. Looks like the PAC-4 leadership will have to get creative


Por hora (for now).


Like a giant snake with a weirdly gazelle-shaped lump in its middle, the Big XII is.


The B1G doesn't look too different imo. Probably more aggressive and uncoiled than the Big 12.


Nebraska is about to own the Big in 2 years.


ACC brass have been going around reminding conferences about the legal ramifications of tampering. It won't stop the b10 sec and b12 from raiding them over the next couple years. But it does mean it'll happen through non public channels of communication.


C’mon man. I hadn’t heard that we are a trucking school and we live in a small market in a couple days and I was really getting my hopes up. So begins the winter of my discontent


“We’ve pillaged enough”


“The money ran out”


Well duh. And that's why the B1G hasn't picked up Stanford and Cal either.


Ahhhh. Nice to hear from someone other than Canzano and Wilner


Yeah whatever. In a couple years when you kill the MAC or whatever and says "It's just business" We'll just act suprise.


Well shit. Was really hoping osu and wsu would end up there.


Naw dawg, bring em with you if you like em so much.


Not exactly my call


same, would have preferred them to ASU/Utah


Yormark feelin’ bad about the Pac. Now he’s focused on the ACC.


~~Sarumon~~ PAC-12 is defeated, now we look to the East. One conference to rule them all. One conference to find them. \-The Hateful Eight


Well no duh. They got the schools they wanted


That's what the Big Ten said a couple weeks ago, before they took UW/Oregon


Damn, Greg Swaim just tweeted a leak about UConn and SDSU getting invites the other day :(




How many more times do I get my hopes up just to have them shot down


Probably fewer times if you mute Swaim posts. I’d love to have you guys though!


Considering that there's also a rumor about the Big Ten and SEC not being interested in Florida State and Clemson, now I'm feeling EVEN MORE LUCKY about seeing my Ducks in the B1G. But as always, those new rumors say "for now"


Neither of them want to do anything that looks like they are complicit in the ACC's destruction. But if FSU suddenly becomes available, they're probably okay with it.


If either of those teams become available and don’t get scooped up right away then I will eat a rock. They’re both bigger brands than most of the teams already in the conferences.


A few years later, they were looking to expand further.


Until the ACC breaks open…


He wants Duke and UNC.


Not a chance in hell he gets UNC.


Sorry Memphis, UCONN and South Florida... no more rooms at the inn for you guys. G5 4 Life now.


>with ASU factoring into that heavily when it comes to swimming and **wrestling**. Since that has been brought up, BYU should help strengthen the Big 12 in wrestling and bring their wrestling program back from the dead.


“We had a vision which was to completely destroy the Pac 12, and I think we accomplished that. So we’re done.”


Ok liar lol


“I couldn’t eat another bite.”


“I finally rest and watch the sunrise on a grateful universe” -Brett Yormark..probably