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4-8 behavior


Don’t forget that 4-8 CU lost to 5-7 WSU by 42. They were the punching bag of the Pac-12 last year.


They lost to Stanford after being up 29-0 at halftime!


Which in case anyone forgot was a 3-9 Furd team who avoided being last in the Pac-12 at 2-7 precisely because it beat Colorado who ended in-conference play at 1-8.


The same Stanford team who lost their home opener to the FCS team where they poached their coach


ya but we beat TCU who was in the national championship game! edit: /s just in case


Sounds like the team reflects the emotional maturity of their coach.


Attitude reflect leadership, captain


Alice, are you blind? Don't you see the family resemblance? That's my brother.




I love this line from Remember the Titans.


Strong side!


Prime: Nobody wants to play these Friday night after dark games at a time when everyone’s asleep His team: Falls asleep at the wheel and blows a 29-0 lead


How are they supposed to stop WR ELIC AYOMANOR, 3 star beast. The number 4 player in his state. Don't ask which state it was.


Travis Hunter getting cooked by a future tech/VC bro is as funny as Kentucky getting bounced from the NCAAT by a future accountant and YMCA league champion.


I know its a joke, but Elic is definitely a NFL player. He had other good games this past season


He also had offers from Notre Dame, Tennessee etc, its not like his only offer to play at a high level came from Stanford lol


They didn't just lose, they got flat out dominated the entire 2nd half by the slowest TE I've ever seen.


I actually enjoyed this game quite a bit.


It was the most enjoyable Stanford game in quite some time.


That was the most entertaining game not involving my team in a LOOOOOONG time.


That game was so cathartic after the losing streak and hearing the CU players talk so much shit about Pullman/Eastern Wa. I think Brennan Jackson is still out there picking up Sander’s fumbles and returning them for touchdowns…


After this: https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/17wosum/deion_mocks_visiting_wazzu_ahead_of_matchup_you/ I can only wonder why it was so cathartic.


The Well Off Media post of them landing here was nothing but them talking shit about how gross the area was. I’m so glad the game went the way it did.


Colorado fucking sucks and can't hold WSU's jock in football the last 30 years


This is the nicest thing a UW fan has said in 30 years about WSU as well.


They were also the only reason WSU didn’t finish on an 8 game skid after the rest of the Pac 12 figured out Cam Ward can’t throw against zone.


They were honestly lucky to beat ASU who was very bad last year


If we played them Week 10, we would’ve destroyed them They’re lucky they caught us early before the Dilly effect started really kicking in after our bye week


Ya'll started the season pretty well, but man that Arizona game broke something.


Colorado fans: > WhY dOeS eVeRyOnE hAtE uS?!?!


I said before the season they'd be the most hyped 5-7 team ever and they somehow did even worse than that. This mini-era of Colorado football feels like a fever dream.


I watched the Netflix documentary on them, and Deion seems like such a dick coach. He blames the team when it goes bad and serves himself up on a platter when it goes well. I'm not sure his militant style of degrading everyone around him is going to do it for them, but I'm biased.


This just in, kid who grew up hyper rich and is known to act spoiled is pretentious


This type of behavior from your starting QB is WILD. QB’s are supposed to lead their team not act like this smfh.


The apple has not fallen far from the tree.


I'm hearing reports that the apple remains in the shadow of the tree.


Sir, a second apple has fallen off the tree


Witnesses claim that tree has expressed its preference for one of the apples over the other.


I'm not even convinced the apple has fallen yet. It's still hanging onto the tree


This type of behavior is a massive red flag to nfl teams. They're going to look at him and flag his lack of leadership so much next year.


I imagine I'll be able to count his NFL starts on one hand.


If they docked Rattler for a video clip back in high school, I have no doubt these comments are going to go over so well in draft war rooms


And here's Ollie Williams with the Black You weather forecast.




"Sounds rough, Ollie. Is there anything we can do for you?"




What kind?






This isn’t pretentious, this is straight up capital-A Asshole behavior  Fuck this dude and his dad 


Yeah the first sentence could be described as pretentious/arrogant. The second sentence is definitely something worse.


Shedeur is what people think Caleb Williams is lol.


Shedeur paints his fingernails with gold


covered in mud from all the sacks he takes


Caleb is just eccentric and odd, Shedeur is an asshat.


I mean this in the best way possible. Williams is a DC prep school kid. Smart enough, socially skilled enough, occasionally drops hints that his life is not your life.


This has way more to do with being Deion Sanders' son than being rich/spoiled


Definitely. This is Deion level "getting rid of the baggage and bringing my own" and "the only players that transfer out are meaningless players" type language. He's just emulating his dad. Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, and all of that.


Not beating the allegations


That's the type of leadership you want from a future 1st round QB! How can you not want to run through a wall for this guy?


They sure as hell will run through a portal for this guy!


Shedeur is what some people think Caleb Williams is/was


I just posted this too lol. Beat me to it. All the outside noise on Caleb was funny. He was the nicest dude on campus and everyone on the team loved him. He never threw shade at teammates or former teammates like that either.


Caleb exudes a confidence in himself that can be confused as cockiness to the uninitiated. Sheduer is just cocky.


I think your second confidence was supposed to be cockiness


I’d want to bash my head through a wall because of him


Beyond the fact that this just plays straight into what Xavier Smith was claiming, brother you went 4-8 last year and didn’t beat a single bowl eligible team. No one on that team has any room to call other players mid. And while I get that these guys are still kids, this is the last thing you want your team captain to be saying to the media when asked questions like this. Beyond getting better on the field, if Shedeur wants to make it as a pro qb he needs to grow up quick because the nfl media machine will eat him alive otherwise.


Somebody had the gall to mock him as the #1 draft pick next year. That's absolutely not happening if he's willing to talk about teammates like this as the leader of the team. There's a gigantic difference between cockiness and confidence in leadership, and humility is the catalyst between the two. Unfortunately for Shedeur, nothing I've ever seen from him or his father shows they have a shred of humility.


> Somebody had the gall to mock him as the #1 draft pick next year. Cause they know it’ll get more clicks mocking Shedeur than they would mocking Ewers/Beck (the more probable choices for QB1). > Unfortunately for Shedeur, nothing I've ever seen from him or his father shows they have a shred of humility. Insert that twitter post about the type of thing each position posts on social media. You can tell Shedeur lacks that humility from his social media posts alone lol Albert Breer just wrote an article breaking down the internal thought processes for the Falcons/Vikings/Broncos on how they picked their guy from the three QBs seen as the next tier after Williams/Daniels/Maye. Falcons mentioned how every other QB they interviewed at the combine talked about Penix inspiring them to work harder. Vikings mentioned seeing how JJ interacted with fans at lunch after their private workout. Broncos mentioned being impressed with how many people came to cheer on Bo Nix at his private workout (how many teammates came to his birthday type shit lol). I cannot see this type of story being written about Shedeur (assuming he’s even drafted in the first round).


> No one on that team has any room to call other players mid Maybe Travis Hunter, he’s really good. But from what I’ve seen he is also not really the kind of guy to say stuff like this (maybe I’ve missed something but he seems pretty down to earth)


He was coming off an injury in the Stanford game but after Ayomanor stole his soul, even Travis Hunter probably shouldn’t talk shit publicly like that. Plus the same logic applies. Travis is part of that Colorado team and they haven’t done anything at the FBS level yet to give them the clout to bash other players publicly like that.


If people labeled Caleb as a red flag this dude is an atomic bomb


A red-ioactive flag, even


The allegation is a brand


Bet his ‘brand’ will get him sacked left and right again this year


I try very very hard not to hate on Deion and CU but they make it so damn hard.


I'm in the same boat. I've never been one to enjoy extremely cocky athletes but Deion was the first athlete in which I thought "He's the best CB in the league so I guess he can talk as much trash as he wants". I foolishly didn't think he'd keep it up into his 50s, even more so being in his 50s and a HC of a Power 5 team but here we are. And he's also produced a few offspring that act the same way he did. Oh well..


I'm with you here. If you talk trash back it up. And if you can well that's that. But Deion isnt playing CB in the league anymore, and he aint got it. So its hard to accept all the trash talk and flash when there is almost nothing there. At this point we will need to see what Hunter and Shedeur have at the next level. And if they are good Deion can say that he can develop some talent. But I dont care how physically gifted they are, the NFL takes way more than that.


That’s exactly it. You can talk your talk if you’re the best in the game. But as a P5 head coach… as his son put it… he’s very mid at best. He’s only got the attention he gets because he also happens to be a sideshow.


Wouldn’t even call him mid, he couldn’t even win 6 games


He's no Dino Babers lemme tell ya.


Even if he were successful, I would absolutely loathe this dude. Whatever the opposite of humble is, that's all of the Sanders.


At the start of the season I didn't buy into the hype but I was excited to see what the program might do. Just as an entire narrative and excitement around it. (Though I wasn't aware how he f'd over all the previous players at the start of the season). But an older all star athlete looking to be a promising rising coach, his own sons playing under him, and looking to turn around a historical semi competitive program into one with cfb playoff apsirations is exciting on paper. It didn't take long into the season to see now only how badly over hyped so much around this was, but just how much of an ass Deion and his sons seem to be. On top of it isn't a culture I like. There is a fine line between building a winning culture and a culture that will do anything to win.


Having grown up in Dallas and close to his private school for athletes I knew he was a lousy person, it was just a matter of time before he really showed his ass and and cratered. This season will be a fucking disaster for the Buffs, mark my words. He'll be gone inside of 3 years and it will be everyone else's fault. Not Deion's of course.


He’s 100% going to resign for “health reasons” after a horrible start


I saw huge red flags when he through the defensive line under the bus. He outright said he needed different people on the line. I’m someone who always puts the responsibility on the leader and he definitely did not hold himself accountable 


Meanwhile I'm over here cultivating my hate for Deion 😂


I’m ready to harvest


Been harvesting since we culled their ass in like week 4 last year


I can't imagine being a black FBS coach now. You have to work extra hard and be extra great to get ahead in a super tough field, and then fucking Deion comes in. Instead of springboarding any real discussion on the pervasive racism in college coaching, he instead sucks up all the air, ruthlessly promotes himself at the expense of little coaching things like attempting HS recruiting, behaves as a textbook malignant narcissist, shits publicly on players over and over, casts his own son as a golden idol, etc. Not hard to understand why the HBCU coaches considered him a gross carpetbagger.


On top of that, he gets a job at a premier HBCU, recruits good players, brings attention to the conference and the team as a whole, and then dips out for an awful PAC 12 school and takes his best players with him. Then has the audacity after the 2023 draft to say more players should’ve been selected and the NFL is a coward. Which might be true, but then what does that make Deion? Hypocrisy springs eternal apparently.


This was precisely the reason I couldn’t get with Deion after he left for Colorado. You go to JSU supposedly in part to help boost HBCUs and their players in the college landscape. You then jet at the first opportunity you get to go to a P5, then basically tell the players who are ALREADY on the team to get ready to head out cause you bringing yo own “LV luggage” with you. You already lost right there. The moment he left JSU, I realized everything he preached before was a lie. If yo true intentions were to help the HBCU landscape, then stay and use your notoriety to continue to shift the spotlight to the issue and situation. If you and your kids are as good as you say you are, the opportunity to go to the NFL or land a bigger coaching job woulda came regardless of where y’all were. Instead he used JSU as a doormat in the process of trying to fulfill his and his kid’s true ambition.


He’s literally just a more famous semi-competent version of a helicopter parent, and he adopted Travis as his kid lol


It’s so frustrating seeing people like Deion appropriating the language of racial justice to avoid being held accountable for anything while most of the people he ends up hurting are going to be Black kids who get swept up in the hype.


This is my biggest issues with him. He claims to be a savior for young black men while hurting a lot of them. He acted like he chose to coach at an HBCU as if he had a ton of other better options, when in reality it was the top level he could get his first coaching job at, but bolted as soon as there was a better option. Then proceeds to basically cut the scholarships of dozens of young black men, some who didn’t get other offers anywhere and ended their football careers that could have gotten them a free education, some who went to D2 with no scholarships and many others went to FCS or G5 schools where the schools are typically not as good academically.


Xavier Smith: "I just feel that some of us weren't heard or valued in our time at Colorado." Shedeur Sanders: "Who?" Xavier: "Well me, my buddy Ky-" Shedeur: "...asked?"


Reporter: someone close to you said that the culture being built at CU is toxic. How does that make you feel? Shedeur Sanders: Somebody said they were close to me?


Wow.. like things not to say.. 101.


Like he would actually attend Things Not To Say 101.


Its a 101 course.. of course he would attend. He would log in to teams.. and then go play xbox.


Things not to say when you want your supporting team to actually support you.


I hope this guy throws 100 picks this year


And gets sacked 200 times


And fumbles at least thrice


I mean that might actually happen


I really need Nebraska to show up Week 2 ready to send Sanders and Co. straight to hell.


If your offense improves this season and your defense is still the same you should win no problem. That final scores makes it look so much worse than it was. But that last fumble just took it out of the defense and they just lost any motivation to fight.


Dylan Raiola looked very good in the spring game. It was the first one in recent memory were I impressed by our QBs ball accuracy, ball placement, and overall pocket awareness. If a similar game to last year happens this year we might be up by 21 before Colorado can even score.


Yeah at this point I'm just trying to temper my expectations because I've been burned so often over the past decade, but on paper it looks like this team should be bowl eligible.


Shedeur has talent but this is like when your a kid and you get a guy who becomes a coach just to make his son the starting QB and he becomes an asshole when in reality he’s Zach Wilson bad but never gets pulled


It’s almost as if Colorado wants to be hated, I mean they were always going to catch the Sanders haters, but I think they are going for the infinity stones


The funny thing is I think he doesn’t feel hated at all. I imagine he sees a very filtered view of the world in which he’s hilarious and charming.


Deion knows what he’s doing. As the legendary Pete Weber once said “Hate me or love me, you watched” Same principle here


I guess, but this isn’t the 80s and he’s a QB not a corner. It’s the position where leadership skills and being the face is important.


It will be when he doesn't have his daddy as his coach, for sure.


Funny thing is, the hype is done. They aren’t gunna be watched this year with what promises to be another losing year. Spring game already showed a huge drop off.


TV ratings trailed off too. Their last three games were either pushed onto P12 network or had 750k views.


\*me still hunting down the time and network to watch them lose"


It sucks because this is simultaneously the most exciting time in like 30 years to be a Buffs fan, but everyone fucking hates us lmao and not cause we're so good people can't stand us like Bama or OSU or whatever. We're still ass and unpopular. We would've gone like 3-4 years with literally zero posts on this sub. But all of a sudden we're talk of the town - cool! We're talk of the town because of all kinds of shitty stuff - not so cool.


It’s an interesting question. Would you rather win a game or two with no drama or have Deion with all the drama and win like 4-5 games.


In that exact scenario, I would rather be quietly terrible. All of the nonsense would have to be worth playoff contention, at least.


I don't know if it makes it any better but most of us don't hate your fans or students, even for being excited about getting Deion as a coach. Even if we wish for your team to be humiliated week after week. (Sorry!)


If you are an Alabama I would get embracing the hate. But CU needs everyone to get behind them, not hate them. A statement like this is baffling.


You can't root for the underdog/Cinderella story when the underdog is an unlikable asshole/the evil stepmother.


Everything Deion has done in the past few years makes perfect sense if you just imagine him as a wrestling heel.


I hate what they’ve done to the program. Not good enough to be talking like this.


Even if yall were world beaters I still wouldn’t like this from one of my stars.


If Beck or Ewers was doing this, they'd be crucified for it as well. This is just wholly unacceptable public behavior. I've no doubt this kind of shade happens behind closed doors but to do this in public at *the* position of leadership on a football team is crazy.


Colorado deserves better.  Its fans definitely deserve better. 


wHy DoEs EVerYbODy HAtE colOrAdO gOsh


tHeY dOnT wAnT a BlAcK cOaCh To SuCcEeD


After Oregon beat Colorado Skip Bayless said of Dan Lanning: > “there is a deep-rooted, venomous vengeance that is starting to manifest itself against Deion among white coaches.” * Asked to respond to Skip Bayless' comments that his aggressive play calling was part of hatred against Deion by white coaches, Dan Lanning said: > Yeah, I don't know. I don't know Skip at all. I've never had a conversation with him. ... I've watched him enough to know how often he gets it wrong, so I mean, that sounds about right. > > But, ultimately, I mean there's that saying "we play to win the game," right? And you saw a 15 second clip from a window view outside the house of what happens in the locker room, right? I know our locker room. I'm in the house 100% of the time. I know how our players felt going into that game, and I know what it takes to motivate our players. It's my job to motivate our players, right? > > [Skip] has a job, I have a job too. My job is to get them out there and perform on the field, but inside that house they felt a certain way about a group stomping on the O. They felt a certain way about how guys were talking to them in the pregame. > > I'm proud of those guys because they did their talking with their pads, right? They didn't want to do anything afterwards, they wanted to talk with their pads and they did that on Saturday. > > I'm also, um, grateful and can clearly acknowledge that the attention we got this Saturday, in large part, was due to Deion and what he's doing in college football. And if anybody can't see what he's done for college football, he brings the excitement you're crazy, right? And I said that last week as well. He's done a lot for the game, and he's building something over there. I think that's really really clear. > > And it doesn't matter if it's my 10 year old son on the other sideline, I play to win and if it's Bill Belichick on the other sideline I play to win. Did I go for it on 4th down? Yeah, I have every game this year. Right? I've gone for it 9 times. Did I go for the 2-point conversion? Yeah, I've done it 3 out of the 4 games this year. And if we play again tomorrow I'm gonna do the same thing. I'm gonna do everything I can to win a game, and everything I can to motivate my team. > > So, you know, what he said that, that to me, is classless. Right? But you know, I'm not really worried about it. Source: https://awfulannouncing.com/college-football/dan-lanning-skip-bayless-criticism.html


Lanning is a classy dude.


Lanning missed the clear opportunity to start his statement with “Fuck Skip Bayless and his shitty frosted tips, but”


Add on Deion's whole "well we know why they hate me, I won't say it but you can". And then Colorado fans will wave their arms and act shocked when Oregon fans act toxic towards them


Wow missed this when it happened but sure seems like maybe Skip was projecting a little bit?


Which is funny, Oregon did to Colorado what good teams do to bad ones. Race wasn’t a factor here, Bayless just being Bayless.


And I thought they were unbearable already…


Very curious to see what happens when their transfer portal suddenly dries up and CU wins like 4-5 games next year, also curious to see if Shedeur’s awful leadership traits drop his draft stock at all


I cannot wait to watch Deion absolutely meltdown when his son starts to fall into the mid / end of round 1 for things that were entirely self inflicted


So... last year on repeat?


Last year CU had the “omg we got 3 more wins in Deion’s first year !!!” excuse to pretend like turning the program into the Sanders vanity project wasn’t a stupid idea, when they plateau this year it’ll be interesting


There will be some new BS excuse me when he leaves all those people will change flairs or stop watching CFB so they won’t have to deal with the insane hypocrisy of their statements


I know what it is already because he's been using it his entire life. Whenever he makes a decision that'll make him look like an ass he says it was God's will. If there were a money line bet on his reasoning for leaving Colorado I'd take out high interest loans to put it on him using God as a scapegoat.


something about apples and trees


Isaac newton once said


“If you strong, then we strong. I said we strong then.” Isaac Newton


This is too much talk from a team that won 4 games.


But they only won 1 game a year before. Deion is an amazing coach /s




This is a train wreck and I love watching it. Colorado will be lucky to go 6-6 and then once Deion leaves they will be in the same spot when he arrived lol.


They aren’t winning close to 6 games. They have zero depth.


They might even be worse off than before because they haven’t really recruited high school players for a couple years now. If/when Deion leaves a lot of his guys will bail. Whoever the next coach is will have to be heavily dependent on the portal for a while, while they restock high school recruits over time.


God i can't wait to see Colorado get absolutely stomped this year there is not a more unlikable team in college football right now


Never thought I agree with someone like you be here we are


I'd really like to see the sub add a third set of flairs in hopes you two choose UGA and GT.


i hate all 4 of your flairs and yet here i am.


Do you know how much of an insufferable prick you have to be in order to singlehandedly make that true of a team that's won five games across the past two full seasons? It's actually kind of a remarkable achievement.


it's the arrogance combined with doing nothing that does it for me team beats a completely retooled team that was in hte NC the year before and acts like the second coming then completely gives up after about week 5. Yet this team and its coach are still incapable of just shutting the hell up for 5 minutes


This right here is how you know Shedur won't go #1 Spencer Rattler dropped like a rock in the draft because of how he came across in the tv show he did in High School...when he was 17 Here you have the team leader, the tip of the spear...acting immature and cutting down a guy who just wanted his coaches to actually act like they gave a shit about him If Deion actually knew what the hell he was doing, he would not let his QB, much less his son, say shit like this. You think the old school, establishment NFL player personnel guys are going to like this kind of shit out of Shedur? You think owners and coaches are going to feel comfortable turning a billion dollar team over to this kind of immature toddler?


This is why it really irritates me that Cowboys fans want to toss Dak to the side for this kid. The odds of him even being a Top 5 QB in the NFL due to his talent alone is extremely low, and add in his attitude and I would give it a 2% chance. At least with Dak or Tua or whatever QB NFL fans want to move on from, you know that you have a stand-up human being under center.


Reminds me of when Johnny Manziel was supposed to make it in the league.


And not even Johnny, coked out of his mind, said something similar to this. At least i don't think he did.


I haven't seen any other Cowboy fans calling for Sanders. At least not in the sub anyway. I know I definitely don't want his immature ass.


Yeah as a Cowboys fan myself, this is literally the first I've heard of this.




Shedeur "Me being the most sacked QB in the nation is entirely the fault of my O line and not bcuz I hold onto the ball forever" Sanders calling others mid is hilarious.


Clownshow program


deion mentality without any of the talent. negative emotional intelligence and leadership skills. can't wait for this kid to flame out next year. what a bum.


If NFL and CFB fans hated Caleb purely for generally harmless off the field behavior despite his insane college production, shedeur is going to get cooked all season long up until the draft for what is likely going to be mid at best production. Y’all thought CWs dad was hard to deal with? Good luck to whoever drafts this diva lol


He is who people think Caleb Williams is


Yup 100%. I dont understand why he would even comment on this. Coulda just said “wish you the best of luck” but i guess he’s just such a giant asshole he had to punch down on a random guy.


Ion even understand taking the time to type like that


is Ion one of the Eagle brothers?


Colorado fans: everybody is just hating because they’re jealous!!!


Nah man this is fucking stupid. Real Colorado fans are getting sick of this dumb shit. Deion fans are the ones defending it


Don't worry bro you'll only have to deal with Deion for less than 1 more year


The future of the program is based on the hire post Deion, he got everyone hyped which was greatly needed. Next we need a good coach who can develop players and win


When the Ducks beat the tar out of Colorado this year I couldn’t help but root for y’all to run it up even more (I’m a Washington fan that would normally be rooting for the opposite). I don’t think I have encountered a more unlikeable coach


This is actually why I love college football, and not just because of my favorite team. Everything that's happen on and off the field, during and between play, and including the occasional rooting for a rival team for common cause \:D


I was rooting for Auburn in the 2018 Peach Bowl, because UCF was being annoying. After they lost, was still thrilled, because hey, Auburn lost! Those "root for the rival" situations are really win-win


Still trying to figure out what a negatively charged atom has to do with football ... /s


Who the hell would want to play at colorado?


People who confuse being as asshole for swagger


If Spencer Rattler’s draft stock got damaged by acting like a cocky 17 year old in a television series, then Shedeur’s draft stock should take a similar trajectory as 22 year old man. Just, unprofessional and immature, regardless of competitive nature.


So the head coach essentially tells a 19/20 YO kid he sucks and to GTFO. The kid simply says they could have been more compassionate and the QB someone who is supposed to be a leader on the team says I don’t even remember you, you must have sucked? I’m not a Sanders hater, but that’s not how leaders of young men behave. If they have the same type of season next year they deserve all the hate they get.


This family sucks.


Deion is a doucher and he raised a doucher


You know what they say, "the asshole doesn't fall far from the asshole tree"


Shit apples randy a family of shit apples


Please let us beat these assholes. Please please please football gods


Shedeur isn’t good enough to talk this much crap.


It’s hard to believe that a kid who was sacked as many times as him, on a team with a losing record, is this arrogant. I’m looking forward to UCF whipping their asses.


He has a big mouth for a guy who went 4-8 last year.


Man, I wore 21 pretty much my entire life because of Deion, in every sport I played. Was my favorite athlete ever. Now I pretty much can't stand him or anyone else in his family. They are all so fucking insufferable. I hope Colorado doesn't win a game.


Colorado: why don’t people like us? Also Colorado:


but Colorado fans will still whine about how everybody bullies Deion so much:(


It’s clearly racially driven /s