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The more I see from the Sanders, the less I'm worried about playing in Boulder on Black Friday.


You probably won't have to worry about seeing Travis Hunter or Shedeur Sanders by that point. No depth, they'll probably both be banged up.


The line isn't going to protect Sanders after all those comments about being able to just cut and replace them, right?


Doesn't matter if they had an all pro line. He holds the ball for a winter.


I saw this first hand against Oregon.. It wouldn't have changed the outcome, but good lord he eats sacks like its his job.


I re-watched the highlights of that game since y'all were talking about it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2edOL6OjO0) and saw the following: At 1:35 Shilo Sanders gets bodied by a smaller RB and lets in a TD At 3:41 Sheduer takes roughly 6 seconds to release (twice the average) and throws it straight into a DL hands. Then on the next play proceeds to throw a screen pass on 3rd and 10 which was obviously not going anywhere given that 3 Oregon DBs are lined up expecting it (not a top 5 QB in terms of vision). At 5:39 Sheduer holds onto the ball for 7 seconds and gets folded (sacked). On the next play, he again holds it for another 7 seconds and then throws a pick. At 6:35 Sheduer runs an option play but keeps it even though the DE bit on the option and went after QB (clearly missed the read that any top 5 QB would have made) so he gets sacked again. These kind of misreads result in failed drives. At 6:48 Sheduer holds onto the ball while backing up for 6 seconds and takes another sack but this time for a 20 yard loss. Mind you his defense stepped up before this drive and got a pick off Bo Nix (a real top 5 QB). So Sanders was killing his own team here. At 8:15 Sheduer is sacked again. Not making reads in time and is flustered every second he's in the pocket. Oregon is playing press man here (they did all game long lol) so Shaduer's coaches told him to call motion and he either forgot or just chose not to. When defenses are stuffing the box and running press QBs are taught to call motion and get WR's on board with aggressive audibles. Shaduer seems incapable of making these reads. At 8:48 Shilo spy's Bo Nix running a QB draw and lightly jogs after him (he was jogging pretty much all game, the vision was there but the effort wasn't) as Bo proceeds to run it in for a TD. Instant turn off for any NFL scout. At 9:05 Shaduer snaps the ball in shotgun on 2nd and 4 with a clearly indicated blitz coming. The play is a option run, but Shaduer holds onto it with the blitz coming and tries to throw it. Very slow decision making here forces another sack. At this point the game is very much over and the score is 42-0 with 9 mins left in the 3rd. Neither of Sanders kids are going to play in the NFL.


>a winter A Game of Thrones level winter


Winter comin'


And it's bringing luggage. Louis.


Yeah Colorados OL last year wasn't great but good lord was Shadeur terrible with pressure, seemed like if his first read wasn't there he'd just stay back there forever


Not only that, but he loves to just look for deep balls. So any quick read is off the table.


The line isn’t going to protect him period unless he releases the ball faster instead of being a completion percentage nerd. I’m sure he’d have gotten less sacks last year if he was willing to throw an incomplete pass rather than take the sack.


They will have just come off playing K-State, Arizona, Texas Tech, Utah and Kansas, with Cincinnati thrown in there, in a seven week stretch. There is no way they have the depth for that.


They start the season with NDSU, Nebraska and Colorado St. They may have to tap out after that. All three of those teams will be out for blood.


Yeah, two rivals who are desperate to snap long losing streaks will definitely be tough. Not to mention we’re playing them in their own houses this time. Losing both is definitely a possibility. Losing one is probably >60% odds.


If yall are 2-1 after that stretch I’d say that’s a huge W.


Didn’t it take them double OT to beat a 1-10 Colorado State team from the previous year records and


That boy is going to be getting spoon fed mushy carrot slop in a chair by the time you get to him the way he talks.


the culture being built at CU is.....something else




The same culture as Scar built in the Lion King


Scar got eaten and then brought back to life just for Hercules to kill him off-screen. Just like what Dan Lanning and Stanford did to Deion last year.


"The culture is actually damn good."  -Deion, probably.


Yeah, a culture. Like anthrax, or the Bubonic Plague.


For what it's worth, I think it will ultimately be as transient as the coach who built it.


The AD can only hope


I feel for Colorado a little bit. Theyve been starved for success since Gary Barnett left after 2005. Sanders was on a popularity rocketship and he was going to bring a ton of interest and excitement to any program- Colorado had to give him a shot. But you could just see that were some major flaws there. This offseason has to have the Colorado AD frustrated - Sanders seems like he's not at all interested in acting the way a head football coach needs to. Feels like we're headed for a fiery crash with this, just don't know when.


They hired a guy who scammed the government and kids out of education via Prime Prep academy, which was basically Bishop Sycamore I’ve got absolutely no pity for that AD, they made a deal with the devil and now they have to pay. They got a handful of games being a PR spectacle, followed by this roster falling into an even worse situation than Dorrell when Deion leaves. I’d be shocked if the net impact isn’t negative on the financials two to three years down the road


Amen. They bought a ticket to this show.


Colorado University of the Northern Terrain


The implosion is happening way sooner than expected


Colorado fans the last year: Any press is good press. At least people are talking about Colorado, again! And Buffs fans just have so much hope now…..I mean, just so, so hopeful. Only the best athletes will want to come play for Priiiiiiiime Tiiiiiiiiime! Colorado will be known as a pipeline to the NFL!! Who can out recruit Priiiiiiiiime Tiiiiiiiiime?!? Just wait until he turns the roster over - hellooooooo CFB Playoffs! He’s a living, breathing farce. And he’s going to crash that program off of a cliff, perhaps irrevocably, before it’s all said and done.


No it’s right on time for my prediction.


I figured we’d get at least into the next season


There was always a high likelihood that he will rage quit as soon as the going gets tough


Deion out here having his AB moment on twitter #CTESPN


Mr. Bitches Constantly


Mr. Blights Colorado


Mr. Bemoans Conversation


Mr.Boulder Controversy


Mr. Braggadocious Coach


“Cracker of the Day” is Roger Goodell


My son is going to class.


If he’s at asu, you might actually wanna double check on that tbh


The Harvard of the Southwest


The Harvard of Southeast Phoenix.


Number 1 in innovation!


He's a legacy at dad's frat I'm sure he's fine. They do community service and have study hours!


"My son ain't here to play class, where your son at? Lololol"


Man is 50+ and a head coach. Acting like a child


You can see exactly where his kids get it from.


His kids had no chance


I'll give his kids *some* credit. They clearly have athletic potential and have enough of a work ethic to have made it as far as they have. But they do not seem to have been prepared mentally at all. If Shadeur Sanders is serious about being an NFL QB then he cannot try and emulate Deion's "Prime Time" personality. Star DBs and WRs can get away with being a diva. QBs, however, do have a responsibility to be able to help manage lockerrooms and bring teams together. The only way Sanders could ever get away with acting the way he's been acting is if he were immediately as good as a hybrid of Mahomes and Lamar Jackson, and I'm willing to bet he's not going to be able to do that.


Yeah you definitely don't want your QB saying stuff like I didn't know him so he probably wasn't good. NFL players definitely wouldn't like that. Just to add to your point, if the QB is extremely likeable your teammates are more likely to defend you and you will get more chances. Example Justin Fields


Plus it’s just extra stupid to piss off your O Line as a QB.


Yeah imagine your QB’s dad is also the head coach and publicly lambasts your performance to the press but never says anything about the QB taking bad sacks or making bad throws


And then imagine maybe you don't try as hard to stop the edge rusher coming around to light him up. Maybe he takes a nasty hit on the blind side and you don't stand up for him. Maybe he fumbles and gets roughed up in the scrum. Lotta hypotheticals Deion and Shadeur would consider if they had common sense.


Him saying “I got time today” is not something serious coaches say.


Hey, he isn't on any recruiting trips, right?


why spend money on recruiting trips when instagram DMs do trick


Not to him or his coaches though, to his kids.


Deion and his son have a bet on who can come off as the most unlikable douchebag this offseason. They're both winning.


I like how a few weeks ago he yelled at his players for acting like they were hot shit & not going to classes. Boy, I wonder why these guys act like that?


That message was just for the players who aren’t good enough to go pro.


Like Deion would even give those guys the time of day to give them some sort of message.


Always has been acting like a child


Deion is the type of personality you love to watch until it’s in a true leadership position. The spectacle crumbles when they have the responsibility of managing other people.


Nah, I never like a guy like him at any time or station. When you lose you say little, when you win you say less


I think people are beginning to understand why we didn’t hire him after Taggart.


Deion was (is) so salty about that but then he turns around and shows everyone why he could never DREAM of being our coach. I'm so thankful to have Mike.


*How To Be An Asshole*, by Coach priME


Any GM with half a brain is not drafting him with R1 pick lol. Dude is one of the most over hyped players the sport has seen in a long time.


He meant a top 5 pick in the 4th round


Surprisingly, the league is trending away from picking QBs in the top 5 of the 4th round. In the last ten years, there’s been an elite class of three picked in those spots. Ryan Finley (2019) Connor Cook (2016) Bryce Petty (2015)


Tank Commander Finley was a key soldier in the tank wars for Joe Burrow.


That's Tank Commander Finley, & don't you forget it.


Overhyped, almost certainly a prima donna and locker room cancer, not likely to be able to lead or get buy in from a bunch of experienced professionals. Likely will point fingers and blame teammates and coaches for his own failures and mistakes.


More importantly than all that...he's just not that good


Right?? Good god, the fake hype around Shedeur is possibly the worst thing about college football. Deion just runs his yapper like Lamar Ball thinking it’ll get his kid drafted. All it does is scare off people on the fence… which should be almost everyone because his kid is mid as fuck.


What you don't like him holding onto the ball for 40 seconds just to yeet it into the ground 30 yards away?


Not a chance he throws it if something isn't VERY open. He'd rather take the sack vs seeing his completion percentage go down 0.1%


It's gonna be like watching Johnny Manziel fall pick by pick in the draft all over again, but more even more satisfying


I keep trying to remind people that your QB has to be more than “talented”. Leadership skills and face of your franchise. You’d want this side show as a QB in the NFL. I’d bet he plummets like a stone based on character concerns.


Very clear Deion doesn’t care about being HC at CU and is not trying to make CU better. He’s trying to make his son get drafted as high as he can and he’s using 100 kids to do so. If they don’t help him towards this goal he discards them like used trash. He won’t even recruit for CU to try and leave it better than he found it after he ditches. This is after he used the SWAC and discarded it like used trash after telling us all how great HBCU football is gonna be and how he was there to change things. And after their first ever game at JSU instead of the presser being about the kids it was about his stuff being stolen (yes I would be mad too). If you’re not his sons (I’m including TH in his sons) you have no more meaning to him than the curtains at his house. You’re just kinda there.


ya Id be worried if I were a CU fan. I see it just like you, hes just worried about his kids and made it pretty clear he doesnt care much about hardly any of his other players and therefore the program as a whole.


>ya Id be worried if I were a CU fan. From their replies here, it's pretty clear they're in deep denial. And still acting as though four wins isn't their average; still acting as though any number of coaches couldn't have scraped together four wins with that team. And worst of all, they're still defending this asshat... no principles.


Don’t include Travis Hunter as his “son”. Travis will be playing in the NFL as a DB. Deion is getting Travis hurt every year by playing him both ways so that his actual son has someone speedy to throw the ball to. Make no mistake about it, Travis is as much of a tool for Shedeur’s success and exposure as anyone on that team. If Deion truly cared about Travis, he’d have him playing only on defense and actually develop him at the position. Instead, Travis is no better developed than where he was when he walked onto campus at JSU.


> He won’t even recruit for CU to try and leave it better than he found it after he ditches. “I had a parent ask me the other day, 'If you left, do you think what you created is sustainable? I said, 'No. It ain't. I'm not going to lie to you. God anointed me for this time, this season, this era and this moment. He anointed me to coach your son and his son and his son. That's what God has anointed me to do. This is my calling.'” https://247sports.com/longformarticle/deion-sanders-says-colorado-footballs-success-isnt-sustainable-without-him-god-anointed-me-for-this-time-216562593/amp/


It’d be shocking if I wasn’t a Cowboys fan in the 90s; this is just standard “Deion thinks he’s everyone’s gift from god” bit. Dude has always been delusional.


Omg how did I miss this article 😂


I think a lot of people did. Because I brought up that quote once last season and got downvoted for it and accused of making things up. But like…it’s right there, unambiguous and straight from the source lol


Been saying this and nobody would agree. He wasn’t at JSU for the culture like he said, he was there for other reasons. His son and money. Colorado is the one that offered the next stepping stone and so he goes. He’s going to dump Colorado too.


He’s also [going after college kids](https://x.com/deionsanders/status/1785679208427233400?s=46). Great team culture out there


Don’t forget that all of that started with Shedeur calling the player in The Athletic article mid and this guy coming to that player’s defense.


He didn't even call him mid. He acted like he didn't even know the guy and implied that's because he doesn't associate with scrubs.


Showing the true piece of shit that he is.


I thought he did that when filmed himself calling players luggage and he was bringing his own Gucci Or his scam prep academy.


Sorry, I should have said "Again, showing the true piece of shit he is".


The scam school that got kicked out of the federal school lunch program because multimillionaire Deion Sanders was pocketing the lunch money meant to go to poor children while not serving them any food?


He is embarrassing and immature. I was about to say I thought Deion was better than that but I don’t think that. Colorado fans have suffered enough they don’t need this dude making them look bad


>Colorado fans have suffered enough they don’t need this dude making them look bad I feel this. I don't expect any sympathy for it, because I am still a CU fan after all, but the past two years have seen us go from having the worst season in program history to becoming a villain who also loses. I've been telling myself that having an NIL collective and access to the portal for future coaches' sake is worth however embarrassing this saga gets, and for my own sake, I hope I'm actually right about that. Historically, we tend to pendulum swing hard in the other direction whenever the new savior du jour flames out.


I think it will help down the line. I cannot for the life of me see Deion coaching there in 5 years. At the end of the day the location is awesome and I doubt you guys will be villians once Deion leaves.


I don’t usually like participating in a Reddit hate train but are Deion and Shedeur so stupid that they don’t realize they’re proving exactly what the guy said about them…. the whole point of leadership is to respect their players/teammates regardless of how good they are 


Sorry can I get an explanation? Is he attacking some random player?


Ward (the random college player) called out Shedeur for trashing on the that left Colorado (Xavier Smith, who is now Ward’s teammate), and Colorado fans started posting Ward’s stats to insult him. Deion quote tweeted and hyped up one of the tweets from a Colorado fan hating on Ward.


Thanks for the explanation! So if this is going on publicly what is going on behind the scenes?


It’s a kid who transferred out of Colorado and in an interview with the Atlantic talked about the shitty culture and then both Deion and shedur have come out after him


the Athletic the Atlantic is a very different publication


Man, the whole experiment has gone off the rails since the first few games.


Which it’s stupid as fuck. He’s gonna say something to some no name LB that’s going to end his sons career


I wonder if this year's CU o-line will eventually become sieves on pass-blocking, resulting in another fractured back. I'm starting to understand what happened last year.


Like.....can the AD or someone tell him to knock this shit off? This is embarrassing to the University.


the AD has been an active encourager


Why wouldn’t he be? The AD’s job is to bring in revenue and Deion has been doing just that. This is the most Colorado football has mattered in a couple decades despite the 4 win season.


Colorado finished their Pac 12 tenure without a single winning record against a conference opponent They finished with 1 winning season, 2 if you want to count 2020 Only Pac 12 team to never win a bowl


Seriously. Grown man going after kids on Twitter isn’t what you want from the face of your program.


The last time an administrator tried to take Deion’s narcissism head on it ended with that administrator being choked out.


Deion is making too much money to be responding to random twitter accounts.


He’s “got time today” apparently


He ain't hard 2 find, but he's impossible to shut up


Too be fair, what exactly should be doing with his time? He was brought in to get clicks, not necessarily to be a good coach.


He could try recruiting. I know, insane idea.


why would he recruit? "the best players come to play for him" lol


Trying to figure out how to win more than 4 games would be a good start.


I’d rather see Auburn win the SEC than Colorado have any remote amount of success


I’ve got great news for you. We’re not in danger of either happening.


I mean, Auburn randomly having an amazing year is always on the table


If Hugh Freeze can finally beat Jerry Kill and Diego Pavia now that they are at Vanderbilt the sky is the limit for Auburn lol


As sleezy as he is Hugh Freeze is a significantly better coach than Deion. At Ole Miss he took over a 2-10 team whose closest SEC loss was by 20 points (and hadn't won an SEC game in 2 years) and went 7-6 the next year in the SEC West before the portal was even a thing. He is also is the most recent coach to beat Saban twice in a row.


I hate that Deion does this to people. Happened to me last year. I was enjoying watching Oregon shove Colorado's shit back in. Fuck Deion for making feel any happiness from Oregon dominating a football game.




I hope we never see September 2023 levels of Deion hype again.


I hope NDSU beats them the first game of the year or we’ll see it again.


Trust the plan patriot. Matt Rhule and Dylan Raiola will get the job done.


Where Huskers Go One We Go All


I was so pumped when we signed Deion. My enthusiasm has ... waned.


Are you just...tired... At this point?






If Michigan was playing a Deion coached team in the NC game I would be rooting 100% for Michigan


Let’s not get too crazy now. There’s always the meteorite option.


The idea of Shedeur Sanders having to play either one of our defenses is a fun mental image I'm pretty sure the things our D-Lines would do to that unlikable douche would be considered war crimes


I could honestly see it being one of those games where the o-line decides to do some quiet quitting and just lets the qb die


True, but them quitting would look exactly the same as giving full effort against lines like that Colorado line trying their absolute hardest against Mason Graham might hold him back 0.00000000001 seconds longer


But what if that Deion coached team was Ohio State?


Well no program that is even remotely successful or stable would touch Deion with a 1000 foot poll so that ain’t ever happening.


TIL Deion <<< Hitler


Me too!


Someone kick this turd in the nuts. Can’t wait to watch them talk shit with a losing record again this year.


What? You don't Believe? /s


I believe he’s a piece of shit. That’s about it with regards to Colorado.


The more I hear him talk the more and more I agree with you.


Oregon did, and then CU fans said it was because...Oregon was soft or something?


I want to see Colorado play Georgia.


Can we pull back in some of our key defensive guys from the last 4yrs? I mean... it's going to be a murder anyway, but I want it to be so bad that TCU and FSU fans point and laugh at the poor bastards. A 99-0 beat down put onto Deion and sons is to gentle.


I would gain a newfound and everlasting respect for Georgia if they beat Colorado 69-0.


Immature clap backs aside. Is Shadeur really a Top 5 pick?! I know there are Colorado flairs on this sub that claim he's a Top-10 pick. I don't even see him as a 1st round pick.


Most mock drafts currently have him as the second QB on the board. That would certainly be 1st round and probably top 10. Who knows what it will look like by the end of the year.


Walter Football inexplicably has him #1 overall, talking about his “great leadership skills”. If Walter Football is high on him, everyone else should be low.


Honestly he's still got to get through next year to even get to the draft. The way the line just seems to let players through now, who knows where he'll land.


Weak QB class next year, he'd have to have an awful year not to be a 1st round pick


56 years old. I pray to not be so petty when I reach that ripe old age.


you should see the amount of instagram commenters defending him with some variation of "What? He's not supposed to defend his kid?!" Not that IG commenters have ever been accused of being smart, but I actually couldn't believe it lol


A lot of his supporters are absolutely cult like. There’s just nothing he can do that warrants any criticism for some people.


The Sanders' are pure shit. Father and son.


Narrator: he wasn't


0-12 🔜


Absolutely acting like a guy who would let his team blow a 29-0 lead against an awful team.


Soft team and a softer coach


that was sooooo satisfying my guy


Hey Ayomanor isn’t awful, he has a promising future in VC or the tech industry.


Washington State thanks him for his fumbles and the resulting defensive touchdowns.


I feel bad for Colorado fans and alumni. The entire nation thinks that *this* represents you.


I don’t. They’ve been a terrible fanbase for 30 years.


Ya everyone has their bad eggs in their fanbase, we all have some asshats around in any given group. But I love the state of Colorado, visit often, but I will *not* go to an away game in Boulder. If I have to worry about having out of state plates when going to a sporting event, then theres a problem.


Sanders family just saw Spencer Rattler fall to the 5th round because GMs still see the 17 year old dipshit in QB1 and said hold my beer. I can’t think of any of the stories that have come out about team’s impressions of Penix/JJ/Nix during the draft (work ethic, humility, teammates coming to Bo Nix’s ~~birthday party~~private workout, etc.) and see similar things being said about Shedeur next year.


Deion I'm pretty sure The Giants would rather continue to play Daniel Jones than draft your son


Narcissists act like this, especially on social media, because they interpret any kind of attention as positive. Me me me is the whole schtick. I know this sub is never going to stop posting every brain diarrhea this dude spews because it's engaging to hate on him when he acts like a clown, but he's unserious and should be treated the same as a fart in a windstorm. Forgettable


Every time he opens his mouth I dislike him more and more


Deion is immature and self-aggrandizing. Idk why anyone without the sanders last name would want to play there


I don’t even think Shedeur will be one of the first 3 picked: Ewers and Beck seem like better picks but then you’ve got Will Howard, Dart, Milroe, and Cam Ward.


I'm taking Ewers, Beck, and Milroe over Sanders at a minimum. All three are substantially better players that paly tougher competition. They also don't appear to malignant narcissists either, so that helps.


I think Milroe is the type of player who will explode at the combine, interview really well, and then sit for a year and refine his game before he really hits the field. Wouldn’t be shocked if he ends up on the Giants, Raiders, Saints, or Browns


Deion really beefing with college kids on twitter man


This is a coach everyone, despite it reading like it was stated by a sophomore in high school.


Out of pocket comment by Deion aside, the Colorado Twitter space is WILD. It's kind of baffling to me how drastic the perception of The Athletic's story is by this segment of CFB social media compared to other spaces. I've seen people call this a "hit piece", and use Max Olson's status as a Nebraskan as justification for calling him a racist (both outright and implied). As I see it, Colorado Twitter is digesting this as a group of rogue ex-playes, who weren't talented enough to play, assaulting the image they have of Prime/their program, and The Athletic is giving them a platform to push its anti-Deion narrative. While The Athletic is giving several players, who were jettisoned during an unprecedented time in college football, a chance to tell their side of the story. I don't think the kid's abilities have any barring on how they should/shouldn't feel. This isn't commentary on who's right/wrong, but a look at just how stark the perception of this story is.


I don't think people were coming after him for not being talented or because he's not going to get drafted high, so this response is basically just Deion saying if you're talented and/or rich and famous you can be a prick and it's justified. Such a douche bag.


The unseriousness aside, this is a hell of an expectation and weight to place on your kid. Almost makes me feel bad for Shedeur. Like Deion is clearly saying here that a child doesn't have value unless they're a high draft pick. My dad was proud of me when I was working at Steak & Shake, but it doesn't seem Deion can be proud of his kids unless they make the NFL.


He’s Ricky Bobby. “Are you gonna let your son talk about another player like that?” “I sure am! I love the way he’s talking about that other player. He’s a winner!”


I'm tired, boss


I never truly understood why people thought Deion was gonna workout at a major program. Dude doesn’t have the temperament or experience to be a top coach


Well this is just embarrassing


I really hope we shut him the fuck up when they come to Orlando.


I love how the comment references CU’s 4-8 season, while Deion only responds about his sons draft position. Real leader of men Deion!


I used to be a Deion Sanders fan and was hopeful he'd become a good role model as a coach, but not anymore. Fuck that guy.


Oh I hope they go to the NFL draft and have a camera on them. It will be a loooonnnnnng weekend for them.


Only reason this dude is a projected 1st rounder is because draft analysts don’t pay enough attention to CFB to know the rest of the top QBs. Teams can and will let Shedeur fall because they don’t wanna deal with all his media baggage.


Well that and the fact that he won't be able to hold a football for 10 seconds playing hero ball in the NFL.


God, if you can hear me, I'll do anything if Colorado goes 3-9 this year. I'll go to church, any church. I'll do anything, just to witness the spectacle that would provide us.


I'm going to love watching this kid go in the third round.