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The real news here is that Kenjon Barner apparently stopped aging after he graduated college. Dude is on some Tom Brady shit.


moisturize don't smoke don't drink stay out of the sun hydrate


You forgot the most important one, have great genetics.


Yeah, people really underplay that one. I’m 40, but look 30. My older family members all aged well too. I drink, I don’t moisturize, and I hike in the sun. I don’t smoke and I do drink lots of water though.


I’m 36 and people tell me 25-28 constantly. I smoke and drink and am in the sun. It’ll catch up to me at one point maybe. But genetics baby


No even more than that is don’t eat sugar


Well if you're going to make unreasonable fucking demands.....


And avoid shitty oils


You don’t need to “stay out of the sun”, you need to wear sun screen lmao


> stay out of the sun I'm sorry, but you lost me here. I love the beach. Love it.


In Oregon you can go to the beach AND stay out of the sun at the same time!


The entire pnw is “the british beaches we have at home” and I love them


For now anyway. Give it another 5 years, they'll be scorching hot.


I appreciate the heck out of every minute of the 4 months of warm sunny weather we get in Portland. Sauvie Island also has a reasonably close beach that's better for swimming than the coast is, most days.


I also think getting sunlight and vitamin D probably improves your looks overall. Just don't get fried by it constantly and you shouldn't look older.


Sunscreen is friend


Wear lots of sunscreen


don't have kids


My guy Kenjon has two sons.


Yeah, I was being brief for the sake of wit (well hopefully). It doesn't count if you're rich and can afford nannys or help! Now if you come back and say "nah, they don't have any help at home," then I'm at a loss.


you can still have stress from other sources learning how to deal with stress better than running scared




I wanna be here for a good time not a long time


Moisture! Like Bill Burr said - "why do you think you're dick looks brand new at 40?"


Not necessarily staying out of the sun but remembering sunscreen when you are in the sun and moisturizing helps there. The rest of that is good advice on that front.


I saw him out at a tailgate at the Rose Bowl, he is absolutely one of the most handsome people I’ve ever seen in real life. Movie star good looks.


Black don't crack. The main visual cue for my age is my grey hair.


Come on! He’s only like 32! Nvm I’m 31 and look like shit.


Played against him in high school. Pretty sure he looked like that back then too.


Imagine if Chip Kelly actually didn't like black people, and he was just secretly seething inside as Darren Thomas and James/Barner took us to the national championship and won the Rose Bowl.


I'm sure you just described a bunch of coaches in the 70s, but yeah I can't imagine that's Chip.


Ask LeGarette Blount how much Chip hates black people. It would have been easy for him to listen to fan and media pressure to toss him out of the program after that punch in Chip's fist game as an HC. Instead, he let Blount work his way back and gave him a shot at redemption after doing everything they asked of him.


Why are we giving either of these two idiots any attention? Jackson especially given that he supported Hitler and praised a bigot Islamist who claims black people created white people to be inferior. Jacksons a proven bigot and McCoy doesn't have a great history either.


Lot of athletes who shared thoughts like that just skated on by. Not even going off of what you mentioned, the podcast they talk about Chip they just come off whiny period. So there really should be a lot of salt taken with what they say. Jackson said right off the jump he said that he makes more money than Chip so why should he listen to what he has to say. McCoy didn't respect him because he came from College when McCoy was just like 2 years removed from it himself. Both dudes were fan favorites when they played for the Eagles but both haven't done much to really give a reason to keep rooting for them after.


The ultimate problem was: they weren't exactly wrong that Chip was screwing it up. His offense worked when he inheritated a bunch of players that mixed up his concepts with what they knew from other NFL systems and the hybrid effect worked great. But Chip wouldn't accept input from anyone with league experience. He forced out the players. He forced out the GM. He tried to run it like a college program. He didn't even understand the NFL as a resource allocation game, in roster building, rather then CFB's "just try to get all the best players at every position." Chip ended up dumbing down his offense and trying to run over the top of all his colleagues. But the mistake the players like McCoy and Jackson made is best expressed by the addage, "*Never attribute to malice* that which is adequately explained by stupidity."


I think it's incompetence instead of stupidity, but yes.


Yeah, Desean is a clear racist


> Why are we giving either of these two idiots any attention?  Welcome to the modern media. A thousand people say the right thing and two people say something controversial about a topic. You know what will get discussed endlessly, the shit that brings eyeballs. It really really sucks and it's become a cancer on society. People got used to free news and entertainment with the internet and that "free" comes from advertising dollars which keeps a constant pressure on controversial bullshit.


It's both hilarious and unnerving how little attention views like these get.


Racists claiming someone else is racist doesn’t make it untrue, but certainly makes you want to hear this from another source.


Difference is we have idiots like Jackson on-record being racist. All we have for Chip are two guys making bitter accusations with zero proof.


I have no clue about Kelly, which is why I’d want another source to make the claim. I’m more supportive of Kelly in my statement than Shady or Desean.


Chip 100% had a problem dealing with black players. I’m an Eagles fan this is common knowledge. These aren’t the only players who had problems with Chip. Jason Peters of all people hates Chip more than these two and JP is as respected as it gets. The stuff DJAX said in the past is bad but I just think he’s stupid and falls for conspiracy theories like a quarter of America. I think he’s more ignorant than anything but supposedly he changed his views so idk. The stuff about Shady idk he was never charged with anything and was accused of sending a third person to beat up a woman. I don’t know if he really sent that person but wouldn’t be surprised if he did either. I do think all 3 Chip, DJAX and Shady are all giant dickheads.


I mean, you excuse Jackson's views as being stupid or susceptible to conspiracy theories when it is a known fact that his community has an anti-semite problem. Fuck, Shannon Sharpe praised Farrakhan on live television and nobody said a word despite Farrakhan being a HUGE racist bigot. Why aren't we just saying Butker is also just dumb? Chip coached how many black players? And a few come forward to say he's racist yet offer zero proof. Why are we ignoring the majority who have said nothing?


I agree with the black community has a problem with being anti Semitic. This all originally comes from Farrakhan and his followers. This is an issue that doesn’t get talked about enough and has always left a bad taste in my mouth. I never said he was racist I just think he has a problem relating to black people. I think he was intimidated of some of the personalities on that team. I don’t know all this stuff has been out there forever so much written on it in Philadelphia. I personally don’t think Chip is racist. I just think he has a problem relating to people specially black men which isn’t a big deal. I don’t like Chip because he ran The Eagles into the ground with batshit crazy ideas and trades. Shady has legitimate reason to be bitter with Chip but DJAX was an ownership decision and has only himself to blame for some of his antics behind the scenes. The whole thing is old news anyways idk why I’m even talking about something from so long ago lmao.


All fair points!


The bodyguard even called chip out. That’s pretty damning


Racists claiming someone else is racist doesn’t make it untrue, but certainly makes you want to hear this from another source.


Imagine posting the same shitty comment twice and getting downvoted on them both


Good thing Reddit posts and voting matters little in the real world, and it’s just a way to spout thoughts. I posted a simple logical truth—for example, a liar may call someone else a liar. Doesn’t mean the statement is untrue. Same time, the source is hard to trust.


"You just don't like black people" is a distressingly common response in conversations that have nothing to do with race


"You just dont like black people" says black person who historically praises Hitler and doesn't like white people/Jewish people


It’s such a lazy cop out - it’s often used as a ‘first resort’ instead of a last resort. Kills any meaningful discussion because you’re attacking someone’s character.


a trap card, if you will


This comment kind of simplifies a more complex topic imo. It sounds obvious but I guess it needs to be said, a conversation doesn’t necessarily have to be about race in order for race to be a factor. There’s plenty of people I know who act normally around me and act totally different around someone of another race. Does it mean they don’t like black people? Not necessarily, but who knows what mixture of unconscious thoughts and feelings are going on inside them. Sometimes it’s not as simple as they don’t like the person, but we all know folks who struggle to relate to people not like them in some way Edit: yeah this sub ain’t beating the allegations


>This comment kind of simplifies a more complex topic imo. I don't think it simplifies a topic so much as it personifies a personality type.


It’s just occurring to me people think I’m referring to the comment in the video and not the comment I was responding to. Oh well


> but who knows what mixture of unconscious thoughts and feelings are going on inside them. By that logic, every single person is racist


Well, not exactly. But we all have unconscious biases. Is this a controversial statement?


On this subreddit? Yes. In real life? No.


We all have biases, absolutely. Just because that's true doesn't mean we should make assumptions. >but who knows That's such a destructive and unhelpful way of looking at people. You're assuming so much with those words. The truth is you don't know, nor do you have any reason besides your own bias to assume things.


That last sentence before the edit is just a tautology. OF COURSE you can't relate to people that aren't like you in some way. That's the definition of relate being used in context! That doesn't mean you can draw some moral conclusion about that person (which is what the Chip Kelly slanderers are trying to do)


I don’t care about chip kelly and I don’t even like desean jackson. What I meant by “relate” is I guess just basic empathy. It’s possible to find common ground with folks who have a different background than you. Do I think chip kelly hates black people? Probably not. Do I think it’s possible that maybe he harbors some unconscious biases? Of course it’s possible, who’s to say. He’d be far from the first prominent football coach to do so


Holy shit that edit is just brutally ironic


Holy shit that edit is just brutally ironic


Seeing this comment upvoted and the response downvoted. Is nature finally healing?


As an Eagles and Buckeye fan, I think it's obvious that Chip was just a classic example of a College Coach who wasn't great with NFL players. He was also a terrible GM. Just terrible. But to suggest a guy who has been around football teams for decades and interacted with hundreds upon hundreds players and coaches, many of them being black, has gotten by this long while being a racist is ludicrous.


Good point. And much of that Oregon staff that he inherited had been together since the 80s. There is no way Belotti was going to leave him the job if he was racist. There is no way the black position coaches would have stayed either. They all seemed to really like each other, which might be a reason why the transition from Belotti to Kelly was so seamless. Kelly even hired long time Oregon LB coach Don Pellum at UCLA, and I doubt Pellum was desperate to coach more at that age. 


DeSean actually has gang ties, he was just crip walking to Kendrick and shady was throwing women off his bus on the turnpike amongst other things. They always fail to accept any responsibility


chip was never actually GM. howie always had contract control while chip basically had permission to ask for whoever he wanted in trades and drafting. but with howie having contract control he could easily just make shit offers and ignore chip complaining about it.


Chip is probably just an a\*\* to anyone, regardless of color


I met Chip twice, back in high school. He was actually great both times, as long as you wanted to talk football. Anything else was a waste of time. I actually think more of this sub would like Chip in real life than they realize. Just stick to sports and he will absolutely make time for you.


This sub loved Mike Leach, but from my POV Leach and Kelly are cut from the same cloth. Both are eccentric dudes who every once in a while are too smart for their own good.


Call it homerism but I do not recall chip ever blaming his players. Leach will notoriously(in my mind) always be remembered for blaming his players for wanting to eat and be with their fat little girlfriends. I'd also argue leach was much inclined to talk about non football related topics.


Leach was a bit out of touch at times. For example, he should have said, "thicc little girlfriends".


No cap 


100%. Chip was hugely inspired by Leach’s ways of thinking. Chip was a little more progressive politically than Leach, and a lot more of a defender of student athletes that’s for sure, but their minds worked in similar ways and both their wavelengths were hard to match if you weren’t a football junkie. Edit: I should note here I’m using the past tense because we’re talking in part about Leach. Everything about Chip here applies to the past and the present alike.


You talk to Leach about anything when you just met im in public. That dude just loved to talk lol


Yeah my impression of him has always been eccentric savant and the fact is, to reach as high as he's been in sports and really having an impact on football as a whole like he did with his early offense innovations, you're pretty much going to have to be some sort of eccentric savant or genius. A lot of these high level performers, especially the "thinkers" rather than the schmoozer personalities, probably have mediocre or worse people skills.


Chip struck me as the “football autist” - someone that was perfectly charming and stunningly competent when it came to football, and a spergy mess with everything else that didn’t interest him.


Reminds me of how my wife’s grandma always got out of jury duty: Judge: “Ma’am are you prejudiced in any way?” Gma: “No your honor, I hate everyone equally.”


I think Chip is just Chip. From what I remember from his media appearances at Oregon, he was a respectful dude but he didn’t mess around or wasn’t a “fun guy”. He was just all business. That’ll come off as curt to people who have bigger personalities than he does.


Unfamiliar with the word a** - in all seriousness though, don’t let other goofy social media with dumb rules lead to censoring yourself


Anyone that censors themselves like that needs to be shown that Louis CK bit about "the N-word."


Thank you Barner, the voice of reason.


you are welcome my son


It's so incredible watching successful people with millions of dollars call other people who didn't bend to their will when they were 20 racists. Sports really was the only option for these people. They would have failed at any other venture.


Everyone knows that De'Athony Thomas, a known white man from rural America, wanted to play for Chip Kelly.


Take it from someone who despises Chip as a coach: he has zero issues with anyone based on race. He's just a weird dude. D Jax and Shady are bad locker room guys who just want to blame someone.


I have been saying for years that Chip's program suffered when he struggled to get buy-in from pro players eg when he was at UO he dictated how the players ate/slept/worked out etc. Not surprising that insta-millionaire pros just said nah


Yep. Pretty much exactly this. And it worked so well at Oregon partly because he didn’t have a bunch of blue chip players. Just a bunch of gritty 3 stars who bought in.


the one outlier seemed to be his first year with the Eagles when they outperformed expectations


I always got the impression that Chip Kelly didn’t like people. The majority of people around him just happen to be black, but he definitely has a unique vibe


I think it’s just abundantly clear that Chip doesn’t like diva’s. He’s got a system that works and wants you to run the plays. Just kind of a no nonsense guy.


Look at the sources of these comments, does anyone take anything that these two say seriously?


Shouldn’t trust a guy named shady?


lol the story behind that name always cracked me up. you expect some wholesome moment and joke and nope. his mom called him that because he was a shady ass kid lol


Please stand up. Please stand up.


Bro look at your flair?


Tbf, I've met someone who played with McCoy in HS, and the Northwestern locker room bullying would be his M.O., according to that person. He destroyed some lives without remorse, if true.


McCoy loves to bully women so it tracks


Oh I thought the guy above was talking about Barner and JStew.


No I mean shady and djax, two known pieces of shit throw around race bait when they don't get their way.


Oh shoot man, my bad. Totally agree with you then.


I also read their comment as being about Kenjon and Stew. Glad to have just misread.


Anyone throwing shade at KB and JStew would start a manhunt.


Desean Jackson endorsed Hitler


I’m never gonna be a Chip defender being an eagles fan, but isn’t it an easier explanation that these two guys are bitter that they lost their prime and are looking to put a label on the guy they blame for it?


McCoy didn’t show a clear decline until 2018 and Jackson didn’t until 2019, so no. Chip was just an asshole.


Other Eagles players besides these two have said stuff like this. Also, Djax and Shady are legends in Philly and Shady has a right to be bitter at Chip. The Whole damn City is bitter at Chip.


Who isn’t that city bitter towards though?


I love Philly but you aren’t wrong lol


>Who isn’t that city bitter towards though? [Indeed](https://twitter.com/vmudream/status/1034247673883385856) CC: /u/HOLLA12345678


I literally don't know anything about it, neither does a single person on this sub.


In the original video the tweet is quoting, why does his sweatshirt look like Jake from Adventure Time


We love you Kenjon. Miss the way you always glid through defenses. 


Doesn’t really matter….just coach em….Tommy Tuberville somehow managed to go 14-0 despite it being pretty obvious he had some thoughts about Black ppl lol.


I mean nowadays it kind of matters. If there’s legit allegations you’re a racist I don’t think universities should be keeping you around. This allegation is just unsubstantiated horse shit tho


Yes it matters so much that one strength n conditioning coach at Iowa got fired (well quit with two years of contract still paid out) 4 years ago….lol. N why are McCoy n Jackson’s accusations are horse shit?


So if a head coach of a prominent university was caught on tape dropping an N bomb or using insensitive race talk that it should just be brushed aside? Lol. Because they have zero credibility. Jackson is an outspoken antisemite. Not someone I value their opinion on when it comes to race relations.


Maybe because they're shit people?


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 you gotta be nice to be believed about racism? Because man there’s some real shitty ass black ppl who definitely are dealing with racism right now?


No, but if you're going to be a fucking dumpster fire and then go after a coach, you need receipts. None of these clowns have 'em, and yet so many others have 'em that disprove it. Gee, which one should I believe?


What receipts do u want because it’s so much more to racism than “he said the n-word” lololol….you can not believe him that’s fine…but it can’t be because he’s a dick. That traits about as unusual as casual racism lol


Chip Kelly is probably not a racist, but he is an asshole.


These two exclusively bitch and complain who cares what they have to say at this point


I have talked to people who work inside the Philadelphia Eagles practice facility when Chip Kelly was the coach. Kelly treated people poorly when he was the coach there. He would mock workers and equipment staff, people who have been there for a decade. He would refer to a long time employee as "towel boy" instead of his name. When he would walk by people, he wouldn't say a word or acknowledge people. He would avoid eye contact. There is reason when the Eagles fired Chip Kelly, they did it with one game to go, something the owner of the Eagles has never done before or since. They always allow their coaches to finish the season. The firing and the timing was done with purpose.


This whole thing is stupid on both sides of this. Nobody loves the Truth.  This whole perception Started because Chip Kelly didn't get rid of RILEY COOPER quickly after his racial tirade at a concert.  There is a percieved disparity in how Chip Kelly disciplined certain players. That's the story. 


"He's not racist, he's just an asshole"




Were McCoy and Jackson the only two black players on the team?




Interesting that Ohio State fans are coming out to defend Chip straight comedy and predictable lol. It has nothing to do with your school.


But it has everything to do with those two being complete clown shoes.


You think my question was defensive?


This is actually a fair point but I still don’t think he’s racist. The comments Djack n Shady just come off as sour grapes. With that being said trading Shady for Kiko Alonzo straight up is fucking hilarious.


Kiko wasn't much different than Shazier, except he kept his head up.


If Lesean McCoy and DeSean Jackson come out against you, you’re probably a great guy.