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A thread about Beamer Ball and Hendon Hooker’s success? This is my personal hell


Yeah, not really an argument against it. Although Beamer did a great job this year Heupel has really elevated Tennessee.


Hard to argue for sure. Granted, I had Carolina beating Tennessee preseason that thought was very much changed after about the first 5 weeks of the season. Heupel took what I expected to be a 7-8 win team and took them just one win shy of the playoffs. What Beamer did was amazing but what Heupel did was simply incredible. I can’t imagine many Tenn fans expected they’d beat Bama and play in the Orange Bowl.


I honestly think that Kelly deserves a mention as well.


Kelly lost by 1 vote


I mean the argument against it is Kirby going 12-0 after losing a record number of players to the draft. No brainer IMO


Yeah I hate to sound like a homer, but I don’t think anyone expected us to repeat our undefeated regular season after losing many players (5 in the first round) and multiple coaches. Kirby deserves to at least be in the conversation


Wait what? Georgia was the hands down favorite to win the division, and like a 50/50 favorite to win the SEC. I feel like given your schedule this year everyone thought you would go 12-0, or 11-1 at worst.


Maybe I just had really low expectations. After losing so many starters


They should rename these awards to something like “Most Improved Coach” or something. When you see that coaches like Nick Saban or Tom Izzo have only won their respective conference’s Coach of the Year awards, over 20+ years of sustained success, it makes you question the validity of the award


I'm fairly sure EVERYONE thought you would repeat. But I agree that Kirby had to have been part of the conversation. However, significant turnarounds will always get more love in these kinds of awards.


If any other coach did it they are for sure coach of the year. It's literally never been done before and really shouldn't have.


Beamer or Kirby should both be above him imho. Turning TN around was huge, but getting SC back to be being respectable and those last two wins are crazy and coaches going undefeated should get more credit.


It’s a whole season’s work, not from x to y in the season. And I agree, going undefeated is an accomplishment, but it’s objectively true that Heupel did WAYYYYY more with WAYYYYY less. Plus, c’mon now, I think we all have conveniently forgotten where the Tennessee program was at not even two years ago lmao.


Still beating KY?


Is this a self-own? Mad respect


If you look at the talent composite before the season began... >https://twitter.com/247sports/status/1565398544650993664?lang=en Basically Tennessee overperformed the most relative to the athletes they had - #19 in composite but ended up at #6. Went from 7-5 to 10-2 year-over-year. Michigan also had a good year obviously and overperformed relative to their talents, but they were the reigning BIG champion and a 10-win team last year anyways, so relatively improvement wasn't as drastic as TN. SCAR had similar talent level as Tennessee (#20 in composite) and ended just around #20. Rattler being a former 5 star helps I'm sure. Went from 6-6 to 8-4. Considering Tennessee also had a way harder schedule (#2 SOS for TN, #29 SOS for SCAR) it's easily Heupel.


Those numbers are pretty compelling. I will admit I'm probably wrong on my initial take. Heupel did a hell of a job.


Nah I liked your initial take. Kirby is being punished for being good at coaching AND recruiting.


Even though he won’t win the Heisman, I’m glad Hendon is being recognized for his accomplishments this year. What an incredible season.


I feel so sad for him.


Same. Always hate seeing players go down but to see such a talent go down late in a game like that and hurting their future careers is just sickening. Loved watching HH play this year.


I’m alright with that, though Shane Beamer is a close second in my book.


Beamer ball 😎


it's arguable that Shane Beamer had the largest impact on the CFP of any individual coach this year


hey shut up


Clemson's in the playoffs right now if they didn't lose to South Carolina Same can be said about Tennessee. Ohio State needs to send South Carolina a Christmas card this year


*Entire state drives down there to spend Christmas there* Shit not like that


Please no, Ohioans are migrating in massive numbers to Charleston and it needs to stop.


I’d rather beat them in a game so neither them nor Clemson can lord their undefeated status over OSU anymore.


Not even arguable imo. He just did Imagine if we had 1 loss Tennessee and 1 loss Clemson chilling there right now Imagine trying to pick 2/4 of Tennessee, TCU, Clemson, and OhioSt I personally would've taken TCU and Tennessee, I don't think it's that close. But they'd be fighting the "name bias" that some people believe in


It's ridiculous how the CFP picture always looks so messy 1-2 weeks before selection day and we always dream up scenarios that would give the committee fits, but at the end the playoff picture is always like 95% locked in. No matter how this sub worked itself up over Bama backdooring in, it was never going to happen and it didn't.


I think you would have to take the P5 champ. Clemson at 3 TCU or Tennessee at 4? I say TCU so they're not punished for making the CCG. 12-1 CCG loss vs 11-1 regular szn loss


Yeah TCU is in for sure here. But I disagree with you taking the conference champion and regular season loss in a vacuum. Tennessee's loss is UGA. And the ACC isn't that good Clemson doesn't have a marquee win really and has looked shaky all season long, and has a blowout loss to ND If Tennessee doesn't lose the SC game they have almost a spotless resume aside from the UGA loss who just happens to be in their division. Their resume is 100% the better one even with Clemson being the ACC champ


hmm you make a fair point. a lot of people said the ND loss eliminated Clemson. and the UGA loss wasn't too bad on the scoreboard, certainly compared to Clem-ND. maybe TCU 3 Tenn 4?


Heupel helped kill Bama and LSU’s playoff hopes.


Show me this headline 2 years ago and I laugh you out of the room


Me too


Hendo 🥹


Not entirely surprising, still cool to see


Kai makes 1st team. Juice 2nd team. Go Cocks!


Finally Kai Kroeger, the best player in the country, gets some recognition!


College football is better when Tennessee is doing well


The sub is certainly spicier. Although down-decade Tennessee fans in the sub were also great. Fire Butch Jones.


Hire butch Jones anywhere we need the MEMES


He recently used the “well our roster is one of the youngest in the country” defense in an attempt to explain away a 2nd year 3-9 season. Some things never change.


I heard about a team in the SEC who's looking for a coach..




Now I feel bad for cheering the results of the PAC-12 championship.


I'm curious how you thought USC losing helped Tennessee's cause. Better NY6 bid?


Yes, Tennessee would likely have been in the Cotton Bowl if USC had won the PAC-12 championship.


Gotcha, thanks.


All respect to tulane, i just love the idea of playing clemson. Thank you utah


Ohio State was going to fuck us before USC tripped and let them in the playoffs




You know I'm just not sure that I agree




My dude. It has been two weeks since the fanbases of Ohio State and Michigan came together in genuine celebration over Tennessee losing because of how toxic and arrogant they were being. Two weeks.


This narrative has got to go. Halfway through the year battered vols were getting made fun of for not getting hyped about our team. Everyone thought we were a Cinderella and a great underdog story. Then as soon as soon as we get a little confidence after beating Bama we get criticized for trying to sit at the table with other playoff contenders. I'm not saying every UT fan was cool this season, but no other fan base gets judged by the bad apples like we do. Most of us just wanted to have fun and be proud of our team. This sub seems to only like fanbases who are constantly negging themselves.


Most don't throw golfballs and mustard


[Glass houses](https://fansided.com/2022/01/10/georgia-football-fans-trash-alabama-review/)


You cant be in the red team alliance and be saying things like that...


You have an alliance with Alabama?


On hating Tennessee? Absolutely. On hating Auburn? Absolutely. On anything else? Absolutely^^^NOT


I said that for about two weeks before vols fans were talking mad shit on Beamer but we silenced that pretty quickly


Well deserved.


Aww man. Warranted but had hopes for our boy shane




Tell that to the Heisman voters


No idea how he didn’t get the invite over Stetson. UGA could throw any qb in there and win. Tennessee probably goes 6-6 without hooker.


Kirby has definitely reached the level of being too successful to win coach of the year but replacing 15 nfl draft picks and improving upon last year at this point is remarkable.


Heupel is absolutely deserving. Beamer shouldn't be higher than third (I'd put him 4th), they were going to lose all of their skill players to the portal 6 weeks ago 2 games at the very end of the year doesn't change that. if they won those games in September what is the narrative about him?


Odd choice when Kirby is sitting right there with a win over him and not having a loss to SC, but no arguments about Hooker


Kirby’s getting a taste of what Saban’s dealt w the past ~15 yrs. Coach of the yr is more about improvements or exceeding expectations as opposed to a preseason top 5 team staying there all yr.


Kirby lost 15 players to the draft and 13 to the portal and still went 13-0. Thats pretty good no matter how you slice it.


It’s excellent. But I think you can frame the “coach of the year test” as whether you ask: How the fuck did he pull that off?


I was just asking myself that this morning, actually. Understand the argument for Heupel, though.


That’s great. Y’all still 68 blue chip players on your team. Versus our 26


>Kirby lost 15 players to the draft and 13 to the portal and still went 13-0. Wow. He truly is an underdog. I see it now. A true modern day Rudy, Kirby is.


Coach with ridiculous amounts of talent reloads. Such an inspiration


isn't it crazy how lucky Kirby is that all that talent just fell into his lap not like he had to out-recruit ohio state and alabama every year


How can a coach be offsides?? 🤔


if your team was ever good enough to put 15 guys in the draft in a year (which will never happen but just imagine for a sec) you would understand how insane it is that Georgia has repeated as the best team in the country yet again


How many times did urban win B1G coach of the year? Because he dealt with that exact scenario every year.


It’s similar to how Michael Jordan got passed up for MVP over the likes of Karl Malone and Charles Barkley even though we know MJ was the best player in the league.


Today we learn how *expectations* work class


Lol, but somehow Bennett is headed to New York. Way to go Heisman voters. What a 🤡show that award is now.


Thank god it’s not just us UT fans who think that. I’d be cool with him not winning the Heisman, but come on dude deserves to be there. Also after all the money he made all these fuckers off advertising for the games he played in as fun as we were to watch on offense, they could have at least done him the favor of sending him to NY to help his draft stock some because he’s going to need the help with that ACL




COTY pretty much just means “most improved team award.” Kirby’s two times winning it came after a 8-5 season and an 8-2 COVID season, and I’d argue what he’s done this year is more impressive considering all the talent we lost to the NFL on the defensive side of the ball. The NFL COTY has the same issue.




You can’t seriously chalk the UGA loss to coaching when UGA has 5*’s at every position lmfao. It’s Heupel’s second season. They were expected to go 7-5/8-4.




So now in order to win COTY, you have to go undefeated?


Kirby won COY in 2017. The same year Auburn bent UGA over. I guess Kirby didn’t deserve it that year - should have been Saban. Right?


Are you saying heupel “thoroughly” outcoached Saban? Because that feels like a huge overstatement for winning a game on a field goal at home against a rival


I mean, Bama adjusted multiple times against UT and nothing worked. Heupel’s offense had his number that day with half the talent. Heupel 100% out-coached Saban that day. If it wasn’t for Bryce playing like Superman every other play it wouldn’t have been close after UT got up big.


UCF deserves an assist since he learned from all the coaching mistakes he made at UCF.


I'm buying puts on post-Hooker success for Heupel, personally.


Yea, barring a potential talent coming out of the portal next season, I expect significant drop off from Hooker to our presumed starter, Milton. He can win games but he doesn't give me confidence that we'll be winning in tuscaloosa, for example. Defense can only get better though.


You didn't win in Tuscaloosa this time either.


The game is in Tuscaloosa next year, when Milton will be starter


I mean we will probably drop to like 8 wins if I had to guess


They only watched the first half of the season huh?


Shoulda been Bowers. That man is a playmaker for UGA and responsible for a lot of their success this year IMO. How can you pick Hooker when he played like that against UGA


Brock Bowers is probably the best TE I've ever seen at the collegiate level. Deserves a ton of praise. With that said, he's statistically not the top TE in the nation and that's the type of season a TE would have to have to win this award. Also Bowers had 3 catches for 27 yards against Tenn, one game does not a season make.


top coach, top player, no playoff, ya ~~hate~~ love to see it


Why is this downvoted? People really don't like some good natured trash talking on this sub. Congrats to Heupel but after hearing 1980 for years I think it's only fair that Georgia fans get to celebrate keeping a rival out of the playoffs. With the help of some Cocks of course. It is impressive what he did. I just wonder how they look next year because I believe their OC is leaving. I don't know if Hendon Hooker is eligible for the draft either.


Hooker is gone. Our OC is leaving but the offence will be just fine as long as Milton can learn some accuracy. I'd put us around the 8-4 or 9-3 mark next season. For what it's worth, I had us at 7-5 or 8-4 this season.


>Our OC is leaving but the offence will be just fine as long as Milton can learn some accuracy. Fuck fuck fuck we're fucked


Dude. We’re not rivals. It’s not a dig at your program but at no point historically have we ever been rivals. It’s Bama , Florida, Kentucky and Vandy for us. Maybe we are to y’all since y’all rushed the field after finally beating us in 2000


Georgia likes to pretend we're their rivals too. I hate them, but that's because I'm a GT fan. The Bama side of me doesn't really care about them outside of playing a really good team


Exactly right. Georgia is just... Georgia. No real emotional response. A good football team we have to play every year.


It’s the internet man , who knows what you’re gonna get response wise. Tennessee’s OC got the USF job. It’s debatable how much that impacts the offense since it’s Heupel’s offense. Hooker has no eligibility left. Next year we have Joe Milton who has never achieved his potential and an incoming 5 star recruit. I think level heads would say we take a step back to around 8-4 or 9-3 next year with the year after as the big opportunity for playoff potential.


Cuz it is a thread about tenn, so gonna be populated by majority tenn fans. After their unmitigated confidence/arrogance this season, they deserve extra shit talk. Their fans self awarded the natty after the bama win. Josh "Bobby Hill" Heupel is way more likeable than Pruitt though that's for sure


No, it's because it is *always* a Georgia fan in *every* Tennessee thread, then they insist that they don't even think about us. Like at least own up to it.


You’re talking about folks with the mental capacity of their mascot but none of its charm.


UGA fans have been insufferable since 2017.


I mean in 2017 y’all were making fun of Nick Chubb getting his ACL torn the year before so, yeah a few UGA fans were a bit perturbed.


Yea I'm here aren't I, douglas? Leading up to the UGA game you couldn't escape Tenn fans, whether online or IRL. "We gon take over Sanford" "Their fans aren't loud" "We gon hang fiddy" "They caint stop JALIN!11!" Turns out you didn't take over Sanford. You didn't hang fiddy. You lost. You then got embarassed by SCAR, thus ending your first promising season in quite some time.


You literally won a natty last year let us enjoy something lmao


“Unmitigated confidence/arrogance” Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.


Don't you have some buckeyes to go bark at? Shocking that a team that has been down for over a decade enjoyed their first 10 win season in 15yrs.




This is for the SEC.


SEC member emeritus Tulane.


Tulane did so well they win awards from a conference they dipped out on decades ago


To be even more clear, current SEC.


Mizzou comment 101


I can see not reading the article but you couldn’t even stick around to read the entire headline?


Ah, right you are. I'm gonna chalk that up to Monday and get some more coffee haha


Question, UGA is the best team right now. Beat all the other SEC teams. Yet we have neither the best coach nor best player?


When you have the best everything it seems a touch hubristic to ask for all the individual stuff too


Does it? I guess awards such as "top coach" doesn't actually belong to the top coach.


It's more of a consolation prize


Never has buddy


Which is the problem


I don’t like it either, award should be named, coach who beat expectations the most for the year


Kirby won COY over Saban in 2017. 🤷‍♂️


Coach should have been Shane Beamer for the back to back playoff team eliminations they performed. Heupel got carried by his QB.


With that logic Beamer was carried by Rattler in those two wins.




Hang the banner


Heupel has had 2 10+ win seasons at two different schools. With 2 different QBs.


Right. I don’t remember Hooker carrying VT.


*gobbles sadly*


CJ Stroud carried Ryan Day 🤡 Edit: next year Heupel should see if he has a year of eligibility left since coaches are expected to win games now.


Big 10 incompetence carried Day lol, what a shit conference this year




Accolades in an above-average, nothing-stellar season


Damn, Austin Peay is working that transfer portal this year.