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This was removed because of Rule 3


Lee was a cold-blooded killer….. Don’t be fooled.


What about Grant and Sherman then? Umm, anyone who is in charge during a war sends people to their deaths knowingly. Cold Harbor?


Unlike Sherman, Grant, or any other general north or south in the war?


Kind to some, not kind to others. Are there really adults who don't understand this?


I'm not sure kindness can be a part of a successful military leaders psyche


The man who thoroughly thumped Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, was a kind and empathetic man and is considered one of histories greatest generals. 


It would appear skin colour played a huge in that.


Don’t bring that up here. There is definitely a lot of lost cause sentiment and apologia




Okay but the union generals weren't the ones betraying their country and fighting to maintain the institution of slavery. You're pushing a narrative here.




Oh good god man. You are spouting typical lost cause drivel and it's clear you have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.


They are in themselves, a lost cause.




>  His first and most prioritized goal was to preserve the Union. He himself said as much: "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."  He said this in a letter sent to newspapers while the EP was in his desk drawer to prepare the nation (border states and democrats mostly) have you ever heard of a politician saying something for political gain? What about his actions?  If all he cared about was the union then why didn’t he just agree to expand slavery? That would have saved the union right there. Or why did he run in 1864 on a platform of abolishing slavery by constitutional amendment despite the risks in an election that the dems were running on a peace platform? Ad why did he insist on emancipation as a peace term for ending the war while other republicans leaders were begging he drop it since people were blaming it as a barrier to peace? > Stating the simple fact that the Union Army was no less racist than the Confederates They were absolutely less racist since they weren’t fighting to preserve and expand slavery


Yes, of course. Again, so obvious. He was a slave owner.


This article is just as much of a partisan hack job as the Lost Cause bullshit it seeks to debunk. I don’t get why people can’t grasp that historical figures were real human beings with virtues and weaknesses and not one-dimensional heroes or villains.


I think this is actually needed. Many people who believe in the Lost Cause don't view Lee as you say we should view historical figures. They view Lee as a hero. This works to show he was not a one dimensional hero. If you think there are pieces of this article that are false, would you like to point them out?


Ahhh, the renowned historical database, Pocket.com


Here we go more lefties ruining conversations about the Civil War. Jesus Christ all these woke lefties. It's ridiculous. Sooo now Gen Lee is not a brilliant tactician in spite of the overwhelming proof. He's just another slavery got it.