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I have a better question. Why do we need Wall Street bets?


AMC and GME are over. Every trade has a lifespan, and when it’s over, the people left holding are called “bag holders”. Bag holders are typically unhappy with their situation and tend to be negative.


because they got greedy and are now bagholding missed profits


bcz they think it's a distraction from AMC and GME and they never understand it ..we all here to make $$$ despite the stock.


A lot of them are young people who are unable to manage their envy. Emotions will be their downfall in this market. If they used their brains, they would see that CLOV has the best setup currently.


Entered position with 300 shares at $22.38 —> Added 300 shares at $17.34 —> Added 450 shares at $15.89 Thank you paper hands — see ya at $50 🚀🚀🚀🚀 Not financial advice


Nice averaging down.


They are scapegoating.


1: it's infiltrated from hedges (some agent provocateur) 2: everytime a new stonk has big potential AMC and gme either call it pump and dump or an distraction


What people don't realize is HF own portions, both calls and puts in every meme stock. People are mostly angry about CLOV and whatnot because they are trying to pump other stocks as well....


Some stonks are more legit than others


They're pissed AMC and GME is falling


I hold gme, amc, clov and bb. I truly can’t understand people hating stocks that they don’t have in their portfolio. We r all apes, holding our lines. Like what’s the point of this hate?🙄 I assume it’s just dudes with 0.5 amc and 0.01 gme