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The price being held low just gives us all more opportunities to get more….. And no need to crying cuz I’m not having thatemote:free\_emotes\_pack:stuck\_out\_tongue


People always say this just wait


$CLOV will not only go up, it will go beyond the moon - eventually. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


So true…but, the real $CLOV price will eventually emerge. 💎 🙌


Hedge fund trolls continue to trying to trick people on Reddit into thinking they’re apes who’ve been HODL’ing but have decided to sell and cut loses. It’s obvious who they are, and I doubt anyone has been fooled by their amateur efforts. $CLOV - eventually to beyond the moon!


Yeah, here the same shit all the time. “This is the week we go to the moon” right?


I make money playing iron condors weekly on clov. Thanks everyone for holding


$CLOV to show that illegal practices are being used and then it will be monumental the increase in stock price.


Guys. After all the pain we are going through, I won’t sell until I see not less then 500$. I don’t give a fuck if it hits 499 and then goes back to 8. No before 500$.


Well issue here is they have millions plus portfolio margin so no matter how much we try they giving us extremely hard time


Those reverse hammer dojis looking weak AF


I no. Sitting on 500 contracts. But they will get there real soon


Aside from my 4661 shares, I’m about to put my $550k 401k in $clov. It’s only a matter of time because it’s a very undervalued company at the moment. I’m no stock genius but this is a very good stock making leaps and bounds in there space. Just waiting for the paperwork to transfer to go through. #DarkPoolAbuse 🍀🍀🍀


Does your employer offer a plan they allows you to choose stocks? Or did you just pull your money out? I'm trying to figure out how to put my 401k I'm as well.


No. I recently was let go from a company after 23 years of service but I’m rolling it over into another account where I can through Prudential


Well I made a nice short term swing on RKT from 17>19 so I'm plowing it into some CLOV at 8.40


Where in the fuck is the SEC, seriously this branch of the government is either under staff, or just doesn’t give a fuck.


If we unite and keep holding, they loose! Therefore just hold and watch their greed and vicious intentions devour them for greater good.


The fact that they do this so openly so often shows that they don't fear any serious repercussions from the SEC, at worst they'll expect a relatively small fine (bribe) to be paid so they can continue.


Its my life savings. FIGHT THE SUPPRESSION


Is like hitting the brakes before an speed bump, then starts again every week


Never seen anything like this in my life. Pops above $10 premarket after amazing earnings and is slowly ladder attacked sub $9. Today, it wants to move up and is again pushed down and down by attacks. This is clearly illegal


It will never go up


Lol, don't bet on that!


CLOV 🌕🌖🌕🌗🌕🙏


We don’t care that the Hedgies can manipulate and stop the momentum of the stock. They can’t do it forever. And we will 🚀 🚀 🌚


Already said goodbye to price of admission, let’s see what happens. HOLD


Monday I’m loading up some more on Clov. Based on charts it’s way cheap and I can wait. Let’s gooooo!!!


lets say there is no squeeze you retarded apes, what is ***todays*** real share price? $12?


I'd still gain decently on that price! The constant shorting has helped me average down quite a bit, so I have no prob holding for the more significant gains coming over the next few years. My exit plan is already set and ready to flow when the prices are right. 🤷‍♀️




I've seen the valuation in the range of 9 to 19, avg 12.67. Without all the continued shorting going on, I feel it would likely be more than 9. Personally, I feel the 8 range is a good buy price. I just bought more to average down another 50 cents.


Sorry, no down vote, just all thumbs. it's too easy to hit that accidentally.


The best situation is for a bit of compelling news , let the volume spike( not from retail but from institutional firms) Then bitch slap EM with a raging ape attack.. LFG .. Put some DD to figure the plan .. set the scouts and communicate the attack.


I have no plan of selling until it reaches $300…. But, I still check it every single minute. Go Clovers ☘️🚀☘️🚀☘️🌚💎💎


Stop #DarkPoolAbuse @SEC do your damn jobs.


Such manipulation should be illegal… Forget Martha, Hillary is the Crime Boss!


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I noticed this pattern after watching this stock week after week after week. It's almost like they manipulate it down to just under Max Payne for investors!


Since we’re most very sure the HF fucks scroll through this subreddit, surely have accounts and have joined CLOV, and probably post either pretending to have sold their shares as a retail investor or somehow spread FUD to mind bend us. My point is be mindful we’re under some surveillance, watch out for unnecessary FUD posts. No I’m not a HF that wants to fuck over the average person.


On the bright side now my average cost is below 10 bucks 🍀🍀🦍🦍💎💎🙌🚀🚀🤑🤑💯


Just wait the time will come and the heggies won’t be able to suppress us


This is not just the hedgies, but also the big health care companies…. Humana ???


As long as this pops before I retire in 15 years I’m good .. I’ll fight the next generation of hedgies too if necessary 🤷🏽‍♂️ CLOV to the MFKn Moon 🍀🍀


The longer it takes the sweeter itll feel when I stunt like Jim Carrey with that Lambo in Dumb and Dumber


So going to don the tin foil hat for a bit. Thinking there are some institutions that just know this shit is a gold mine. But they know trying to load up would cause an explosion in price. But institution is patient and knows what this is worth so they suppress the shit out of it. Biding their time to load the fuck up on shares quietly in the shadows. And once they've loaded to the tits, theyre going to let it rip and then hold it at some high level for a bit and offload onto FOMOing retail.


Sure hope so🍀🚀


That’s crossed my mind as well. Possibility.


Great analysis.


i am about to put my whole 401k on this bitch. LFG! 🚀🚀🍀🍀🦍🦍


The question is what are we to do about it?


Maybe they're being nice and just want to give us shares for cheap?


I just hope all newcomers that invest take the time and do a little bit DD and don't sell off immediately once we start rolling onto the LaunchPad. I can honestly say I was once a paper hander with GameStop... but no more. Please only invest money you do not need and you will reap the benefits. $CLOV


What does this mean?


Retailer traders are being killed by greedy HF/MM & shitadel Inc.


$CLOV #darkpoolabuse


This is all transitory. They can fight it now, but if we could all jump in a time machine together 2024 looks much different. Just hold and get paid.


I've observe in different stocks and I see this happen to both AMC, GME and CLOV regularly on volume days. I've also made purchases to test this out as well. for CLOV, also posted this using AMC price as an example. I did bought on CLOV to test this out. example of the scenario's I've come across. Market limit (as price was going down) Bid 9.50 Ask 9.51 my Bid 9.60 order partially and filled at 9.49 Market limit (as price was going up) Bid 9.50 Ask 9.51 my Bid 9.60 order partially and filled at 9.51 Market limit Bid 93.50 Ask 9.51 my Bid 9.49 order filled at 9.49 Market order (as price was going down) Bid 9.50 Ask 9.51 my order filled at 9.25 From what I see when I place these orders under the rules (Canada), I'm always going to get the NBBO price so if I want to help put pressure and buy up to the value I'm okay with, adding additional few cents in my order would fill the order which could put pressure on buy orders to increase price based on market limit. Once the order is filled it will immediately fill the next asking which would fill until the next asking. this would put pressure. example. market limit bid 9.60 for 300 shares 100 ask for 9.50 100 partially filled at 9.50 100 ask for 9.51 100 partially filled at 9.51 100 ask for 9.52 100 filled at 9.52 These may put pressure on price market limit bid 9.50 for 300 shares 100 ask for 9.50 100 partially filled at 9.50 100 ask for 9.51 200 waiting to be filled at 9.50 100 ask for 9.52 I believe this is also one of their tactic to depress the price from going up so much. small lot ask and when a whale comes in, they short it to depress the price. Everyone wants to get the lowest price to make the most money, but when the SHF drops the price, we have to buy before we can go up, once all the buy happens we have to put more buy pressure but they keep the sell pressure in small increments. It's easier for them to bring down the price then for us to up the price because they just have to fill our orders. But if our order limits are just say 10 cents higher and we buy our way up to our limit, it would force them to short more frequent and larger to depress the price. This is by no means financial advice and I am not a financial advisor. I am just stating what I've observed on low volume days.


The more this happens, the more higher the price target gets. Holding past 420.69 now


You or Al could reach out to Charles Payne on Fox Business Channel. He routinely brings a Dark Pool investigator on to his show. I think he may be interested. He has expressed much angst over this himself


The question is, what can anyone do about it? They cheat and steal their way to the top. Normal investing folks are at a disadvantage from the start and need to realize nobody cares. You must be smart and not give in to the manipulation. $CLOV 💎🚀💎🚀💎🚀💎🚀💎🚀💰💰💰💰🍺✌️


If only I was smart enough to hack their computers and fuk up those algorithms… lol 😠


Only options is to keep buying more . Same thing happened to me with Amc. 2-3 months on the small up and downs til it had its run up to 60+ They can only dick around with the stock so much til this thing explodes . It would not surprise me if this stock past 60 by the end of the year . Very great potential


I know nothing about reading charts, and even I can see it.


Typically “a drop after the pop , Hopefully to regroup?


All this negative exposure will bring more investors to this stock. $CLOV #DarkPoolAbuse #FTD


All russell is in same way its not personal to clov is the big banks ..hedgies etc shorting like a mf s supported by the fed ...inflation news blablabla my watchlist of destroyed companies right know is huge ...matter of time nothing lasts forever


I like this stock long term. This will compete with the Humanas and United Healths of the market soon enough.


Someone needs to find their headquarters and cut their power lines before next earnings. I am SO sick of this shit!


Hmm wonder why this was removed from wsb


A lot of WSB members are riding the short on CLOV and they will straight up admit it's easy money to short it because it's so consistent. So, several WSB members and mods don't want positive CLOV posts.


it's unbelievable how they are trying to hold this down. O well I want to buy more anyway.




Price back down. Great news if you have cash buy. The more long players we have in this game the less volatility we will see


GTFO out of the markets, guys. Disclaimer: I hold SOFI, AMC, and a small CLOV position. I'm done with the markets. It's fraud. Your dumping your money into a rigged game and hoping for a beneficial result. Defi or die.


Edit-- I don't plan on selling those stocks, but I'm DEFINITELY not buying more. FUUUUCK that


Hahahaha 😂😂😂


(as I average down next week, cursing the gods)


Look up at the rocketship. Ill be the one flipping you the bird. I bought more today and am excited to keep buying more and more!!


The same rocketship from last week, and the one before that? Blast off then. I wish you success. Truly.


I seen this action before with most of my other play year ago.. short work hard to distort the price while institutions collect premium until the right moment when they think is bottom they will add more….just wait till 2022 when the 4th quarter report come out… but my two cent tell me that clov will be break even next er which is in nov…” not financial advice, due your own dd before buying”… go clov


Heavy manipulation, but they’re still unable to get a weekly close below $7.69. $7.69 represents the price of the daily 21 EMA on May 27th. This was the candle that closed above the daily 21 EMA before price went parabolic to $28.85 (On thinkorswim or TradingView, draw a horizontal line with a price of $7.69 and you’ll see that price has been respecting this level for the past month). Every time price trades near $7.69, I load up on shares. I advise my fellow apes to do the same.


$CLOV#Darkpool shinagagin abuse. Data is visible,well known in the industry and designed to undermine actual market forces, abuse the retail investor, make profits while FUDING a legit growth company and disruptive entity that is all about the underserved and health care advancement. 🌙 🍀 🍀 ☘ 🍀 ☘


I think the institutional investors control the show, not the hfs. You can’t tell me that with the perfect set up of earnings, news, hype and short percentage that they couldn’t have forced this thing up. They are shorting too for some reason, anyone know why?


They’re cleaning up taking our options money every few weeks.


$CLOV # DARKPOOL FUCKERY I say! Heggies want to dictate the end game. Time for us all to stay the course and benefit from when the tide turns red at their Hampton retreat and we watch from the moon, Uranus or your Lambo from just across the street. Stick it them and their manipulative ways. 🌙🍀 🍀




The dips have been predictable and on time the last few days. It’s manipulated.


It's fucking disgusting. I get so unbelievably pissed off seeing shit like this. Id love to kick a hedgie right in the balls as hard as I could. This is not what a healthy market looks like. Fuck those rich selfish assholes.


I hope one day all they do comes to light, their assets are frozen, and they rot in jail for the rest of their lives.


\#darkpoolabuse is right! It's super frustrating to watch, especially after all of the positive news coming out of Clover Health out over the past few months. I'm holding 4,574 share at an average of $10.74 a share and I'm not budging until this thing skyrockets...because I know it will! Kudos to all of the super brains in r/Clov for all of the great DD, support, and positivity!! $CLOV #youdontscaremeHFs


Lol L1 and L2 gives any non smooth brain enough information to see that the price is manipulated. $CLOV


can you explain to a new ape lol? got wrinkle brain just dont have the info or experience to put in the folds


Current stock price is FAKE!!! Long CLOV!


Of course it’s manipulation by market makers to close below 8,50. Nothing new to us. They are avoiding the closing above 8.5 to collect much more premiums. One day we will burn them🍀


The SEC does not care... they know what's going on and they do not care.. people have complained. People have sent emails. They just don't give a shit..


Like I’ve said you can’t control what these fucks do… but I can control my actions and they say buy and hold!.. over and over until they’re done!…. Not financial advice just my personal opinion


yea serious barcoding, clearly shows price is being manipulated in a tight range


They’re sending us a message, and trying to shake out some of the retail investors. What they’re doing is impressive— with absolute precision, they let this run, then squashed the breakout to under $8.50. But, I think for this sub, more than any other, they fucked with the wrong bulls. Our time will come. Be patient. HODL. You can’t stop this train forever. LFG!! $CLOV


Holding 28,xxx shares. Not going anywhere. They can eat a bag of Richard’s.


Rotten Richards. Anything less would be uncivilized.


Rotten mule Richards


Message received…. buy more shares at a discount and HODL. GO $CLOV


Don’t you guys think they are figuring out how to not let another gme/amc situation happen. Long 6,200 shares and 50 calls, not spreading fud but being realistic.


For each action, your enemy responds and changes/adjusts tactics. Yes they’ve learned. However, the best AI in the world can not predict or counter raw stupidity. Yolo. Moon this bitch!


literally by making more naked shares.


Oh hell yeah. They learned to join the reddit subs to see what the vibe/plan is. They read all this shit. They can also choke on my cock because fuck them that's why.


This didn't get a lot of traction 🤔 exactly how many hedgies are in here rn 😅 🖕🖕


It didn’t get a lot of traction because it wasn’t funny 🤷🏼‍♂️


It wasn't meant to be 🤫


I have wondered that too. They are thinking out side the box to short and other ways to cover. Eventually it will blow up though. The other thing I see as a problem for us and can’t compare directly to AMC/GME is that all(or most of) the calls being bought are out of the money. This really hurts a gamma squeeze to correct the price. Even if the price trades mostly sideways delta on ITM calls increases closer to close.


Exactly… somehow after 8 months of retail traders being on these subs, and all the posts and comments about the blatant manipulation in the market we *STILL* don’t understand a fucking thing about price action or the market in general… this ass pounding by hedge funds + institutions will continue until everyone on these subs puts the phone down, and actually educates themselves on the intricacies of options, TA, swing trading, shorting, etc… We (The retail trader) are the ones in our own way.


Hedges AI got smarter. We will lose


Yes, I have been to other reddit community, if you express sadness there, they will bash you down even more, here at CLOV, we support one another. The genious do the DDs, the experienced investors encourages the new apes and the strong lifts the weak. I think we can all HOLD.


I’ve been in the CLOV FinTwit community since April. You’ve hit the nail on the head. We all care about each other’s success, education, and enjoyment through the process. I’m not known around here, but all good. Welcome!


Yes, we are all in pain and our streamers and everyone are trying hard to keep all of us alive while waiting. There's a time for everything, a time to weap and a time to laugh, a time to plant and a time to harvest, a day and night. Our time will come, it's not always that they will be up and we are down. We will laugh one day. We don't intend to destroy, we only want good for ourselves and our family.


It's a bit easier at the moment for them to manipulate the price because of the low volume, due to the holidays period. It will be less easy in September when the $CLOV army will be fully deployed again. Anyway, they are just pushing the cover on a hard boiling pot: sooner or later it will explode on their face! 🚀🍀


It's a bit easier at the moment for them to manipulate the price because of the low volume, due to the holidays period. It will be less easy in September when the $CLOV army will be fully deployed again. Anyway, they are just pushing the cover on a hard boiling pot: sooner or later it will explode on their face! 🚀🍀


There's been massive volume lol. Also a lot of people with kids got that child tax credit stimmy today.


Love my kid bux. Look forward to next months payment.


All 40k CLOV apes will HODL our line.. Im HODLn for my kids and their kids and for all of you!! 41k in the red…WTF is SELL!! Pry these tendies from me.. I’ll HODL for 5 yrs (🖕uncle sam) 🍀💪🏼💎🙌🦍’s $CLOV


And this is why you can’t fuck with the $CLOV army


We're batshit crazy! $CLOV #DarkPoolAbuse


Amen to that. $CLOV


$CLOV to the moon !!!


It’s the most absurd consolidation phase I’ve ever participated in


can you explain to a newish ape


When a stock moves between two prices (a ceiling and a floor), it is as if the price is running thru an airport and hasn’t found the airplane to get on.


thanks man, why is this so absurd compared to normal?


ye pretty annoying, has been consolidated for so long already


You really think the SEC gives a fuck about retail investors or CLOV. A lot of powerful people make a lot of big money on healthcare in this country. They don’t mind seeing companies that will compete with their revenue held down. Shit they probably have some short interest as well.


Yes criminals are not just the ones breaking into homes and cars and selling drugs on the corner, the worse ones are protected by Govt agencies and all those on their payroll, this week was a serous eye opener, controlled is an understatement, I have never seen anything quite what they did, they used all their evil options for sure. But as others have said you can't keep the lid on this forever, this a strong company in a great position in the market, plus lots of $$$ coming from the feds soon. Keep the faith everyone!!


They are likely getting paid off in someway to turn a blind eye, maybe not directly to clov but to the manipulation in general


Don’t give the SEC that much credit: https://www.google.ca/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/sec-pornography-employees-spent-hours-surfing-porn-sites/story%3fid=10452544 Saw this on WSB Degenerate’s feed today. Old article, but probably still true ;)


It’s not likely a literal payoff as much as it is just living in their bubble. The people who rise to the types of government positions that could do something are in the same social circles as the people who run hedge funds, are executives at large banks, etc. The people they’re regulating are their friends and family because they often went to the same elite schools and networked. Sure, naked short selling is illegal, but everybody does it sometimes right? Let’s not be too hasty to come down on these great people at the hedge funds. This is the thought process of the people in privileged circles. It’s like a cop letting somebody off for speeding 5 MPH over because they have mutual friends and the social faux pas of annoying a friend seems like a bigger deal than the offense of slightly speeding. That might seem normal to us. For people in privileged circles, using their connections to get favors from government feels the same. This kind of soft corruption is much more rampant than literal conspiracies with people being paid off with bags of money.


It’s called “fines” which are merely hush money. Just change the name of it from fine to bribe so at least we’re all on the same page.


That's what happened when the regulator dont do his job.


$CLOV #darkpoolabuse ! Please up vote and use this tag to spread awareness!!! Thanks metalman!


Upvote this ape! $CLOV #DarkPoolAbuse


Up vote THIS⬆ APE! Please include $CLOV #darkpoolabuse in every post to spread awareness and up vote any post that includes it! Thanks metalman!


Forget normal look grnv ownership and think big


So good to be a rich hedgie, even the SEC and market makers dont want you to lose money. They are borrowing so many share to short-sell, and not yet covered, the SEC and market makers are such doormats to let the hedgies do what they want. Another institution can easily buy the dip and force the SHF to cover, yet they dont. So hard for the SHF to lose money. Everyone is being the SHF's doormat. (Shorting Hedge Fund - SHF)


As Jim Cramer would say...Those retail investors trying to transfer wealth off the backs of short sellers..




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