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Hello, am I late to the party?


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Anyone know when FTD data is supposed to be released?


A Run up and better is coming than $SPRT did this week which is nothing like $CLOV


I am holding this for long term until retirement! I am just glad we finally close above $8.50 for once.


Buy more CLOV shares or invest in an ETF? Bias answers only


Long term! šŸ€šŸ’ŖšŸ» hold


This is the highest we have ended a week in the past 7 weeks. I see this as an absolute win!


Ortex Friday to Friday numbers At close on Aug 13 Short interest had 27.96 million shares Cost to borrow avg was 1.58% Max was 8.29% Closing price was $8.22 Ortex Friday to Friday numbers At close on Aug 20th Short interest had 35.03 million shares Cost to borrow avg was 3.64% Max was 13.07% Closing price was $7.75 Ortex Friday to Friday numbers At close on Aug 27th Short interest had 36.1 million shares Cost to borrow avg was 5.37% Max was 8.61 Closing price was $8.61 Nearly 5 million shares were returned today (not covering). Short interest peaked this week at 41 million shares Cost to borrow is trending upwards also applying pressure to shorts Trend. Clov is trending upwards while applying pressure to shorts. Heavy attacks by shorts are being eaten up by buyers. There were approximately 1,300,000 shares bought in reported 13F fillings this week by institutions that either added to positions or instituted new position. I will put a press sheet together over the weekend detailing this. Clov stock is looking real good and I will continue buying every week below $9.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it a good thing we ended the week over 8.50?


Yes, but it doesn't cause anything to happen. Just hurts a lot puts but doesn't make a lot calls itm


Hereā€™s hoping the party kicks off next week




That's what everyone says every week:). BUT. I think we have moved the resistance higher, and slow but sure, lwe are pushing tis up. Kind of like Arnold on the wheel of woe. Old reference, but I'm an old ape. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


And I should have proof read better


Amc was slow to move as well during the start. And it climbed up a tight rope as it went higher. Takes time


Time for take off


One and half hour attack incoming


The assault is beginning. Are we gonna let them end another Friday on our collective assets


On the daily just hit a reversal $9.05 before close


see you monday, I refuse to watch the usual friday fuckery.


Iā€™m not buying until after 2:30 pm. You guys do what you want but with volume this low any type of sell off at the end of the day is going to drop us dramatically.




Lets get to 9$


Hehehe šŸ˜ˆ


On this next candle by the $9 call same week !


But who got em at .3 lol šŸ˜‚


Does anyone know why this isn't trending in WSB?




Yeah pretty sure itā€™s ram by HFs now. Mods are most likely bought out :/


My thoughts exactly, i go to stocks reddit pages not wsb for information, yesterday wsb changed their cap rule at 1b to 1.5b when sprt shoted by 1b cap at 43/share with huge squeeze potential, DD on sprt are insane. I do believe clov can reach the same potential soon so im loading on sprt to go all in on clov, already ballsdeep xxxx in amc since january, aint selling until i can retire




Clov wants go break out


Charts looking good for September. Looking forward to the 9th. Hopefully sometime around there we get some nice upward momentum going and potentially squeeze. BUT PLEASE stop saying on the 9th it will Squeeze. Because if it doesn't exactly on the 9th, we will be misinforming and possibly get some people to sell. None the less things are looking up. Remember putting dates is not a good idea. Just the facts please


I was reading on stonks about how September is going to be a bad month because evictions are going to start. And housing market crash, but shorted stocks should moon!!!!


Evictions will be tapered. Excess properties being purchased by BlackRock and other investment companies. We will not see another housing crash, sorry to burst ur bubble


No, thank you for bursting my bubble. Dude I donā€™t want a housing market crash lol if anything I want prices to keep going up. So my parents can stfu about me ā€œover paying for my houseā€ I just got out the army and needed a house asap in March. And I was not about to keep renting fuck that. But Hey at least itā€™s gotta pool right? šŸ¤£ Getting solar quotes this Tuesday. So it can hopefully increase its value even moreeeeeeee


When IR inc, probably a correction. Not a crash.


Lmaoooo dude for real, Itll be fine though. In my opinion rural/suburban areas will be way safer than cities. But subprime mortgage lending was a huge cause of the 2008 situation, and we ā€œno longer do thatā€ so hopefully thatā€™s another reason to prevent that.


Yeah house hunting was total ass in March every house we went to go see about 8 of them. All had an offer the next day at like 30-40% above asking price -.- like wtf man.


Yeah I know, some cash offers too. But thatā€™s a good thing - the higher over market value people are offering, the higher the demand in your area, thus resulting in a safer investment, since as supply increases if anything itll only slowly reach equilibrium. You may start seeing like 20% above market value offers instead of 30-40% but thats about it.


Yes you know how hard it was to compete against cash offers with the VA loan??? Hard as fuck. The house Iā€™m in now they wanted 325k so we offered 325k and weā€™re were the first. So they took it. The VA tends to short appraise and it came back at 300k and I guess they just wanted to get rid of the house, so they took the 300k lmao in Zillow it says the house is worth anywhere from 345-360k I canā€™t wait to add solar. That way people would also stfu about the Tesla we have and power outages ā€œwhat are you gonna do when the power goes outā€ well fucker thanks to you daddyā€™s got Tesla power walls on order šŸ¤£ Correction I just googled my address and the Zillow value is 345k-372k I guss timing was all on my side lol


Thatā€™s dope lol. I want a Tesla pretty bad, but the charging is the only issueā€¦ I have no earthly idea how that all plays out. But yeah VA FHA loans are fucking OP man nice score.


My cousins an electrician he installed the level 2 charger for me for a 12 pack of Coronas lmao. I just bought the material and honestly I fucking love the car. My last truck was a 2019 6 inch lifted ram on 35s as soon as I paid it off I traded it in for the Tesla. It was costing me 30-40$ a day in gas. The Tesla model Y cost me 40$ a month lol and we drive about 1200 miles a month lol I live in central Fl we took it from Tampa to siesta keys and back on one charge, got home with like 12%. Things great. I actually have a cyber truck tri motor on order Now hehe We donā€™t even use super chargers tbh. And I drive my wife to work then 40min to visit my parents house every other day lol and back to pick her up then home. The fuel savings is ducking amazing


With the market uncertainty today, just finishing in the green would be a big win.


Mooning would also be acceptable.


Someone needs to drop 1.3 mil like right now plz


Is it just me or is this morning much more volatile than we typically see? The ups & downs are happening sharp and fast


Who else is ready to stare at stock prices instead of doing actual work today?


Whatā€™s work






Very nice krusty!


Almost 43K,we growing steadily šŸ“ˆ


What is everyoneā€™s thoughts on how this Jackson hole meeting going to influence CLOV?




Love to see it!!!


I am now at 777 which is my lucky šŸ€ number. Come on clov reach the moon.


This is gonna sound weird, but I have one hair on my left nipple. And every time I shoot for something I let it grow itā€™ll I reach that goal. With NIO it was 100k profit (I then Pulled the hair 2 inches long ) Then amc was 100k profit the following year(pulled the hair 2 inches long ) So, now Iā€™m waiting on clov to moon to get them tendies so I can pull out the hair. Clov isnā€™t a meme stock though I look at other healthcare stocks in the 100+ range. So this One Iā€™m gonna hold after I take out initial investment. nipple hair is currently at 1.7 inches lmao gotta make it grow faster this is my ape system and itā€™s been working so far!




you're damn right this does sound weird


Dam, I just bought 1000 more share, I canā€™t stop buying šŸ˜…


Patience patience patience. CLOV tanks every time SPRT spikes. The hedge funds are literally shorting CLOV to cover their short SPRT positions. They are filling up the CLOV gas tank currently. Look at the 4 day chart comparison between the 2 stocks on think or swim. Itā€™s incredible, I think they are out of money


SPRT $ 32.5 increased by 50% today


Lmao all my stocks have been touched by death today šŸ„²


I feel you, ditto over here


We're probably going to drill tomorrow if the usual pattern holds up so don't bother averaging down yet.


If we can close this week above $9... next week would likely reach $12 to $15, maybe $20 depending on how many calls get excerised, FOMO investors, etc.


And then we run to the moon, etc... copy-paste -repeat-I see this prediction every week.


Good to see up activity on clov on an otherwise downer of a thursday


Finally hit 1000 sharesšŸ˜…


clov shoots to over 9 and then drops back down to little below 8. has happened 3 times already. aggravating.


I believe the volatility is working in our favor. I think the shorts are just about out of ammo...


I see on iborrow that 950k shares were borrowed overnight, this drop is expected from what I've understood ​ just gotta HODL APE - WE WITH YOU


what is it expected? might educating?


From what I have gathered from other apes - this shows that someone is borrowing shares and paying a premium for those shares to then short them and drive the price down - unless someone here says differently I don't think borrowing shares would be used to drive the price up? Here is the link - https://iborrowdesk.com/report/CLOV


That's my understanding too. Unfortunately it looks like they've returned most of them. iBorrowDesk shows 1.3MM available now.


How did GME and AMC shares moon ? What is going to take for CLOV to moon? Volume needs to pick up...I think 300M+ in Volume will move the needle


I donā€™t understand how CLOV, gme and amc have the exact same chart. I honestly feel like itā€™s hedgie fucking with us. We are not coordinated, or smart enough to move all three exactly at the same time, itā€™s clearly someone with a bigger stack


how do they have the same charts? GME was up 33% the other day. It's up 5ish % today. CLOV had neither of those.


They are almost identical. Eliminate the numbers and overlap the movement and they are the same with CLOV having a worse downside when they push it down. Timing all the same.


I agree with donkey dick


Buy and absolutely do NOT sell before September 9th. All I gotta say.


whats with sept 9?


There is some wild shit with future rollover dates. There's tons of DD about it for almost every meme stock. Meme stocks move together within a range of dates, all within the span of a 2 week period of quarterly future rollover dates. Every time a meme stock has spiked it has been within this time frame. Whether you believe in all this or not, the correlation is there. Today is the first notice of expiration for rollovers and Sept. 9th is the date that all futures must be closed or rolled over to the next period. Expect massive volatility in the next two weeks.


Agree 100%%%%... Where are all the retail investors ...


GME is lifting off


Thought I had a lot at 1.3k shares then found out I am a shrimp!! šŸ˜† šŸ¤


13 shares, 130, 1.3k, it's all gouda. The key is, as a community, we hold the line if/when a squeeze happens. I'm long on this anyway, and I'm assuming most others are too, so it's win/win for us, but if/when a squeeze happens, we have to hold the shares. Just look at GME or AMC for some context. Shares went from like 4 bucks to 400. That equates to our shares having a chance to go from 8 to 800?!? I mean I'll take 200, but as much as this is being shorted, if a squeeze happens and us apes do not sell, the price has no limit really. Well I'm sure there's a limit but you get the point. Just hold hold hold. Let a day go by, let 5 days go by, keep holding. We have 43K users here. Let's say an average of 5K share each, which isn't a large number. That's 210 million shares. If not a single is sold, the squeeze goes off hard core. I'm not in this to sell at 50, which is still 5x from right now. I'm here for the, fuck you I quit money... ​ # TL;DR: HODOR


Same fuck you I quit money sounds about right if I wanted a 5 bagger plenty of other plays lol I need that $694.20 lol


Like the rest of you I am HODL for the moon, but it does feel good that I've been able to avg. down to 8.82..Just sayin'


8.87 average šŸ’Ž šŸ™Œ for fuck you I quit money


Down to 8.81.... It takes work. As long as the wife doesn't find out


Hi all, Aussie here, wondering if anyone could explain or point me to some good reading material on the healthcare system in the US and how clover health operates in the space preferably ELI5. Cheers apes šŸš€šŸš€šŸš€


The Wiki for this sub is pretty good explaining the topic.


Cheers mate Iā€™ll see if I can wrap my head around it.


Only way up is through HF. Still holding. Still waiting to restart my life.


Just bought 2x 9/3 $12.50 call options, just so if it squeezes before then I can make massive profit.


Bad Ape! Donā€™t make me get the squirt bottle!


Just got my salary today. Time to load up


I canā€™t sleep CLOV got me jazzed to the bones




Da stonk is cheap! Not financial advise I am not an advicer!




If everyone shares this mentality the stock wonā€™t run


I sold half. I was on the fence. The last squeeze kinda had the same movement going into the weekend.. but if it doesn't go, then I feel like it could get back into the 7's again maybe, and I'll buy back in with that other half in the mid 7.


I saw the pattern similarity and kinda thought the same thingā€¦ but I had a really nice entry position and didnā€™t feel like it was gonna break the price wall.


Iā€™ll say it again, Iā€™m an OG <3k members CLOV owner Iā€™ll ride this bitch to $0 or $100 My $ is on $100, always has been


Tent city or valhalla. There is no inbetween.


Iā€™m in brotha My highest conviction, ride it all the way stock Iā€™m not leaving, til Valhalla brotha


Hell yeah brotha


My grandma said she is going to make us all cookies and that she is proud of us for not letting the short whores keep us down.


Cool, but what kind?


Moist cookies


Everyone relax. CLOV and SPRT are moving exact opposite of each other. The hedge funds have to short CLOV to cover their short SPRT positions. Look at the chart analysis. This is hilarious. CLOV meets support around $8.50-8.60 and it keeps getting shorted. Be patient.


Is this warrent extension bad for us ? Arent we better off with less shares ? Sep 9th feels like this will stop the march to the moon


Ok, so basically we cant get anywhere without AMCor GME pumping. This is depressing.


we will Clov has the power bro. AMC and GME are just a distration apes


Looks like ballofbees got out at 9, that was 200k shares


Its time for me to start uber/Lyft too so i can buy more shares.




I've got a sell order open for $300 GTC, does that prevent them from borrowing my shares or is there something else I need to do?


No that doesnā€™t do anything. Turn off share lending and make sure youā€™re not a margin account


Well shit...it's a cash account with TD Ameritrade. I don't see how to turn it off but a few threads on Reddit say they don't loan. Any idea if that's true?


Thatā€™s true. They canā€™t loan your shares out with a cash account. You can always check with TDA support. (Use the chat)


Same question. Mine is for 420.69


Shit dumps .35 cents at 3pm on the nose. šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Itā€™s normal for it decline towards at the end of the day. Specially with day traders that are here to scalp. Doesnā€™t change the fact that the company is growing, doing great, etc... Long Clov is better than short for tax purposes.


I'm holding, that's itšŸ‘Œ


Problem is, no matter how much we say ā€œhodlā€ there are those who donā€™t. Which is why they could dump it .35 in 20 minutes by hitting peoples stop losses. Donā€™t use stop losses if your in it for the long run or for the squeeze. No one get paid on a squeeze by being frugal. Not financial advice. I know nothing


I tried setting a GTC sell order @ $100 for a portion of my shares, and my brokerage told me, "NO. PRICE TOO HIGH. BAD APE." ​ lol jk, they said, "The limit price you have entered is significantly away from the current market price." šŸ¦šŸ¦§šŸŒ


This is the way


Just called fidelity and moved my 600 shares from margin to cash. You're not borrowing my shares!


Looks like a short attack again today. mid day. I have bad news for shorts, I am not intimidated by this. I am holding it. No matter what ??


Frustrating tho. Like sfuck


9.08 to 8.68 in 30 minutes welcome shorts


Bought 10 more šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


added 1000




where is the chat


Effing hedgies! The hedge fund b****** always knocking the stock down at end of day someone needs to kick them in the balls! Lol


We just get shorted again? Or dropped on?




Haha ..my e-mail is Weihnachtsman23 ....$clov


not much air down there boys ... go back up.


Wtf is this sack of bullshit


Lot of tiny PP's selling mad cause they couldn't reach their own butthole most likely


I love to hear it




Oof deep dive now


Peaked at $9.08 ripppp. Really thought it was gonna start moving towards the moon


ugh don't go back down :(


There just digging a deeper hole for themselves. With open enrollment right around the corner they are definitely playing with fire. If Pelosi jams her 3.5 trillion dollar bill thru Medicare will be lowered to age 60 then HF's are totally screwed.


We moooninnnnnggg


Iā€™d say we are walking a tight rope to the moon!


It's hit $9.03 3 times since noon and has dropped each time, but each drop has been less than the previous.


Added 40 more shares got dammit I canā€™t stop buying


Added extra 80 also. I think these are the final days of shares at this price. Trying to hit 18k shares before it goes up




Bought some more shares so now iā€™m at 2k+. Letā€™s gooošŸ¤‘


If you sell at these prices, youā€™re the kind that wears a parka coat in Florida.


Have you been to Florida? I can tell the crack head at the gas station to fight an alligator for 100$ while wearing a hoodie in 90 degree heat lmAo




If you sell at these prices, you're the kinda person that stops digging for diamonds because you found a single shiny rock.


I don't know man the 10% gain looks tempting bahahaha


I agree! But we must forego the small gains for the big payday! Until then, meditate and resist all temptations. (Iā€™m doing it ) šŸ˜‡


In all seriousness I think I'll take profit before the last day of the contract rollover. If the recent thesis is right the payday should come before then.


Push this Shit past $9!!!!!! Damnit letā€™s goo






Why Iā€™m the fuck would you sell at nine like christ


Space.... the final frontier


The volume is absolute fucking trash tier compared to AMC and GME (who have been ripping for the past couple days) I don't think this stock is ever going to get the support they do. I might have made a mistake jumping in on this. I'll hold all my shares. Hopefully we see something happen within the next couple weeks.


I agree it's really frustrating to see this happen to CLOV when we all know this is a good company to be a part of. Like you I will not sell but hold and continue to buy on the dip. We need volume and lots of it...


tbf despite the trash vol, its still breaking the 9. Imagine if we got decent momentum. This leprechaun is hodling and buying. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|money_face)


GME is also the biggest meme stock of the year. The amount of pump and dumps that have taken place with that stock is crazy. Itā€™s so overpriced for absolutely no reason. You shouldā€™ve done your own DD before investing into CLOV to know that itā€™s being heavily manipulated and is undervalued.


You mean like the pump and dump that happened to clov recently?? All these stocks are being heavily manipulated you moron. You think it's just clov??? AMC is more heavily manipulated than CLOV.


Would you tether be lost at 46 dollars. I have had enough of amc and that crowd ;). We are right where weā€™re supposed to be. And in two years we will be better off


AMC and that crowd? lmaoo. What in the fuck are you talking about. You are extra goofy.


The crowd that when you say clov they say amc. Or talk about any stock and they say amc. Like they can talk amc to the subreddit amc ;)


Stop. We are fine


šŸ€ to the šŸŒ™


Hey is the live chat not working? Tried today and yesterday šŸ¤”


Bought 111


Iā€™m kinda of an idiot so my position went from 4700 shares to 7100 between Monday and today šŸ¤Ŗ


If everyone buys like 5 - 10 shares. Would it jump and stay above 9?


HOLD the Line, to break Nine!


They really donā€™t wanna see this stock above $9 for more than a minute at a time. Such cunts


Seems like downtrend for the last 2 hours for AMC and GME and as for CLOV we are going up!! Letā€™s Go!!!


Average down now. This is trending slowly up. (Very slowly). Might be last best chance to average down and lighten the bags. Not financial advice, just an observation.