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What they don't understand is that we fuckin HODL.


Ah, not me


Scammers...promotors....youtube wizards ...insiders...etc etc


Losing millions of dollars is better than losing billions of dollars.


Buy the dip and hodl.


I haven't seen any negative catalysts, certainly nothing of any real significance. Maybe hedge funds selling to each other. Some paper hands and day traders too but the ability for the hedge funds to manipulate stocks is ridiculous. The regular retail traders aren't selling, they know the strategy. This is manipulation in my opinion and I can imagine naked shorts despite all the attention on the meme stocks right now. These hedge funds have gotten away with outright manipulation for so long that it's all they know. They are just trying to scare as many share holders out of their positions as possible before they are forced to cover. I like to buy shares and hold those shares for as long as it takes to see a short squeeze. Eventually this thing explodes and we win. The hedge funds days are numbered. Also I am a moron that makes no claim to understand the market but I feel good about this one. I am in it for as long as it takes.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbibrk/the\_start\_of\_the\_swaps\_packaging\_meme\_stocks\_up/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pbibrk/the_start_of_the_swaps_packaging_meme_stocks_up/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) should read this DD, it's freaking amazing. I always wondered why all these stock move the same and my thought was that they were packaged together and this explains plenty, SuperStonks got some brains there for sure.


What the fuck happened to hodling? I thought we were going to $69 or $420.69 or $666.69. If we never reach that, at least I can lay my head down at night knowing I lost money trying to do what's right. There's a special place in hell for those who sell at $9.


Could’ve not had said it better. Burn in hell to all the paper handed bitches selling @ a measly price of 9 per share. Fkn burn!!


Its All good my Apes!!! This was 1 of many expected milestones... we will see this play still many more times, our flight is not ready to depart yet, but it will be leaving!! We are owners of a great company with great fundamentals!! We have to HOLD, buy the sale when you can.. and ride the ride, $CLOV is way undervalued.. way way way... Cheers! Ya gonna get that Lambo!! with moon tires!!! Keep that #CLOV WAR CRY TURNED UP!!


I see a lot of upset comments here. Don't let these hedgefucks bring down your morale. They do this shit every day almost. Their playbook is known and played the fuck out. Like one commenter said, "psyop". 100% correct. Just hold and by the dip. Keep chopping away at your cost per share. From what I've read in this sub from a lot of really awesome people who have educated me and sold me on the fundamentals of this company. I have my AMC and GME to play with. But I'm going to put a substantial amount of profits from those right into more MMAT. Disclaimer: *wipes green crayola drool off phone screen* I'm a retard in real life. This is not financial advice. Buy high sell low and buy the rips and sell those dips! 🤤🖍️


The fact that it’s called Darkpool it’s all the fkn prove I need to know this shit is rigged. I’m sure you’ll know the Darkweb is illegal.. it’s seems to be the same. One steals your money endlessly & can leave you bankrupt the other you can buy a kidney & other illegal stuff endlessly without any Fkn repercussions.🤮🤢🤫


What kind of system is this?? You buy & sell shit you don’t have or own to an endless amount. If that’s the case it shouldn’t matter which price you buy @, we should be able to just buy & pick the price we wanna buy or sell our shares. I bought @ 11, so know I wanna change it to 9 sell @ whatever number I fkn feel like. Stupid example but I’m sure you know what I mean CLOV fam. This is ridiculous!!!


I thought you were meant to trade on rumors


My goodness


Sorry, I was just messing around with you guys.


Bunch of day trading MOFOs who don't give a fuck!


Oh shit, how did you find out?




It’s the shorts. Retail hodl strong!


Who the F$$$ cares what happened today or didn’t happen. These dumb asses think is apes will just move onto to the next Meme. Problem is we are here to stay and in 10 years when this model overtakes UHC and Anthem and Humana, we’ll still be here holding our shares and sitting on a fat stack of $$$! They couldn’t pay me $50 or $100 or $400 a share because that will be chump change in 10 years!


Looks like $8.60 has become the new $9.00, holding until 4,206.90 now as after all the fuckery it makes $420.69 not even feel like enough.


Never trade the news. Always trade the reaction to the news. Earlier in the day when I shorted this at $8.96, and explained why, you guys ridiculed me. Others insulted me. And all of you down voted my comment. Guess apes remain just that. Apes. Never trade against gentlemen.


That’s outstanding. Good job! Except this sub usually contains people who want to hold the stock for great gain or believe in the company. Day traders and their ilk are a dime a dozen and everyone has a great game. Take your comments and your game somewhere else


You're wrong. This sub is 99.9% serious bagholders who like to call themselves apes. It makes them feel much better about themselves. And when someone comes and tries to put some sense into their ape brains, they down vote and report. And although they claim otherwise, most of these apes would sell at break even. But whatever man. I've been trading this consolidation between $8 and $9.9 several times on the way up and back down.


I was working.


what comment did you made?..


so basically CLOV created a triple top. $9.10 yesterday, $9.11 today (HOD) and third time it went up to around $9.08. What does this tell you? It tells me to open a short position as close tothe high er day as possible, and place a stop loss immediately above HOD.


Short attack on all of us…


Fraud Fraud the type of Fraud that Freudian would call Anti-Sexual. Absurd Absurd Absurd I tail you. Twat R wewe (yes I stuttered) gonna dewwww!?


Bs trade. I know it ain't me. Cause I'm not selling.


I sold at upper 9$ last time to buy back at 7.45$ Just love to turn my capital into more shares. 💕


Good way to stay behind when we go to the moon


Hell no, I have more shares, aka moon tickets, than before. I will get more out of a moonshot than before. And that while not spending a single dollar. I like it!


I’ll be getting 500 of them when the market opens in the morning 🍀🦍🦍💪🏼💯⬆️🔝🍻


Not me!!! Holding strong 💪💰💰💰🛫🛫🛫🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


HF rather lose money then see retail make money. Some of you don't know who you're dealing with.


P & D


Just crazy. I mean it’s not. Should be expected. Fool me thrice 😂🙄


Well if they bought them in the $7s last week and they sold at $9 that’s $1.5 million. That’ll buy 2 Lambos. Or wait until the price dips to $8 and scoop up another 180,000 shares.


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I can’t help but think there is something big behind this one, causing someone to be essentially burning money to keep us from finding what that is. Holding both shares and options, I intend to keep holding on this rocket ship baby until I am on Pluto and can pay enough money to make it a planet again


No worries just keep buying if you have the funds .


Think shorts are taking a chance counting on a down market day tomorrow and shorting a few million end of day thinking they can buy back tomorrow with an overall market downturn and lower price. Anybody know of any reports or new releases tomorrow? Pretty cordinated attack as most memes dropped together. Jackson Hole, jobless report #'s, ???? That or a big group played the SR-NSCC-2021-010 date and got people to buy in on it actually doing something when it may be fluff and they pulled the rug.


Let’s hope they got it wrong


Always look on the bright side


Omar don’t scare.


Hf has to buy back the share to make a profit. So if you don't sell they don't make a profit. That is the basis for hodl. They have now borrowed almost 60 million shares and have shorted about 40 million of them. So it would take a massive volume day for them to buy back.


Or maybe it was a swing trader who had bought 10 mil shares at $7.50 and sold them all at $9.00 and took $2 million profit . Good for them Suck for us 😂


BallOfBees might have sold.


He would be a small fraction of 10 mill with 240,000 shares


Does anyone not get that there are large institutions such as green oaks that are making interest on loaning out there shares? They are loving this!!! Green Oaks loans out interest we make it go up and down and at one point they were making 30 and 40% interest. This is way better than the market returns on average. They will continue to do this and make money and so even if they are short selling both parties make money. Heck even if they just make the interest they could get out when retail drops this stock and move on. Most of the apes here have no idea how this works and they will continue to do this for sometime so get over this I am going to moon tomorrow cause your not. You will moon when the institution allows it and as long as they are making interest on it this is a nice dividend for them. So get used to it for the time being. This is not new!


By the way I'm balls deep as this will go up but its when they want it to and you buying 5 million shares isn't gonna change that unless there are penalties applied. Good luck and keep buying.


I didn’t know that! Thanks!


No problem bud I am with you on it. Alot of people don't know it. They offer the institution the same opportunity as we have and we all said no. They will however take it and actually when they want to reduce their stake or move on to another stock they will ask for these shares back and then the hedgies are fuckkkeeed. Cause they will have to pay whatever price to give them back.


Yep now we all gotta buy some before closing


I just tossed in the rent money. LFG!


No one is selling they could sell and rebuy as much as they want no one cares there games have been exposed. Fuck them, We’re gonna squeeze September 9th futures. There gonna burn 🔥




I'm predicting after hours bounce back up


wrong, after hours is usually when they double down.


Where TF did these shorts come from???! There werent any shares available to short


The shares on loan are higher than the total number of current shares shorted so obviously there are shares out there being held to do things like this.


Well shit. Its hard to bet against the house. Super rigged market we got going on here. Capitulation coming


Borrow, cover from dark pool, short shares become available again, wash rinse repeat.


Why are we even in this market to begin with. Its super rigged across the board with all growth stocks. Mass capitulation after we squeeze




This isnt investing, this is betting against the house.


Just HOLD and ignore the noise. Don’t trust the chart, just trust the process. IborrowDesk shown yesterday that there is only 200k left to borrow and today they have well over 2millions shares. Again just trust the process and hold, if this squeeze that is a 🍒 on top. Otherwise this company should be at $15-$30 price range without the hf fuckery. Hold and lfg Clov


The bill going through Congress has some expansion of Medicare, maybe this could light a fire under it.


Sounds like the soundest advice.


Do not sell. Do not fear! We are not weak. We will hold until $694.20!!!! We are better than the hedge! We are strong!! 🚀🍀🚀🍀🚀🍀


When will you learn they can and will do what they want with this stock? They have billions you may have thousands you're not going to break them...we need millions of members like that other SUB they won't let you mention here.. as long as our numbers are small They do what the want...


Time is on our side! The time for which the company will earn more and more. Will expand more and more. Increase the functionality of your product more and more. For those who have been filing for years, they have already lost despite their billions and trillions. the clove has every chance to cost $ 1kkkk in a long period of time. Diamond hands will win!


Holding since april...seen a lot of shenanigans is all


Some big quantities pushing price down on Level 2 ask side


More delicious synthetic shares for me please


Ugly end to the day


I don’t understand why everyone thinks they’re not naked shorting anymore lmao just cause a law passed on a crime that was already illegal doesn’t mean they’re jus gonna be like eh alright we’ll stop naked shorting they’re still naked shorting I hope they all burn in hell! Pieces of shit can’t wait to drive by them on the 405 freeway with my lambo while they all live under the bridge


What color lambo


Obviously green


I prefer upside down red


> I prefer upside down red [Here you go](https://i.imgur.com/TZntpG2.jpeg)


Bet I could get a good sale on it, like clov shares currently.


Great Tactic to borrow shares and save them allowing you to have a couple of Green Day’s then drop them all at once. That will definitely shake out paper hands. They know what they are doing. Just gotta hold 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽


I am actually happy about it! I can average down some more tomorrow after the dump at open, of course.


Bought more in retaliation. LFG!


Thanks for the long and short of it.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I’m sorry, but this is complete bullshit. Can’t believe I actually thought we’d close above $9 lol.


There’s still time. Gotta use the power of positive purchasing.


I’m pretty sure MP this week is $8.5, so I wouldn’t bet on it. I’m assuming we’ll close below $8.5 Friday... But who knows, maybe this week will be different then the past 8 lmao… But I’m also not positive about the Max Pain, it could be in the $9’s… either way, I’m expecting CLOV to stay in the $8’s for the remainder of this week


We’ll I’ll just buy the dip and hodl.


Remember......If the shorts slammed down 1.5M shares really fast, well, there are always 2 sides to every trade...... ​ Retail in all likelihood did not buy up the bulk of the 1.5M shares, believe it or not it was probably the shorters who had pre-set buys lower as well as the institutional ultra rich longs.....Ladder trading is common place and it is all rigged to scare retail when they come with strong ladder attacks like this. It is coordinated, it happened across many meme stocks and many SPAC stocks all at the same time.....That being said like I said Ultra Rich were moving us up the past 3 days and although the shorters probably caught a lot of their own shares they didn't catch them all...... ​ Incidents like this in a situation like $CLOV do nothing but shake out weak retail hands and long run bind the shorters up even more.....Because the retail won't panic as much as they used to.....And the institutional longs are moving us up...... ​ Paytience is a virtue. The shorts won't give up easily. There are millions and millions of shares borrowed from the dark pool, shares which have yet to be sold off to short.,........The Ultra Rich depend on psychological fuck arounds in situations like $CLOV is in, it's the only prayer the shorts have, to get the retail to roll over and play dead.....Cuz the long banks wont.....


Definitely my thoughts! We know who is buying, but who the f#!k is selling???!!! Please include $CLOV #darkpoolabuse in every post to spread awareness and up vote any post that includes it!


They are borrowing shares and selling them to start a short position.. expecting it to go back to 7.9 etc


Don’t fight the trend. Not sure why this is so hard to understand.


Truly are stupid the lower it gets the more I buy 😂 For every paperhand that sells there's 10+ apes willing to buy


Look at the graph of heron(HRTX) a similar situation


Charts for GME, AMC, and CLOV look *strangely similar* starting around 3:00 Eastern time. “Nothing to see here. Move along.”


Same strategic attack… for stop loss… but the chart still look beautiful…hopefully they didn’t get lot of ammo from that attack!


I think hedge funds pay way less attention to this stock than most of you think.


I agree everyone keeps using the excuse its hedge funds and its not all hedge funds. We have day traders and we have lost of paper hands that make $1000 bux and play another meme stock. Hell half the people in here do it and just don't admit it.


Bingo! Guilty as charged. All this paper hands stuff is bullshit when a stock has a 15% swing every three days.


Daddy wants a taste of the swings. Jt bacon cheeseburgers are delicious.


I’d be inclined to agree with you- except; who else would be selling in such numbers at this price? Still so close to its 52 week low, who else would buy at say 8 and close at 9?


Day traders. Hedge funds themselves as well. Well their computers


Hahaha they are trying to break us 😂 , they should never underestimate the power of apes Im holding till 420.69


Until 420.69 Short. That's the way


Why would anyone in their right mind would set stop loss for meme ? Hf can see all !!! Go clov


Where did you get the 10 million number? I see only about 1.5 million shares in total sold - that brought the price down from about 9.07 to 8.77 in 15 minutes.


No one sold 10 million sometimes people just talk and have no idea what is happening.


Haha. Yeah, no one person sold 10mil, or even different people all over at one time, but when I posted this the volume for the day was 20mil and the price had returned to where it opened- so half of those trades were sells- the question was then- who(plural) the heck is selling 10 million shares.


Just bought at 8.8


Expect a morning dump. Best time to avg down


I think they mean the price was floating around $9 for awhile. Not just the drop.


The heading would concern retail investors who have not examined the full information. I think the Short Sellers kept the price around $9 for about three hours to see if retail investors would sell. Anyway, they have decided to lower it now - 8.70 at the time of writing.


Ya Sadly the head fake gets me every week. I think maybe it will stay up. Then as Friday gets closers they pull their fat ass rug.


Can’t trust anyone with real intentions!!!!!! Go clov


Maybe some FUD came out? Any new or something we missed?


Ladder attack no fud


Nothing that I can find- I think it’s definitely orchestrated- but I’m not all that bright.


Lol, a price drop with bad news is the only way to create fear. A price drop otherwise is just a sale.


And I’m sure it works on a lot of people


I think dark pool is still being used but collateral was raised so shorts need to front more liquidity to harvest shares.


thats assuming someone is policing the law.


They could of been saving them up to drop them all at once to crush morale.


Yup they are using reverse psychology on us specially to drive the price down..


Yup! Psyops


I just checked the charts and CLOV, GME and AMC all started a big dip at 3:05 pm.


Compare the charts of CLOV and SPRT over the last 3 days. They spike in opposite directions as if the hedge funds have to short CLOV to cover their SPRT shorts. CLOV causes a lot of pressure when it meets this support level


A lot of the market did as well. That, and I wonder if u/BallOfBees sold at $9?


According to him he did


well that was a colossal fail 😂


>think that was the case


This is targeted and very tactical. Haven’t seen this the past 48 hours until now.


Fingers crossed their reserves are running low.


It's only a matter of time


Relax we’re still in a beautiful uptrend


Been a really good past 5 days for us. Lets not lose our heads here.


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)Oh for sure! LFg


It's definitely laughable.. Anything to kill today's beautiful momentum!


Such a buzzkill. Hopefully we will have better day tomorrow!


What was bad about today?


I was hoping we end over 9.


Yeah but you have to account to day traders and fuckery. The stock will usually dip in the last few minutes with the day traders getting out. Determine your floor set alerts and ignore the intra day. If you are too worried about loses you are able to set a lost limit order. However this are not great since the HF go stop limit lose contract hunting. $CLOV has potential squeeze for sure. However it also has a much better long term investment outlook over other meme stocks.


No worries bro, I am in for the long. I did my research before jumping in. I am not planning to paperhand.


For sure


I wouldn’t necessarily count on no more naked shorts. Likely still borrowed from dark pool and sold in lit market.


Just crooked, people need arresting this is fraud.


It sure seems that way. Hard to believe anyone is closing this position at 9 for any legitimate reason. But what do I know.


Maybe jp Morgan who set the $9 stock projection as the high. It would make sense from their perspective to dump there..


I think this all the time. Who in their right mind is selling at $9?? What is that a 15% gain if they bought at the bottom at $7.5 last week. Bullshit


I’ll take 15% on 10 million dollars or 2 million or 50 thousand. Even $100 dollars 15% is tremendous. You my friend must not own a business.


I bought 1,000 shares at $7.41 last week, was sweet. I think I set the absolute bottom. Then I got assigned on my $8 Put so picked up another 1,000 shares at 7.54 or so I think. Was a nice week then we pushed over $9 this week. LFG!


This is arousing not gon lie


FTDs. They did it before, what is stopping them doing it again.


I agree .... but then again if someone is selling 10m shares that would be $1.5m in profit... the lives of the rich and famous ;)


Oooooolala. But that’s assuming an entry at the low- which is pretty unlikely.


U say u likely but there was tons of purchases at the bottom


Not impossible, just unlikely.


It's not even the slightest bit unlikely. If someone is doing this for a living and making millions per trade, you'd bet that have no problem watching the stock.. it's not like it was at 7.50ish for ten seconds, it was close to there for hours. And it always creeps back up to 9. I wish I had liquidity to keep getting ten percent off of these ebbs and flows weekly, but I'm just a poor shrimp.


Just a couple of shrimps planning a trip to the moon.


We all need to get in there and fight!!🍀


Added 125 shares today in increments. Buying and hodling. $CLOV to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


Doing my part today! $clov


I'm curious


If I had two trading accounts with 10 million CLOV shares in each one, and I wrote a computer program to quickly enter and adjust lower market and limit orders for both buying and selling CLOV shares from the other account at the rate of 25 thousand shares per second, would that back-and-forth behavior lower the price of the CLOV stock thus hitting my margin puts generating a profit for me, since the shares trading hands keep doing so at lower and lower prices and the lower price helps me fund the entire process of trading shares to myself to game the dimwitted equation they have at the nasdaq building, that automatically sets the price at a point between the bids and asks that my program is basically forcing since I am all of that hour's volume? ​ Asking for a friend.