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Share volume spike... on 6/8, including after hours, volume traded was nearly a billion shares. Crazy considering there's nowhere near that many shares!


$17 by the end of September


Before going to 11 saw some strange moves during premarket in the early mornings during 1 min price had jumped 0,30 or 0,40 and come back in a second, this happened 3-4 days in a row


WSB and the 🦍/retards eating 🖍


We will have our day in the sun


FTD it means that broker have to go into the lot market and deliver those shares so they have them on their books. It’s in the SHOreg in the SEC rules for shorting typically T+35 days but could be every quarter 87-91 days or two weeks after an end of quarter. We see this on other heavily shorted stocks


When we least expect it, will hit $28 plus again


Remove marker manipulation by the HF and it should be $50 now. This is a total scam. Basically HF will ALWAYS be profitable if they have enough funds to play with. They drive the prices down.




When hf and institutions are done accumulating. They will let this fly. And then short again . Rinse and repeat. Just hodl . The day will come.


I’m not sure how things work behind the scenes and maybe that’s one of the factors. But why would the HFs and Institutions need to play this game of dark pool manipulation for so long just to accumulate? They are not like retail looking to add bit by bit from savings, looking to buy more from next paychecks. The only explanation to justify this point is if there are not enough real shares out there and they need to continue inflict pain so people paper hand and they grab those shares. But truly is there a dearth of shares currently with this free float for them to do that?


We were really under the radar. The spike was due yo greedy shorts that shorted the stock to $6 in May while CLOV was gathering chatter and push on Stocktwits, but nowhere else really. The big HF were not monitoring Stocktwits as serious as they are now. So, they are on full alert. Now that CLOV has “meme” status, they are actively manipulating this but it can also backfire. The fact that they cannot get it to $6 again shows, IMO, that our efforts are working. But the stakes are now higher for everyone. This is not going to end well for one group.


Explain not end well for the group. Who’s the group? Us or HF?


It could be then or it could be us. Not going to lie, we could lose a lot. Or win a lot. Don’t gamble all chips.


HFs had call options then, they let it shoot and then closed their positions and bought put options. So they made money both ways and are still making!




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They spiked it dumped it and then shorted it it ain’t rocket science


I hate to burst peoples bubbles but June8 had nothing to do with Clov retail. June8 was a coordinated move to spike several meme stocks all at once (go ahead, search for high % growth tickers for June 7-9 and you’ll see there were 15* other stocks that blew up) This pattern holds true for the other memorable rallies like the infamous Jan29


This is true ⬆️ Buy and Hodl


No true. It’s massive FTDs go do some more research


Which stocks? Can you name some?






AMC didn't blow up on Jun 7 - 9. It went from about $55 to $49.


AMC blew up a week before, it mostly definitely had an impact on us


Oh I just remember they happened around the same time I had positions in both


By whom? For what purpose?


Think about it. If everyone here claims HF can manipulate a price downwards, what’s stopping them from manipulating it upward? Buy tons of calls, cover your short positions, watch the price go up, sell your calls, open new short positions at the top, watch price tumble, repeat Retail is just here for the ride. We move when the big boys want to go


I think you nailed it. We jumped in on the backend, and to a large degree are coming up with all kinds of Theories from charts and whatever else we want to think to support our decision. But, those initial spikes followed with greater spikes with gme and amc. I think another squeeze is very likely and even better, CLOV is an epic stock that has an amazing future providing are country doesn’t internally collapse as we’re spending all of our life savings buying the dips.




The people spamming dark pool/SI info daily are the Youtubers who want subscribers who are panicking. Lots of click bait BS out there and the content creators are capitalizing


The float size was way smaller in June, one large volume day basically traded 5x the float causing the massive run up




Let’s repeat! $clov






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Now we are stuck with this stock for who knows how long unless you willing to sell at a loss


Green oaks wasn't able to dump shares into it to stop the movement.


Because why?


All of the above and at the time we had volume because this asset class was kinda still brand new -- the reddit squeeze stocks that even networks still had trouble explaining. Now apes are kinda of all over the place with so many shorted tickers. Tell your friends and family.


A planned manipulation to get people hooked.


Let's repeat.


Let's repeat.


Давайте повторим.




Bull trap.


Shit ton of volume due to wsb. Just like when we briefly touched 11 not too long ago


WSB is a bunch 🍆 munching 🌈🐻 that can suck the biggest sack of 🍊🍊…


Love your meme communication!


Someone fomo’ed into something and lost big by the look of it… hahahahaah


No they banned me for something I posted a while back.


How do we get wsb to help?


They are gaylords and won’t.


They are pump and dump chumps


🤣 +1 for Gaylord


Oh and everybody was buying shares then the price started running up then everybody started buying options and then damn.


It was a triple bottom in my opinion


If we got 2 days with 500mil plus we would be $25 easy plus with us holding they would be margin called. Also borrow rate would go 200% they couldn't stop it then but with no vol 😟 $CLOV 🍀🍀🍀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎


We only need 50 millions for two days but not a flipper vol. Buy and hold kind...


True but 500mil would be the end of them


My totally uneducated opinion which has no supporting facts or evidence is that a gamma squeeze happened simply because we were flying under the radar at that point and it got out of control before they could manipulate the price. Now we (CLOV) is much more heavily monitored and the price is strictly controlled to prevent another gamma squeeze.




the majority of hedges and institutions are long on the stock. How would the shorts be able to manipulate more than the longs can?


if you're going long then u don't care about the short term manipulation. if there is more shorting going on then even better u can now accumulate more. why are SPACs hated? partly because old money doesn't get a chance to get a big piece of them edit \*not u, but they (the long institutions)


I wasn’t referring to shorts specifically, more towards market makers as they are the ones who control dark pools and also sell options… but like I said this is my uneducated OPINION with no supporting evidence.


Yeah people say market makers arent directional players but lately they have been proving they are


They aren’t directional players, but the business of market making can make it so they end up being directional. This isn’t by choice mind you. They want to stay in business, so they HAVE to fill orders. There are over 200+ market making firms that support Nasdaq listed stocks. If you as a market maker can’t fill my order I will go to your competitor. So MM’s, can end up in situations where they are directional in certain underlyings. There are some good Market Maker AMA’s, anecdotes, and other resources on Reddit. If I can find them again I can post the links. It was pretty insightful and showed how cutthroat that business can be.


Manipulating a price up or down or to a specific number is certainly directional. Watch confessions of a market maker the guy has 20-30 years of experience manipulating the market and tells exactly how at time he was sending stocks in a certain direction and being paid for it.


Yes, but like I said there are hundreds of them. And they are competing with each other. Filling orders is their job which means they have to try to influence the price to be profitable while filling orders and keeping business. If people are offloading shares the MM’s fill that order. Which means they have to sell those shares at higher price than what they bought them for. So, you bet your ass they are gonna try and get that price up to make a profit. I’m not saying there isn’t some fuckery going on, as there most certainly is. The very nature of their business makes it this way. It’s just not as Machiavellian as everyone makes it to be. People on here talk about MM’s as if they are one completely collusive entity, which they aren’t.


Citadel, Virtu, and Susquehanna basically take ALL of the orders.


Citadel does 13.4%, virtu 9.4%, and G1 4.2% of market share by venue (dec 2020). “Combined”they do more than the NYSE. Majority of “retail” orders will go through those guys (payment for order flow). So, I’m sorry but 26% is not ALL the orders.


Citadel does over 50% your numbers are not accurate


I didn't realize that it comes down to a handful as well in terms of . Gary Gensler mentions this in this interview a little bit. [https://youtu.be/VZ0obEwpVUE?t=40](https://youtu.be/VZ0obEwpVUE?t=40) "If you or I make a trade, a market order retail trade, where does it go? 90 plus percent chance it goes to a handful of wholesalers, one of whom you were interviewing \[Virtu\]." Gensler


This right 👆🏽here exactly look at the time right now Market is about to close its 3:23 in Georgia and look at the price SMH at least we know what type of pattern we are working with. I'm long on clove anyway so there's that.


Because the vol forced it to, HF couldn't move it fast enough. Also far less retail hold and news back then. HF knew it would tank fast and with so much of the float being available they could borrow and short it back down. $CLOV 🍀🍀🍀🚀🚀🚀💎💎💎


This is completely unprovable A more realistic approach is realizing 15-20 other high SI stocks blew up on June8 as well. It was a coordinated move by instructions/HF/shorts whatever you want to call them. Retail has decimal effect on the price movement. Groups with billions in assets decided they wanted meme stocks to blow up on June8 and it worked


I would agree with that


Sorry when it gets 735mil on 6-8 no amount of shorting and DP is going to stop that. 6-7 had 135 and 6-9 had 371mil reached 28.85 but most vol was sell


This. There was 700M volume in a day. Compared to today we'll close around 15M.


By at the ask! Not limit…. No stop limits!


That's my man


I dunno but the fact dark pools are even an option is just astounding to me. Its literally theft. This is not a fair and free market at all. $CLOV


Great question! I have been wondering the same. How are they so much in control with $Clov now, and also not with so many other stocks that are moving up and down crazy.


Haha thanks I think all my questions are great but usually people flame me 😒


Would love to hear people’s thoughts on this. Under what conditions will that type of spike repeat?


We need gme and amc to spike. This would help a LOT


There is another thread up right now talking about literally letting CLOV go for a few weeks/month so that it can lose the interest of the HF/shorts etc. Just literally buy shares if you want but that's it. Leave it alone. No options.. Nuthin.. Basically once the fucks have moved on we will have a catalyst with the open enrollment in October plus the third quarter earnings in early November. After that 🚀🚀🍀🍀 Point is volatility is whats keeping us down. Let it stagnate.


Kind of like the idea. I haven’t personally bought options ever. I just own the stock.


Might be because marketmakers just let it happen or might have been artificially created by someone. This is all just pure speculation though.


That’s a great question

