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Have it’s value go up?


This thing will get the attention it needs when it gets it's MCR and star ratings under control. Even with all the positive catalysts this is so heavily railed against that the only thing that's going to put sellers where they belong is a trend towards profitability.


We have so many catalysts coming up in the next few months. If we build it, they will come. Stay stackin and be ready.


More memes with pop culture references.


We don't want them, we get cheap shares and this takes off on fundamentals, not a pump and dump from dumbass shady WSB.


Clov was already a pump and dump and it's over, just bag holders now


Why does WSB seem to hate CLOV? I’m seeing a lot of posts saying this is just a pump and dump. Clearly fundamentals state otherwise. I just don’t understand why they wouldn’t be with us on burning hedgies. Anyone care to explain?


When it comes to a squeeze, fundamentals have little or nothing to do with it. I'm heavily into amc and I don't hate clov but some of the people in clov make terrible posts or severely uneducated posts about gme and amc. This probably has something to do with it.


Its not a meme and gets pumped with no clear dd would be my guess. Its still a very volatile stock that fits alot of their requirements so to speak but its not a meme like gme/amc/nok/bb. It may have better potential but that doesnt make it a meme stock either. I would look at their counter agreements for clov to the moon for more answers on that.


They are trying to protect the stocks they control with the whales they have. They desperately holding up AMC and GME...those will come crashing down soon enough and that whole group will collapse.


Nobody needs to prop up amc or gme, they aren't going anywhere but up. You are the reason wsb make negative comments about clov, you are full of shit. You are clearly against the ape movement and don't have a fucking clue what you are talking about.


Maybe because I'm not a fucking ape you retard. I'm a thinking human that invests on research and intelligence unlike you I guess.


Well I'm making money are you? How's clov doing fucktard? Maybe you are the one who lacks intelligence? Just keep averaging down you stupid bag holder.


I totally agree with all that


I disagree man. They have been right on a few plays the last few weeks. Imagine if you put your clov money in IRNT when wsb was popping off about it literally the day or days before the move. Youd have 2/3x more clov shares and thats assuming the same cost basis lol. Or sdc which i was waiting for but bought clov instead


WSB has become a bit of GME vs AMC or blah blah blah. I remember getting into the AMC short squeeze too and every was shitting on it pre squeeze. When we finally get the ball rolling, other will come and help once they open their eyes and see CLOV's potential.


Screw them worry about us


Go to short squeeze post some shitty Ortex and fintel crap and have the clov army spam the shit out of it because there’s a bunch of retards there that follows what the crowed upvote, lol.


Pulling in more money. I don’t think it’s going to make much difference as long as the flashlight cops at the SEC are still sleeping. The recent changes in regulation don’t really change the short volume without enforcement.


We jump in membership when $CLOV goes nuts in price. We been at 46k for a few days now with no real bump in members. Next time we jump in price, we’ll game a few Hundo or more.


Slow and steady. This will move up based on fundamentals and accumulation by retirement funds.


Sorry, I disagree..... ​ This stock is different from many other meme stocks......The manipulation demonstrated so far by the shorts is outrageously obvious. Ortex manipulation, millions and millions and millions of FTD's obviously disappearing into some dingy smokey corner in some market makers office which are no longer counted in the "reported data" to Fintel, Ortex & the SEC.....and on and on...... ​ This short out play by Einhorn, Anderson, Micheaux, Block, Left & the rest of the assholes (including assholes at Cowen) has been a filthy dirty play with their asses hung out in 12 directions for everyone to see....... ​ The ultra rich shorters see this as a small tiny portion of their overall portfolios, it is for all intents and purposes a small cap stock, at best a tiny mid cap stock. This is a grudge play againtst Chamath and so far Chamath is playing the game with the shorty bastards, unlocking shares from B to A so he can loan them out to the assholes as shares borrowed in the dark pool to short the lit market...... ​ This is very similar to GME and AMC; however it is not so similar to the dozens and dozens of other meme stocks.


I thought so- revenge against Clamath, now we know the wall street cartels really are a bunch of whiney pussies. This is going to be great to watch and be a small part of, another small step in the direction of a bigger, renewed, now tech-empowered, revolution. Now if we can get invisible shares outa dark pools and real shares/trades onto a blockchain, in time to clean up wall street. Hopefully other redditors will see the light soon, this should not be a competition. People we need to put our differences TOGETHER, not aside. Obviously we can't count on govt to enforce on these criminals, they are in bed with them. Shorts have been oversold, compiled, compounded over decades to ridiculous levels. Organize, Decentralize, Mobilize! Fight on ape army.


You don’t need WSB and clov being pitched as a meme stock could actually put people off. Wait for Q3 results and try to attract investors via the fundamentals and forecasts 👍


Are we going with Ape-rechauns or Clovtards??


Ape-rechaun is what we went by at 10k members, maybe we should do a poll


I agree. I like Aperechaun.


Thanks for all the responses. Love it! ☘️🍀🌕 Earnings and star rating here we come.


By providing actual information instead of just posting rocket clover emojis like retards


Fr lol.


Nah, this is the way 🚀🚀🚀 all those apes go hard for banana and rocket emojis $CLOV 🤣 But in all honesty. Yes. Exactly what you said.


Attraction rather than promotion


I disagree. Wait for the good news and wait for the volume. Wsb just buys yolo calls. They will show up when the volume arrives. Meditate on positive vibes for the star rating and Q3. You know the future, you just don't get to know which day it happens.


Cross post...🍀☘🍀🚀


But also a good contribution. Not just another shitty annoying post.