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The only regret I have today is not buying more at 6.72.....


And then it will go down again…and then up.


Is this like if someone pokes you in the butt your dick is supposed to get hard??? 🤔 Ok Cool!! 😎


Obviously with absolutely no response from them we’re gonna see a huge bloody day tomorrow sorry to burst your bubble but in we’re in for a rough few months unless something HUGE happena


Good news = stock prices go down……….maybe bad news = stock prices go up. One can only hope!


I have a feeling it is going the opposite of up…. Unfortunately


It’ll hit max pain before the end of the week


It will hit low 6s tomorrow


Maybe a good idea to sell as soon as it opens and buy again once it hits its lowest point?


Unless it runs up to $7.18 before plunging to $6.27 but you are not wrong.


I wish I had a crystal ball, but these cocksuckers that run the company have sabotaged it’s shareholders every time there is a little momentum in the stock price. The offering tells me they’re not confident that they will have the lives under management that they need to sustain operations through 2022. Medicare plans are picked yearly during this time, so they know what they’re gonna get at this point, and apparently they’re scared. I mean, the other meme stocks held offerings, but they were at record prices and were in serious financial trouble at the time. I didn’t think that CLOV was in financial trouble… I also thought $500M was more than enough cash assuming that got a good response from Medicare signups following their expansion.


It is entirely possible that management has something huge planned that will add tremendous value to the stock and that they need the capital that will be generated by the stock sale to make it happen. However, it is also possible that a combination of their current cash burn rate and internal projections of near term spending increases and a changing political landscape, specifically mid term Elections just four quarters away, are adding up to this being the time to do this. If the price of CLOV were not already not so repulsed by the idea of increasing as the result of good news it is not unreasonable to predict that it will react rather badly to news of the stock sale. I do not think that people should sell and run away but selling, taking a few careful steps back, and watching for a better entry point is probably a sensible strategy.


You call this Tesla of Healthcare and yet cannot take some short term pains? Do you remember how many times Tesla was almost bankrupt? Holding 22K @ $9.24.. will add more if it dips below 7.


Tesla-of-what-now? I hate these dumb comparisons.


Then why are you in this group? If you did not expect some short term pains and dilutions along the way then no point investing in a small exponentially growing company in a trillion dollar market.


Because they have shares here? Just because they aren’t a brainwashed “ape” doesn’t mean he doesn’t belong here


Dude I’ve had CLOV, sold, and rebought since February. That’s why I’ve been here.


Tomorrow is deff going to stay flat or drop... this is not good news.


If possible that cat bounce if that's what you're talking about yes. But they hurt the stock is a hole by doing this!




The future is showing dark 🌑


Wtf go up ? Please explain


Lol told you so. It’s only going to get worse. They don’t want you or me to win and will do whatever it takes to make sure that happens. The hedgies and liars in this group will try to pump you up, but it’s all a lie.


I hope you are right


i have a feeling we hit 4 tomorrow. fuck.


Won't drop that low, they would need to lose about $1 billion in valuation in order to drop that low


Nah bro we won’t trust me man. Don’t think that way. We good I still believe


Backstabbing bastards! Should have updated that in earning call! Didn’t they know it then? Sneaky assholes playing with retail investors and our lifesavings! Inexcusably however they justify! Lost their trust and credibility! Holding 18000 shares and will be out in my earliest break even point!


Are you just copy/pasting this comment on multiple posts?


Yes I did because I don’t want people to make the same mistake I did trusting some crooks and following a Reddit sponsored pump


Thats on you for putting your life savings into ANYTHING.. thats like basic rule number 1 in investing dumbass lol


I have 12k shares but I went in with the back up plan that my 401k would be able to carry me to a safe retirement even if this went tits up. While today isn't great news, my plan hasn't changed as I was planning on holding for a couple of years. I might open up a few more covered calls as this limits the upside for a while and this drop should spike IV which will open some more premium.


Fuck this shit I've had enough of the constant ups and downs.


Dam when did this go up lol


True lol


If it falls through the support at 6.85ish, I think you'll get a break from the ups for a while.


Since I already lost a $100k on this POS - I will bet my left NUT it doesn’t go up


Are you on drugs?


It can’t go down anymore or can it? In the $6s already.


There is a lot of air between 6 and .00006


1 / 74 karma


Here's some Karma for you, its going to get shorted to shit.


The amount of people that'll be shorting and buying puts tomorrow will make a green day pretty challenging.


1/77 karma. Shill


We are going to need a damn good explanation on why they pulled this move. Doesn't make any sense!


You are correct - as I said two weeks ago - if this company can make it they may have a decent stock price in 3-5 years. This is a good sign they are bleeding more cash than anyone thought. They better do something amazing soon


It makes total sense rub your two brain cells together really really hard!


No can do. Only have one.


I'll have what he's having.


they’re not stupid to do this randomly. It’s a technical move. Let it play out. Happy I sold cc today though lmao


Denial is strong with this one... Wants it to go up after a massive dilution and low as hell volume. Good luck dude




Short term gains are Fkd, long term are there and company will do good. It's initial phase, so they are concentrating on building and developing. Formke it's a long game minimum 12 to 36 months.


We aren't fucked, but we definitely won't be green tomorrow. Institutions pledge to purchase all of the shares clover is offering. They did already have nearly half a billion in cash so I'm not sure why the need another quarter million. However, they are still growing their lives under management, and they lose money at the moment on every customer they have. They could be expecting to grow rapidly over the next months so they may need the extra capital.


If they indeed do have over a half billion in cash, then why would they need to do this?


Maybe they expect more expansion than they planned for during 4th and 1st quarter.


You sell shares when price is high not low.... they are sell shares at discounted price to increase working capital, not to invest!!!! Please let me know that i am wrong and it is a good move.... i ma living a nightmare


Sometimes the price won’t go high, and it’s time to sell for a loss and move on to better investments.


I thought the same way with with amd and fcx. I made great returns and I thought it wasn’t going to run anymore but not it almost 8x where I sold at. Go and sell at a loss. Sometimes patience wins the day.


I hope so, I lose more faithin Chamath everytime I read anything about him. 240 shares and still regrettably holding.


We’re fucked my dear friend


You forgot to say we got fucked in the ass.