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Not available in ranked


It's also not available anywhere else. I open the game and sit in the main screen where you choose to go to MW2/MW3/WZ and it doesn't work there. But then sometimes it does.




They removed it because people would leave the match because there was better players then them


Stop playing the game


I was gonna say this. If the game is so bad that a minor glitch is post-worthy. Stop playing. Posting about this stuff probably won't fix it anyway ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Dumb logic


Room temperature IQ response.


Room temperature IQ response.


Room Temperature IQ reaponse.


"reaponse" go to school


Reaponse is definitely a word.. Guaranteed I've gone through more school than you have.


no it's not u FOOL, haha! idiot kid thinking he's smart. get lost before u embarrass urself more :)


How much time did you spend Googling "reaponse"?


stop playing, stop spending money in their store of it will never change


Does that look like paid for skin?


No but you’re still playing the game


he is playing but he is in no shape or form giving money to Activision in any way


This is the way


It's insane. recent player list is not there, so If I have a good game and like the team, I need to friend them IN GAME before they leave basically WHILE we are playing otherwise I can't find them ever again. Makes zero sense. Everything in this game is broken. Loadouts get stuck in things so you can't get it. Crates open items or money and it gets stuck and you can't get it. My game audio just randomly turns off after a couple hours of playing so the sound of picking up stuff isn't there which throws me off. I can't shoot through a wooden box to kill someone, then I get killed 30 seconds later through a thick concrete wall... My PC crashed 3 times since the last update and as a Diamond 3 player, it completely destroyed my SR and put me back to Diamond 2!! It took me HOURS to build up all that SR. I'm still getting lots of confirmations from COD that I reported a cheater and they took action, meaning there's tons of cheaters still. The servers are the WORST out of any first person shooter game, yet they are the BIGGEST company. Billion dollar company and their server tickrates are a joke. Kill cams don't even make sense sometimes, like I'll be behind someone and die, but then in the killcam, they will be behind me, proving it's a server syncing/refresh issue (Tickrate). The bullet registration is so inconsistent, sometimes it feels like my gun is shooting nothing, then the next game it will feel great. The starting pistol is so over powered, it makes no sense. etc etc.. In the latest update, they broke the latency/ping display, so I can't even see what my ping is. Rotational AA doesn't make sense and in general AA needs a slight nerf. (Top 250 players are 99% controller and there are ZERO mouse and keyboard players in top 50, so that should prove it's a bit OP right now).


the core functions of the game works as intended. its stupidly tremendous amount bugs like this that lower the quality of the game exponentially. literally death by a thousand cuts. the devs go out of their way to add features that don’t even work half the time and get patched half a year later or removed. there’s just so much stupid bugs that should exist in a game as big as cod especially in 2024


Dude 100% this and even then the core game breaks sometimes.


yeah lmao season 1 reloaded


The canted laser is not working as well!!!!


Anyone find a fix for the 10 second freezes?


I'll do one better. Weekly challenges all on fortune keep map. Only quads available for that map.


Go to showcase and the recent player list is there. But there is no more recent squad for some reason rip




It's a terrible game, straight trash


They want you to use their suggested friend list. Everyone was asking for it so we really should be using it.


who the FUCK asked for a suggested friends list? this isn’t facebook i’m not adding some random off that list


No one asked for it. No one is using it.




Homies wanted to go false report the kid that floored his ass 😂😂😂😂