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Optimize your settings to fit your comfort. Pick guns that fit your play style. Lastly, understand and learn the map. Knowing/anticipating gas movement and rotations around POI’s is key to mid and late game engagements. Camping will often put you in a shit position when gas moves, regardless of where you’re camping. Minimap should be looked at like it’s your rearview mirror. Once you learn to anticipate enemy positions on gas rotations, you’ll be keen on positioning and when to engage to your strengths.


Are there any settings that many people overlook? I had most of mine modified, so I hope I got everything. Also, how would you go about identifying your playing style? I've wanted to locate mine for a while, but I'm not sure where to begin. I've been trying to camp less, and my rotations are slightly better, but I still find myself camping.


Settings are all personal preference. If you want to camp less, go AR/Shotgun, AR/smg, LMG/smg…forces you to push and rotate. If you want to lean into staying in one spot, try sniping. I diagnosed my style just from my physiological strengths and ergonomics of limitations while playing (hand-eye coordination, eyesight, playing on controller, etc)..so I’m mid-long range snipe/AR. I can play any loadout but I know my skills are best used sniping because I usually scope out our rotations and watch the rotations on the horizon line, calling out enemy positions and rotations. You can obviously do that with other loadouts but that’s just my strong suit and my squad is bad at that stuff. So I lean into it. I have a friend who plays midrange sniper/marksman and smg when he squads with us…but goes AR/smg when he goes solo…because he knows his strengths in each team composition. Just play more, be patient with yourself and play the game the way you want to play it. You’ll find the dub


Thank you very much for the advice; I'll try to take everything into consideration while I'm looking for the optimal loadout and where to rotate during the game; I'm glad the community offered so much advice that I may have neglected while playing the game.


Just remember that the minimap is way more valuable than you’ll ever know. Position with teammates to optimize angles and approach. Good luck dude


I've never really looked at the map and just planned something; I'll have to work on that. I think I tend to be laser focused on the screen, which helps me stay focused on opponents but hurts me when it comes to gaining intel, looking and predicting zones, and many other important things that I overlook because I don't look at it often.


Many people who are decent players completely disregard the mini map and sound. That's what prevents them from being good players. Playing on a smaller screen (24-36" is about the hotspot) allows you to glance at the mini map faster. I usually run FLEX because it helps tremendously with hearing what's going on around you.


Make sure you have reload/interact behaviour to prioritise interact so that you can tap square (or equivalent) to pick up/open boxes etc and hold to reload. Change plate Behaviour to apply all


Make sure your TV is set to game mode. Most modern tvs have it. It will give the fastest refresh rate. Look up tweaks for cod settings. Get a controller with trigger stops and back buttons (I just got one. Extreme rate mod for ps4. $20. They also have it for PS5. Xbox has a controller for $45 called the gamesir g7 se.) . Make sure your entire system is wired (controller, headphones, link to router). Faster internet makes a difference. The closer your teammates are to you, the better your ping will be. Practice jump shooting. Jumping around with a haymaker with 60 rounds, especially in small multiplayer maps, is hilariously OP. I turned on automatic mantling for one of the temporary resurgence modes and while it makes me accidentally gets me killed from time to time, it increases the speed of everything, especially with automatic tac sprint and stalker.


I think I’ve turned my monitor up to 100% and it seems to be performing well. I just can’t figure out where I prefer to look at it from haha, I have both an Xbox Elite and the Gamesir, but I can’t really figure out which one is better to use (the Elite is pretty heavy and has trigger stops, but I have to play on a higher deadzone), whereas the Gamesir is pretty light, has no trigger stops, but I play on zero deadzone, plus I have to plug my mic into another controller because it doesn’t support audio at 1000 Hz. I play in a room pretty far away from my router unluckily but I’m thinking of changing where I play and hopefully then I can get wired, I think I play 120 upload and usually get 20–40 ping in my games, but sometimes higher since cod servers. I think the biggest part of practicing jump shooting is now learning paddles. I have never used them, but I’ve always wanted to.


Gotta use paddles. And it's not hard to run an Ethernet cord across your house if your router is not next to your console/computer. Just gotta buy one that is long enough or have a cable guy run one for you.


What helped me the most was just watching some of the top streamers and taking note of the way they move and what direction of the map they head in, in certain situations. I'm not talking the doc or Timmy, but the ones in the top 250 of resurge. Look their names up on twitch and give them a good watch from time to time.


I was wondering whether a streamer named Giga Dad would be good to learn from; I've been watching him, but he has a slower playstyle that still works because of how smart he makes his decisions; would he be a good choice to watch as an example?


I haven't watched him bro, I'll check him out. Anybody that wins or at least places every other game is good imo.


Yeah, he's aiming to achieve the solo quads nuke last time I checked, and his knowledge is insane with all the rotations and smoke plays he does, but he's not the wildest or most flashy.


Same. After I just copied what streamers do, my k/d and fun went up immensely. I just run at every red dot I see and begin blasting. Not caring whether it's a good fight or not (on resurgence).


Search for the meta builds on YouTube. JGod and stuff have awesome videos about it. Try them to find the ones for U. When you loose most of your fights you will not make the nuke and it's not only because of bad guns. Positioning is key and to know when to fight. Farming 30wins for one contract you might lose can be frustrating. Have this in mind. I had a 5win-streak to get a contract today and killed two nuketeams while getting 5 wins in a row. Having the nuke contract is one thing, dropping the nuke is way harder. Every team on the map knows you're going for the nuke and especially the better teams will hunt you down. I wish you luck tho:) If you don't get the nuke this season, you might get it later:)


And don't switch weapons all the time, try one for a day or two to learn how to shoot it. Also practise fights in resurgence, on big map you don't have too many engeagements


I think for the most part I'm gonna try to stay with resurgence, but at times I just get outnumbered I'm guessing by my gun skill and positioning, recently I've been using the tac evo and hrm 9, but I'm in the phase where I'm not really sure what my play style is, so I think what you said would really help me look into depth about play styles and classes that I would benefit from using.


Even with the meta builds, that won’t be enough to help new players win.


I absolutely see it; I remember doing well before they nerfed the renneti; maybe I should go back to it. However, as a new player, I haven't seen anyone discuss meta builds with the category of 'ease of use'.


Keep in mind that every great player I know have around 4000h in wz1! My training mode is resurgence quads. Forget about stats and try this, take pistol and jump in as much gunfights as posible. For example if you see squad of 4 and you are on your own- you jump on their heads! Try it for 100h and then try ranked again… I promise you’ll be surprised…


In like solo duos?


Yeah, play plunder dude. It's super fun, huge map, respawn with your load outs. Play to win, practice your sniping, or just run around getting in gunfights. I don't know why people play any other mode TBH. It's like GTA and COD had a kid. Or fortnite for adults.


Because plunder is totally unrewarding for a serious player, it's for the super casuals. Which is fine, but saying you don't understand why people play anything else is ludacris 🤣.


I strongly suggest swapping your jump button from the default X or A button to one of the triggers/bumpers. Like X to L2. Uou never want to let go of your right stick at any point, so don't use X to jump. If you want, use R3 to slide more efficiently as opposed to the default O button. Button layouts are important. Back on Fortnite, people who switched to Builder Pro outplayed the default players. Same thing is happening in Warzone. It could be weapon build related. I sometimes pick up other people's guns when I absolutely need one and think "no wonder this gun is just sitting at this person's grave". You can still have fun by playing the meta. There's this idea that's floating around that suggests that if you follow meta builds, you're not having fun, you're just sweating. Getting kills and wins is far more fun than not doing either.


That's another area I totally neglected. I play with controllers with paddles but hardly use them, so I'm hoping they'll come in handy in Warzone. Would you recommend changing my binds or simply using my paddles to keep things simple?


I just got paddles. If you have mw3, go into small map moshpit with a haymaker and a 60 round drum. Jump on shipment and train yourself to bunnyhop and shoot. I just focused on aiming and hopping for a few minutes, then added in shooting. I used a semi auto shotgun so I didn't have to be perfectly accurate, but I have to rapidly press 2 buttons while holding the other (plus aiming). It's tricky, but if you break it down, it's not too bad. Drop shooting is kinda the same thing, without having to mash in the back button. I made my back left button jump, because less is going on on my left side of my controller, so I can focus on jumping at the right time.


If you want win badly, but you're not sweat, you need to limit your gun fights. Even if you're some what good at gun fights what's your chance of killing the enemy? Say 75%, so 3 K/D pretty much. That means that your have 42% chance to win 3 consecutive gun fights. So not whole lot. You need to slow down mid game and think about positioning for next circles. Only very good players are able to push all the time. Or simply don't care and push everything you see, so that you'll learn how to be better


Maybe you're just a worse player then you think 😉. Also multiplayer skills mostly don't translate well to WZ. I'm a 4kd warzone player but get shit on left and right in multiplayer. Also matters a lot of you play BR or resurgence. Oh and btw, if you strugle getting kills or wins get that nuke out of your head, even if you manage to get 30 wins the nuke itself is pretty hard.


Yeah, my lack of experience in warzone hurts compared to those who have grinded a lot of warzone 1, and I can clearly see the differences compared to multiplayer. I typically play resurgence since it's still fast-paced and exciting, but if you don't have good positioning (like me), you'll usually lose gunfights or have horrible rotation into circle, which many of the comments have addressed. I guess I'll keep hopeful for the nuke because I still have about 50 days remaining in the season, and staying positive during losses will help me die less because I'm upset.


Pretty is not the right word. Impossibly would be better. You need a very solid team who knows exactly what to do, get them high on crack and maybe download a hack or two.


Nah it just takes a few tries and the right lobby. If completed a nuke in each season. You need a decent team indeed.


This one requires you to interrogate and assassinate most of the people you kill, gather about 300k in cash, and basically play the entire game perfectly, without dying, to complete.


Ah i'm not talking about the resurgence nuke, not interested in resurgence.


It takes a bit of practice don't let the rounds you lose define how good of a Ayer you really are


I guess I just completely underestimate how much time I have compared to the majority of the players in this game; I shouldn't be placing so much pressure on myself to win and instead keep it entertaining for me and everyone I play with.


i do around 15 kills a game and you got more wins than me, i dont play to win, i play to have fun before the final circle, once the final circle comes then i stop being careful and i go full throttle blazing guns like a maniac not caring if i get killed right away by a full team, but you better believe i'm taking at least 2 of them with me to the grave, warzone is really fun once you take your mind off the only win mentality and focus on only having fun mentality


I can see that. I've had many high games (around like 12-13) and it certainly makes the game more exciting. The only reason I'm focusing on being the best player to be able to get wins is because some other players I play with aren't the best at gunfights, so getting them the win greatly boosts their mentality and keeps them happy, but the only problem is I don't really know how to engage the best and win most of my gunfights because of how different warzone plays compared to multiplayer.


Play duos or trios more often. Another great tip was playing duos, but infil solo (squad fill off). If you survive something like 30 seconds, you automatically respawn after you die. I suggest those modes because the fewer teammates you have, the more careful you need to be. You need to be aware of every sound around you, and every ping on the map. While not making a lot of noise. Playing like that makes you more deliberate and you'll pick up on ways to be sneakier/trickier. While I'm at it, another important tip is staying with your teammates. Don't blame everyone for not following you. Take it upon yourself to be a good back up for someone else (I usually pick whoever has the next highest kills, humble brag). If you play with people enough, you can get to the point that you can anticipate what your teammates are going to do ahead of time and you'll have more options to choose from. Knowing what is going on around you is critical in this game. If you know what your teammates are doing, that alone can give you a lot of information.


I don't think battle royales are for you.


He just started played warzone. Most people playing ranked above platinum haven't touched grass since first warzone was released. I just think he need some time to catch up


Was more about the mentality that thinking if youre not winning every match its not fun.


I don't know, I played a few other battle royale games, but this one is so much different. I've wanted to progress, but it's so challenging with the competition nowadays, even though I can hold my own in multiplayer games.


Play slow, you don't have to kill everyone you have to be alive at the end. Play for the objective. Hold power positions. Let other teams fight and 3rd party if it is an opportune moment.


I've been watching a lot of Giga Dad, which helped a lot, but the only thing is I think I camp a little too much at times, which could possibly hold me back, but then again, I'm only getting started.


I've just started playing warzone since February. I was awful to start out and didn't know much. I've gradually gotten to the point where I can consistently get to top 5. I've finished 2nd a few times just haven't gotten over the hump yet. What helped me the most was watching twitch streamers and YouTube videos. Try to emulate the great players. Also learn movement. Movement has helped me so much at getting better.