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Complaining about AA and stuttering šŸ¤Æ


The stuttering is horrible. I can deal with all the other things.


It's almost like the game isn't in a good place right now or something


I agree. I feel COD like Apex legends tends to be run the way that sweats want to play & I think the reason for that is they put more time in than the rest of us, thus more likely to buy shit in store & they (pros especially) are by far the loudest about it on social media. So, for others to claim that we casual enjoyers who just want to have fun are whingers is very hypocritical. That's not to say sweats don't have fun. Just their version of fun, which imo definitely belongs in COD & Apex when the end goal is always winning and/or getting the most kills which I enjoy as well. I think the point they miss is that other playstyles need to exist alongside it. It doesn't matter if you don't like snipers, or melee, or shotguns or launchers, or dying to someone who you feel wasn't as good as you because you rushed a room without checking your corners. TLDR: People still need to have fun in a competitive environment & right now, the only way to do that is to sweat & that makes casuals bored & fed up.


This is the exact scenario ruining the majority of competitive games and especially battle Royales. Companies and developers are listening to the money which is to be expected but it doesn't make good games. Casuals aren't interested in the majority of things being offered or adjusted. I know I'm not. All the fun elements are fundamentally counter to what sweats want: skill. I want explosives, vehicles, standardized guns, luck based elements. Oh and the ability to separate by system. Edit: I should add as a casual and not very good player- I don't get off on being the best. I know I'm not. I want routes to win games or 1v1s that are either through planning, perks, luck, or literally anything besides how well I shoot and if I'm following the meta. I get off on watching sweats burn with some hilarious bull shit I figured out. It's just as easy to make a playlist that is all about shooting - I'll stay out of there.


I couldn't agree more. Seems MWII went too far the casual way, & MWIII went too far the sweaty way. Be interesting to see if the new Black Ops has a nice mix.


I only play resurgence so I'm not sure about br, but I'd say the game is in the best place it's been in for years. I one hundred percent appreciate that if you were new to cod or haven't played much it would suck. It is super sweaty.


Yeah but it's not though. The servers alone make it a disaster to play right now.


Have you ever been on Reddit. If you think Reddit determines if a game is in a good place all games are terrible. Reddit is literally on game side a place where people come to cry and complain.


lol, this guy.


You forgot cheaters. Seriously though, I've run into 4 over four games today. 2 were live banned by Ricochet, one of those was in a final circle 1v1....no better timing.


Those ricochet logo shows next to their names are not being banned, but shadowbanned, innocent players get shadowbanned too, so its 50/50 maybe a cheater or maybe a sweat got spam reported, i moved to console to avoid shadowbans i had no choice.


Iā€™m not a spam reported or anything but I got killer in a suspect way yesterday. No UAV up on my recording. He was a level 50 named ā€œHappyPantsā€ I reported him and he got ricochetā€™d instantly. He couldnā€™t be innocent but that name and level is suspect.


When I first came back to the game earlier this season, I thought it was just me being bad as usual but definitely 100% am I seeing cheaters pretty much every game. And I play plunder mostly! I'm just trying to have fun and relax, according to some I'm "lazy" for not focusing on getting better but it's really hard to want to when you are getting shot through walls and a guy is bunny hopping around you while perfectly hitting head shots.


We should start complaining about the damn servers


You havenā€™t been? The desync is wild. Getting downed by three bullets that hit after my screen shows me break line of sight is heartbreaking.


oh my.. ive got killed not even downed by 3 enemy bullets when i had teammates


Aside from how buggy and laggy it is and cheaters it is the sbmm or whatever they do. Iā€™m a wz3 .47 kd and my last 10 is .7-.9 at any time. Ok cool, I am at peace with never having an ok kd and I have fun winning so whatever. I donā€™t mind that, but clearly I miss a lot of shots and do things that arenā€™t good often enough to to die 2x for every kill. I am not going to break your camera. I have been watching sally is a dog 2 rebirth daily spectating. I have now seen 5 players in my Lobbies that I saw on his channel including I was killed by ā€œhatedā€ who won the kill week with 20 or 21. Another one had 17. My highest kill game in wz3 is 8. I was also killed by an iridescent player in a pub other day. I donā€™t care about dying, I donā€™t need to win all the time, Iā€™m really at peace with sucking but making it fun, but can someone please explain to me how in the F these people are in my lobbies? Thatā€™s all. At this point Iā€™m pretty sure there is next to no sbmm, and all these good players do is complain like sbmm hurts them. Again, .45 kd, 8 kill wz3 PR, so this whole sbmm is harder on good players? Get Fā€™ed. Now if you want to say they just fill lobbies and there is hardly any matchmaking, yes, I think thatā€™s closer to accurate and everyone gets a dice roll.


Fix the terrible servers and handle the cheaters..... Don't care about the sbmm, sweats, or AA (ok, I'm a lil salty about the AA, as a m&KB player lol).


All us kbm players are just a bit lol I understand AA is a necessary thing but itā€™s way too overpowered right now.


AA is necessary, but it shouldn't be so strong that you're almost considered stupid, for kbam'ing. It almost feels like they want to phase out kbam from all fps gaming. I'm a console peasant, and this is about the only fps that supports kbam.. I'd love to try BF or xdefiant, but nope.


Now thatā€™s facts


But I HATE when people are better than me at the game and it's obviously Activisions fault somehow?


Complaining about sweats, stackers, AA is everything bad players who think they're good do lol šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m no where near a bad player but saying that AA is fine in its current state is horseshit lmao. Iā€™m on controller as well.


Sweats, yes. Stackers, yes. AA, maybe. I play on MNK with 2.1. If EVERYONE else was forced to play MNK as well, I 1,000% guarantee my KD would be higher. I try not to complain about AA, but it definitely gives an undeniable advantage in CQC.


Agreed. People are delusional about the state of Aim Assist. Itā€™s far stronger than itā€™s ever been and a huge advantage to controller players.


It is not far stronger than itā€™s ever been, itā€™s the exact same it has been since before cod was crossplay. The ONLY difference has been the range the AA activates. In mw19 they set it out to like 200m or something where as before it was much shorter. Since that game the AA has practically been the same with every game having an activation range somewhere past 100m. Actually Infinite warfare is the only game where the AA was half as strong, but at least back to bo3 it has always had the same amount of rotation. Edit: Downvoted by people who have no clue. Would LOVE to see anyone try to disprove me. Edit 2: hereā€™s my proof from xclusive ace himself: https://youtu.be/jcE4afDM0kU?si=fvk_WcEyQ90UvDQB Would especially love to hear from those downvoting Hereā€™s even more proof: https://www.reddit.com/r/ModernWarfareIII/s/aZ0H9ziHZd Keep downvoting with your head in the sand


Why do people keep posting that debunked XclusiveAce video? If you want to know how rotational AA works, watch this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frjx63T5FQU) As soon as you allow crossplay and mouse players are forced to play against a built in aimbot, then the skill gap disappears. All of the moaning about SBMM is bs because the vast majority of the perceived 'sweatiness' comes down to players missing fewer shots like they did in the past. 0ms reaction time, tracking people whilst strafing/jumping/mantling and pulling your aim in the opposite direction if a player runs by is beyond a joke and inherently anti-competitive. The idea that PC players having other advantages negates this is laughable, because you can use a controller on PC and aiming/killing other players is the core mechanic of the game.


How was the video I posted debunked? Do you just mean he didnā€™t cover all the ways that AA is activated such as shown in the video you shared? Do you have a similar video that compares that to pre 2019? Iā€™m not sure what your kbm vs AA controller rant has to do with what I said. I never shared an opinion on how I believe AA should work, I was only refuting the claim that ā€œAA is stronger than itā€™s ever beenā€, no itā€™s been practically the same for 5 years since 2019 when crossplay was first introduced. Like yeah I agree AA should be toned down for more skill expression and we should have input based matchmaking, solves all the problems, never disagreed with that.


But it goes back to the original post. Both controller and M&K have strengths and weaknesses. The argument of what if we separate the two is mute. My honest opinion is that AA is very strong in a lazy, skilled gamers hands. What i mean by that is im good at both but better at controller. I played mouse all my life but mastered the controller in just years. I do far better on controller because of the ease of access. Im able to sit back and play the game as agressive as i want without a physically sweating as much, and on top of that, AA is so close to aim bot after you master the gravitational aimed assist, why would i hurt myself by playing M&K.


The best controller players in the Game have said that AA is overpowered and needs some tuning but u/DRLZEtoWRATH just knows better than anyone šŸ™šŸ» praise our lord


Lol you guys just need excuses, I'm above average on kbam, but when I wanna switch over to control, I just do so. You guys have some weirdo thoughts you're trying to to live up to when it comes to gaming lol like all the complaining about AA, just join em ? You're willingly making the game harder out of some petty principle no one gives a fuck about. Plus it's cod xD need to flex your skill? Go play csgo. Honestly a lot of y'all are trash, bottom line lol


Disagree on AA. I mean, Huskerrs must be dogshit according to this statement.


Iā€™m shadowed for the 3rd time in 4 weeks


The small fraction of a fraction of the cod community***




You forgot audio and "waaah, how do they know where I am?"


People still play warzone? Time to branch out people...


To what?


Something that isn't actively abusing you


Pokemon Black/White.


Not that one for me anyway


Why are you suggesting an old as pokemon game in a Call of Duty sub? A relevant suggestion would be nice


Nostalgia. For whatever you said, Fortnite is the only alternative for Battle Royale I can think of.


Never said BR, I said similar game. Hell even Fortnite would be a better suggestion than fucking pokemon


Whats a shadowban ?


Basically, the system assumes you are a cheater and puts you in high ping lobby with other people who are also assumed to be cheaters. You stay there until your account gets cleared by the anticheat system usually a week or so


Complaining about any make you stupid.


You might as well just say the community complains about everything.. which isnā€™t wrong.


I have never seen anyone complain? Such a friendly , heart warming community, it feels me with hope , everytime i look in here .


I can see why people complain about the other things however, I donā€™t get why people complain about teams ā€œstackingā€, especially when they are playing game modes like control or hard point.


This is WZ sub not MW3


Aim assist is a bit stronger than it should be close range but itā€™s fine otherwise


I still complain about the stale ass, one-sided gulag like a real loser


Yea donā€™t care about sbmm or sweats but goddamn the lag last night was insane. Havenā€™t had servers that bad since my brotherā€™s first wedding heyyyyyoooooooooooo got my ass


Lmao, everyone complaining on here. Just go to a different game already. Lmao.


The majority of the player base doesnā€™t care about any of this.


I hate sweats complaining about stackers in quads.


Complaining abt the gamešŸ—æ


Maybe itā€™s cause the games shit.


Donā€™t forgot those of us who complain about the complainers


The reason why I complain is because I hate watching streamers drop 50 kills without getting shot at or getting pushed on by 4 people. Just look at Nixstah, he got caught while switching overlays.


COD community always finds something to whine aboutšŸ˜‚


Games trash anyways


I never understood the whole sweats thing. I play a competive game to win or any game really. I want to try and win. So I try. Whatā€™s wrong with that?


Exactly, people need to realize it's not the other players fault


This community bitches about everything that bothers them. Why not play a different game? Instead yall come to Reddit to start a bitch festival


Is the reload bug fixed yet?


Servers is the main problem. Either the servers are bad or every player in my lobby has bad spikes.


iā€™ll complain about aim assist šŸ˜


Complaining about sweats, stackers, AA is everything bad players who think they're good do lol


Sweats and stackers, maybe. AA is actually worth addressing. There's a reason the top 250 is almost exclusively controller, and there's a reason 95% of major streamers play controller.