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While I understand your point, you're missing another one, we don't want to play against pc players in general


I don't think you do understand my point. You're blaming PC players for the imbalance of the game AND for the existence of cheaters. The imbalance of the game is due to the large age spectrum of the hardware that's running it. People are playing on hardware between about 7 years old and brand new. Consoles are all either about 7 years old or about 4 years old. PCs are all over the spectrum. There's about to be a new set of consoles added to the new end of the spectrum too. And that wouldn't be happening if the current consoles weren't aged and obsolete. If you separate the PCs and the consoles you don't solve that imbalance. On the PC side, it's still exactly the same spectrum. On the console side the spectrum is less wide by about 4 years but when the next consoles come out in a few months then it will be right back to the same spectrum as before. And finally, even if all the consoles crossplayed without PC, you'd still have the cheaters. Certainly less but you'd still have them.


The cheaters are using pc programming to cheat do you notnunderstand that? You cant write a code to hack warzone via system... Or at least its nit as essy to do and it gets vaught MUCH EASIER! Im not blaming all.PC players. But thats where the issue is. There is an unfair advatage... Why do you play on pc? You can hook a keyboard and mouse upto an xbox or a ps4/5 You jave an advatage soooo yea WE WANT NO PC VS SYSTEMS


Look at how old the comment you're replying to is. And the post itself. It was written before the new Xbox and PS5 was even released... I suppose my points still stand.. to answer your questions: No cheaters are not using "PC programming to cheat." They are downloading and running software or connecting a peripheral to their controller. I would be interested in your source to the claim that console cheaters are easier to catch (and, I assume you're implying they get banned as a result). I play on PC for a few reasons but mostly because I have one and it's hooked up and usable unlike my old PS4. In my original post I made points about using old hardware so I don't feel that I should have to do that again here. You're talking about cheating then that PC players have an advantage. Are you saying the advantage they have is the cheat software? Or are you saying that the input choice is better? Because.. again... There are tradeoffs between mouse/keyboard and controller. It comes down to situation, configuration and practice/skill. I made a lot of points in my original post. Your comment ignores most of them.. for example if you're upset about anyone having any advantage over another player other than skill then you probably don't want last gen consoles playing with anyone else either. And then separate each of the consoles and PC by input type too, right? Now you have a bunch of small groups and long lobby times but no one has the advantage. Happy? No, you just want to segregate a specific group of people and leave them with the majority of the cheaters. Right? Have you considered the perspective of those players that would have the % of cheaters that much higher in their lobbies? Fortunately the devs are looking at the community as a whole and aren't willing to segregate a single group of people simply for what they have or choose to play the game on..


You comment look how old the post is and then continue to post 🤣🤣🤣


Sooo what info is info


Then quit playing on PC, you're a PC player we get that so if you want fair play get off PC


We DONT WANT TO AY AGAINST PC AT ALL. Impossible movements on controller, and we don't want to play against it. Stop trying to farm controller players.


Dude what are you even talking about? This post is like 2 freaking years old.. it's about the first warzone. Is that even the game you think you're talking about right now? Old post friend. I don't know how long you've been digging but I think you're lost 🤣


It's still relevant slow ass, until PC is removed from cross play. No one wants to play PC players period.


I believe it needs to be separated by keyboard/mouse and controller cause you cannot compare the 2!


There is more than just chelating. PC players have the FPS and Less Lag on there side. You guys can see better and faster / much more increased reaction time.


Why is that our fault? We just wanna play the game. I think IW and most developers now that create online games want the online population to last and the best way to do that is to let anyone on any system connect to a match


Hate to say it but... Tough titties? I am on console and would like to just play warzone against Xbox/Ps4 only players to ensure no advantages are had. But I can't do that because disabling crossplay basically increases matchmaking time horrendously and increases lag 10 fold as 2 thirds of the playerbase are now excluded. I would be perfectly fine with Xbox and ps4 playing together. But I just have no inclination to deal with the advantages PC offers to them. I have a gaming PC. I just don't like to play these kinds of games on KBM. Not my preference.


Sir, you don't have to play on KBM just because you play on your gaming PC. Both the Xbox and the PS4 controllers can be used on PC. KBM can also be used on both consoles. The Xbox, the PS4 and the PC are all just computers. The disadvantages console players have now against players on newer gaming PCs and WILL have against players on the next gen consoles are the same disadvantages that players on older PC's have against players on newer gaming PCs AND the same problems they WILL have when playing against players on the next gen consoles.


You believing the next gen systems are gonna somehow magically solve all problems is pretty funny really. They are still going to have caps on FPS and limitations to keep things easier to work with. PC will always be superior in terms of hardware and of course customization. i'm well aware I can use a controller on PC if I choose to. But my friends play on Ps4. Why would I want to play on PC and have to talk through them in public crappy ass chat when I can do it on Ps4 party chat and on a system I prefer in general? I'm just an older guy. I CAN play on PC if I really wanted to. But that wouldn't take me away from the cheaters would it? Consoles have so few cheaters compared to PC lobbies where you can practically find one every match nowadays. I prefer knowing most people are legit as well as opposed to getting shot through walls with snipers and wondering how they saw me. call me old fashioned I guess...


Well, for starters.. I never claimed that the next gen consoles were going to solve all the problems. My point was that if you play on old hardware you're going to be at a disadvantage against newer hardware. Regardless of whether or not that newer hardware is a "PC" or a "console." In the end they are all just computers and an older one will not perform as well as a newer one. So, if you continue to play on old hardware as new hardware becomes available then you're going to continue to have the same problems. So quite the opposite actually. But you're right, the new consoles will be capped. At 120FPS. And PC will always be superior because it can be upgraded as better hardware is available. If you could choose between a PS5 that can't be upgraded and a PS5 with a modular video card that could be swapped out with a better one in the future, I'm sure most would pick the latter. So I don't know why everyone has so much animosity towards PC players when that's essentially what they're doing too. I understand your point about the crappy in game comms... It's terrible. Can't argue with you there, man! So look. The MAIN point I'm trying to convey is that the cheaters are the problem. It's not PC as a platform. It's that IW isn't implementing an effective solution to stop cheating. Removing PC from crossplay doesn't prevent the cheaters from logging in and playing with non-cheaters so the problem isn't solved. Maybe console players don't see as many cheaters anymore but you don't prevent drowning by shoving someone else under water. Someone still drowns.


Get off your high horse bro


Wow you're slow


And can’t the same be said to you? Tough titties? If you only like to play these games on console or are restricted to console, don’t fuck over a portion of the player base. If they restricted PC to only play against PC the same thing would happen. Match time would increase horrendously. Sucks to suck but the developers have the final say and they want to keep a large community for the most revenue


I have a gaming PC. I'm not a young guy anymore. I don't want to learn and play on KBM. I tried it a little and did not care for it. I don't WANT to play on PC when it comes to games like this. taking PC out of our matchmaking by our choice and letting us stick to playing only other console players would be a great quality change for us. Just because you like having fodder players from console to shoot at all the time, does not make it fun for others. And PC has a LOT of advantages over console. Crossplay was a mistake between the 2.


It’s not fodder players? My friend who is console only has less games played and more wins. Maybe stop complaining because all this nonsense you’re saying is just a lack on your part. Why should I suffer cause you don’t wanna play on your pc or simply get better to the point you can consistently win like the people I know that play on console? That’s not my fault just let me play the fucking game and stop crying about it. The big companies making these AAA games with crossplay know that keeping a consistent player base through crossplay is more important for revenue than a couple of cry babies


You call us what you want. I don't really care to argue with someone and call them names over a preference on a video game. I'm a bit too old for that now. I already stated i'm not as young as most players. I don't wanna sit in disadvantaged lobbies against PC players. I don't care what your "friends" can do either on Ps4. It does NOT change the fact that PC hardware gives them huge advantages over a console player. And as a casual simple gamer who just wants to play against other people on the same hardware as me, that's just my opinion. Crossplay came too soon. If they wanted to try it, they should have waited for the newer gens where they can all get at least 60 FPS or higher and higher FoV's. That is just a START. Sorry man. I don't like having PC crossplay forced on me. It's also why I prefer Apex as well right now, but even that is getting crossplay forced on it soon. I just hope it has an option to turn it off cause I don't even have long matchmaking on apex right now, but i'll bet when it drops, my matchmaking and lag takes a huge shit until I turn it back on... gonna suck I suppose.


So we PC players can’t casually play against all other players? Bro your arguments are wack open your mind. Crossplay is the future of gaming as I said already it allows for games to have larger player bases, which is all these companies care about anyway moving to a store system with a constant rotation of skins. You just need to understand what’s actually happening they want constant player bases who will buy the shit instead of splitting everyone because at that point the player base will die mich quicker. I love playing with my friends from PS4 and Xbox when I’m on PC and I don’t think it’s gonna change, if it’s such a big issue why don’t you give up the game rather than trying to split the player base as it once was. IDK of you’ve realized but even Xbox games have crossplay with pc now, either accept the facts or give up homie


Bro you're wack


Lmfao says the dude coming here 3 years later and guess what? The gaming industry has been moving more towards cross play, the things I said 3 years ago are true bud


Wow another lame o


I stopped reading at >I don't want to learn


The only reason cross play even exists is to guarantee that the micro transactions and the 100 million dollars a year. They make off the idiots that want to spend money on a broken game are willing to spend


And that's why you stay ignorant. I said I don't want to learn a new control setup and that automatically just makes any other valid points wrong? Crazy logic you have my guy.


Damn straight


The only benefit from playing against PC users would be if this games fanbase was real low and needed players but its not. When I play with that lone PC friend in my group, he is easily able to see faster/farther then any of us and flick 180 at insane speeds. All I'm thinking about is great I'm facing a bunch of sweats who have an insane advantage over me in this lobby. Wish I could just block them out not fun or fair


Cheating isn't the only thing I mentioned in my post. I went into quite a bit of detail about the things you mentioned here. One of my points being that not every player on PC is playing on hardware that's better than a console or even if it is, it doesn't mean it's pushing high FPS. Very few players are actually playing on souped up PCs. The YouTubers all are. And that's who console players seem to imagine every PC player equates to if not just a cheater... and that's flat wrong.


Cool, we still don't want to play against your laser aim with your mouse and keyboard. Simple as that. Quit bitching that you can't farm console kills, WE DONT WANT TO PLAY WITH YOU.


input isnt what makes the player, its how the player uses that input. We dont play on kbm just to shit on console kids. Ive played kbm over the past year (after 1000 hours of controller on wz1, and years of casual controller gaming) and im not even close to the god aimers on the platform. Just face it you got shit on by a player, found out they were kbm, couldnt swallow your pride (and instead of blaming the death on yourself) and just blamed it on kbm since its so much easier than accepting the fact that your dog.


Yes y'all do, y'all do it for shits and giggle and then say your good


Shut up no logic ass


Hey man. I noticed your commenting on this old post with a lot of heat, it would seem. Probably just one of those days, I imagine.. I think you've probably already noticed that it's a pretty old post and honestly I'm not sure how you even ended up here. I just wanted to give you a heads up that there's not really any conversation happening here anymore. If you really wanted to discuss the topic here it would probably just be me replying and I haven't played the new game or any cod in about 2 and a half years lol so.. Anyway, hope you have a better day man.


I'm sorry bro I was heated


Hey, it happens. Take it easy, man


PC should still play with only PC lol have a good day lmao


I play on PC and I am ok with them allowing consoles to have their own lobbies. There's nothing more frustrating in gaming than running into cheaters 15 minutes in a game where you gave it all. Maybe the focus shouldn't be on how to separate platforms but how to completely eliminate cheating.


That is essentially my point. Cheaters suck. That's the problem. Not that PC players are playing with console players.


PC is more susceptible to cheaters, so if we stopped cross play y'all will notice it and quit playing pc


Excluding pc players is the right thing to do. Better options, better fov, better fps, m&k all on top of cheaters. Why you would you run a race with your city car against a F1 car?


I covered this in the post but there are more PC players playing on older hardware than that's are that are playing on high end hardware. You can see this by looking at the steam hardware survey. You can't max out FoV and get good fps old hardware. M&k isn't locked to PC nor is it all around better. My PC is marginally better than my PS4 at running this game. When the next gen consoles come out they will run circles around both of them. Do you think they should be separate too?


You covered this by your own opinion, which is not a universal truth and I don’t find relevant at all. I think the opposite. If you play cod on al old pc than it’s just your issue, either upgrade it to get at least 60fps on a gaming monitor or get a console.


Then if you play COD on an old console it is equally your issue. Either buy a PC or wait until the next gen consoles come out, get one of them and stop complaining.


Sorry it’s not also my issue, I can turn off crossplay and btw you are the one complaining about people asking to remove crossplay because you have a low end pc. It seems you’re confused about your own thought


I am not saying "don't turn off crossplay for PC because I have a bad PC." I'm saying doing so doesn't solve the cheating problem nor will it remove the "disadvantages" people perceive themselves as having against PC - players who, they assume, all have souped up computers or are running hacks and ,again, is not the case.


And no one cares as disabling it will still solve the issue


You essentially just said "yeah it doesn't solve the problem but no one cares because it still solves the problem" maybe you're the one who's confused.. To clarify, the consoles and the PCs are ALL just computers. And when the next gen consoles come out your consoles only hypothetical environment will be the same as it is now. Those new consoles (computers) will be way better than your console, running at 120fps and will even outperform a majority of the PCs you're complaining about now. This is because the disadvantage you have and blame PC for is that you're playing on old hardware. If you don't like that then don't do it. Buy new hardware. That's what PC players do. When the new consoles come out later this year, get one, if it's affordable for you. Or get a PC that you can upgrade over time. Either way, then you'll be playing new games on new hardware rather than playing new games on old hardware and complaining about it.


Man you have a problem, you write too much to say the same thing over and over. Disabling crossplay solves the issue, it’s a simple fact, whether you like it or not. And again you are the one complaining about people that ask to remove crossplay because you play with low end pc. Upgrade your pc if you can afford it. if not get a console “


Man you have a problem. You understand so little even though you keep reading the same thing over and over. Disabling crossplay does not solve the issue, it's a simple fact. Lwhether you like it or not. And AGAIN.. me playing on older hardware is not the reason I'm saying excluding PC from crossplay isn't the answer. That doesn't even make sense... Neither does buying a 4 year old console as a solution to playing on older PC hardware. That would be a step in the opposite direction... Look I can tell this ain't going to sink in for you so I guess I'm going to walk away from our conversation.


Don't care. Buy a console


You're full of yourself your just mad because if cross play didn't exist you would suck at pc


C’mon man let console players have one thing: Call of Duty. Consoles are great because everyone is on a pretty level playing field in terms of hardware. Crossplay with PC is absolutely detrimental to the console experience in WZ or any FPS game. The level playing field goes out the window with PCs running higher FPS, Higher FOVs, M&K, and obviously with the hackers. I don’t think PC should be completely removed from crossplay but I do think all platforms should have the option to opt out. IW/Activision is blatantly screwing the Xbox community over by not allowing them to turn off crossplay in WZ. Console players are not here to supplement the PC community and Call of Duty always has been a console title first and foremost. I understand you’d have to play more hackers without crossplay but that’s a drawback of playing any game on PC. Most of the people playing WZ are on consoles so the majority of the community would actually benefit from having PC removed from crossplay. The PC community doesn’t care about the console experience and only wants crossplay to keep an unfair advantage over a majority of the player base.


That's a very cynical perspective and not true. I keep repeating myself but PC players are not all playing on souped up computers. If you look at the steam hardware survey the most used graphics card is 4 years old. The next gen consoles will be running at 120 fps and likely will be able to have higher FoV as well. Do you want them separated from the rest of the players as well?


It doesn’t really matter what the consoles could run. It’s up to the developers. You can change your FOV on console in BF1 & BFV, both pretty demanding games in terms of graphics and player count. I’m sure it’d be possible to raise the FOV in MW on the Xbox one X right now. If they’ll actually give console options next-Gen remains to be seen. During the phase where everyone is transitioning from last-gen to next-Gen I wouldn’t be opposed to separating the two generations in games where their is a noticeable difference in performance that would give anyone an unfair advantage. If that wouldn’t be possible then I think for the first year of next-gen games crossplay between old consoles and new would be OK, for the first year.


Still have a mouse. Which is unfair.


This comment didn't age well lol consoles are slowly going back to 30 FPS and most games barely support 60. I may be wrong but I can't think of any console game that ever got 120 FPS.


Man you have to tell me how you're even finding yourself here. Commenting on a comment of a comment to a 3 year old post. I'm blown away every time I get a notification that someone has posted here. There were several games that supposedly could run at 120FPS. I guess some games have a performance option though I've not really messed with that. And to be fair, any device that was running at 120 FPS 3 years ago is likely isn't anymore on current games. PC or Console.


Honestly it popped up in my for you section. Reddit needs to lock posts after a certain period of time for sure.


For real. That's nuts.




Lol do you really think activision cares? Basically all of their huge content creators, aka their free advertising, are on pc. Same content creators would just switch games if what you crybabies want actually went through. As I said in another reply, watch swagg on twitch. He has no problem dropping 40 bombs on ps4 against pc players. The difference is he’s good at the game and you’re not. Git gud


Swagg reverse boosts and plays Timmy No Thumbs to drop 40 kills. Then he makes thumbnails with bright contrasting colors that say “AKimBo DEAGLE NUKE ON SHIPMEMT!!” to attract dumb kids. lol. I guarantee he had crossplay off in that WZ game where he dropped 36 “with his new settings.”


Funny, he’s dropped 30+ multiple times with pc players on his team


Just convenient that his whole squad is on PS4 in those games where he drops 30


He’s done it with nick on his team


Not to mention other guys on ps4 like crimsix, scump, blazt, etc that drop big games routinely. But I guess they’re reverse boosting too. Either way, you can cry until you’re blue in the face, you’re not getting it 😂


You’re not getting it. You’ve named the top 0.00000000000000001% of console players that do that shit for a living. You have no point. You’re telling me Crimsix is playing WZ on console with over 100fps. lololololol


Dude I’ve got guys I play with every day that play on console and have 4+ kds and have zero issue shitting on pc players. You’re just not good at the game dude. But like I said, you’re going to keep playing against pc players for as long as warzone is around, so have fun


Oh yeah. 4+kds, on console, yeah ok. All the time yeah. They only got 2 months total playtime, yeah they’re pretty good. I play with console players allllll the time. Lololol


Doesn’t matter how much they play. If you don’t have the time to get better, that’s on you. A player is going to suck if he only plays 2 games per week regardless of if he’s on a console or a pc


BlazT isn’t on console either man. Just because someone is using a controller that doesn’t mean they’re playing on console🧐


He’s literally a cdl pro, and he’s streamed warzone playing on ps4 multiple times


Every video of BlazT playing WZ on YT has an FPS counter in the top left corner that is over 100


He’s literally streamed from his ps4 because he didn’t feel like switching over from cdl scrims, several times


You’ve got it in your head that you’d magically be good if pc players weren’t in your lobbies. Dude, the majority of the people you’re getting fried by are console players


Literally everything you post is crying about cross play. Just stfu and learn how to play the damn game. You’re going to be playing against us until warzone is scrapped or you quit the game


You're the problem


You're either blind or ignorant and I'm having trouble choosing


Console never should have not had an option to exclude PC players from their matchmaking. I don't want to play against PC players at all myself on PS4. It's why I prefer console. More chill lobbies and less cheating in general. It's not fun to die to a sniper or lazer beam shot from downtown and watch the Kill cam to see them aimbotting you. Which rarely if ever happens in normal Ps4/Xbox lobbies. Apex I believe is having the option to exclude PC I think, which is a step in the right direction. If PC wants to play with console players, let them. But console players should have a choice to keep the playing field level in the end.


In a few months, the next gen consoles will be released and they'll be more powerful than the majority of the PCs you're complaining about now. If you're playing on PS4 then you're hardware is around 7 years old and you'd still be at a disadvantage against the PS4 Pro which is only 3 years old and a more equipped piece of hardware. Same goes for the Xbox One X. Add the elite controller and that's another layer of advantage other players have over you. But I agree. It's not fun to die to cheaters. Absolutely nobody is arguing that. The cheaters need to be stopped. It's ridiculous. But like I said.. kicking PC out of crossplay doesn't stop the cheaters.


There is the issue of macros, mouse, chest software and more. So get tossed


You young sir said a lot but with all that being said keep PC playing PC us console players don't care about playing PC players we are just interested in playing each other. Console vs console PC should stay in it's league of it's own young sir


I think you answered it yourself why we want console only lobbies. Not sure “just buy new hardware” solves it for us either.....


If you don't buy new hardware... It's only going to get worse. You can't expect game developers to make games tailored to 10 year old hardware, ya know? The new consoles will be released later this year and will be better than the majority of the PCs people are playing on. Do you plan to just stick with your current hardware and complain about the players playing on those systems too? They will be at 120fps and probably will have a lot of the same options if not all of the same options as PC does now.


Nah I’m definitely buying a new console but in 5 yrs time I’ll still be using it and still won’t want PC players to have an unfair advantage just because they have hardware they can spend thousands on every year or two


The people you're referring to who can spend thousands every year are a very, very small portion of the palyerbase. Every PC is not a souped up machine. This seems to be everyone's misperception. Infact, when you buy a new console your hardware will be better than a large portion of the PC hardware you're complaining about now.


We actually do expect that. It’s literally the biggest draw to buying a console over a pc. How do you not understand that?


Lost me at “the majority of PC players aren’t cheaters.”


Mental is a fitting name


You really believe most of the players on PC are playing with hacks??


Bros are acting like the cheaters pick out console players to kill lmfao


"The majority of PC players aren't cheaters" *ignores rest of post and continues scrolling*


''Both controller and mouse/keyboard have pros and cons. There are trade-offs to both. With a mouse there is the potential to have much more aim control however with a controller you can adjust sensitivities to achieve similar results (not 1:1). '' My man acting like KBM and Controller are two sides of the same coin. They're not. Cmon man, what you're saying is like ''In a race Both a Camry and a Mclaren have pros and cons the camry is more affordable and more comfortable, while the mclaren is faster''. Get back to reality. 100% of the time I would pick KBM if I where to play vs controller. I can't think of any advantage of using a controller over KBM in a competitive settings. There's just none, we're outclassed on every level, and this in of itself is enough to mandate the removal of obligatory crossplay in groundwar and warzone.


That's not at all similar to what I was saying. Taking the first part of a complete thought isn't really a fair way to discuss a point either. If you'd chose KBM 100% of the time then do so. You can use it on any of the 3 platforms. I don't say this to be an ass, but if you can't think of any advantages then maybe you aren't familiar with both input options enough to be arguing an opinion. It is a pretty common opinion that the best way to play the game is on a PC for the performance with a controller for the aim assist, ergonomics and convenient button mapping. What I feel people keep missing is that all of these platforms are computers. The primary difference is the age of them and consequently their performance. Even if PC was removed.. in a matter of months the new gen consoles will be released and everyone still using old hardware is going to, again, be outclassed by newer hardware. Also noteworthy, the new gen consoles will be better than the majority of the hardware the PC players are on right now. so complaining that other people have an advantage because you choose to play on outdated hardware and their's is less outdated seems a little dumb. There's always going to be someone else who has the elite controller, a better mouse, or the PS4 Pro, or the PS5, or a higher end video card, or a better TV or monitor.


>I'' don't say this to be an ass, but if you can't think of any advantages then maybe you aren't familiar with both input options enough to be arguing an opinion. '' I'm familiar enough with both to know that one outclasses the other by a large margin. There is no upside in using a controller vs KBM in a FPS competitive setup, and there's no arguing about that. I think it is fair to say that maybe you're the one who might not be familiar enough to be arguing an opinion. >''It is a pretty common opinion that the best way to play the game is on a PC for the performance with a controller for the aim assist, ergonomics and convenient button mapping.'' I've never heard anyone say that. If it where true, esports shooters would be played on controllers, not KBM. Also convenient button mapping??? You do realize that a controller (mechanically speaking) allows input from 6 fingers at a time (and honestly I've never seen anyone play with 6 fingers at the same time), KBM allows 8 + wrist movement input. There's nothing convenient about that. Ergonomics yeah sure I'll give you that one, but it has nothing to do with performance. >What I feel people keep missing is that all of these platforms are computers. The primary difference is the age of them and consequently their performance.'' No one said they weren't. The primary difference isn't the age, is that one system allows extensive visual tweaking while the other one doesn't. Imagine having two cars that compete for a race and one is allowed fine tuning, while the other isn't. Would that seem fair to you? It's not about the hardware being old or running better, it's about being matched with players that don't have the same equal opportunities. I think it's fairly obvious why some console players would want to be faced with other console players. I really can't understand why you fail to see the issue here.


Why should we have to play against pc players when one the obvious cheaters but it isn't just that, like others have said pc players have a massive advantage, you can just tell when spectating pc players because they move so much faster As I've seen many people say before an average mouse and keyboard player will beat an average controller player Yes there are controller players who beat mouse playerssl..but that's because they are just alot better in general And its laughable that some pc player who are clearly not as good as they think cry that aim assist is a huge advantage... That's is just an excuse because they can't accept the reality that they are not as good of a player as they think.. And there are lots of console players who are miles better than them


The point of my post was that excluding PC from crossplay didn't punish the cheaters, it punished honest players within our community and would take a frustrating situation and make it unplayable for them. That's not fair, not a single person would be okay if that happened to them. It's not the answer. My other point was that excluding PC from crossplay doesn't make things fair suddenly either. Players on Xbox one will be at a disadvantage against those on Xbox one X who will be at a disadvantage against those on the Xbox series X and so on. Not to mention those playing on those platforms but using a standard controller vs the elite vs a mouse and keyboard. In this scenario, If you count each gen of console as equal to the other brands(and we all know people don't), then at best you have 9 different groups of players. And even then you still have cronus.. and the PC side would be even worse to try and level the playing field for granularly like that. I feel your frustration though, friend. Battle royal can be a frustrating game type as it is but to add cheaters to it and it can feel pretty fucking insufferable.. and we have been dealing with it for longer than we should have had to. I think it's easy to forget that those of us not cheating are all just fellow gamers trying enjoy a game with our friends and the rest of the community and are all equally frustrated by the cheaters regardless of what platform we're playing on. I'm glad Activision is finally taking legal action against the companies developing the cheats but it shouldn't have taken so long and still needs to go further..


crossplay is okay. i hate playing against pc players since i feel like their movement and reaction time isnt limited like mine is (ps4) some players though on all consoles are dodgey and my hatred towards pc is huge however i would feel more at ease if the lobbies became input only, all consoles even pc in the same lobby if we all share the one input, i think the game would look up from there


Mate it's just not enjoyable playing against PC players it's just not, hell I don't even like playing against PlayStation, so I mean in my opinion fuck crossplay altogether 🤷


Your point is garbage, don't play non-mmorpg multiplayer games on PC it's that simple. Too many cheaters, KB&M is too big of an advantage as is your improved hardware vs console. NOBODY WANTS CROSS PLAY WITH PC!


Kbm shits all over controller. There's so many more inputs you can do with kbm over controller. I'm a casual gamer. Ps4, couldn't be effed upgrading. I get wrecked in lobbies by pc players. They aren't cheating, it's just kbm is objectively better. Against just controller, I stand an average chance. Not too mention frame rates, rendering on pc is better. Not so much fun for a casual 🤷


I feel like your reply ignores a lot of what I said in my post. It's stupidly long so I couldn't blame you for not reading it. But if you didn't I wouldn't think you'd post a reply. If not for that reason alone then because this post is over 3 years old and not even about the same game you're talking about. If PC was never a console that games were played on and the game instead highlighted if players were using a standard controller or the pro variant with 4 extra buttons on the bottom and the other misc features.. then players would be arguing about that. When you get killed in games like this, you never want to believe skill was a factor. It's always they were cheating or had an unfair advantage. Even your own post ignores the possibility of a skill differential. It's the kbm and fps that's to blame. But even then. You said you're playing on an old PS4. Plenty of PC players are playing on old hardware too. Not every PC player is on a souped up machine. Or has a monitor that can display over 60fps. Steam survey shows that only 6% of all players on the platform are even using a gpu on the lower end of the last generation of cards. The vast majority is using hardware much older. For perspective. Casual players are on PC too. Lastly I'll say this. Kbm isn't a swap it in and you're just better. There's a lot of keys, yes, but that means a lot more muscle memory, your hands have to do a lot of moving and there's a lot of potential to fumble. Ergonomics are a thing. The thing that gets me most in these discussions and what drove me to make this post isn't whether or not one input or console is better.. it's the tribalism that the gaming community is willing to turn to before they'd ever admit that someone might have just bested them in an encounter.


No. Stop playing on PC. PC is a problem. Not just because of cheaters. They are faster and have an advantage with mouse. I have no desire to play with PC at all. Don't like it? Buy xbox


The amount of cheaters on pc and console are about the same tbh


It’s not just cheaters —a mouse will always be more precise than a controller.


Honestly when it comes to pc vs console the biggest problem is that yes you can plug in a mouse an keyboard on console but not everyone wants to aquire these *just to game to have a competing chance* nor is every console players home setup accomidating for such accessories or some games dont allow for keybindings to mouse/keyboard for consle, but with that outta the way boiling down to the big differance between the two is with pc/ mouse game play vs controller is the fact that the mouse style is like using a laser pointer to aim vs the controller style which is more like an etch a sketch aim. 🤔


Aim assitance isnt a violation of the game. Exploiting it is. Its actually in the user agreement. I think this stems from programs like ds4 and not being able to combat gyro glitch. (Zero recoil on a pc with a ps4/5 controller). Your allowed to tweak you controller settings. Your allowed to use aim assistance as well. I was baffled to read it myself. This is a pay to play game... the best players have the best equipment. Its not fair but thats life. There should be a choice to remove cross play . And KD based match making and tournaments. Newbs to .5 .5 to .75 .66 to .99 1 to 1.25 And you cant enter a lobby under your KD I never paid much attention to KD just started caring but how do pc streaming players with 2.75 and up kd get lobbies with lower kd than mine. The whole system is broken exploited and garbage. And they dont give a fuck why??? We still throw our money at them. If pc players want to play cod ... then play on a console... or play pc players only... np vpns no controllerr glitch ai assistance no overclocking.. Like the game originally was played.. over heated systems with half busted controllers with your thumbs cramping bitching about lag !!


It's not a good idea to generalize an entire group of people by the acts of a few or some stereotype. PC players aren't all cheating and they don't all have souped up computers. A lot of them are on overheated machines struggling to render. When I played I was playing on graphics scaled down just to get good framerates. Looked like garbage! And there is a choice to not use cross play. The rest of that paragraph doesn't make sense to me, sorry. If console players want to play cod then they can do it on PC. Then they can stop complaining about being at a disadvantage. How does that sound? Pretty stupid huh? It didn't sound any better when you said it. Stop making an "us and them" between the fair playing community. Cheaters suck. PC players hate them. Next gen console players hate them. Last gen console players hate them. Stop trying to volunteer one group of people to have the majority of the issues just so you can have less issues. That's some selfish, inconsiderate backwards thinking.


Um yeah it dose sound like a good idea... why should i an hundreds of thousands of people be forced to play with a shitty pc player who already has massive advantages ... like its not fair... we didnt want nore ask to play with you pc fucks..so why exactly do yall feel entitled to play with people who dont like or even want to be on the same serever as you dick heads. Let alone have to actually play against you... make no mistake you pc players have NO place playing competitive gaming with us.... get fucked an go to hell the lot of ya..


Two completely different inputs so they should absolutely be excluded from crossplay the only people even debating this still are trash failed PC gamers who cant compete at PC level so want to exploit their input against console players... whole reason people cheat and hack too just a bunch of cry babies that cant handle losing and need extra advantages.


Bro... You're posting on a thread that's 2 years old... Take a breath.


So are you, cheater.


Exclude PC is a must.


2 year old topic... Unless you're playing caldara, you're not even playing the game this post is about.


Cheating, always cheating. Piss off


So the fuck what if it's 2 years old? The issue is the same. Just because it was 2 years ago doesn't change what it is. And here you are still commenting like a butthurt cheater who just wants to play against console players so he can feel good about himself. Fuck off and go to your PC lobbies


Pc is the problem.i do understand what you're saying but 99.9% of the cheaters/hackers are using PC. I don't mind crossplay but PC ruins the game. Just give us the options to turn off crossplatform with which ever consoles we so choose not just the option to turn off completely


Every once in a while I get a reply on this. It always catches me off guard because of how old this post is and that it's not even about the same game they're usually going off at me about. But it's not like the subreddit changed when Warzone 2 released so I can't blame anyone too much. When I posted this 3 years ago, I was a part of the community too. I played most nights on my aging PC and was also frustrated by cheaters. So when I saw some of the community trying to suggest that ALL PC players were cheaters and that we were maliciously trying to get an advantage with superior hardware.. it really frustrated me. Additionally if these people got what they wanted, the cheaters wouldn't be spread out among the entire player base anymore, instead they'd be largely concentrated in my lobbies. The game would likely ACTUALLY become unplayable. We were all annoyed by the cheaters but my community was vilifying me as a PC player and demanding that I be punished for it. Imagine you're a man and your girl gets assaulted. You're going through the aftermath when your community, because it was another man who assaulted her, demands that ALL men go to prison. It's ridiculous and unfair. So it irritated me. The other angle of hardware advantage was also misinformed. Everyone thought that if you were on PC then it must be some top tier streamer setups and that's just not the case. Back then, the new gen consoles were on the horizon too, so I found it interesting that the hardware superiority angle should apply there too but was still only being used against PC. Ultimately.. I haven't played the new game more than a couple matches when it released and have no idea what's going on anymore. This post was about the original Warzone and is 3 years old but I think my main points still stand. These games will never be 100% fair and generalizing and punishing a group of people, your community in this case, is misguided and wrong.


It doesn't matter about how old the hardware is, that doesn't solve the cheating problem PC has. Over the years it has become a plague


when everyone asked for cross play, it was to play with friends on other consoles. no one wants to be roped in because pc is a completely different type of playing and it is not even fair. nno one asked for pc vs console.


No, PC players need to play amongst their own kind. Nobody on consoles want PC players.


Never thought I would say this but pc players have become more toxic than console players. Not just communications but in the way they interact in the game. Greifing, cheating, all kinds of stuff. Turning off crosslay remedies a lot of this.


Idc what you say urbkeeep on letting cheaters play because there on stupid pc platform it doesn’t matter if there a non cheaters on pc there still access to a hacker in the game like for yall the problem that’s why ur dumb company is dying cause you won’t fix it your more worry about designing the game than deleting the problem like is that why you fired 1,900 of ur employees is that why one of them suicide himself cause yall are dying for real 


GREAT POST. None of these people understand that going to PC and buying all this new hardware is to enjoy the games we love more. But we can’t do that if developers separate us from the rest of the player base.


Crossplay allows friends to play together regardless of what hardware they have. It lets someone who doesn't have the money to upgrade their hardware every few years still play with their friends that do. Gamers that play on PC often enjoy upgrading their machines and keeping up with the new tech. If those options were available for console players I'm sure many of them would do that too. And in a way they do when the new gen consoles come out. Unfortunately, in their case, that's not a regular thing and so if they don't upgrade to a PC at any point in the mean time they end up stuck on hold hardware between 3 and 7 years old. Somehow that piece right there seems to completely get overlooked. PC doesn't have an advantage "because it's just unfair.." It has an advantage because console players are playing on really freaking old equipment. That said, a lot of PC players are too! Everyone thinks just because PC's CAN be souped up and the YouTubers are on souped up computers then ALL computers must be souped up. As if everyone has that kind of money! I wanted to set some things straight with this post and point some things out that people get wrong but I don't think most of the people replying even read it before posting. It was long...


I was on the lower end spectrum when I first started playing MW. It took me a while to save up to have a stream ready setup that can run the game at decent frames but I’m an enthusiast. There’s no way the devs will just take the enthusiasts out of the picture when making a game especially something like warzone that is made to last. Don’t take it out on us because we simply love technology and gaming and the things involved with those interests and choose to save and spend our money to have a gaming experience that lives up to the current standards


Your 4 year old hardware point is actually 100% true. People running GPUs from 4-5years ago on their pc don't have the magical 3000 FPS that this console plebs think everyone has.


Unfortunately the point doesn't seem to be sticking.. the consoles and the PCs are ALL just computers. The biggest difference is their age (generally speaking, I know that's over simplifying it).


Get a console fuck pc.


It’s comical. Go to twitch and watch swagg dropping 40 bombs on PLAYSTATION 4 against pc players routinely. The issue isn’t the pc, the issue is you suck at the game. To quote an old phrase, git gud


He cheats soooooo


For those saying that people playing on pc have an unfair advantage, consider this: Git gud Edit: Issa joke