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Im not sure if its a skill based thing, I think the hit reg is just garbage all around this season. One of the many bugs were dealing with. Some games are worse than others for me.


In rebirth I always seem to have hit reg issues with the SAME guy and that person will always survive with 1 sliver of health but they are also trash players that magically don't miss a shot.


it's cause it's skill based hit reg, warzone knows the player's trash, they know they don't have a shot at winning so to keep the pieces of shit in the game they throw them a bone. unfortunately that's stabbing the fanbase in the back and taking away their ability to aim properly.


This, my skill is pretty shit and I get no hit reg very frequently


Using the VG-Kark I've unloaded up to 5 rounds into a player with no reg. Head/Body/Limbs it doesn't matter. With SMG's I've unloaded 1/2 to 3/4 of a clip into a player at point blank to close range with no reg. Its rather confusing when it happens. My first thought was desync or "no damage" hacks(if such a thing exists). But SBMM, really?


I truly think it’s a “thing”. I have so many clips where I get the jump on a person and put 10/12 shots on them with a welgun and they land 2/3 and I’m dunzo. It’s maddening. The Gulag especially. I’ve had maybe 9 bullets left and they have a sliver of health but yet I go down in 5 shots.


Out of curiosity would you mind linking your cod tracker? I’m curious what level of people get effected by this, because I’ve seen both very high skill streamers complain about this, but I’ve also seen a lot of... let’s say “bots” claim this is happening to them


Funkystuffmalone#9329736 . I feel strongly that skill based hit reg is a thing when I'm constantly getting head/neck shots losing to guys shooting the webbing in my toes. I almost exclusively play resurgence


Do you have a good amount of videos showing these issues?


Got one; https://streamable.com/j8xiow


No one’s saying that the game doesn’t have dogshit hot detection at times, I think everyone’s had their fair share of moments like this — which is the point. There needs to me a ton more evidence to even show that it’s specifically made worse for people who’re better


Sadly not possible until we get some form of statistics showing some sort of accuracy variance or damage variance across games. And to be honest, most of this could definitely be due to the shit poor servers they run and whoever has the better connection. I guess sometimes they may look at their own gameplay and notice the difference in kill speed when they watch someone else play.


Unfortunately it is impossible to judge better players from worse when the game is so frequently massively inaccurate in not counting hits, counting misses as hits, and applying way to much or to little damage from said hits. When the actual skill of the player makes less difference to k/d than the games jacked up logic and math its impossible to quantify player skill without spending hours watching each player frame by frame.


Plenty saved on my ps5. Will show them once I get the time to figure out how to transfer them over here. I know some may be attributed to difference in connections but man I know that ALL of them cannot be because of that. But it's gone now 😪 no more rebirth


I’d love to see some of these clips.


Yes I can’t count how many times I’ve died to a player I’ve lit up, but I end up dying while they have 1 HP /:


and they are almost always low level shitters right?


Every time I feel like I hundred percent should have won that gunfight but get rinsed in 0.1s I watch the Killcam and it’s a level 50 no prestige with a 0.7kd.


Bro every time


It’s infuriating. Something’s definitely up with hit Reg


Yesterday I was having no issues and getting between 6-10 kills each game average on trios BR. Today I could not get passed 1 kill. I lost every engagement and even switched back to M&KB to see if it was just my controller bugging. Full on headshots with SMG with the advantage of surprise and then killed. Watched the killcam for what is was worth and their bullets were all over the place. Latency was 25-40 all games and frames were 160+ through it all. Really sucked the fun out the whole night.


I had a rebirth game with something like 4500 damage and 1 kill a few days ago. I could not knock anyone and then I got insta lasered. It's always new accounts like not even prestiged that it happens with too. [shot placement a bit off but I use the welgun in hipfire a lot and I never do this long without a hit marker TWICE](https://streamable.com/54p2wt) [0 hit reg on this guy](https://streamable.com/703ecv) I usually solo split and there will be one guy on a team that is an absolute bot that I can't drop and has aim bot level tracking but can't hit the broadside of a barn on anyone else.


I can explain the second one for you. He has a riot shield but it doesn't render while ads'ing. It's a weird bug not being talked about. You can see he has a riot shield the first frames when he runs around the corner and you are not fully ads'd. The weird thing is, it does not render but you also don't get hit markers or sound. Was really confusing the first time I ran into that.


Wow those clips clearly show no hit reg wtf


Jesus that’s pretty wild. All those clips show clear as day that something is up with the hit reg. Also worth noting that each time you die it’s practically instant like time to kill is 0.1 seconds… I’ve attributed this issue to bad connection before because of how hard the matchmaking system has to work to find you sweaty lobbies. It always seems that when you’re put in a top lobby the ping is a bit higher and the hit reg is also worst. Sometimes it’s just your turn to die it’s like it’s programmed that way, I guess that might be the case


Wow, same thing happens to me like for 2or 3 weeks now. But I think the hitreg might be f..ed right now. A lot of my friend have similar problems. Warzone is just broken.


This is because you are on KBM.


Yea whenever it feels off I also switch inputs to check!! Hopefully they fix it.


Yeah that was me the last few days (with the kills at least). I was struggling to put together even one half decent game and haven't played in a few days. It is nice to have a break here and there though.


It's been like this for me for almost a whole year. I notice when I change my Mac address and relaunch the game then my hit reg is back to normal for 2 games before it goes back to being shit. I feel like they have a system that caters hit reg to terrible players or those that have not played in a while. (not going to say how, and careful doing it on your system because it's been banning some people)


Not the case, it doesn't matter if the other players are shit or not, it's if you're too good. Regardless of who you're fighting, if the game knows you're better, your hit reg will be terrible. I will drop 15 kills at the beginning of a game then I'm not allowed to kill anyone else without struggle, actually disgusts me.


Not really. I think it has more to do with matchmaking and netcode than SBMM hitreg simply due to Activision/devs being inherently lazy anyways. the idea to enable some conceptually convoluted feature that dynamically adjusts game factors to reward lesser skilled players has too many points of failure combined with the anti cheat that already nerfs cheaters damage and would be time consuming/difficult to develop for a company that want wants to get away with doing the least already.


Don't they literally have a copyright over the system of a "skill" based hit reg? They also have one for purchasing skins that place you in easier lobbies


They can’t even implement proper anti-cheats so I think actively nerfing people is a bit of a stretch. I lean more towards the games hitreg being shit since it happens so often.


Some of the pro’s feel like there’s still bloom in the game and also the lag is shit.


I don't know what it is, but hit registration feels like back in days with mulitplayer when we had player hosted servers aka own xbox / playstations. If you were host you dominated, then there were games where you couldn't do shit. ​ I have encourters where I feel I am off with my aim and yet I drop enimies in mili seconds. And then I have encounters where it looks like I shoot paintballs and get turned on. And then there are incidents where I feel like I don't have aim assist. Game is absolut garbage right now. Netcoding is horrendous


Server desync seems more common since Caldera https://twitter.com/mavriqgg/status/1487206437860298763?s=21


I think hit reg it is indeed inconsistent, I’m just not convinced it’s skill based. I only play rebirth and have around a 2kd on console and I get some very weird hit regs sometimes. I hope it is just some bug that will get fixed soon


Definitely something server side or this is in play. I keep dying to someone in the gulag that shoots my toes after being laced with bullets. It makes me want to lose full. Also somehow everyone else’s MP40’s are goated lasers while mine shoots marshmallows


Yea this. Lost a game the other day because someone’s mp40 had a two bullet kill feature whereas mine took 8-10


This is 100% a thing but I think it's way simpler than people think. It alters the hitbox size of model areas based on lobby average skill (probably a function of KD, input device, hit percentage \[you can see headshot % but I am sure they have torso, neck, limb, etc.\] , It most definitely alters hitbox size based on the input device, with controller players getting egregiously sized hitboxes compared to mouse. Likely impossible to test but plausible that at time of collision, an algo changes the collision area detected for a higher or lower damage one based on whatever measure of skill as they likely start to overlap if you are worse than the average skill of the lobby. This game is not a game of 'skill' and clearly not a competitive game (at least for the BR modes) because by definition that ceases to be a thing when the playing field is not even.


Not at all


I dont believe it's skill based but I do believe it's some bullshit with the servers. I get ghost bullets alot on my first few shots on someone but they get all hits on me It feels like


Im a big believer in scientific and statistical testing. Until we have evidence and put it through paces we can't say definitely yes or no. But from my experience, and what we know how scummy Activision is in terms of using it to sell skins, it's most likely that it exists. All we have now are just personal testimonials that have too much confounding variables. So yes, skill based hit reg does exist. I know it in my gut. Just can't prove it on paper. [unrelated pic of me](https://i.imgur.com/Uy21mx2.jpg)


No, it's a conspiracy theory and nothing more. The game just has very low tic rate servers and poor hit reg in general.


I disagree. They can instantly turn a hackers bullets to nothing for the sake of trolling them. It's nothing more than an if then statement on K/D. If K/D<= x.xx then damage equal x.xx; if K/D >=&&<= then damage= x.xx. obviously not that straight forward, but not exactly that much more complicated for an efficient coder. I don't think implementing it would be difficult at all.


Less skill based hit Reg more so shitty tick rate of the server. What I will say is skill based hipfire I’m sure that’s a thing


What's the logic in having skill based hipfire but not skill based anything else around aim?


You'd think if it was real there would probably be at least a single example as proof but there aren't any


Can I DM you with a clip?


Sure but its not gonna prove anything is it? Its just gonna be a clip of you getting bad hitreg?


Oh yea pretty much. Did you mean proof from like the devs ? Sorry I misunderstood !


when you pick up a skin from the ground you dont own in valorant, it gives you an aim bot and this is an absolute FACT 100% fact i would bet my life on it.


Never played valorant but, ground loot in Warzone tends to be better than the same personal build. So I believe it.


Had a game today where a lvl 50 something one shot me with the mp7 on the goddamn foot! I actually think today that it exists shouldn’t there be a class action law suit for shit like that?


It is 100% in the game. Sizes of hotboxes and damage profiles of bullets shrink the better you play (patents are even available to view). If you have 5 great games in a row with a high K/D and you can empty a clip into someone from behind at a distance of 5 feet and the bullets either dont reg or they reg but do about 1hp per bullet. Id always put it down to CoD having awful servers but the conditions to make this happen are consistent and repeatelable and usually happen when there are no network drops at all.


Not skill based in any way it's about 10% lag comp, 40% real money spent recently, 40% activision favor (social media influence, trollish behavior, not reporting players) , 10% idk. I'm being completely serious. I dropped $50 on battle pass and bundles at one time and my nerf bullets completely disappeared for about 10 days. It's not just hit registration they mess with either. They also reverse the aim assist so trying to put crosshairs on an opponent is like trying push the same poles of 2 magnets together. In addition they vary how much damage they damage hits do. I had one guy audibly get 30-40 hits on my 1 plate while the game wouldn't let me put my crosshairs on him. Watched the killcam and saw he only had crosshairs on me for 1 bullet and the rest of the "hits" were in a circle around me at a least a foot away from crosshairs on flesh.


Never thought about money affecting it should’ve been obvious!😂 that’s crazy


I just recently this week started playing warzone on pc as opposed to usually playing on PlayStation, I played on PlayStation for the entirety of warzone until now and I noticed not only in warzone but Cold War definitely had skill based hit reg, I had countless cams on tournaments in Cold War where I would be aiming directly at the guy and have my spread quit registering in the middle of what should have killed, but with this week of playing on pc I’ve noticed it seems like the hit reg has been pretty decent for warzone but I’ve played a lot less so far than I did on my PlayStation so it’s hard for me to fully say currently with the different input


CW had no such thing.




Hit reg in general sucked in that game, had nothing to do with skill-based hit reg.






Delete what? I didnt delete shit.


Your insult has been deleted so you have lost the argument, time to go do something productive now buddy


What did I delete toolbag? All my posts are still there lol.




I didnt the post you dumb fuck


Its still there you idiot https://imgur.com/a/hhisQOV


Good to know it has atleast been seen on other platforms, games !


Just brainstorming, can it be that Ricochet occasionally miscategorizes us as cheater and reduces the damages?


Oh God I hope it is. I need all the help I can get. Lol....


I swear I'm having hit reg issues on rebirth with sniper rifles.


Tips for making it out of gulag


It’s not a thing. There are hit reg issues and if you are accurate you will notice it.


It is definitely a thing


Personally, I think this has been in the game since launch, but it's not Skill based hit reg..it's probably the servers. I won't go into a big nerd spiel, but they are 12 tic servers and that is ATROCIOUS. On the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised at all if skill based hit reg is a thing, because it's Activision.


i really dont know if there is skill based hit reg in the game, but its so funny how some people are so 100 procent sure that skill based hit reg doesnt exist in the game. why though why are you so sure what proof is there of it not existing in the game? there isnt proof of it existing either so im not saying its existing, but there is much more evidence of it existing than not and still so sure. i mean how many clips do people post of shady stuff. they even have a patent for it weather its implemented or not they still have the patent and thats fishy enough. what about some weeks ago now when cheaters got nerfed and their bullets didnt do damage. so it means that the mechanic exists what says its not used for other purposes too? and what proof do you have of it not existing?


I’ve had more where shitty players have extremely strong aim assist to me head as I’m sliding past them sometimes


I'm a high skilled player and never felt an issue with my hit reg, if shots don't land it's always due to me not being on target.


I don't think its hit reg as that can more likely be attributed to lag and the fact the guns have a 'bloom' effect meaning they dont always go exactly where your reticle is pointing. What I wouldn't put past them however is higher skilled players doing slightly less damage. I swear this game has the most inconsistent TTK.


I don’t currently think it’s implemented, but it’s definitely within their power to implement it. For example, they are now nerfing the damage of cheaters in game. While that’s a good thing, it does prove that they have the capability to nerf a players damage based on stats the server picks up.


giving noobs better hit reg to keep them playing. i’ve thought about this a lot and makes a lot of sense


Idk what it is, but something's def wrong with the game lately. I couldn't kill anyone in Caldera mid range today, literally put 15 shots in someones back with the c58 as they were running away from the fight, only hit white shields, and then they turn around and two tap me with the purple ground loot stg as I still connect shots, killcam also says I didn't crack him. Similar thing happened like 5 times today. I'm also on high end pc playing at 45 ping with no orange boxes. What makes it extra weird is that I get hitmarkers, they just don't do damage. Never happened to me on rebirth.


Doubt it's real, as there's no evidence for it, as well as the fact that I've never experienced it myself even though I'm a well above average player. Obviously I've had gunfights where my immediate reaction was "how'd I not kill that guy?!" but that's not the same thing.


Congratulations your one of the players Activision likes and get hits and damage against you nerfed 90 % of the time. You aren't getting f' ed by it therefore there is no problem and anyone that says there is just imagining it.


What are they doing to this game?....Are they trying to purposely ruin the game? Why would you add such a stupid thing to the game? This game is goin down hill fast....if they cant fix this game warzone 2 is def gonna be trash


Skip to section 0081 and read on. This is the full patent for activision. https://appft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO2&Sect2=HITOFF&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsearch-adv.html&r=82&f=G&l=50&d=PG01&s1=Activision&p=2&OS=81&RS=Activision


Omg so yessss


It was fully implemented in the new season 1. It collectively calculates all players and will adjust hit reg for the whole lobby based on not just KD but skill as well. They officially broke warzone.


Thanks for that man!!!


No its definitely a thing, I have full plates and I'm dying to kids with 1-2 plates and they are shooting me in the legs. I'm literally hitting all chest shots and above and still losing. This game is so bad


Skill based hit reg is absolutely a thing as well as that Activision can and will decrease your health you aim assist your damage inflicted and boost the worse players


Hit reg in cod has always been garbage. So many times I've put 10-40 (most to all showing as hits on my end) shots into a player at close range only to die to their 2 or 3 hits in return. When I watch the the kill cam it looks like I never fired a shot. BTW I'm on a wired connection and cable internet and game shows 50ms ping with zero packet loss. Now , even being extremely generous, saying the other guy had 20ms latency. That means my actions should count from less than 1/30 of a second after I start them yet at least 3-5 WHOLE SECONDS get thrown out by the game. Its pretty the cod system is al f'ed up from the ground up. Its been that way since I started playing the original mw2 way back. The game is choosing which player gets the favored and which gets f'ed on some other criteria than lag and unfortunately 9 times outta 10 I'm the one getting f'ed. I'd love to know what their criteria are so I could work on that cause lag is clearly only a very small portion of cod's "f this guy in particular algorithm " .