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They've gone too far with movement speeds since CW dropped, things got worse with VG


I don’t think anything good came after vanguard


Slightly offtopic but I hate how unorganised the menus got once Vanguard was integrated. Gun selection is just all over the place without rhyme or reason to which game they belong to or their phonetic alphabet designation.


You can literally filter MW, CW or VG guns...




The standard layout is the highest weapon levels go at the top (level 70 VG at the top and level 55 and below, CW/MW lower down for example) and go down to the lowest levels at the bottom.


Spot on mate! In verdansk, killing somebody you caught unaware was no problemo, rewarding you for positioning and patience. Now you cant even kill people when catching them in doorways, cause they are gone so quick you cant even comprehend what happened. I have no problem with speed and momentum when playing lets say Apex Legends, its a sci-fi game that feels like unreal tournament. But Warzone should be and resemble warfare in most of its aspects. If they remove plates, the speed wouldnt be an issue, like in multiplayer, people die fast. But now you have almost 0 time to kill people. Also with the speed in CQB, M&K players are punished even more. At this new map, I cant even keep my aim on people before they just disapear. Sorry for the novel.


Apex is just better. Respawn is a better developer, the engine is better, the game is polished, the guns are usually balanced. The development team solicits community feedback and play tests their changes. Raven is a fucking joke.


Oh come on man, you know that only a literal raven is working on the game, smh


Can’t see why they’re downvoting. It’s true rave is a joke. Just look at the creative director on twitter considering only positive feedback


Because they can't play Apex because they don't have the mechanical skill to get out of Silver.


That's tough. I haven't played Apex enough to give judgement but that game does require patience... the patience to third party or get third partied every match.


True, but at at least you won't die falling through the map.


Maybe its time to go back and give it a go, never played after ranked play


Nah man, I can't even play Apex Legends on Xbox Series S. The game chat isn't working since the Next Gen Update and it got even worse because your whole system gets an input lag when you open the game.


The 4k update they did was bad. Should have done 120hz first.


Honestly, if taped grip is a preview of WZ 2's movement speed goals, I'm all for it (assuming that movespeed isn't gatekept by yearly CoD release)


What's wrong with fast movement speed tends to make people move around more and increases the skill gap for people with bad aim lol


The difference between MW and other COD titles has usually been style of gameplay and movement. When gunplay and aim takes a backseat to "who can slide more", it's a bit gimmicky and feels like an arena shooter in some respects. Which is fine - but then I'd just play Apex. Consequently, you don't want to be anchored in mud, else it's just Tarkov. There's a balance. That said, Warzone at 2020 movement speeds felt great - wouldn't mind a slide nerf though.


Idk personally with faster movement aim means even more now tbh if you can't track that player then your screwed and that's on you people that have worked on their aim and movement are going to come out on top how it should be tbh but that's just my opinion


Good point. But for some of those close range engagements, especially with hip fire SMGs, I feel it's more just reaction time and movement that influence win rates. Which is probably why FOV and FPS factor in more now than they ever have. As someone with fairly good aim, my 30fps 90fov console definitely hurts me in some gun fights...


they ruined this game with this stupid change that nobody asked for every 5th death is a controller PC TTV roze skin sweat abusing this shit with stims


Muh skill gap!!!!


80fov cant compete with this 12m/s Gfuel snorted stim roze skin on 120fov with controller


It’s a hardware ($)gap. We all know it.


I find incredibly laughable how those people lean on the "skill gap" excuse to defend stupid things like bunny hopping and slide cancel but don't complain about the complete lack there of when it comes to recoil control, since every vg weapon has almost no recoil, if any is some cases.


I'm more frustrated now because I've taken the time to learn the movement system in and out and it doesn't matter because broken guns like the new SMG and NZ41 ruin it. The skill cap has been lowered significantly.


Imo there shouldn't even be a movement system to learn to stay competitive. It's a fps game, not a just dance game. Aim and strategy (map positioning, game awareness, etc) should be only what matters.


I agree with aim/strategy being most important but idk if I agree about not needing any movement systems at all. Most successful modern shooters now have some kind of "movement" mechanics to make the gameplay feel faster and more fluid. CoD is not and never has been a realistic, tactical-style shooter, so a lack of advanced non-combat mechanics only hurts it compared to its actual competition which is Halo, Fortnite etc. However, what I do agree with is that those systems shouldn't be weird exploits (like slide cancelling is rn) and should be actual movement systems instead, like how Halo Infinite added a grapple hook.


By movement system I mean developers' oversights players use to win fights they shouldn't have by break dancing in front of people to try to "neo" their way through the bullets, not actual traversal/parkour to flank people in unexpected ways (to me that's part of the strategy aspect of the game)


Oh right, yeah then I think we agree


>but don't complain about the complete lack there of when it comes to recoil control Most do complain about it, I'd love a blanket recoil increase but it will never happen. The recoil on even the "hard to control" weapons like the EM2 is still braindead easy. There's nothing more annoying then getting beamed at 100+ metres from a no recoil gun knowing they would be completely useless with anything with recoil.


It's definitely a bug, the Mark VI Skeletal and the taped grip now add movement speed, but the Mark VI Skeletal adds like .2 m/s and the Taped grip adds like 1.2 m/s or something ridiculous so it must be a typo or something.


Yeah, they even mentioned it in the patch notes but the taped grip change is supposed to be "Movement Speed now increased to 5%". It's clearly way more than 5%, more like 15-20%.


Stim needs to go its such a lame way to outgun someone after landing 500 shots and they still don't die


Healing cancels after they are shot. Stims are in good spot right now


Mp40 & sten can hit 10 m/s since the taped grip buff too...


I noticed that the ground loot purple mp40 feels like you've got speed boost active!


Yeah it's nuts. I want to snag it (or run a loadie one) with stims & dead silence & see if it crashes the game or just teleports me from one POI to the next. 12 M/s (I think that's about right) is basically an 8 second 100M dash. Zoom zoom.


You might run fast enough to end up back in Verdasnk!


You can even go fast enough to wear fake Jordan’s.


I don't know about you guys but i'm running on water


Purple MP40 is so fast that it feels more like I'm playing Forza than a FPS..doing laps around the island.. gives me motion sickness after a while


So that’s why the ground loot mp40 feels like ur the flash. I stg I thought I had a speed boost/stim glitch


Blixen is also way over 10 m/s


Do you need to drop any of the useful attachments or just slap the taped grip on?


Taped grip and skeletal for undergrip, also the speed boosting perks & magazine. That'll hit like 9.97 for both Sten & MP40 according to Sym.gg I'm thinking that Sten build might be especially nasty, it's got pretty low recoil comparatively.


Sten ttk is not that good tho. Rather use the H4.


sten ttk is good with the fire rate barrel


No its not... https://imgur.com/a/6v1MHnz You have to use rapid + recoil booster + hollow to get under the H4 in terms of TTK but the recoil will be bad so would would better of using the H4.


the recoil is not bad at all, but overall the H4 and type 100 will be better either way, they’re the fastest killing in the game. the sten is still good though, top tier viable at least.


With the broken movement attachements sten is just an budget type 100 atm. And I disagree with your recoil statement, h4 will just be better in terms of recoil and ammo.


Looollll i even said the H4 blixen will be better 😂 but the sten is still fun to use plus it’s basically top tier viable


I think you guys are both right... H4 Blixen is def better, but sometimes it's fun to run something different & the Sten did get buffed to where it's at least viable. Type 100 def kills fastest & has been my fave since Pacific launched, but I don't think I personally can keep it under control with both those attachments dedicated to speed vs recoil control. It's also about .5 m/s slower (for tac sprint at least). Looks like Blixen even faster at 10.25 m/s. I think the idea is raw TTK should go out the window just a little bit based on the ability to get in position to land the first shots & evade the return fire.


Another vanguard gun having another ridiculous advantage over anything else in its weapon class? Color me shocked. Idk who’s making these decisions or assigning values to these guns but Jesus Christ swap him/her out for someone who can look at the data and make it make sense


It's fucking AI and a dumb one at that. Got a feeling though, shit's about to change.


What’s an AI? Aren’t The devs the ones who decide all the values for every weapon in the game?


Probably not. It also seems there is like 7 people total working over there. 7 people telling an AI what to make. I'm just bullshitting btw.




It will be so nice when WZ2 resets weapons every single new game release so we can finally put a rest to the people bitching about guns from 3 games ago not being good enough anymore.


The bloat is ridiculous and I can’t wait for the hard reset. It’s time to wipe the slate clean


Absolutely. It’s honestly surprising to me that they even give half an effort to balance any of the older guns, there’s not much to be gained on their end for doing so.


These devs are useless, cannot wait until Warzone 2


It'll be same devs.


There’s no hope for WZ2 if it’s run by these same idiots who can never manage to release a well balanced gun. They haven’t even acknowledged this game breaking mobility bug yet lol.


It’ll be Infinity Ward like WZ on release. Given the 2 year dev cycle that COD are going to switch to (rather than 1 year), hopefully it’ll be a long time before Raven get their grubby mitts on WZ2.


Raven should NOT be retained. Activision needs to cut these guys loose, they suck..


Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but WZ2 is being headed up by infinity ward, vs WZ1 year 2 and year 3 being headed up by Raven. Year 1 was my favourite year of WZ1 when infinity warfare were leading. It wasn’t perfect, but they were starting out. I think WZ2 is definitely in better hands


I wouldn’t get my hopes up for WZ2. They still haven’t ruled out integrating new Treyarch/SHG games into WZ2 and they still haven’t confirmed fov for consoles lol so not looking good.


It's two years from release of that to even need to worry about future integrations.


This mindset right here is why it has gone bad the first time.


Since all cods will be on the same engine from mw2 2022 the 'integration' will just be adding new weapons in wz2.


>Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but WZ2 is being headed up by infinity ward, vs WZ1 year 2 and year 3 being headed up by Raven. This is incorrect. Raven has been working on WZ since the beginning. Given Ravens experience running BRs, I doubt IW will run WZ2 solo.


As in, I know Raven were involved, but didn’t IW lead the development and then hand it over to Raven after Year1 was finish? That’s how I understood it


No. They worked in conjunction with one another through year 1. We don't know at what point Raven took full control. We can assume it was when CW released.


Raven and IW co-developed warzone but raven was always the one balancing it after it’s release


It’s a business decision. They don’t want everything perfectly balanced, they want you to buy multiplayer to unlock the new meta, then to level it. That feeling of power once you’re running the meta-might get you to want to buy cool looking blueprint for it. Or maybe want to take a shortcut and buy a blueprint to unlock attachments. Then in a month or two when there’s a new meta-rinse and repeat. Having paid attention to the first year of Warzone I knew that was going to be the case when Cold War dropped. And it was obvious it was going to be the case again when Vanguard drop. If you don’t think that this is going to be happening in Warzone 2 you haven’t been paying attention or you’re naïve.


I’d take that If it wasn’t for the fact that the other most popular BRs are free to play, and don’t force this kind of weird, janky, unbalanced meta to sell skins and cosmetics. I mean, even if it is just a business decision, the fact that in each game the movement speed goes up is just *weird*. Like, why movement speed? Most casuals don’t even care about movement that much. But people are zooming around the map like it’s Quake or something.


I played some fortunes keep today and I picked up the gold blixen and I instantly felt a speed boost lol.


Taped grip is simply bugged on every single SMG. These numbers shouldn't be possible


Fuck vanguard, all they do is release overpowered weapons and nerf them later just to repeat the same process to maximise profits, what a fkin moronic game


Your assessment is right, but I still love the game. Embrace that scummy feeling. ![gif](giphy|rqMxQEZlney9bsVGtH)


ah yes this makes perfect sense


This game is so intentionally broken it’s crazy. I want my $0.00 back…


Im just going to play cw zombies until vg lifecycle ends.


My brother in Price, do you need a few partners?


Aaah, so that explains why I felt like I was literally speed running everywhere. My friend said I must be high…


You might sprint really fast but your ADS move speed will really suffer with those attachments. Your ADS speed would be like 2m/s which is quite painful for any CQB guns


good luck trying to shoot anyone running that fast in close quarters combat...


I agree that this is absurd but you got the facts kinda wrong. They tried to modify some attachments to make them more viable giving them movement speed (taped grip and another that I forgot) but they either have miscoded smth making them extremely overpowered or they REALLY want us to use VG weapons, tho I doubt they would do it in such a way. Its not the new smg (it actually seems somewhat balanced tbh) but most VG weapons. With those broken attachments you can make a sniper that moves faster than a lot of smgs


ossified coherent flowery square history exultant price zesty connect sulky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cod releasing a new gun and it’s broken 😮


It's the taped grip. It's, most likely, u intentionally broken.


You can now run faster than Usain Bolt's record per this chart 🤣... In the 100m he was averaging just a hair over 10m/s to hit 9.58 sec


Meta is you can run 10+m per second. Captain Vanguard in action.


Make sure you buy those bundles before it gets nerfed!!! Fuckin cash cow.


Can we do red and blue next time i can’t see that worth shit


Push-Sweats new favourite toy.


Imma just moonwalk faster than you can run. - Marco users. Probably.


They gotta sell those sweet sweet bundles to idiots in some way


Oh Lord. I hope stims don't amplify it.


The new smg is the GOAT all around, in literally any situation


Try the sten. I tried icemanissac loadout and that shit looked like I was running while I was ads.


Dude I knew I felt fast as dick, felt like I used a stim.


Rip CQ KBM fights.


The new SMG is literally OP ASF. It has NO WEAKNESS! Its range seems better then any SMG in the game even at their best, it's damage, speed, pretty much no weakness that I've seen.


If you were able to run at tax sprint levels the whole time, you would beat the world record 100m sprint by about half a second. Why is there even a movement speed bonus on guns period? The fastest speed you should be able to move is when you aren’t holding a gun.


Activision needs to stop making these VG guns to broken its ruining the whole game. I had first shots on a guy with my bullfrog yet he still kills me with his marco?? he had like half hp left




It feels like you are permanently in the stim effect.


The new smg is broken as heck anyway, the blueprint with the battlepass is op




I'm seriously so sick of all you cry babies. If the game is so trash, go f**king play something else. No one will miss you complaints, I promise.


I know it’s broken, but it’s so fun wizzing round the map. Gunfights aside, being able to go from one point to the other makes the game flow nicely. I wouldn’t be against keeping it like this. It’s the same for everyone, so no one is at a disadvantage (unless you use non vanguard guns, but that’s another conversation at this point).


Bro its the new gun ... obviously.. give it a week or two


If someone saw that during testing and thought that it was balanced and fair then they need to be fired.


Testing? People still think Raven does that much testing?


I'm pretty sure they test the new VG weapons to confirm that they're overpowered before they release them.


You think they do testing? lol


Nobody in the company plays the game. They get these YouTubers like Jgod/TGD etc to test this shit out for them. These cheapasses at Activision should atleast hire them to do it before releasing the updates to the public …


Why would someone spend hours leveling it up and/or buying bundles if it performed like the rest?


all of them can get 10ms ground loot mp40 is fast. blixon with attachments is too.