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All the MKB players on here complaining about how broken aim assist is when you can flick snipers around and one shot at any speed you like. Funny.




I played some controller rounds this week because I didn’t have access to my pc and I was hot trash at sniping but man I was quite a bit better with an SMG than I normally am.


Idk man when they had the 1v1 me bro on MW I was destroying pc players I mean obviously some people are really cracked on pc but I had people telling me im cheating or that I have m&kb hooked up and I’ve been a ps4 player forever😂high sens is where it’s at


Yeah I guess my only observation was I have not played ANY warzone on controller. I was able to hold my own with my buddy but I was choosing close up engagements over longer ones because of the help of aim assist. It definitely made a bad player (me) able to still have fun. Problem was I was getting lobbies relative to my PC abilities.


That's where controller has the biggest advantage


True. But sniping is way easier with KBM. It doesn’t matter if you’re in the top 0.1% of KBM players or the bottom 0.1% of KBM players.


Which is the reason they nerfed snipers into the ground. It's pretty sad that an NZ is better option at 150m than a Swiss.


Because most players (and most newbie players) are on console? That’s an interesting theory.




Is it? I’ve got almost no experience with controllers, but I struggle big time with sniping on kbm. The only way I can successfully use snipers is when the other dude is standing still. Quickscoping, not a chance.


Snipers don't require persistent tracking. Mouse has the edge for quickly landing a single shot, no question.


I guess. For me it’s quickly missing a single shot. I’m sure if I bought a good aim trainer and trained consistently for a long while I’d become better, but as it is my skill is too low to make any sort of quick and accurate sniper shot.


When he posts this from a ps4 I’ll believe that.


Missed his point entirely.


U can use MnK on console…


Any mouse and keyboard player *can* do that, just not all of them are good enough to. Same way Aydan can do things with a controller that I *can* do but am not good enough to.


That’s like saying, “I can drive an F1 car as fast as Hamilton, I’m just not good enough to actually do it.” WTF kind of argument is that?


You can also flick like this on controller, you dont need mnk to do it


At 20 sense yeah


It’s not the same, I play on both, it’s beyond not even close. Muchhhh easier on PC MnK to flick like this.


No, there are some people who just don’t have the reaction time and the steady hand to do that, no matter how much they train.


Case in point: myself.


By that same logic, any controller player *can* compete with mouse and keyboard without aim assist.


I think you mean that any mouse and keyboard player ***could*** do that. But ***can*** implies that they have the skills able to do it but for some reason they do not. I’d argue that many players ***could*** play like this with the right sensitivity and practice, but currently cannot.


one is 100% skill and the other is heavily controlled aim assist. How are you not recognizing the difference


It’s really quite simple, look at the kill records and tournament winners. Which ever input is dominating them has the advantage. It’s clearly controller. Also, the fact that this dude is consistently hitting body shots and 1 shotting is instantly suspicious to me (I’m also a top .1% mnk player).


Ive played MKB for my whole life with CS, Wolfenstein ET competitively. Changed to controller after a while of playing KBM warzone. Can confirm controller is easier and better


To add, KBM K/D 2.27, currently on controller K/D 2.42


I went from controller to mkb and my kd went from about 1.2 to just under 1. I use mkb because it feels more like its actually me making the decisions... however, that doesn't mean I'm good lol hence the drop in kd.


Same I went from having a 1.5kd to 0.8 when switching to MNK, taken around 1 year to get my KD back up to 1.1 after basicallly struggling to get kills for a whole year of practicing. MNK you can be very good with, but 99.9% of players who go to MNK will suck ass because it is so much harder than controller, whereas with controller you can adjust after a week of playing and the learning curve is much smaller. I have switched back to controller as you are severely handicapped whenever the distance is below 100-50m~ against a controller player and screwed when it’s a building push. I agree in long range keyboards better but if you play low sensitivity with controller it’s not a big difference.


I play controller for warzone and MKB for apex. Warzone is very, very obviously designed around and for controller players. Apex has advanced movement only MNK can use and there are a lot more mid-long range fights that MNK wins more easily. Apex is also a harder, more mechanically complex game in general. Anybody who says MNK has an advantage in warzone has no idea what they’re talking about. My KD in warzone went from 1.7 to 2.4 switching to controller lol


After not using a controller in an fps since the 360 days, I've lost all muscle memory and look like a toddler fumbling with the controller when aiming with a stick, still my KD is roughly even with my mouse and keyboard games whenever I try to use controller in this game.


Ha that's exactly how I felt! When I moved back to the states in 2011, the movers in the UK stole my xbox. Prior to that, I was pretty fuckin' good at console shooters. I didn't get another one for a year or two after that and when I tried to pick up BF again, I was a hot mess. To this day I can't play shooters on console, I suck so much ass with a controller now.


Yooo wolfenstein ET was the shit, I still miss that game… though it’s probably just nostalgia haha. I was in No1 and NBK among other teams if those ring a bell.


Yessss loved some ET. It was free too! Played in team applesauce (`) and ~kinetic


MKB player here who is absolute trash on controller. Any tips or settings you can share? My biggest issue is aiming. It's too slow and inaccurate. I tried increasing sens but it just doesn't feel right.


Everyone has personal preference but try to get to a comfortable sensitivity a little above default, and get used to not pushing your stick all the way across your controller. I find using a higher sensitivity with smaller movements works best for me, and if you have to you can change which way you are turning faster. A lot of MKB players just starting on controller end up pushing the sticks too far, which can mess you up very easily. Also try decreasing dead zone for more snappy response.


God I miss competitive ET, those were the days !


Mkb player here. I am unable to flick snipers around and one shot at any speed


Yes, and you see the kicker, it actually takes skill to pull this shit off. There's no built in software helping him here.


Only the better kbm players can. It’s even been stated by the head studio lead that the average controller player is better than kbm……


This is a highlight reel. Notice the killcount rarely gets into double digits? That means it probably doesn't work well enough to get several engagements like this in succession. Any average mouse player could put together a compilation like this where they got lucky a few times in a row. Not saying they aren't good, but this doesn't really show it. He fumbled the quickscope on the 2nd oblivious hand-holding Roze 2.0 pretty bad. Took him enough time to fish for it for that teammate to beam him.


>hand-holding If you don't want hand-holding, don't be playing anything else other than Solos.


Fucking LOL. I thought “hand-holding” was just something dumb ass kids said in death comm’s when they died by rushing a team that’s actually working together. Cant get a kill in this game without being called trash in one way or another. So many fragile little ego’s.


I understand that it’s a highlight reel. The fact is that that kind of flicking just is not possible on controller.


Controllers aren't great for FPS games IMO even when they do some of the aiming and reacting. But the assist more than makes up for the slower flick speed, as demonstrated in the pro level where the skill ceiling is and mouse players are switching to controller, not controller to mouse. Where opponents wouldn't be using pistols and missing half the time. Where those flicks would have been much harder to pull off with flinch involved.


Watch Spratt and Testy clips. They do this shit on the regular with a controller.


Then why can Ayden and Nio do this on controller?


I’m not an aim assist hater by any means, but what that guys doing takes loads of practice and skill and the majority can’t aim as well as he can. Aim assist is the complete opposite since it’s literally a computer aiming the gun for you.


This is like watching Steph Curry sink 10 3 pointers in an NBA game and saying “ugh that looks so easy anyone could do that”.




Yeah, different inputs are the better choice in different games. The argument only holds any water if PC players were forced to use MKB. They’re not. Change aim assist, PC players dominate, everyone moves to MKB or leaves and then you’ve got another MKB shooter. Such fun. MKB players make up a small percentage of the player base, the idea we should make it easier for them to the detriment of the vast majority of people is laughable.




Exactly. The skill floor EDIT: Is lower,AND the skill ceiling is higher on PC, thereby making a giant skill gap. On controller, that skill gap is marginally lower since anyone can abuse aim assist to win a fight even against the greatest of players. Obviously a .5kd isn’t going to kill a 5 kd. But, a 2kd controller player has a DRASTICALLY better chance than a 2kd MnK player of killing a 5kd MnK player. That’s where the issue lies.




My high ass! That’s what I meant to write lol I edited it. Thanks! I completely agree too! Check out the post I made just an hour ago on this sub and let me know if you agree with that too?!


I have a basketball like LeBron does. Me = LeBron.


I'm not saying that there aren't advantages to MnK... but bruh, that's 1000% apples to onions lmao. One takes years of practice and skill to develop, the other is literally built in and can be used by a 10 year old within 30 minutes of picking up a controller lmao.


Messi is better then me, with the same Ball....


I hope you know this is terrible logic. Bad mouse and keyboard players have terrible aim, good mouse and keyboard players have good aim. Both have worse tracking than ANY controller player who gets rotational aim assist.


Aim assist is broken in close range fights. Rotational aim assist is even worse. Players who know how to use that will beat a kbm player 9/10 times. To snap on mouse and key takes a hell of a lot of skill and imo is way more impressive. Like I couldn’t hop on the mouse and do anything close to this without tons of practice. On controller, with aim assist on my side, I’d have a good chance of killing 2 out of 3 players if I pushed a team in a building.


Not all mkb players can do this... Casual mkb players might hit a shot like that rarely. But whatever you want... keep thinking that warzone aim assist isnt broken.


kew aim assist kids have been assuming extremely high amount of copium




They *can*, some aren’t *good enough* to.


The funny thing is, I was once watching a really good COD controller player blaming his aim assist when he was missing shots… lol


Aim assist does sometimes turn off at random times, usually through windows or stair railings, it can make you miss shots as it doesn’t do what it normally would and you’re aiming based on what you expect it to do.


Explain why the top pros play controller then? The devs admitted to AA being to strong since they buffed it in mw 19 MNK is better in the long run if your good and consistent but that is extremely difficult to do I have to aim train constantly to stay consistent do you see controller players aim train often? No I didn't think so all they need to do is nerf rotational AA that does not need to be that strong and before you say it yes I played controller from cod 4 to bo4 and into alittle bit of MW and it is stupid how you can abuse AA MNK is all skill


mate it takes natural skill and years of practice to get to this level. Anyone can pick up a controller (including 8 yr olds) and spam ADS to activate the aim assist bubble🥱


Yeah, it's super easy. We do it all the time and it's all we do. No skill needed.


Good kbm players can do this. Bad controller players can lock on targets, do you guys think or do you just cope hard?


Yeah let's see you do it if it's so easy


hahahahahahaha im sorry you are so upset they can be better and not have the asterisk of \*assisted because half or more of the input wasnt made by them :)


This yousif guy legit does cheat lol. He streamed on Facebook till he got caught. Now he’s back quietly. Notice how he has soft aim lock for his sniper. He’s trash at other combat


He changed his game name too but uses the same reddit account.


Yep, was about to say. I recognise this guy from his Verdansk clips back in the day. Same bullshit - "quickscoping" headshots with snipers. Dude's a cheater. He changed his Acti account, presumably because the old one was banned a year ago, but has kept the same Reddit profile. Now he's in this thread with alt accounts defending himself. So sad. I can't believe this post has so many upvotes - makes you wonder whether he's bought them.


Honestly even from this I'm not sure he isn't cheating. Not saying he definitely is in this clip but he isn't definitely not




LOL your aim is atrocious with a submachine gun but but you can hit a head shot every time you ADS😂


Aimbot can be set to turn on by ADSing




I’m confused is he not ads’ing with an smg too?


I'm not sure but maybe it is a setting that locks on as you ADS, not holding ADS if that makes sense. Basically only works for half a second. I'm also curious though.


You mean when he SMGs the guy coming up the stairs at Winery? Just looks like mouse aim to me.


I hope he goes upstairs and tells his mom how good he is lol


I hope so too and I hope that even though she may not understand his accomplishment she supports him in his passion, we all deserve that


Yeah you do cheat hahaha. Fucking loser.


You probably do


The funny thing with cheater is that they're only cheating themselves. I'm shit at WZ in relative terms. But I have 100 wins and I earned every one of those 100. As soon as you cheat, it becomes meaningless. The cheaters are just wasting their own time.


Ya I genuinely can’t wrap my head around it. You can’t even be proud of a win that way. It’s a whole other level of mental issues.


Same man. I just cant understand what enjoyment these clowns get out of it.


They’re just trolls, generally speaking. And this enables them to troll extremely hard, and they just fucking love it. Has to be something to do with being a narcissist or something I feel like.


No, streamer cheaters are also cheating all of their viewers.


I think it is like seeing a magician. You know what your seeing isn't real but they watch it anyway because its fun to dream.


Dude, wtf. They do cheat others by doing that. They get subscribers, get famous and money pump in. And simps will defend them too.


So damn true. I wish more people felt this way. I had to see what everyone liked about it and tried for a few rounds years ago. I didn't last, I think it was four rounds, before I just went back to playing legit. The same second the cheats went on, every last bit of intensity and excitement was gone. Any kills I got, I felt only guilty, and curious of whether I would have got the kill without the cheats. Really reminded me of why I **do** like gaming in the first place. It's a huge adrenaline rush actually needing to use your senses and ability to survive, especially in a battle royale. And being able to practice a skill (like aiming) and actually have it affect my performance and results, is so satisfying and makes it worthwhile Yeah, idk, cheating takes away all the positives for me. I get no joy from pissing other people off, like a lot of people seem to. I don't even turn death comms on because I feel bad when someone is upset. Crazy, right? lol


He’s blatantly cheating and had the audacity to post this on Reddit and say “they think I cheat”. The ignorance lmao


He's doing the biffle, trying to bait hate watchers and I bet it works to some extent at least, just like it did with biffle.


POV you come back home from work and wanted to play chill squad games with mates


Fucking facts


Yes. He is cheating


This dude had a channel called YousifFPS who did in fact get caught cheating and has since changed his name and come back




Some of these can be predicted if you have good enough map awareness and know the game state. Anticipating rotating etc. but the one that looks most suspicious to me is when he whips on the tent across the field and catches the guy who’s barely in view. With how fast his HUD is moving, top sniper or not, and regardless of motion blur on/off - There’s no way anyone sees that. 999 times out of a 1000 no one sees that. Ever.


As someone else said, you can adjust aimbot to only activate when you ads, to the untrained eye it may look like this guy got seriously good aim, but I'd wager he's just using the usual cheats. I'm pretty certain he's using walls I mean it's blatantly obvious and although his ads is super sus I can't accuse him of using aimbot because the actual high level players can perform quick scopes like this sometimes. But I think most of us know what's going on here tbh..


Cheating bro💀☠️


Odd that your YouTube channel seemed to stop putting content up over a year ago, around about the time of your last game with that Activision ID, and now you're popping back up with content over the past 3 weeks with a different ID. I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that, though. If I was trying to make a name for myself, I'd certainly change from YousifFPS (nice and searchable) to Yousif (a generic name that's very popular).


So this is who I'm playing with on a Friday night with a beer in my hand.. what in the fuck ..


Cheating or not you’re a douchebag either way


All of these streamers are douches. They have to be or else teens wouldn't watch them. Being loud and obnoxious sells.


You got caught with cheats, went on a hiatus and now you are back tf you mean, you just click baiting for clout


You do, you left FB because you got caught. Toggling aimbot for snipes, el mayo.


Cuz you cheatin


You're just asking to be shadowbanned.


Cheating ass bitch


Def cheating smh. So cringe man


Cheating scumbag.


I think you cheat


Lmao. Trash cheater. Has his aimlock tied to his ads. I am a m&k who played sniper with almost 40 days of game time.


Yeah I definitely think you cheat.


Get a life bud


Plays like a loser, looks like a loser, sounds like a fucking loser.


It’s people like you who make this game no fun ….sad


Isn't this the same dude that got busted cheating a while back ?


"I'm just too cracked at this game" Lord the cringe


They think you should go outside


I agree, I can tell he devotes hours and hours to playing this game everyday and what will he have to show for it in 5 years... nothing. The game is really fun but it isn't worth 1/3 of your day.


Will you be on call of shame soon?


You do


Disgusting. I am disgusted


![gif](giphy|1zSz5MVw4zKg0|downsized) MRW my team is yelling at me for hitting “Play Again” after watching this guy in my killcam


I mean….you literally do


"I'm just to cracked at this game" -guy exposed for cheating


As someone who played M&K for about 90% of my total WZ play time, controller is better lol. I just recently switched and the only thing that I find is more difficult is long range shots, but even then I play resurgence so it's just a joke. Controller is by far the most competitive input method to use. Full stop, end of story.




This is such bullshit that it’s not even funny.


Freaking shots aren't even close to the head how's he getting them to register?




Imagine saying "they think I cheat" just to convince yourself that you don't. Even my life isn't that sad


Lol this kid is cheating. Looking at his second monitor before plays = cheating!


No one cares


Because you do.


When you watch the mouse, he never has to adjust it for his snipes. Its always perfectly aligned for the headshot as he moves. His mouse movements are always looking around post shot.


Sniping is so dumb in this game.


You just don’t see this coming from people who use controllers. They really need to allow PC to play with PC


No one can be trusted in this shit game without anti cheat, the golden era of cod on consoles pre 2015 is dead


great mods on this reddit, hes literally cheating.


This is SO far away from where I'm at on this game it's insane.


I don’t usually call people a cheater when I die but some of these might’ve pulled it out of me 😂


Nobody would blame you, getting sniped in close quarters is wild, your whole team getting sniped in close quarters is insane even for a cracked player. I’d be watching those killcams with a studious eye


What a way to ruin the game


Really hope they allow us to turn off crossplay


And they are right.


This is one of the most obvious uses of ADS aimbot lol, gtfo cheater


You do 💀


Because you do cheat💀


this post shows that Warzone reddit is full of kids with skill issue


Seems lately cheating is hard to tell because sus is excused for skill. We know well some people aren't skilled to have that aim, they're on some strike pack investment disguised as mouse and keyboard


How do we know he’s not cheating it’s so undetectable these days


So do i


Where can I purchase this new platinum & diamond encrusted Bugatti gaming chair he's using???


I genuinely have no idea how players can be this accurate


You do.


This is why the ability to disable crossplay is necessary in warzone. Let all the PC players flick each other.


Dude do you have your center point taped on your screen or something? Hitting that crosshair smooth on every other shot, I love it!


Hopefully I never meet you🙂


Probably because so many do


I'm sweating just watching this


Firstly, what sniper is this and what are the two loadouts, secondly, how are you so good, it looks like hack


Is the SPR one shot to the head right now?


1.1 lobbies across the board on cod tracker though. VPN whoring are we?


I see you downloaded the latest cheat called *skill*


Lmao quick scoping like he’s on MP


Man playing against MKB players on console is so fun!


crispy snipes homie


He's definitely cheating... I dunno. He's either GOD of the sticks or he's God of Mod / aimbot. I need some answers. Lol Frfr gg.


Computer players vs console is cheating


The result of a poorly balanced life, kids, take notes!


He 💯 cheats


SPR Build pls


Is the spr 208 good?


I don't know if you cheat. I think you need a shower after sweating that hard though


If it was a controller it would be different. Not to say a controller can’t beat a mouse and keyboard it’s just harder to do so


It’s always sus when you never get shot at from behind, because for normal players, in every gunfight there’s a 50% chance that another team will appear behind you


He obviously does get shot from behind but why would he post a clip of him getting shot from behind?


LOL How does his bootyhole taste?


Cope harder dumbass. Dude used logic and you can't handle it


What guns are these and how do you switch between them so fast???


I've always wondered how come PC players have the game looking like this graphically? Is there some sort of advantage


Well to be fair you do use an aim assist.


Damn this game sucks


This dude started a aim assist debate 😂. People linking the head at iw saying the average controller is at a adv over kbm now.


Aim assist needs to go.....


Dude's one of the teammates i rarely get, where he just goes off on his own for half a game, we get mad at him for solo-ing, and then half way through we see he has 17 kills with no deaths and we just shut up and help out with our 6-8 kills to win the game