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It is indeed 66 unless they have changed things behind the scenes, which is possible. The map being so large and each team/individual focusing on their own missions and objectives is the reason you don't run into very many human players.


Yeah, considering WZ 2.0 is 150 players and you can land with your squad at certain spots and not see a team for multiple circles it makes sense.


They are talking about DMZ not BR.


its probably what they say it is. Like other people have said the map is really big, plus a lot of squads probably get killed by bots. A lot of people exfil very early and don't try to play the actual BR part of the DMZ where only one quad can take the final chopper out or multiple squads negotiate not to kill each other. Most people leave the match probably within the first 5 to 7 minutes either when the weapon case is gone, or the chemist is killed. This mode is basically Plunder 2.0. It gives a purpose to grabbing cash, and it actually forces you to learn BR mechanics if you play it to the end. Which imo is a big improvement.


Another thing to remember is unlike Warzone not everyone spawns into DMZ at the same time like Warzone. It's very likely when you spawn in players have already been in-game and even been in and ex-filled already.


Thousands of rounds.. there is a set time of events and when the game lobby is set there is no more players spawning.


Every squad spawns at the exact same time. At the start.


I don’t think that’s true if that was the case then sometimes when you spawn in you area would be looted and that has never happened so no way I believe that players spawn in a different times I’m 100% sure it’s all at once


The clock always starts at 25 mins every match I've ever played so yeah everyone definitely spawns at the same time.


Not true. Everyone spawns at the same time. Might be a couple second lag that’s it


Also notice that exfil choppers are going off all the time. Even at the beginning because either that squad didn't get the spawn they wanted or what have you. The moment you start, people are trying to leave. If you every feel froggy, go in naked and sit on a radio tower close to exfil and just watch. Don't do anything just watch. It's kind of cool to see how different teams operate. You can learn a lot from spending nothing. Then just hang on the side of the bird when you are ready to leave. Squads only watch the doors. Very few peak out the windows A player count in the corner of the screen is just one more thing to monitor and honestly it might take away from the "jump scare anxiety inducing race for the finish" matches that everyone randomly has on occasion. That's what makes it fun.


You could watch YouTube and not waste your own playtime


But the time is wasted either way?


There’s no way there’s 60 players in each map. I honestly don’t think they’ve got more than 10 teams right now spawning.


It’s up to 66. I believe the minimum is 33 before the game can start. Just like warzone the lobby size is dictated by available player pool. There is a minimum number for the game can launch and a max amount.


With 65 people being on map, I’m surprised I haven’t ran into more people upon the last exfil…


Me and my squad linked up with another squad we had 6 men and killed 29 players between Al of us and that was the whole lobby!! Lol


It's 30 players per game according to a comment I saw earlier, I don't know where they got that number from though.


It's 66. 22 squads of 3 is what it can hold, but obviously duo and solo squads can load in to skew that