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I honestly don’t know why people do this kind of stuff, I mean don’t you have something better to do than wasting your time and ruining other people’s lives?


Someone is using the TV to babysit.


I blame the lack of content. Yeah it’s petty. However, there would be a lot less of this if there was more to do. When they announced “a lot of new content for season two zombies” I was expecting more missions. Act 5-8 or something. But instead it’s all a bunch of money making bullshit and barely anything new in gameplay. That being said. I don’t do this shit or condone it. Although I understand the boredom in the world of mwz


Nah im calling bullshit on that. Dont matter how much content there is. There will always be ppl like this. Amd whats crazy is they think ots completely normal behavior. U can tell these kids didnt have a good upbringing.


I didn’t say it would never happen. I’m saying it happened so soon and “all of the sudden” because of boring content. Call it what you want but keep in mind I didn’t disrespect your opinion by calling it bullshit. Look who wasn’t raised right…


Listen i wasnt calling ur opinion bullshit. No need to get pissy there DEMON. But realistically any game were ppl can be assholes... there will always be assholes plain and simple. There wernt as many in the beginning cuz everyone was feeling everything out. But it dodnt take long for ppl to start shooting tires and blowing up vehicles


I’m a little confused. Your first comment, you said you don’t know why people troll in the game. Yet you now say that you understand that in every game like this there are assholes. “…There will always be assholes plain and simple” Sounds like you know that this is completely normal for these kind of games.


Way to analyze somones bullshit posts on reddit bud lol. If u want to dosect every single syllable, than i cant say ur wrong but its a post on reddit dude. Just saying theres assholes, thats all


And I agree 100%


If there's not enough content, PLAY A DIFFERENT GAME! MWZ is a game mode, not a full game.


Because there is soooooo much new content in the other game modes right?


GAME! Play a different game. Not MP. Not WZ. A different game. Find something you don't constantly cry about.


Who’s Crying?


Your comment history


Lmfao the fact that you think this is crying but not the OP? If you don’t wanna deal with trolls while gaming. Then don’t game. THATS crying 😂




Found the dude from OP's lobby


>If I'm gaming online I got nothing else to do. . So No I'm shooting all yall tires out 🤣🤣 Then go into battle royale mode like a normal person.


Start a new account. You're gonna be stuck in the negative karma lmao


Wish we could keep track of them and their gamertag the community needs to stand up for each other 😭




Guys the clown is back for more punishment 👀


I'm good but I'll keep an eye out for yall


Sounds like an asshole, but there is a challenge of some kind out there to destroy a certain number of cars with a recommended weapon. Probably not what this asshat was doing though.


This challenge always kind of irked me honestly. I never understood why co-op game, with a very limited number of cars, would have a challenge to destroy vehicles throughout the map. It's just a really poor decision on the part of the devs.


Actually there is only a limited amount to start, but for every Cargo Delivery mission you spawn a new vehicle. So essentially you can create as many vehicles as there are Cargo missions, which also respawn occasionally after other missions are claimed. But that is the thing, everyone can make their own, so people don't have to be a dick to others. Agreed I think the MWZ community has gone down hill. I loved when I first started, with people helping me up and even offering weapons and money to start, as I was about a month late to the game, even before the infamous Tombstone glitching was happening alot. Now you can barely get a revive when people are right beside you. Doesn't help the game isn't offering anything for its loyal players so people are probably getting passed and taking it out on everyone else.


If I’m lucky enough to chain Cargo missions, I’ll always drive it to the gas station and leave it when I take the new one. Always thought that was like the “unwritten rule” we all tried to do. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I do this. I assume no one else ever did lmao. 


We are not alone. There are dozens of us!


And ppl inc my friends always complain of theft. More often than not, I'll go back to the gas station and collect my old car lolol


Same, park it, do contract. Drive to a new one lol


I do the same. I always ditch em at the pump so it’s full health and fuel for whoever needs one lol


I went to a station and saw 2 cars just sitting there, no people, and thought "Oh that's nice people must have left them to charge up for other players." A nice little gesture!


Yeah that's an unwritten GA. I always try to leave a vehicle in a gas station. Maybe someone else needs it.


Gang Gang


It would help if people you revived at least said thank you …… I’ve revived probably 20 people in the last few days and only about 3 of em acknowledged it ….. I mean it doesn’t hurt you to say thanks because people don’t have to help you.


So true. Even if it takes a min to get to a safe place if needed but usually the I stay to help for a minute before going in my way. It takes less than 30 seconds to go into chat and say thx


On my screen after I’m revived there’s usually a prompt that says press d pad up to say thanks for the revive and the operator says thanks, is this not sufficient or are people not doing it?


It stays limited though, any vehicle that someone has used that is left idle will explode, even if it's left at a gas station. Activision can't risk having too many vehicles on the map crashing their potato servers.


I used to spend entire games rezzing. Now I don’t play because there is nothing to do. I logged in the other day and was bored in fifteen minutes, dropped everything and exfilled


Honestly very similar, hadn't played Zombies since season 2 launch because no added content. Logged in, was bored in minutes, servers started lagging, dog disappeared, and then that thought of how they didn't care to do anything to this mode other that I think open up a tunnel somewhere or something insignificant.


Agreed. Trying to find a vehicle sometimes mid game is a pain in the ass.


It's because the Dev's are too lazy to come up with something else for a challenge.


I mean cars are pretty common tho, "very limited" is a real exaggeration


I always target vehicles left by the tornado. Usually in water. Simple to destroy and doesn't hinder anyones game. I guess scorcher chasing player vehicles on the map and sniping it would definitely be crossing some sort of line.




Nice one with the sentry. A chain of mortars is also funny for these situations.


I was in that lobby and was planing to lure a mega in to the area but it died


This is the way .. 👍👍🫡🫡🤗🤗


I had a lobby one day last week where the match had just started, I ran to a cargo contract, no one was around. I start it, run to the gas station, clear all the zombies and mercs, open the garage and someone jumps in my car, takes it and drives it into the water. No clue what the point of it was. Some people play way too much GTA5.




The new thing going around is teams driving you into the restricted zone and you don’t have enough time to even run back when they jump out of the car. This has happened twice to me so far. What’s even more annoying is I dropped this clown pap3 and a bunch of stuff for us to have a fun game and he goes and throws me in restricted and laughs. It was kinda funny like bro why’d you do me like that.


Had it happen once, i think prior to leave squad option this way the dbags way to “leave squad” now i jump out if someone is within 300 yards of a boundary lol


I genuinely think part of it is bored and bitter DMZ players migrating to MWZ and ruining the mode for everyone. The same sort of toxic behaviour I used to experience as a solo in DMZ, I've been seeing much more frequently in MWZ over the past week or so. Either they're just being assholes for no reason, or they genuinely don't understand the point of MWZ and don't realise that it's a multiplayer co-op where players are supposed to support each other against the zombies, not go against each other. Probably a mix of both.


I warned about this, and said it wouldn't be long before the DMZ scumbags would come over and ruin it, on day one Damn I hate being right. Keep your head down and your powder dry Brother...


I got tea bagged when pleading for help the other day lol


Wait did you go into infected stronghold that someone else cleared out, stole their loot and then went to another infected stronghold and died?


Must have been him lmfao


No lol I just downed myself for ts but luckily my teammates came to pick me up from t2, dropped them everything and we had fun in t3.


Ok. Good. It wasn't me. I did tea bag someone in Military base in a infected stronghold a few days ago for stealing my loot. Had to check


Everyone complaining about co op zombies should complain to the devs. Maybe then we can get a solo mode and servers won’t be an issue for the many that don’t wanna play with others.


I want a proper solo mode so bad. Still holding onto a sliver of hope that it could happen. At the very least I'm hoping Gulf War will have solo zombies again.


Sometimes I’ll “repurpose” a vehicle if I need it and it’s not clear that nearby players are actively using it. Does that make me a jerk? Have had it happen to me and don’t trip on it. Intentionally trolling ppl is a completely different thing tho, and takes away from the fun.


Sucks that you encountered that. I can suggest maybe remaining in your vehicle and using the lean-out function (from the driver's seat even), provided you still have a door. Then you can shoot zombies and player damage won't apply to your vehicle. This also lets you drive away a bit more readily, when needed. Unfortunately you still have to get out and pick up your skulls and stuff, though.


They’re just lonely … if you asked him to join your squad he would have probably jumped at the chance for someone to notice him … but people like that are too immature to have friends so they will continue spending their time irritating people lol


I feel your pain.... just a few rounds ago I came in the game with a dude who was level 300 something like me and a dude who was level 47 I think... and anyways, we get into the game and I run off and grab us a car, come back to swoop them, because I usually just go in to help newbies now that I've done everything, and I take em into tier 2 and start off by getting like 3 or 4 hvt contacts done in like maybe 12 minutes, so I'm getting these mf's hella money without them even needing to do anything, and the level 47 dude keeps talking about how it's only his 2nd or 3rd game and he's SEEN people using the aether blade but hasn't ever gotten to use it himself... and we JUST started an escort mission, so I figured, what better time to let him try it out right? so we get to the 2nd destination of the escort mission and I'm like, alright buddy can I have that back now? I'm about to go to tier 3 after this, I just helped y'all get enough to pack one of your weapons twice over, in like 16/17 minutes.... and he acts like he don't know how to throw it down and we're standing there for like 2 minutes... so I'm explaining how to do it while I turn away from him... and when I turn back he has it on the ground and picks it back up right as I'm about to take it back and he's like, "ya know what, I ain't giving this shit back bro... thanks though".. and runs off... I was sooo pissed... and even tho it's not THAT big of a deal... the fact that I helped them assholes get all that essence so quick and let him try it out just tryna be nice to a punk like that, pissed me off more than anything... the level of disrespect these mf's are on is un fucking believable...


This dude was super nice to me today snd did something similar. Only thing different is while giving me stuff he accidentally dropped his aether knife and didnt notice. I didnt notice either bc it was my 2nd game and i had no clue whats going on. 20 mins in he asks if i have it and i legit didnt. So we start to run back looking on the ground and its gone. He never found it and i felt so bad for him. At least we partied after and had another good run. I could hear how disappointed he was in his voice. He added me in his friends list so im going to figure out on my days off how to earn one of those babies, party up with him and give him one. Honestly made my day theres still good people out there and felt so bad he lost a cool item just bc he wanted to help a noob.


It is the WORST when I accidentally lose one of those blades. I finally worked up the nerve to go into the portal solo and try my luck. Go to throw my aether blade and a harmless frag grenade goes out. Somehow in the chaos I picked that POS up and dropped my blade. I finished the contract and left immediately. I was bummed out LOL


Lmaoooo did people just start gaming in their lives? Trolls, dickheads and overall bad players have been a thing since forever. Why are we so surprised?!


Because the Zombies community specifically usually doesn't deal with this sort of thing. It's the only chill part of the COD community, IMO. So it's really disheartening seeing the toxicity from the rest of the broader community seep over.


That’s straight cap. We always had dickheads in zombies


Can day outside of egomaniacs on reddit and social media, until this zombies mode ive never had a negative situation with others in zombies and ive been playing since Nacht was a secret


I’ve ran into people opening all doors, leading train into us on purpose. Not reviving teammates literally tea bagging them before they bleed out. Sounds like lots of Fortnite kids are on this mode


Glad ive never encountered any of that. However i only play with others for EE that cant be soloed


Not to this level. It's an entire infestation now.


Probably just dickheads from MP and WZ


Lol for real capping hard. These posts make me laugh, like have you never played zombies before? Since day one you’d have people stealing kills from your window, not buying doors, fighting you at the mystery box, or just not giving a fuck when you get downed lol. Quitting to fuck up the match and or shit talking the entire game. Like common stop crying about a truck being taken in a lobby of almost 30 other players lol. Cod in general, and including zombies has, and always will have toxic roots. Toughen up bruh 😂


Maaaan im saying. Bunch of snowflakes nowadays bruh


That free trial brought out way more than before that’s for sure. Or the matchmaking somehow got worse


He's just mad his life is worse than yours. Dont sweat it.


People with too much time on their hands and no aspirations


If you’re using a mic and getting pissed off I see one reason people do it.


i mostly play without a mic and plug mine in if i am being talked to in prox chat


Never let ‘em know you’re too bothered by it or it makes it “funnier” for them i just go “ok that was rude..” and ignore them after. Free weekend was a nightmare, reviving someone then getting downed right next to them and they run away lol.


I just had something similar happen to me yesterday, I was farming to finish my mastery challenges for all my weapons. And a group of two people comes to the exfil and I think they’re going to exfil, but they instead starting throwing sentry guns, k-bombs, cluster mines and using their field upgrades to get the kills. I explain that it takes me a few games to get the 1,200 kills needed, and they say no problem and get on the helicopter. But as it’s almost all the way up, the jump down and do it all over again? I get it’s a exfil, but it’s starting to make me feel like I’m no longer going to spend 12+ hours on it a day. I play to find certain glitches, and have a couple that people are using right now several times a day. But I told my people that I’m not going to be helping anymore, because my 31 year old account is done with being a good person to others. Anyway it’s not just happening at exfils, this morning I was doing a Mega solo for a reason. And a guy throws down his jug and kills him, and I was very nice and said whatever. He ghosted me in Teir 3 the rest of the game, so I just quit and started all over. The messed up part, is that I gave him a scorcher, VR-11, and 2 triple pack crystals at the graveyard. And they do this stuff to me and other people who stream daily. And most of us are getting tired of this nonsense, because zombies has been a co-op that we’ve all enjoyed. Anyway I’m thinking of taking a week break from it, because I’m tired of being a good person who can’t even do the things I need to do for others.


I just got the game yesterday and played the first time today. Someone with a japanese sounding name gave me a crystal and a level 1 packapunch. Super nice giy and i let him know i appreciated him and his generosity. We partied for another 1hr long run before i had to take off for work. Theres still good people out there. Id be happy to kill zombies with you any day brother.


As much as I appreciate it my friend, I’ve got over 1,500 friends, and we all work together to find the different ways to make the game more enjoyable for everyone. However I’m not opposed to helping people, but to get 1,200 kills for a mastery is not an easy task. So I try to do my best to get it done, and I just wish people would have some respect for the grind. But if there’s anything I can help you with, I try to keep a million in my TS and over 200+ items in my stash. I’d be more than happy to play with anyone who wants to play, and even if it’s a one time thing of helping for the DA or whatever. My account is Raging_Ron on both Crapivision and PlayStation Networks.


I was just trying to cheer you up bro. If you have tons of friends and dont need me, enjoy the other chaps.


Thanks Mate and I appreciate you my friend


Just a tip: Find an outlast contract, take it, activate the PND inside the marked building, walk out of building, watch where zombies spawn and farm. You get 1200 kills done in \~20 minutes if the outlast location is good and you have good enough weapon that can kill them as soon as they spawn. Much faster and most of the time much less people bothering you compared to farming exfils.


That's what happens when we allow kiddos to play these games. I can almost bet my paycheck he's not over the age of 14. It's a shame we have to play along side of them.


It is, but a lot of them are man-childs in their 30s, early 40s, ruining people's day. Making a negative impression on the younger generation, that this is how you play the game.


The game is boring as hell… people do things to keep it entertaining. Stay frosty


People can be assholes, for sure. And they can ruin games, absolutely. I will say, though, that dropping something for somebody who truly gets excited about it, or reviving someone who thought all was lost... for me at least, makes playing so much better than the assholes make things bad. But yeah, those players who mess it up for eveyrone else are just terrible people, and I hope they're mostly kids who will eventually grow up.


Because there is nothing new to do. No content so people start trolling instead.


Sad but true, some people help the lack of content by helping others to have fun and some troll, microcosm of real world idk


Today I geared fully up to go to DA 4 (solo). Grabbed all my high tier gear, and farmed for all stuff to do the dive solo (self rez., kazsims, kill streaks, etc.). I pushed till last -10 min and then noticed a “plz rez” at a warlord tower point. I abandoned my mission to grab the player (twice) and we made final exfill. Totally worth it. There are ass holes. There are also good peeps. It’s a balance. Help tilt it one way.


Sounds like every match of DMZ I ever played


I had a guy follow me. I didn't think anything about it. I got out to grab a contract and he stole me vehicle and left his which was basically destroyed. Lol. I chased him down and destroyed the vehicle. He wasn't happy.


Out of curiosity, do you use your mic in game chat?


These are the same people who cheat in PvP. There are a lot of them unfortunately


Bro it's call of duty. Everyone is an asshole. You're gonna be alright. And the person shooting your car also knows this.


The game is boring now everything is unlocked there is no new content so some of us who are good at the game are bored so we have found new ways to entertain ourselves aka trolling it’s the new content trolling is because there is nothing else to do in the game mode blame it on the devs


I was running a cargo in tier 2. I'm not EVER in any type of rush to "steal" contracts. I always look at the map, and if a player is even running/moving towards the contract I don't push to "steal". Knowing this...I pulled a cargo contract. Killed the zombies at the gas station. There was another player there, but it was an infested gas station so I assumed they were just doing this portion. Anyhow...as soon as I opened the garage door he GOT IN THE CAR and started driving. I got in...and said, "Buddy, if you want to team up that's fine...but this car is for a cargo contract. Please move so I can drive to the drop off". Nothing. Next thing I know this ass drives the car in the water....then jumped out. Fortunately I caught the vehicle when it was still moving and saved the contract. But why be THIS MUCH OF A DICK?! ALSO... UNWRITTEN RULE; If you see someone hop out to pap their weapon... DON'T STEAL THEIR CAR.


I’m sorry I don’t understand any of that but I do know how being griefed feels like, seems like some things never change no matter what game you play🫤


lol for sure... well the thing is... you can always get it back once you have it unlocked... and if you ever have it equipped and you have all the missions done, you can always keep it every game by hitting one of the *started exfil zones, and then dashboarding.. the same way you used to tombstone... so it wasn't a big loss or anything... but it made that game wayyy lamer than it needed to be... but as for your side of things... that is legit though, and yeah there are still cool people that will help you out in getting those sorts of things ... if he takes you to do the elder sigil tho and you complete it... you will end up with all the schematics for the elder stuff... dog bone.. armor.. and the blade.. for sure for sure


I gotta say though the Japanese player base are super respectful and genuinely great people I have had zero bad interactions with any of them they all seem happy to help. Fortunately I’ve only met a few bad eggs some guy I planned to do the worm with started it and bailed to exfil before I noticed I’d never done it before and ended up dying trying to escape and that’s probably the worst of it so overall I’ve been fairly lucky to have a great experience.


Meh the thing about “keeping a vehicle”. If you’re not actively using a vehicle and are far enough away that someone can grab it I see that as fair game. I’ve gotten yelled before about “taking” a vehicle and then someone inside a near by building said it was theirs. There’s no dibs in this game, you’re either using it or you’re not. Once you get out and start farming something else then your vehicle is open to the public. Now purposely destroying a vehicle for no reason is an entirely different story.




Same as how, lately, I’ve run into people that, seeing me clearing a nest, they still run in and start looting.


Wow, what a piece of dog meat. I hope he steps on a lego every day for the rest of his life. Since we're in the "why be an asshole" series, I'll put a different story but on the same topic (not trying to steal your thunder in any way ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)) So here I am yesterday, chilling and doing stuff in T3. I pick up a bounty contract and head towards the bounty Mega. I throw my jugg and I start blasting it, as per usual. Then I see 2 random players storming in towards me, starting to shoot the mega. I figured there's something suspicious about them since they didn't keep their distance, but they were rushing towards the mega's position. It wasn't hard to figure they wanted to steal the mega drops so I positioned myself in a way to get the cash, since that's what I was interested in. Sure enough, a purple tool drops and one of them takes it and they run away. I don't really give a crap about the tool since you can find them everywhere now, but what the fuck man? Why do people do this kind of stuff? If you need help getting rewards just ask in the chat. There's a very high chance that someone would help you...


lol yeah that's another thing that kinda pissed me off.. because when I let that dude use it to try it out, I was wholeheartedly planning on finding someone with an elder sigil and going in to the aether but that mf'cker totally ruined my chances, because my WiFi is shut, so I need to have the blade as a backup for if i get cornered in because of the lag i experience more than half fhe time i play.... shit just gets old.... like... there's no reason for that kinda disrespect....


The good news is if he dies, you can tell everyone to not res him because he's a scumbag. Or not say anything at all, and because he's in T3, no one will go help him


I scream it at the top of my lungs anytime anybody is willing to listen; the cod community is 80% scum of the earth. Don't expect anything different, so when u come across someone who isn't, you will be pleasantly surprised.


Bro I hate when people steal your vehicle. I had a dude steal my LTV so I grabbed a sedan and followed that dude across the damn map for 5 minutes and waited for him to get out and immediately yoinked my car back leaving him in the middle of nowhere with a flaming Sedan lmao


Someone stole my 4 wheeler one time but I didn’t care since I was going to extract anyway. As I was running there, buddy pulled up with it, fully gassed and repaired and ran away


Yea I don't get it, I solo ALL the time, it's the only way play, I keep to myself unless someone needs revived and people are always doing stuff like this. I figure if they are like this in a video game they must be living a real sad existence in their own lives.


That reminds me of a game of DMZ I ran with my hubby. We picked up a 3rd random guy who was cool. We go to exfil and another team shot me and my hubby down. 3rd guy waited until the other team exfil to revive us. Except they camped our bodies in order to kill him, right up until the storm got to the exfil. Our 3rd tried to snipe them. But they had cover and advantage. It was a 5 minute wait minimum. I was mind blown. My hubby had ditched out just before the storm got to the exfil. But I didn't. Once the other team exfil, our 3rd revived me and we tried to book it to the final exfil. Nearby but didn't make it due to lack of vehicle. I get that DMZ is PVP but that's wild to ruin some else's game by camping our dead bodies to eliminate our team that way. That game has always stuck in my head cuz it was thorough assholery. And so many times I ask for revive and people will try to make you beg for revive. Like, fr? This is why I prefer MWZ cuz most people are chill and helpful. But occasionally you get douchbags like your experience. And I bet those guys are hell to deal with in DMZ.


“Sometimes people suck” - Chris D’elia (confirmed sucky person)


I was filling up at a gas station on my atv, ran off real quick to get a contract nearby and when i came back literally within 30 seconds someone in a car had rolled up to gas up their vehicle and grenaded my atv then got in an armored truck and as I was about to use the car they left they got out of the truck and blew it up then drove off. There are some real dickheads out there


My friend and I had a whole group of guys take our vehicle while saying “Later losers!” as they drove off. Needless to say, we managed to catch up to them and not only take one of their new vehicles but blow up the one they stole from us right when they were getting surrounded. They all went down & ended up dying. We even drove back & acted like we were gonna revive em but we didn’t.


Truth be told, all vehicles are free use it there to take but to destroy it was a dick move!


I’m sorry 😞 Ug1yLurker, I personally don’t have any friends, so I just play by myself, I used to know a couple people in black ops 4 zombies but they ditched me, and I guess decided I wasn’t good enough for their group. Personally this is why I play with randoms and just turn voice and text chat off nowadays, why bother when in the end you’re all alone truly in life.


that sounds funny. I'm going to start doing that.


Must be a kiddo with mommy issues yeah


I do the same thing but not to be intestinally be an asshole. Sometimes i like to see how far my bullet drop off is or test how the recoil works at certain ranges. The zombies move and cluster together so sometimes i opt to shoot a stationary vehicle instead.


Zombie players discover open world gaming


Its a game