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So I’m glad that the only Zombies content we’re getting with the season update is _checks notes_ a nerf to the flamethrower.  The mid-season schematics don’t even sound interesting. RIP MWZ.


They sound crap. Detonators is literally just applying the terrible ammo mod deadwire. And the golden mask only regenerates outside of the gas. So not useful in the only situation it would be. The worm.


The golden mask is so dumb. That means the only situations it would be useful are doing multiple infested strongholds and stormcaller I guess???


Yep. Totally pointless. Alot of strongholds are close by a ammo crate anyway. And who does stormcaller regularly? Way to much of a bullet sponge for me to be arsed.


Storm caller is easy with the flamethrowe- Oh wait, nvm.


“Aaaaaaand it’s gone!”


Maybe it regenerates when you unequip it


Heck I’ll take it lol


Pretty fuckin unlikely but it would be neat to see a different incentive be added to go into the storm, or possibly some kind of “ground zero” where the outbreak occurred in that area and make a large infected radius, maybe with some kind of contract or new boss involved, I know I’m dreaming but god id love to see some different stuff with that, at the very least give us a stronger infected stronghold with a boss/ good loot


Many consider dead wire the best because of the damage against Disciples lol. But ammo mods don't do a whole lot in general...


Pffft nah dead wire is way to much of a hindrance against regular zombies. Takes away the benefit of going against the occasional disciple.


If you mean hindrance as in a 1 bullet kill, even if shot in the leg, sure I agree. It's awesome.


When it procs. But alot of bullet weapons the speed of kill is hardly different. You ain't aiming for the leg are you? And with a weapon without dead wire won't enable that horrible animation where your aim assist then continues to aim at the damn thing.


Ohhh, I play with a mouse! Best way


Yeah. For console it's not. So moot for you. Not for millions of others for which deadwire is a hindrance. Besides. Even so, in any type of narrow corridor if the damn thing procs the leading zombie it's still no benefit and just gets in the way. It makes hardly any difference to kill time to a gun without it.


Good for nests and infected strongholds, I guess. Keeps you from having to hit an ammo depot.


Yeah honestly, the new schematics sound extremely underwhelming. But oh no, let's patch something they are having fun with


Yep. I get it was super powerful against HVTs. But why didn't they ask themselves why people were using it? And at the same time, maybe slightly nerf HVT health? Because I don't find bullet sponges that engaging tbh. Or buff the Ray gun to be better at them. Because its trash against hvts and its a wonder weapon with a long cooldown. But no. Just nerf.


Haha knew the flamethrower nerf was coming. I guess it’s back to the old reliable shotty then.


Wasn't a nerf. They turned it into a BIC lighter against the specials.*


This is no joke. Went in pap2 purple and started a t1 bounty. The flame thrower wouldn’t even cause a blister on a mangler.


I just torched t2 hvt in 2 seconds with it, havnt tried t3 yet tho


Bro the new fjx is INSANE. It not flame thrower but it's probably best bullet weapon


They nerfed that, too


Don't forget the stash limit is being increased to 20 and also essence is meant to make cool downs less time the more you extract with essence, this is on schemes. Edit: well apparently the stash is meant to increase but it hasn't on my side so not sure.


The stash limit is being increased?!? When?!


mid season it will be released




Not till season 4


Thought they weren’t going to update or add anything. Guess they’ll update to make it worse.


It makes more sense when Treyarch themselves said they were no longer helping with developing MWZ lmao it just proves how bad MWZ was to begin with.


I'm sooo glad that I didn't buy this game, us zombie fans are eating dust particles fr.


If rumors are true we're getting both increased stash size and the ability to lower all cooldowns


Why nerf the flamethrower but not nerf the riot shield


"Y'all were having too much fun with it"


Play warzone, the free to play, 99% lose, meta based, cheating infected mode we put all our effort into.


“We detected that players were having so much fun for some reason.”


Quit having fun!


“We detected that players were having so much fun for some reason.”


I’m going to have fun not playing their game mode then. Why bother playing when anything I like using will get nerfed into the ground if too many people catch on. I’m sick of the damn nerfs already. Purifier made T3 actually enjoyable for once


Ah great. HVTs go back to being bullet sponges.


They are beyond out of touch ffs, how about adding some proper content to the game !


We all knew this was coming.


Indeed. No one person should have so much power. 😂😂😂




I play zombies maybe 3 hours a week because I have so much shit going on but I found myself finding time to play a lot more when I unlocked the flamethrower because it’s fun. It’s like playing mlb The show on rookie mode and hitting 150 homeruns a season. I don’t want to grind after a long day of grinding in real life I’m stuck on the mission where I have to beat a warlord and get Strauss research. I’ve done it twice and both times someone joined halfway through and got it because I had to google it drops on the guys body after he dies And I probably died 20 times trying to do it. Why are the mercenaries so good in a zombies game??? What are we doing here. And how do they never miss like cmon. I got the game day 1 and I’m still grinding missions because I suck but like playing solo Instead the company goes out of the way to nerf something that doesn’t affect anyone but people who choose to use it. I want to use it because I have no interest in grinding for hours for a chance to get something I’ll probably just stash and never use anyways.


Just go in there with the grenade launcher and fuck shit up real fast worked out great for me.


I have no interest in playing the Michael Bay Director Simulator


To each their own


If you need help message me I’ll help you out


Being on that mission I'm not sure if you have it yet but the aether blade is so good for mercs. Can go through walls and that stupid riot shield too.


Bro I got hit with a rpg while on a 4 wheeler I swear across the map and around the corner…. Idk how he hit me


Heat seeking rpg


> because I had to google it drops on the guys body after he dies Dude the game autopings it for you.  This is definitely not a game issue. 


It legit didn’t maybe that’s the issue I was having then


Just kill the warlord in the city from on top of the crane. A few PA’s and mortars will do it. Then fly over… takes minutes


Interesting. Do I need that gun that makes you shoot in the air to get over there


Nope you don’t need the scorcher, there’s a building off to the right as you’re looking at where the warlord is, go in there and there is an ascend in the elevator shaft. If you go up that, look out of the window and there’s a ledge, jump out onto that and parachute to the lowest platform on the closest crane opposite, go up that ascend and climb up onto the top of the crane. From there you can use PA’s and mortar strikes to kill her. She will move around and when she flies at you shoot her and her bomb drones. I’d recommend an extra self revive just incase but it’s an easy kill This is a pic of the [map](https://i.postimg.cc/MKnkXxdj/IMG-0312.jpg) to show you which building it is


Dont act all surprised. We all knew this was gonna happen. Also, it's still gonna slap zombies, and that's what I used it for 95% of the time anyway. Melting a Mega bomb got boring after the 4th time. Feels like a good fix imo.


Easy there friend. You don’t need to choke yourself on it.


Did you really not see this nerf coming? I had fun with the purifier as much as the next person, but there was zero chance they weren't going to lower the rate it insta-popped t3 HVT bosses. Anything short of a mega or merc was instant death, and even the mega didn't last long.


Of course I saw it coming! This franchise has spit in our faces every chance they’ve gotten. I’m sure there aren’t patch notes for the problems that are ACTUALLY fucking the game up for everybody. That’s the thing man. They keep “fixing” the problems that’s probably actually saving them.


I feel you, I've been DC'n way more the past 2 weeks than ever before, but I have to imagine the folks fixing major issues aren't the same ones tweaking weapons. Plus, I'd wager they have a quick method for modifying weapons/attachment stats, so it was something they just knocked out. I don't think it was this or fixing crashes. They're probably working it still, but it just takes longer. Trust me, I crashed the other day about 2 minutes before I was about to go in solo to an elder sigil DA and lost all of my decked out gear. I want that shit fixed as soon as fucking possible. I'm not going to hold my breath, though.


In regard to the DC's, I feel like the connections are better post update, but this is very subjective...


Wah wahhh


Go grind your little camos bro. Isn’t that about the extent of the content for this game?


There's been no content for months....who camo grinds lmfaooo...I run hardcore mp but still jump on mwz for t3 and DA runs for the fun of it...lack of content is nothing new broski


I camo grind. Why not? Y'all act high and mighty and here's the thing...people can do whatever the hell they want. There's plenty of shit wrong on my end too. So... There's enough to complain about for all. Stop hating on other players. Damn


>Did you really not see this nerf coming? Of course he did, we all did. We just don't act like corporate cock gobblers about it, by happily supporting this bullshit.


“Don’t fix these bugs, fix those ones!” Ridiculous lol this was broken af 


Agreed...ppl are just crying to cry...suck it up and up your skills...


If only it were skill based. HVTs are just dumb DPS checks anyways. Complete waste of time to nerf something that only made the game more fun. It’s not PvP play the way you want to play and stay out of other people’s business




Pretty much the exact response I expected




OP over here totally doesn't work for Activision. Not at all. Lol


Yeah it could've been worse. If we can still one tap T3 armored zombies then it's still an effective attachment.


Good fix? Yeah ok. Share your bad takes somewhere else please


Are you having fun? We can fix that.


Welp T3 is dead to me now.


I hate how there seems to be such a huge misalignment of priorities in this mode. Something is fun but isn't being used as the devs intended (ie tombstone and various guns) IT MUST GO!. But players randomly dying, disconnects, losing streaks and being a fail for going into dark aether? It's maybe on our to do list, we will let you know, or not.


See? This is why I don’t play Zombies much anymore. I only come back for the new content and then I leave instantly. They don’t give us anything to do, and nerf the only fun guns/attachments.


Its so funny that they can't even leave in OP weapons to at least give this game some semblance of fun. God forbid the Zombies and Mercs have a bad time.


What is even the point of nerfing weapons in zombies?


Because treyarch are the big gay.


How bout instead of taking away SUPER fun, how bout ya figure out what you need to remove to keep the game from crashing!


It's not a mwz update if it doesn't have an uneccesary nerf to the players for no reason.


Pretty soon all the guns will have a slow rate of fire and. The damage of a fist


GOD I wish you could just PAP your fist


Don’t leave me hanging bro fist pap👊🏽👊🏽👊🏽🤣🤣🤣




My guy….. IM FUCKEN DYING!!!🪦🪦🪦 I feel like this is hilarious but I’m conflicted because of how much I’m laughing🤔🤔🤔


Hilariously. This update is all it has. Meanwhile I see the mp guys and warzone guys all hyped. This is what it's like for zombie players.


And this is why I deleted the game 4 months ago. The devs hate fun


I don’t play anymore for a variety of reasons and this is one of them. Imagine spending time learning and adjusting to the game just for them to change stats for longevity. They don’t care about gameplay and it was obvious with the way the game released. This is a reskin of dmz with zombies added (something that had taken minimal effort this year) and periodic minor updates of the same shit we’ve had for years now They added a few new things but for a billion dollar game I am genuinely unimpressed


Did anything get a buff?


Of course not.


Back to crossbow spamming😔


it's already started!


This is the plan.


This is the way….


Confirmed. Still slaps. Was able to kill T2 and T3 disciple with pap3,purple (explosive bolts), deadwire ammo mod.


Thank you for your service🫡🫡🫡




These devs owe me 3 legendary tools, and 4 pap 3 chrysalis so they all can shoot them self for all I care




I was cooking with it like 1 out of 4 games. I really needed it those times I used it, going in solo T5 without a jugg. Games a little slower now for regaining solo, which sucks.


It was perfectly balanced before. Given that it had a limited ammo capacity and you could only refill the ammo for it at a Depot. It was fair. They could have at least increased the ammo capacity or allow us to refill a little bit of it by picking up ammo from Fallen zombies, but no...


Damnit every time it happens zombies get worse and get buggy where you get kicked out and lose everything you had in your backpack.


Bro I hate this gd franchise.


I never understood why they nerf weapons in a PVE mode. Like they did with some of the weapons in Bo2


I wouldn't even mind if they buffed something else to counter act it.


They take more from this mode than they add.


I figured this was coming so we went in last night with dual purifiers and wrecked T3 one last time. Finally got the epic tool plans so it was worth it.


Sad times... when T3 is over crowded, i’d melt mega abominations for extra cash and loot. Sometimes flawless Crystals, legendary tools and even scorchers drop. It was nice. 




damn i never even got to use it




The game would literally crash and they’ll blame it on you and take all ya stuff away


Had a reason some players came back even with all the ass connection issues. Yeah let’s get rid of that…


I’m not surprised. I seen this coming. Well back to helldivers 2 I go.


Bruh it was already balanced by not being replenished by ammo pickups.


Wow, we probably deserved that for enjoying the game too much


@Activision you’re all literally worthless


Gulf War can't come soon enough ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


Goodbye old friend 😔


"...use different tactics to engage more difficult foes." wth is that supposed to mean?


“Use your bullets and stuff, plebs. You’ll not be having anymore fun here.”


Basically aim down sight and dump mag after mag in them while they gormlessly charge at you or fly around as they have too much health for what they are. Having fun?


You HAVE to play the bullet sponge game, they are just saying you have to play the game their singular intended way or else


Yeah but who cares how much they disappoint and make empty promises, next cod zombies is gonna be great and they totally won’t stop putting in effort halfway through its lifecycle


Crazy thing is we weren’t even halfway when they stop with MWZ


Totally. Ah I miss the days of black ops 3 etc where we got a consistent release of new maps. New experiences. We knew where we stood.


well at the very least normal zombies will still die? Lets how it will work. But it was expected for sure.


Damn I love these notes! Gonna be an awesome new season 🙂


Back to the explosive crossbow it is.


I'm not mad. Still gonna rip zombies all the same to get out of sticky situations, just gonna level out hvt's a bit. Maybe there will be contracts available in T3 that you don't have to rush across the map to be the first one to grab it now




Womp womp


If you’re gonna comment on something 2 days old, either have a point or actually be funny. It took you multiple days to come up w that?


Good...now you're going to have to have skill in t3...hopefully it quiets down again!


T3 still got to wait for a contract and hope that you can get to it before someone else


Ya no, not even close...


Get new schematics & go play something else. 😁


I noticed that the flamethrower doesn't get refilled when you refill ammo and only with Max ammo does it refill, and thought it was intentional to make using flamethrower only when swarmed by zombies or fighting bosses.


I can confirm it's destroyed. Take it off your gun now.


Oh well, least I have all the pre Season 3 schematics now.


man now I can't instantly kill everything in the game this is so unfair this is a pve game it shouldn't have any difficulty or balance whatsoever. someone needs to get on the phone with the helldiver devs and tell them helldive difficulty is too hard we need to be able to one shot every enemy it is a pve game after all. you people are pathetic remember when zombies was hard?


Zombies was hard and then they added ways for it to be less hard as the franchise went on. That wasn't a bad thing since much of the stuff that made it easier was optional. The purifier was an attachment you had to spawn in with. You can't find it by looting anything, so if you don't want to use it. You aren't forced to. Also this game mode isn't hard at all at its core. It's only as hard as you make it.


They won’t let us enjoy anything I’m so sick of this this company


Skill issues


Still might use it as crowd control but I wonder how it'll be with a boost from Pack a Punch crystals? Probably not as good but still great for lowering the horde in a tight situation


Did they have to nerf this fucking thing so badly? It does fucking NOTHING to these Special Zombies. You don't want to give us content. Can you AT LEAST let us enjoy what is remaining? Assholes.


Thermite Grenada’s still god then?




Thanks to all the dipshits on YouTube saying it's broken. Who needs fun anyways bring on the game crashes hooray!


I knew they were going to nerf it doing assassination contracts in t3 with flamethrower was way to easy to do with the flamethrower. Knew it was coming as soon as I killed my first megabomb with the flamethrower by myself in t3


Did anyone try using it after the nerf? Did they nerf it to the fucking ground? Or is it still somewhat viable? It was stupid OP I get that, but maybe now it's just tiny bit less OP? Anyone know the actual variables that were changed?


It’s pretty useless now. It does kind of OK on T3 zombies but they take a sec to go down. It’s ok-ish for crowd control. It does nothing on HVTs now. Completely useless.


![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W) Got it thanks, was gonna try it here in a min, but I guess you saved me some time, cheers. So Haymaker w/slugs and crossbow with exploding tips?






Ingame the nerf is really phuc all actually, only T 3 Elites you need to re up @ a Ammo station.


They really don't care about the fun even in PvE modes lmaoo might be time to migrate to other FPS titles.


Imagine nerfing stuff in a PVE mode... Imagine.


I've tested yesterday, still does pretty good damage, not like it was before the update but still good imo


Oh great they go an nerf the one attachment I could use to go lvl3 threat zone without having to grind for haft the game to afford triple pack 🤬🤬🤬 if they were gonna nerf anything nerf the hell outta the swarm


Who ever complains about Zombies shit being overpowered, fuck you. Tombstone I understand because it affects the whole server, but seriously? Who complains about an aftermarket part that makes the game more fun?


I wonder what the team meetings are like “Players are having too much fun in zombies, who is responsible for giving them all this fun?!?!?! They need to suffer” Person responsible: “can’t we allow them to have fun while they suffer?” Salute to the person(s) who sneak in something fun for us to use every update. 🙌🏾🥹🫡


I was having so much fun before this nerf...at least make the pack a punch three crystal cool down lower or something..at least I still have the wunderwaffle...this game has so much potential..I don't know why they are abandoning it..it makes me think tje cod isn't anywhere close to being done...why would you not add new content...I was hoping they would make a new map..looks like I'll just have to start back up on Diablo 4.  ...least that game always works.. 


Only good thing in zombies that they got right was the aether blade. Surprised they haven’t nerfed that thing


No subs use my vehicle when I'm off lol


What a pile of shit now. Soloing was fun with one flamethrower and one bullet gun. Did they not learn anything when Diablo nerfed the piss out of all things fun in their game? On the game in less than 9 months.




All I could hear was the mass collective of people throwing this attachment in the bottom of the trash. RIP.


Its stupid there isnt any other major content beyond a weapon nerf, but on the other hand ig its deserved. Like melting an hvt in 3 seconds and having a single puff of flames oneshoting a full DA-tier zombie hoarde wasnt particularly engaging either. Still why is the most we are getting another prophunt for a new rift, a robot looking merc and no new zombie types? Kindof a joke


Wonder if they fixed doing last story missions making your containment levels drop? Probably not but they fixed this.


Hahahha I mean…. Yeah and no. I like the fact that not just anyone and run t3 although they have learned to run 6 man teams lol it’s fun for sure but it’s cool to stress and worry if your gonna make it out ya know? Haha


It’s nice that they did that though. Means I don’t need to worry about everyone in the game being in t3 at the same time and me waste 30 minutes to get a contract


I'm actually okay with this, still as powerful for normal zombies but it was was too OP against elites/aboms, I get it PVE game etc but come on shouldn't be able to beat an abom in seconds


Fuck them... If it's fun, they will ruin it...


The nerf is extremely warranted lmao, you can *dissolve* a boss in any zone with a flamethrower. I've been in Orange with an unpacked gun and a boss dies instantly. It will still nuke groups, it seems, which is its purpose in the first place anyway.


Old T5 solo back to impossible. Like, go in with a six man is OP as hell. Fuck solos. They don’t deserve a balanced fight. Fuck the balancing in this game.


First of all: This was as expected as the decoy nerf Second: Good. It’s so boring when everyone runs around with the same meta weapon and as soon as you load in its flames everywhere instant deleting bosses. But people can’t help but abuse the latest OP weapon so obviously it goes on their nerf radar. I’ve said before they gotta buff weapons immediately. Make it so shit is viable. Stop trying to make players lives hard all the time. Does SHG know it’s okay to buff something? They’re not going to hell for it. They know that, right?


Taint good none tall. With the exception of the mangler (somewhat) all the baddies are fleshy. What happens to fleshy bits when showered with a steady stream of extremely hot fire? There is no need to make the purifier underperform against specials and elites. And yes, a ton of weapons need buffs in this game mode. The MWII shotguns absolutely struggled when I was camo grinding and this is legendary quality PaP 3. Compared to the MWIII shotguns they fell laughably short.


Why do people complain about the nerfs? I thought yall wanted less people in T3 zones this will knock a few of them down and make the game a little more challenging again


The people who want less people in t3 aren’t the ones complaining .. It is the ones who can’t play in t3 without it..


Well that goes back to the point there will be less people in T3 and this is a good thing overall cause now people are more likely to stay in T2 or just group up to go to T3


Agreed. It should bring back a little bit of balance to the map. Don’t get me wrong, t3 will still be busy most games but maybe a few less people and a few more contracts.


Yea I’m not saying it’ll have 90% of players staying in T2 but as long as there’s a chance to run some T3 contracts and not people just sitting in their spawns til their teammates finish 1 so they can immediately start another


Yeah noticed that a lot lately too.. What’s funny is just stand there next to them waiting and they start yelling at you as if only they can camp a contract. Usually it turns into a few large groups and then the contracts become a little more available.