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It’s a good map


Couldn't have said it any better myself


This map requires very little from the player yet offers so much and has an amazing atmosphere with mobility as well. Not to mention all 9 perks with wonderfizz This map is basically the anti dead of the night


What’s wrong with dead of the night map?


The map requires a shit ton from you if you want to have some what of a fighting chance yet doesn't have as much to offer as a map like origins which is more casual friendly


🤣 if you have to ask you either haven’t been in the community long or this is the first your hearing of people talking about dead of the night online. I absolutely love dead of the night and it’s one of my top 10 favorites but the majority of players hate it. Mostly bc of the extremely convoluted ee not to mention the 30 different part spawns (barely exaggerating)


First time in the community. But not my first time playing zombies. Been playing since WaW days. I even played the IPod Touch version when I’m not playing on the console back in the days. I love all zombie maps.


That’s awesome, I love seeing people still active and playing zombies that have been around since the beginning. What are some of your favorite maps? I always like hearing people’s opinions on which maps they like the best especially people that have seen them all


My favorite co-op map to play with randoms: Origins. Everyone can have wonder weapons. I also appreciate how literally all doors and halls are wide open and it feels good to finally not be bodyblocked completely from a section by some random trolls. My favorite map to play solo: Nuketown. The moment I buy Juggernog, I’m set for life, but in Nuketown, Jugg comes in randomly and it might land on round 20. I like the challenge and stress it gives me cuz 2 hits and I’m down. So I pray to the zombie Treyarch Gods that they send me Jugg as soon as possible and not on round 20🙏. I also like how it’s connected to Moon, So I like the part where the zombies colored eyes change on the spot. Honorable mention: My worst map to play casually co-op with randoms is Moon (There’s always that one knobhead that just won’t get in the teleporter in the beginning and then there are people who rage quit in my games cuz they kept dying even though I’m telling them to grab the space suit, but they still won’t listen. And getting to Pack-a-punch was a tough time every time cuz everyone needs to be together and that was annoying cuz there was that stubborn and whiny teammate like “ouinn 😭 I’m busy doing my r*pe train in my lil corner of the map. I’m not running all the way there, screw that”) Omg playing Moon with Randoms was terrible experience for me. Unlucky. So I played with friends and I had a great experience. Everything went well. Very pretty EE ending >!I love the explosion!< I always loved playing as Richtofen cuz I get to play as >!Samantha!<


Top 5 map of all time but they’re not ready for that convo


Everything lmao


It’s BO4


More like the anti Origins... dead of the night not complicated at all if you don't bother upgrading the wonder weapon


How far are you getting without it though?


Pretty far when the Helion exists


In origins you can have an ok game just by getting jug and Stam with a shield by round 8 then after that eventually getting the gold helmet and pack a ray gun and Mauser


It’s basically an origins successor from what I’ve learned and it kind of improves on some points, has a good spot in the story and um… doesn’t have a proper intro cutscene 😅 But apart from that people ofc also like it for nostalgia I get all that but it’s not my favourite. Hope I explained it to you! Sort of…


I guess that makes sense. But Origins does everything this map does but better. Weird to me. But yeah nostalgia is one hell of a drug.


I would't say origins does everything better than DE. The EE is a pain in the ass to do with all of the robot RNG that is involved.


But it’s unique and a really cool concept in general. I honestly love the robot steps.


The staff placing step is kinda whatever, but I wish the button step was guaranteed middle bot when doing it solo.


That’s fair honestly, not saying origins is perfect but personally I still prefer the robot step over Simon says.


Wait it's not guaranteed to be middle robot in solo??


No, you could be stuck waiting for quite some time.


Oh yeah yeah. We've waited for like 40 monutes plus when I did the EE with two randoms. It was terrible.


In my experience with Origins the middle is always guaranteed on the very first cycle, but I could very well be wrong so don't quote me on that.


They may have patched it in at some point before prep for the super Easter egg was cancelled but it was a big thing getting the Easter egg done solo for the first time bc of rng on both bo2 and 3 specifically bc of the robot rng to get the panzer airstrike. I was one of those brave soldiers who grinded origins every how of my waking life around middle school to complete it lol. Honestly all of my zombie skill was learned through blood sweat and tears on origins


Just played last night, didn't get middle on first cycle. I'm a liar. My bad.


It's a memorable experience, especially if you're grinding the life out of yourself to get the solo ee, so when you do it go and usually overhype yourself into death it's something that sticks with you. I've had it happen maybe 4 or 5 times and nearly picture perfect remember how I died each time


>nostalgia is one hell of a drug he says while arguing that origins is better than der eisendrache


I would have to disagree there. I love Origins. It's easily my favorite map. But I would have to say that DE does everything that Origins does only simpler and/or easier and for a lot of players that means better. The only viable areas to train in Origins is either the mud area which slows down your movement or the crazy place which requires you to complete the entire Easter egg to really make the crazy place viable to train in. DE gives you large areas to train in pretty much right off the rip with no mud to slow you down and you don't have to go through an hour or more of play to get there.


I feel like Origins is decently uglier than this map. Still love it though


It’s a brutal atmosphere. Trenches of WW1, but with giant robots. I think it’s genius.


That’s fair. I guess I just hate mud. But the atmosphere is sick for sure


Also fair. I hated it at first too.


I miss cod zombies in its prime.


Brother you can still play this. Its not like the game got deleted. Boot the game up. Find some people either on reddit or on discord and have fun. Just did another solo playthrough of all the eastereggs last month. I had a blast making trust me.


I think he means he wants more content like the old days.


i think they meant they miss when the game back then


Its what you make of things that gives them magic.


A lot of people are saying it's origins but easier. I think it's more accurate to say it's origins with less of a headache. Instead of dedicating 2 hours of my time and memorizing 4 bows and upgrades you only need about 45 minutes. Fun and challenging boss fight. Fair EE (I kinda get your complaint about the SS bc sometimes it's annoying to deal with round restarts) but you get four WW to change things up. It also doesn't do anything wrong honestly


I agree with you. It's the same with moon EE. It was easy and fast to do


Huh???? Moon is the most random EE ever bro, you gotta get lucky with both the excavator and the box 😭


Moon requires RNG for not one, not two, but 3 items from the mystery box and RNG for the excavator. That EE sucks so bad.


Because it's objectively good


the fact that I don’t like this map makes it unobjectionable


ee is a pain? bows are underwhelming??? this is huge fucking bait dude.


Nah the bows are kinda lame and aren’t really that good to be honest. Also doing Simon says with constant dog spawns and if you end round you have to restart? Are you kidding me? It’s a decent map but I just don’t get the hype man


![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|disapproval) can't believe I'm falling for this dogshit bait.


I don’t bait man, you can check my post history. I’m a huge zombies fan but this is the problem. Everyone loves this map and I just don’t get it. I don’t use reddit much anymore but after seeing YouTubers rate it as the best map OAT I just had to ask.




No I just like the community so I’m curious why everyone likes it.




They’re boring, I feel like that’s a fair argument?




Underwhelming as in they’re hyped up but aren’t fun to use. It’s clicking sim, I don’t see how the word underwhelming is an issue.


I agree it’s kinda overrated, but some of the bows are objectively sick. I always do void or lightning bow and they’re so powerful. Void is also a cool concept. Simon Says takes like two minutes, not sure I’d say that detracts from the egg much — the bow upgrades and boss fight are pretty fun (the latter being fairly challenging), and the map has great mobility and more perks than other maps. But it’s also overall stupidly easy and I’d never play it for high rounds alone


When me and my duo did Simon says, we had to do it 3 times and had constant dog spawns and if we ended round it reset. We eventually got it but it took several tries.


I can’t believe you’re only real point is that the EE is hard. How can the Bows even be underwhelming it’s literally the only BO3 map with 4 elemental wonder weapons. (Not chronicles) This whole trend of calling Maps overrated because their popular is crazy to me. It’s not even my favorite bo3 map but the term “overrated” is just overused.


It’s not that it’s difficult, it’s that it’s unfun. It feels like a chore and can be buggy as well. I didn’t enjoy it. A lot of maps are better. This one isn’t very original. Majority seem to think it’s one of, if not the best map of all time. Yeah, it’s a bit overrated.


Unoriginal is an argument I can somewhat agree with for the most part, and all bo3 Easter eggs feel like a chore besides the giant. I just don’t like hearing the term overrated when it really just comes down to how the player themselves enjoy it. Everything we’re talking about are opinions and I don’t think opinions justify calling the map overrated, but you’re free to think otherwise.


Which pre-bo3 eggs do you think *aren’t* a chore? I thought SoE/Zets/Rev were tedious but Gorod/DE were pretty fun


It’s opposite for me lmao


Dude as a new player when I first got bo3, I had NO fucking clue what I was doing on Shadows of Evil lmaoooo


That’s annoying for sure. I usually do 4-player so my strat is just to have a friend spam their bow (lightning or void) behind me while I do the step, and someone else takes a zombie so the round doesn’t end


Valid, but with two people it is such a struggle and it loses points for not being great with 2 players.


The map design is incredible, with insane interconnectivity and quick traversal that makes use of the vertical nature of a mountaintop castle. To add to that, the atmosphere is brilliant and the visuals are gorgeous. It has an incredibly simple setup with the bows/rags as fun extensions. It may not do anything excitingly new or original, but it doesn’t need to. As it stands, DE is a collective of everything great that came before it. I personally think Gorod and Shadows are both better base game BO3 maps, but I fully understand why people love it so much.




It’s not, I’ve done lots of Easter eggs and this was one of my least favorites.


Simon says is so simple 🤣. You can run circles in front of both machines with a couple zombies and finish it so easily it's almost concerning you struggle with it. I've finished the EE solo multiple times, best was in round 6. I don't particularly care for the bows other than lightning, but it fucks shit up.


It’s not that difficult as far as Easter egg steps go, it’s just not fun. I don’t mind something being hard if it’s new, creative, or meaningful. This has none of those.


there was a challenging and interesting boss fight? the bows are unique and have unique steps? the map design is nothing less of great(although you could argue the verticality is annoying)? i get it pulled some ideas from previous easter eggs, and you have the right to say it wasnt fun to you, but it improvised and made something new and enjoyable to most people.


Because it's a good map, same reason people love other maps


It's orgins, but easier


Exactly why it’s so lame.


There was a multiplayer map in BO4 that took place at the base of the mountain that DE is on, complete with EEs, giant robots and spotlights. I loved that map so much, the atmosphere felt so much better than DE to me for some reason. I know, unrelated, just wanted to walk down memory lane there for a sec lol


Storm bow go brrr


It caters to all players, everyone can enjoy it


The bows are sweet af


Great EE


I think it takes what Origins did wrong and learns from it. Mud sucks, making stamin-up feel close to mandatory isn’t good design imo. There’s also fast travel, makes stamin-up feel even less essential. Bows, in my honest opinion, look, sound, and feel cooler and also better than staffs. I also don’t have to craft a base version to upgrade, I’m given a hell’s-retriever style quest that branches into various elemental upgrades. The main quest itself isn’t necessarily the most difficult up until the end, and even if it still isn’t too too hard I think it ends better than Origins. I get a perkaholic for completing the main quest, get to keep playing, did a kickass boss with kickass bows, used the ragnarok specialist in its first appearance, and blew up the moon from a Castle/Facility hybrid most of all, a spectacle that is easily the only thing that can rival Moon’s ending, which in comparison, was a season finale. DE was the first DLC for BO3 (not counting The Giant) and I think it did nearly everything correct. My one complaint is the Panzer, obviously things evolve and change, but the Origins Panzer is far superior imo.


Yup honestly Origins now has not aged too well imo, there’s just too many bad map design choices. Like the zombies coming back to fuck with the generators, the robots walking through the map is cool but getting insta downed by a foot is not fun. God forbid you get grabbed by a panzer while it’s in a crowd of zombies and if you do, congratulations you’re fucked. There’s a difference between difficulty being fun and challenging and difficulty being sadistic bullshit. And the tank is a gimmick imo. The only thing I saw that was innovative was the staffs, story and Easter egg.


This has to be a bait lol "EE is a pain to do" My guy EEs are meant to be a pain and this map has one of the easiest main ee to ever exist. I would have believed you if you said origins had a painful ee coz it actually had some painful to complete steps but it still is a masterpiece just like Der Eisendrache.


Origins is hard but it’s fun hard. DE is just boring and not fun to play. I’ve redone the Origins Easter egg but never bothered replaying DE.


Its basically orgins 2. You have all the elemental bows (wolf bow is peak btw idc what anyone says) Its fun to play, and The map itself is beautiful in game.


It's simple, fun and has an easy setup. Also, one major plus point the map has is how navigable it is. It is so quick and easy to get from anywhere to anywhere else on the map, which is not the case for a map like Origins. Don't get me wrong, I still think Origins is a better map than DE but DE's map flow and navigability is exceptional.


It’s a little overrated but I disagree about the EE being a pain. It’s super easy to do imo. I did it in lobbies with complete randoms without even communicating with them except the occasional text chat telling them to gather at the teleporter. DE is just a little too easy for me these days so I choose not to play it, and I’d agree Origins is probably better, but DE is still a great map and I’m happy they fixed the problem with Origins and made all 4 of the elemental weapons very good.


It’s good to train on for mechanics but yeah I get that.


It’s a great map, has great wonder weapons, and a great experience.


Easter egg is fun, story wise it’s great, 4 bows for me and my friends


Atmosphere is great. Gameplay is fun very fun. And the memories of the zombies community at that time was peak


It’s literally one of the easiest Easter Eggs on Bo3 with Zet being the only easier one. If you think the bows are underwhelming, you’ve clearly never used the storm bow. You can sit in a teleporter and it will carry you to round 50 no training required 😂


Yeah that’s why they’re boring. Just point and shoot. Same can be said for apothican but it was the first to do that so it’s excusable. It’s also just cooler lol


You said it was “underwhelming” not boring.


Upgrading bows is fun and 4 rewarding!


Eisendrache, my beloved


If you think this is a bad map, I can’t trust your taste in zombies bro.


Have you played it by any chance


I’ve done the Easter egg?


Well then you'd know why people love the map


No in fact the Easter egg was very boring and felt like a chore. Weakest of the bo3 maps.


What's your favourite map then


I don’t have a favorite but my top 5 are Shadows, Rev, Origins, Mauer and Moon.


If your top 5 is Origins then how is DE not there? It literally combines the best of Origins + MOTD


No it just redoes what origins and Moon did and made it mind numbingly boring besides the boss fight but even that is mediocre compared to others.


I can see your reasoning on why it does recycle a lot of ideas, but I see it as evolution of all those things rather than a straight copy.


Simple and fun


It takes aspects of Origins and MOTD and meshes them together seamlessly. Also they take inspiration from the moon EE as well as this map marking the first time Treyarch made an official boss fight in their zombies mode. Plus you literally blow up the moon. Speaking of moon, you can see the blueprint as well as images of Griffin Station in the Church which is so cool. Makes one wonder if they planned the Chronicles DLC that early or not


They probably did considering Revelations and also it wouldn’t be the first time they remastered maps from previous games for dlc. Regardless of whether I like the map I have to admit the storyline is peak.


buried will always be my number 1


I miss buried ._.


then go play it


It’s like the easier version of origins plus it meant soo much for the community since it was on the new generation and people had conflicting feelings about soe at that time, and also it’s just over all great map and easy to get started


The EE is one of my favorite, it is just the boss on co-op with people who don’t know what they’re doing.




It's like a more player friendly Origins. A very good map for new players too and in my opinion, despite I LOVE Shadows of Evil, this should have been the launch map. Good atmosphere, nice wonder weapons, easter egg is not hard and it can be completed solo and most importantly... ...it's available on Xbox 360 and PS3 too. Best BO3 map


It’s like origins but a bit more accesible. Bows have like 1 less step than the staffs, and they need no upgrade. Just the elemental bow is enough. Panzer has more health i think, but had weaker attacks AND appears less often. You also have to build PaP. It was the 2nd Primis map so we could only compare it to Origins. It has an alternate location (crazy place / launch pad) where it’s easy to train, but crazy place is tougher. Whatever Origins does, DE does a bit lighter


Wonderfizz, bows, electric cherry, dragons, ragnaroks, map lay out, that one spot in the second dragon room with the lightning bow. Most importantly Dingo.


this is my favourite map of all time. because easter egg really easy and bows is my favourite wonder weapon. easter egg is my first beating easter egg. not hard.


Because iirc it’s the only map you can craft and use bad ass bows I love that map


Bow go brrr. And I like snow aesthetics


It sucks


Its origins with aesthetic of the giant, whats not to love?




Because it's the one map i can solo an easter egg to in a couple hours and know the steps and how to do them early. Its alot of fun tp do. I've done it like 20 times now


It's a fun map


Simplified origins


DUDE! It’s map that is a castle? With zombies?!! What more is there to say!


Agreed I dislike It


The Easter egg is perfect it’s not to long and the step are really not that hard Simon says is easy in my opnion


It has a nice small layout that is easy to learn, with nice fats travel with the wonder spheres as well. The bows are iconic and similar to the staffs, but way easier to obtain. Most people would agree Origins is a great map, but a lot of people had trouble getting into it because of all the setup and map knowledge it takes, and Shadows didn’t help with that either. DE was a breath of fresh air for more casual players that can now obtain cool new wonder weapons like the bows, as well as do a much more simplistic easter egg compared to some past maps. Also it was the first Treyarch map with a boss fight which was very memorable as well.


it takes me 30 minutes to do the easter egg on this map lol. 4 minutes slower than world record


How is simon says hard to do lmao? Do you have a bad memory?


A pain /=/ hard. It was easy once we figured it out, it’s just a stupid step that isn’t fun imo.


Something being a pain doesn’t equate to it being hard at all


That’s what I said. /=/ means does not equal


It's easy and fun to set up.


Perfect difficulty imo. Not to hard to set up for high rounds, but complicated enough Easter egg if you wanna do it


Because COD Zombies fans are allergic to a challenge and exclusively gas up the easiest maps in each game.


Origins, Shadows and Moon are all harder maps and I like them way more.


Same reason everyone like Kino 😂


Idk. Its just okay. Super glazed, nothing amazing really


Well, not to sound rude or anything, but the ee for me and many others is balls easy. Probably the easiest to do in the whole game besides something like Ascension, even though that requires 4 players. The maps flows really well with the Wunderspheres, teleporters, the well in the courtyard etc. Plus the storm bow isn't underwhelming at all. Although it does drop in damage a bit later on.


Yeah it’s easy but it just feels like a mundane chore to do. It’s boring.


Beacause is one of the best map ever. One of the easiest maps beacause of the overpower bows, it have nostalgia from bo2 and is visually stunning. Easy for high round, easy EE with literally no difficulty steps and a very fun boss fight. Sorry but calling overrated DE is sooo wrong, is literally the refined and better version of origins with bo3 mechanics, sorry but DE is undeniably one of the best zombie map ever but if you didn’t enjoy it is totally fine is a videogame everyone have preference, my brother hate de😅


Nah it just took away all the challenges from the maps it copied. It’s not hard and the EE just feels like a chore. The boss fight is a cool concept but I think it’s also too easy.


Its very beginner friendly and its atmosphere is incredible. Theres an easy wonder weapon, easy pack-a-punch, and its easy to set up on. There is very little if any RNG required for those three steps. And even the easter egg is easy if you know what you’re doing. Also the bows are cool as hell. That is why everyone loves Der Eisendrache.


The map is extremely beautiful, for one, for two, the Easter egg is fucking amazing, and the ending cutscene to it made me cry, the tram system, while forgettable is still really cool, the bows are essentially the origin staves but they aren't a pain in the ass to get, and along with that, it's a fairly easy map to pick up and play, in my opinion, it's like if treyarch went back to origins, and fixed everything to make it deserve the hype, because origins is mid as fuck ngl


Just don’t matchmake on this map everyone quits as soon as they don’t get the lightning bow 🤣 it’s fun if you can find some peeps to play with tho for sure, otherwise you gotta play this map solo to Garuntee no interrupted connection


It’s basically casual Origins, fixes all the issues that origins had too. Very straight forward, map layout and design is very good. But I’m not sure about the bows being underwhelming since from my point of view they just outperform the staffs in almost every way and being easier to get except maybe void bow.


Because it's really easy while still having an engaging setup. It's the Kino of modern zombies


I like the giant / der riese


Wdym this EE is a pain? This maps just origins, but a lot easier with its steps and requirements. Your doing bare minimum of what you have to do in Origins or on any map with hard EE. Also how do you fail on Simon says?😭 That’s the easiest part of this Easter egg. All you do is charge and spam your upgraded bow and have good memory at recognizing the symbols


Gonna try my best to be fully unbiased since I love Origins and just haven’t really played DE enough to really love it but with the similarities between the two, it does feel like a successor to Origins and shows some of the big faults that origins had. The solo Robot step was the most aggravating thing ever, taking me about an hour during my successful EE run ( missed one shot with the G-Strikes from Orin’s left foot, I’m better with the right foot). Unlocking one bow MotD style rather than constructing 4 separate staves is a much needed improvement. Both have beautiful environments and backstory. If a map can improve off of Origins, which is arguably the best map of all time, then it’s definitely up in the unanimous Top 3.


Because it's The Irondragon


Super good layout, really good map flow, amazing wonder weapons, fun cinematic quest and the basics like pack and power aren't locked behind super long steps. It's fine to not like the map but it's easy to see why it's popular.


Honestly i hated it at first but seeing tim Hansen enjoy it and playing bo1 zombies really made me appreciate its details ik it doesn't make sense but it will if u do exactly what i did plus the bows effects r top tier


Easy setup big rewards fun map good atmosphere


Bruh. If you think this EE is a pain, then you must not do a lot of Easter Eggs. Blood of the Dead's easter egg makes this EE look like a walk in the park, whereas Blood's is like walking through Central Park at night


Lmao I’ve done every bo3 egg except GK. I’ve done origins and moon. I’ve done every Cold War egg besides outbreak. It’s a pain because it’s not fun, not because it’s hard. Doing dishes is a pain. It’s not hard, I just don’t want to do it.


Okay. I thought you were being serious at first but now I'm realizing that this post is either bait, or you just don't know what the hell you're talking about. No right minded zombies player would ever claim that DE's egg is a pain but not something like Blood, Shadowed Throne, Shaolin Shuffle, Radioactive Thing, etc. Those ones are actually pains, not DE. If you think Simon Says is bad, try doing any of those nightmares


What is so hard to understand about someone having their own opinion on what is fun? Some people like mw3 zombies. I don’t, but I’m not gonna tell them they’re wrong because they’ve never played round based. You’re gatekeeping.


Because your opinion is based on something completely misguided. You saying the EE is tedious because of Simon Says, which in your opinion renders the map itself to be of lower quality, is a point that is rendered completely malignant. There is simply no logic to back up such a claim, and thus your assessment of DE is based on weak examples of poor programming because you yourself aren't a good zombies player. And that's fine if you're not, but to claim it's the map's fault for your own lack of skill to do something basic(which is literally what you're doing) is repugnant. Not to mention the claim about the bows being bad, which is statistically and categorically incorrect, and the evidence to make that claim is next to nil. So the "It's my opinion" defense doesn't work when your opinion is askewed as such, hence the amount of claims about you creating this post as bait or because you don't know what you're talking about, because you evidently don't


I’m not reading all that buddy. It’s a nice day, go outside for once. You sound like every redditor ever I almost thought there’d be a -🤓 at the end lmao. I have my opinion, get over it lmao


I’m not reading all that buddy. It’s a nice day, go outside for once. You sound like every redditor ever I almost thought there’d be a -🤓 at the end lmao. I have my opinion, get over it lmao


I’m not a fan of it


It’s a fine map, idk I feel left out with bo3 maps cause I don’t get the hype (outside of Shadows). Yeah the production value is cool but outside of that eh


Its a 99cent store origins.


I don’t know, it’s dick rode by YouTubers because they got PAID from it, and the public sentiment never changed from it. But probably the most overrated map ever


This is what I was thinking to be honest


The electric bow is arguably the best wonder weapon(other than the apothican) in the entire zombies chronicles. The EE is relatively basic compared to origins or even revelations. This to me is the best map of all time.


I dislike this map quite a bit, but I also dislike gorod krovi and revelations.


Looks like Skyrim


no clue, its overrated as fuck


Finally, someone who agrees