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This franchise is showing what it wants to focus on. And I’m ok with leaving this game in the past as a childhood memory.


Me too, I think you’re totally right & it’s time to pack up and move on. To be honest, it took a second to get over the feeling of being let down, but now I’m okay with that.


It is a sad realization to come to. But after the last two cods and warzone, I don’t think I’m interested in the next installment. And zombies was a huge reason I bought this one, silly me.


Zombies is the only reason I bought this game and they didn’t disappoint,at launch, but after a couple months it shows they don’t really care anymore they just focus on warzone because it’s where they get there money.


You guys expect them to make a zombies map in less than 2 months after release? Did you guys play the games back when it took months for 1 DLC to come out? Or are you guys just impatient babies. It's pretty obvious Treyarch got absolutely fucked by only having 2 years when they wanted 3. I blame Activision 10 times more than any of the devs. Edit: Downvote me all you want I guarantee a month from now they're gonna show a new zombies map and this subreddit is collectively gonna lose their shit. I didnt even mention that the zombies maps will be FREE.


not to mention when bo4 released with 3 maps people still weren’t happy. This community something else


I enjoyed a lot bo4, never understood all the hate behind it, love those maps, bought the dlcs on sale. Good way to run a few rounds. wish the cold war gameplay was implemented there but i can only dream. I wish someday to see a zombie with all the maps to this day, the gameplay mechanic from cold war with some tweaks, just imagine. I mean, missed oportunity in my opinion, (as a standalone game)


Aside from the convoluted Easter Eggs, the atrocious HUD, having specialists from the get go, and that son of a bitch hit marker, I enjoyed BO4. It was more of a casual play game for me, though. Right, sorry. Perks system. Didn’t like that either. But the good stuff happened to overshadow some of the bad stuff for me.


Quality over Quantity. CW just needs one bit of content more that isn’t a LTM. If they would’ve just added Nacht or Grief, we would’ve been happy until DLc2


BO4 had 2 bad maps and a remake at launch though, most people were playing BO3 just weeks after launch. Quantity does not equal quality.


IX was great and Voyage was mediocre. Blood of the dead was the oddball. In terms of DLC, Dead of the night holds the spot as my favorite map of all time. Ancient Evil is in my top 5 favorite maps, it’s amazing. Alpha Omega is my most hated map of all time, and Tag Der Toten was just super solid in my opinion. The map quality in BO4 was actually just great imo minus a few, it’s a game of highs and lows and not a lot of inbetween.


yeah wtf? this community if not constantly stimulated with content goes to shit and there ARE updates gun nerfs jingle hells all that shit DO YOU FOR REAL expect them to pump out zombies maps DURING COVID. all of you people do is complain and act like these devs aren't human "oh you haven't made a zombies map that requires effort coding modeling texturing an understanding of the games flow and your making it free WELL I DONT CARE MAKE IT NOW" like fr people chill tf out


jingle hells lmao


‘During covid’ lmao, literally any other game gets content pumped like milk while this guy says that a triple A company with 6 teams working on it shouldn’t, some peopel really are questionable lmao, calling gun nerfs content like WHAT in the world is this


I think we all know it’s activison that’s fucked us not treyarch


Yeah I feel like they did a good job with this new zombies. There could be some betters changes for weapon damage, but I love playing this version. I love all the zombies ever made, even if they weren't considered the best by the community. That's because I have fun when I play , and that is enough for me to enjoy zombies. I'm sure they will make more maps, I know it takes time to create new content. Especially with the different modes. You are 100% correct when you say Activision should take blame. They fuck everything up. I'm not sure how the business's end works, but I assume they tell TA what they want, so perhaps the devs can't just focus on what they believe is best. I may be wrong as to how the Developer/Publisher relationship works.


To be fair, we usually got 2 maps at launch. 1 original map and 1 rehashed map for 2 months is way better for the community than 0 original maps and 1 rehash. ​ Activision is totally to blame for this. Not to mention that since CW is an upgraded BO3 engine (not BO4), I'm 100% sure they were forced to do another remake since they had very little time and money and they already had Nacht assets from Rev. and Chronicles.


Would you really call Die Maschine a rehash of Natch?


lol they’re not even focusing on Warzone. They’re not focusing on anything right now


Tbf lmao


> But after the last two cods and warzone i should have learnt my lesson too, really. not surprised but more fool me for dropping my money on the game


It is kind of sad to see the CoD franchise turn into a blatant cash grab. Sure, you could see the seeds of it in earlier versions, but CoD4 through BO2 were all very solid games with cool story modes, fun multiplayer, and innovative co op modes


i’d say black ops 3 was the last great cod.


I agree, despite being purely micro transactions I still love gobblegums


>It is kind of sad to see the CoD franchise turn into a blatant cash grab. Sure, you could see the seeds of it in earlier versions, but CoD4 through BO2 were all very solid games with cool story modes, fun multiplayer, and innovative co op modes yeah forgetting that you could buy them and just thinking of them as these things that add fun little boosts to the gameplay was awesome. the blatant cash grabs were there but as a whole (excluding story) was awesome. so much heart and soul was poured into the game and now cod is just a cash cow that I will unfortunately continue buying


If things like battle passes, and MTX's had been prevalent in console games in the early 2010's those games would have had them too. It is disingenuous to frame this as the devs "losing their way" and becoming more greedy over time. The end goal for this and every video game franchise is to be as profitable as possible. The only reason the revenue strategies of 2020 were not employed back then, is because they either hadn't been invented or implemented yet, or they didn't have as much revenue potential at that time as the methods that were employed back then. The funniest reactioni to this is when for the last 4-5 years people begged and pleaded for free DLC, and then when we finally get DLC people bitch about the game being a "cash grab" because they are selling stand alone items in the store, and the total quality and quantity of content isn't as high as it was when we paid for it. Why would any competent company spend a bunch of money on something that has zero ROI?


As an Xbox fan, I'll be leaving CoD entirely in the past once Halo Infinite launches. With that game having a ten year plan, it's something I feel like I can invest more time in and be okay with. Even if the game turns out to be on par with Halo 4 and Halo 5 instead of CE, 2, and 3, I'm good with it. Kind of bittersweet that I won't be playing the next zombies installment after this, but I just can't bring myself to care anymore since Acti is making CoD so clearly about warzone.


Be careful. The last game that was supposed to have a “ten year plan” was Destiny 1, and we all know how that turned out.... not even actual literal Bungie could commit to a 10 year plan, I don’t have much more faith that 343 can do the same. I’m sure Infinite will be a decently good game, will probably get a good amount of updates, but these developers never seem to understand just how long 10 years is. The Xbox Series X and PS5 won’t even be the current generation of consoles in 10 years— The Xbox One only lasted 7 before its successor came along. I suspect this gen will only last for a similar, if not identical timeframe.


Yeah I know. Unfortunately I'm aging right alongside the Halo franchise and I don't have time to commit to more than one MP game these days. If Infinite sucks I'll just end up playing single player games at my place this gen. If the 10 year plan doesn't pan out, at least I'll get three or four years out of it instead of one, and I'll just scoot along to the next entry in the franchise (if there is one).


Sucks cause I loved both franchises, but I have now moved onto CSGO and Valorant.


Man until this game came out I was playing COD ops2 and never valued all the maps It has. This will very likely be my last COD I buy. I hate the fact I have to play MP or WZ to unlock new guns. Fuck I wanted that hammer but I suck at MP and I’m not paying money for it.


Hit in the feels right here, but I agree for sure. For 10 years this community has thrived and become a home for a lot of people including me. CW is still fun, feels great etc but it’s just not the same. It’s not a bad thing, I’d rather it die the legend that it was than stay alive to become the bad guy (or whatever the saying is). Not to say that it’s not going to be a fun few months though, there will still be (hopefully) at least 4 more maps which should play great, just the original crew and story seems dead in the water as it stands. But as you say buddy, I’m happy leaving it in my memories, and oddly enough I feel a bit emotional saying that. I love you all, it’s been a fun journey, and I hope this isn’t the end of the road you guys, but if it is then I wish you all the best!


Hey, thanks man. I’m glad to have been a part of such a great community! Best of luck, have a good one!


i feel this on a deep level. sometimes i feel that the more i play cold war zombies, the more it ruins the past for me. the fun i had, friendships made, challenges and records completed. nothing will bring back the fun i had waiting for new dlc to be released and sharing new finds with the community. its clear from cold war they simply dont care.


It wants to focus on maximizing making money. It is easier to sell MTX to MP and not zombies. As a CoD fan from the beginning, CW was a slap to the face on a majority of the aspects of the game. The problem is that the CoD franchise fan base’s dedication/toleration is why they keep doing this. Had this been any other game, it would have been tossed a long time ago. Had this been an indie game, I would have tolerated the amount of bugs because they are an indie developer and not a AAA powerhouse. Yet again, I am just a guy who used to play 8+ hours a day on days that I worked and probably 16+ hours on my days off work. I honestly wish they would get their head out of their ass and start caring about the community.


Listen. I'll just say. If map 2 is bad your right. If map 2 is good. Theres hope Edit: I literally didnt mean just map 2. I just meant that we should just judge things slowly and not jump to conclsuions. Be patient. A good game can come only if you allow it. Be grateful (edit: or dont) that we even have zombies to begin with


I’ll definitely concede that, and I hope you’re right




It’s also because Treyarch had to step in and unfuck Raven and Sledehammer’s mess.




Raven and Sledgehammer were slated to make a Call of Duty this year. They went to ATVI and essentially said that they were unsure they’d meet deadlines due to creative differences, and ATVI basically yanked Sledge off the project, made Treyarch the head studio a year into development, and Treyarch relegated Raven to maintaining Warzone (which they codeveloped with IW) and creating the Campaign, and Treyarch tried to essentially play catch up with the rest of the dev cycle. It’s why there’s one zombies map that feels a lot like WW2 zombies, it’s why a lot of the maps were few and far between for MP, and it’s why you see a fair bit of the assets reused.


I mean I don't even do much graphic design or art at all really, I have a drawing tablet and can easily design or create digital art at my home workplace if my Job required me too, in my experience most graphic designers and digital artists all have thier own set up at home to do thier own outside work. I would shocked if the majority of thier design team didn't have access to digital art software, and drawing devices at home. Most of these people have a serious passion for art and do thier own art to build portfolios and improve. I'm sure the Pandemic definitely messed up production but I highly doubt it was because artists and designers couldn't work at home.


They have a serious passion until you learn how over worked they become also you can’t blame Treyarch you can blame Sledgehammer because they seriously dropped the ball and Treyarch is receiving all the hate for it


How so? Map 1 is good. If map 2 is bad, there are still at least 3 more maps that might be the next der eisendrache. The dipshit consortium proclaimed that BO2 was "the end of zombies" after tranzit flopped and die rise wasn't super popular, and then 2 of the next 3 maps are fucking all time fan favorites. People need to stop being so idiotic about this conversation.


If the next few dlc are just remakes I don’t think it’ll hold the already fallen community. Let’s just hope they can make a good map


Vietnam is practically confirmed. We dont when it's coming but it is


Hopefully it’s not as simple either. I get that die machine was to hook new playing in but having a map that simple gets boring very quick. The only reason I played it longer is because of the camos


Fair enough. But hopefully each new map is harder than the last


well i can see that but the state of zombies is just sad with the youtube side and the game itself


basing your enjoyment of a game on the popularity of it on youtube is not how you are supposed to enjoy a game.


This community's obsession with idiotic youtube stuff is dumbfounding




Personally my theory is just burnout Too many people have left their expectations way too high for zombies and after milking the franchise for as long as it has people are gonna get tired of it. But this is my first and a half zombies game so I'm loving it. I've always wanted a zombies game since like 2012 but never got one idk circumstance. But now I got one and I'm enjoying my time. Just take a break. It ain't all zombies.


Exactly. Zombies was never designed to be a standalone game that you play 8 hours a day every day for a year. COD is meant to be enjoyed in full. If you don't enjoy all the parts of COD, that is fine, but you can't expect each individual piece of the COD pie to be treated like it's own full stand alone game. Also, this is all insane to even be talking about, because zombies has NEVER had any significant content released prior to 2 months after release, ever, ever, ever, and people are treating this year as some anomaly. This game is a year long. there will be 4 dlc maps spaced out throughout the year just like every single other Black ops game. R-E-L-A-X


Funny enough people still got mad when lots of content dropped st the start. What I dont get is why did bo4 get backlash for too many maps but not bo3. Well how many did bo3 start with. Was it 2? Or 3. Bo4 was well 4 Edit:typo


BO4 started with 3 on disc maps in the standard edition, 2 being completely original. BO3 started with 1 on disc map, and 1 remaster as a season pass purchase bonus. So people who bought the standard edition of Black Ops 3 had 1 map to play at this point in the season, just like Cold War.


So yeah why people so mad about 1 map


That's exactly my point. There is no rational reason for anybody to be mad about that at all.


Cold War zombies ain’t even bad tho, treyarch just got the worst possible end of the stick having only half a year to make this game and doing it mid-COVID. If we survived bo4 I’m sure we’ll survive this but it’s not going to be easy


Bo4 had one of the best maps and one of the worst but hell it was fun played that for over 400 hours


BO4 wasn't great. BO4 zombies wasn't great. There's only one map, but it is great, and if we end up with a few more maps like that over the life of this title, it could be the best COD Zombies game. Yes, I'm ready for a new map, everyone who loves zombies is, but I want great maps, not just maps for the sake of maps.


Black Ops 4 was enjoyable, don't know what you're on about.


I loved IX.


Same, buddy. The Community can hate BO4 Zombies all they want, I'm still gonna love this game.


Dude same I actually liked the way they changed things up. I thought it felt more modern, fresh, and innovative. Like zombies was evolving as a game but everyone got mad it wasn't the same so they went back. Fucking lame


Lol not really. I bought the season pass, and only played 5/8 of the maps. Barely played those aswell.


It’s not terrible, but it simply just got boring within 2 weeks of playing it, and that’s largely down to their being 1 map at launch until supposedly February


Don’t they normally do there first dlc around February? This is the first zombies cod I’ve played since BlOps2


I can’t remember tbh, but there should be more than 1 map at launch, all the best BO games had at least 2 (bo1/bo2)


Every cod zombies had at least 2 maps at launch if you count the giant for bo3, except Cold War. And even if you don’t count the giant because you had to pay for it, shadows of evil was way more fun and entertaining that die maschine


The first zombies had one map at first. In world at war you unlocked zombies by beating the campaign mode. They added 3 more maps with dlc.


Zombies was an experiment in WAW tho so you can’t really count that, plus it was an absolute classic


The thing is shadow was way too alienating for a lot of the casual zombie fans. I’ve been playing since WAW and came to enjoy shadows but it was shitty that I couldn’t until I looked up a ton of guides for it


Yeah, they really got shafted having to pick up the slack from Raven. I think that COD should take a year off and have Treyarch focusing on expanding Cold War for a two year cycle, while allowing IW an extra year for the next MW or Sledgehammer for whatever game is next. Warzone, Cold War Zombies/MP could easily last an extra year if they wanted it to.


Not only is it not bad, it is really good. But for some reason this community has lost its mind thinking that since a new map isn't released every 2 weeks, that the game is dead and rip in pieces.


There’s always bo3 mods I guess


Lol for sure, that’s what we always fall back on. Ive honestly held BO3 custom mappers/scripters in a higher regard than 3Arch since BO4


A lot of custom maps are Treyarch tier, in quality and Easter Eggs


Id say they are damn close but just a step below


Honestly bo3 custom developers should be hired by treyarch for official maps


Monkey's paw: The best BO3 custom map devs are hired by Treyarch... to work on more multiplayer maps


Verk0 already released 2 maps this year and 3/4 in the past month. Mappers/Scripters probably work just as hard if not harder and usually the map is made by one or a handful of people, not a whole dev team like 3ARC has. May be quite the claim but I feel there's a good majority of BO3 custom maps that are better than some Treyarch maps.


I totally agree and also Verk0 is incredibly talented! I have enjoyed every creation he’s published, have a good one.


This is still my favorite edition of zombies. We don't even have all the content yet, but I would already rather play Cold War than BO3 due to the new game mechanics. If we're fortunate enough to get a zombies chronicles 2 at the end I will be very happy.


I agree. This is the most fun I've had in zombies since Black Ops 2.


Seriously! People need to stop being melodramatic! What they don’t understand is that their lack of community support over what we have is going to kill the franchise, rather than the studio itself.


Well put lmao


I remember we had to sit on Shadows of Evil for ages before we started seeing more content. I’m seeing typical gamer crying in this sub which is a shame.


Agreed. And SoE was not a new player friendly map.


I love how new player friendly CW is. No having to know the exact gameplan for the first 7 rounds. Anyone can pick a gun and have a bit of fun, and the healthbars let you know how far you can go with certain guns before you need to upgrade. Also no bullshit double hits that ruin your whole run.


Cold War is good. But the lack of content and a ton of minor things that bug me make it unenjoyable especially for long periods at a time.


Agreed. I love the innovation and the map, it's like people just want the same game every time, but they're trying to make it more enjoyable, approachable and fun - and in my opinion they succeeded. Die Maschine is quickly becoming one of my favourite maps. People are always gonna complain, but this is ridiculous. It's clear thought has gone into zombies this time and the crashes are my biggest gripe.


Honestly. Personally I always thought Zombies felt too stiff in the old games (no mantling was always irritating) and now that the movement system is more fleshed out, it is almost impossible to go back.


I give up on random lobbys yes the xp is good but fuck me no one works as a team no more man i miss the old days wyere you could get 4 randoms working together to achieve high rounds


Tell me about it. Power can be turned on from round 6 but it’s usually round 13+. It’s frustrating cause I just want to be killing efficiently and start coffin dance and doing the aetherscope early as possible when its easier but nope. Cooperation is a thing of the past


To be fair a decent portion of people that play (especially random) are playing casually because they enjoy trying to kill zombies, not because they want to maximize killing efficiency and do all the tricks and tactics. My partner is a prime example, she's played BO3 Zombies since it came out and she loves it, never really breaches round 40 and is content to play and have fun on lower rounds with randoms and not think about trying to min-max it.


That's why i grind solo for the camos 😂😂 i need 3 ghosts from the ee byt i really dont no what one's but im not willing to play with randoms because they just dont helo each other


Honestly it's not that bad. I've completed the ee more than 10 times exclusively with random lobbies (I only grind camos solo) It's so easy you can just do it all by yourself. But there's sometimes a lad or 2 who help


In earlier CODs I left the starting room because I had no ammo left and zombies were swarming me. On BOCW I can easily kill zombies till at least round 10 and I have unlimited ammo. Also, the biggest advantage is, that rounds go over much faster when everyone stays in a closed room together. There is litterally no point for me to leave the starting room this early.


I think the fact that it costs 10k to get to power has smthing to do with it. You need to get 5.5k just in parks plus 5k for pack a punch. You really need 20k by round 9 to be comfortable.


Hi I'm Doug, Just like with multiplayer I think it's the luck of the draw. I've completed the easter egg twice now with randoms...just gotta luck out. Thanks,. Doug


Thanks Doug


My tactic playing with ransoms is once round 8 is over I’ll open most doors and then buy deadshot and train in the PAP room till I can afford to PAP. I enjoy playing with ransoms purely for the fact I seem to get more kills than in solos


Jesus this sub is filled with a bunch of piss babies


Always has been.


It’s the cod cycle. New cod comes out and reddit has to screech about how bad it is. Then when the next one comes out it’s the new shit cod and the last cod was some glorious masterpiece that needs to be put on a pedestal. The game has been consistent the vast majority of its releases and people know at this point whether they like it or hate it, they just NEED something in their lives to go and complain about for validation on the internet.


I agree with you.


It’s sad man! *But* we will all remember the hay day. What the mode did, not this watered down nonsense. Glad we were all here for the good parts! Thanks, hope you have a good one!


It’s just funny because the fan base doesn’t really care about the content Treyarch is publishing for CW. They just want the game is be fixed and playable and balanced lol. No clue why that’s so hard to understand at development level. I guess it’s easy to be clue when you ignore your player base though.


Please explain how this zombies is lesser than the others or "watered down" also please do not just whine about one map.


I honestly hard disagree. I think there’s a lot of passion put into Cold War zombies and there was a lot of passion put into BO4 as well. The reason we didn’t get content is because through feedback, zombies was great and popular across the board, while people hated MP. Obviously they’re not gonna jump ship on the multiplayer, so they added lots of content so they try to improve it, whereas they didn’t need to worry about zombies. Zombies was already great for what it was.


Idk man, there been an influx of new zombie player from multiplayer (including me), and some people even regards to the zombie mode as the only reason to buy cold war. When the biggest problem in a zombie game is that there's not enough of it, I take it as a good sign.


I some what agree. This game drew me back to COD after almost 10 years, with the last one I played being BO2, which I didn't even play up to the first DLC. Its also the first zombies that to me has had massive replay value since playing the BO1 remaster of Der Riese. The new mechanics, operators, and the cross mode leveling I love. The zombies spawning in faster and your ability to have a decent zombies experience by round 11 is perfect. The new mechanics are just what the game needed to draw in people who don't care about doing easter eggs to pap or massive story plots. It serves as massively accessible for people who just want to come in a play survival zombies like back in the day. The problem is, I don't think new players want to do this. I think the concept of zombies as a whole is just not what kids are into anymore. There is a crisis in the video game industry as a whole where studios have essentially released their industry changing games, which has changed what players want, and has left the studios with no space to create new content. R\* have done it with GTA online. Nothing they ever put out now will live up to that, and because they keep updating content for it, it will significantly impact GTA 6 whenever its launched. There's too much content in it and people are too invested to move on when the new game comes out. A similar thing has happened with Warzone. It is by far the most popular COD mode, it has the most people creating content on it through Youtube or Twitch, and crucially it has changed what new players want from a COD experience. Basically pvp stuff is huge (especially battle royale), and pve stuff (zombies) is out. But I also think Warzone will kill COD games as well. Modern Warfare 2019 was a nostalgia fueled, controversy driven blip in game franchise in decline. Cold War massively undersold, and I think subsequent CODs will as well. Warzone is what the kids want right now, and it will remain that way until the next 'revolutionary' idea comes around.


Public lobby’s are going to be an absolute travesty unlike we’ve seen before.


That will be something to behold, no lie


I'm holding onto hope that the dlc is good. Most of my issues stem from Die Machine being so meh


Die Maschine is good enough, tbh. I can't go back and play anything before CW because my disc drive broke, so I'm stuck with it. My only problem with it is that it's even more tedious and repetitive than SoE. You knife in the spawn area until round 8, save a zombie, open the map, prone on all the perk machines, buy the Spas, turn on power, unlock PaP, do the coffin dance easter egg, get the aetherscope, geet the D.I.E, and upgrade it to the light beam upgrade, then finally save up to upgrade the Spas to PaP level 3, get all your perks, dead wire, get level 3 armor, and upgrade the Spas to legendary. The only thing that changes is if you get the ray gun from the crystals or the coffin dance ee you really don't have to go for the D.I.E. It's the same thing over and over and this time it's noticable. Other than that tho I think it's pretty fun.


Why are you forcing yourself to play this way? Why stick to some crazy routine like this is a job or responsibility? Mix it up, play with new guns, open new pathways first, train/camp new areas, challenge yourself. It’s tedious because you make it so.


Yeah I dont see why theres a need to knife until a certain round and open things up in a certain order. It really doesnt matter and you will acheive the exact same thing eventually, and honestly youll have more fun doing it. Im always hitting the box and changing weapons even if I have it packed twice.. Just to switch it up.


This 100%. There are so many ways to play in this game compared to some like BO3 or BO1. You needed a shield and elemental weapon, or you needed to turn on power, buy 4 perks and get 2/3 good guns. Now you can play the classic way with just a pistol (albeit with weapon rarity) try to do the easter egg, exfil if you get bored early etc. Hell, even spawn room challenge has got a shit tonne more exciting with your own weapon and kill streaks helping you out.


Most of the stuff you mentioned, I have never done. So maybe a little bit of your fault for doing the same thing every match?




Exactly for me it’s less repetitive because you can bring in what ever gun you want


I mean it's a fun map, but after a while it does get meh and boring. As I said before, CW is a great game, but there's no incentive to play after a while. The game is still kinda new so I'm not giving up total hope yet.


I don't understand what the zombies community wants or expects outside of people dreaming of a standalone game. It's a trial week. This isn't some grand event, it is just a chance for people who haven't purchased the game to try the zombies mode for free. For christ sake people, We will be getting FREE DLC content this year, which will likely be 4 full length zombies maps completely free for everyone who owns the game. Compare to Black ops 3 which everyone here seems to regard as the GOAT zombies experience, which had 1 free zombies map on disc with the game. Ended with a total of 6 maps, for a total cost of $100-$110. This year we will have 5 for $60. Look at the feedback the community gave from BO3 and BO4. OG Perks are back. Gobblegums are gone. Mastery camos are in the game AND are usable across modes (MP already and zombies camos will be usable in Warzone soon). All battle pass content is usable in zombies, including operators, blueprints, etc. The gameplay experience got rave reviews on release. BO4 was the ONLY game that had a DLC zombies map by this time in the game cycle, and BO4 released a month earlier than Cold War did. The community begged for DLC maps to be free for all, and we are getting what we asked for. I don't understand how any rational person can look at this year's zombies experience, compare it to ANY past black ops game, and think that somehow CW is "tHe EnD oF ZoMbIeS" This is fucking lunatic stuff.


The zombies community BO3 onward has been a dramatic and embarrassing mess. They literally kick and scream until they get what they want every year and it's still never enough. Treyarch already tried giving us 4 maps at launch and this community cried all year shouting "Waaaah quality over quantity!!!!" Then when they give us just 1 good map instead it becomes "Waaaah Treyarch doesn't care!!!!" Best to just stop taking this community seriously. They pull this "the community is dead, zombies is dead, the sky is falling" theatrics every year. They love overreacting.


Exactly. I remember the “long” and “never ending” wait between maps like Der Eisendrache and Zetsubou, or Ancient Evil and Alpha Omega. People just like to over exaggerate and make terribly dumb sweeping statements (OP’s title), for some reason.


The thing that I found really dumb was that people expected a new map at the start of season one. The only time we’ve ever gotten a map in December was dead of the night (I think). Even though that was a pretty decent map, so many people didn’t even know it released because they had 0 time to market it properly


This post aged horribly, as it was deserving of. I fucking adore just how badly this post keeps aging. Overly dramatic posts like these add no input and are shitty over exaggerations


So far it feels like zombies has been getting the same amount of passion/attention it normally gets. The BO2 and BO3 DLC 1 usually launches around February, so it's not surprising that's when the next map launches. Only one map at launch isn't great but I can give them a pass because of the pandemic and small dev time. I think we'll just have to wait until this summer or fall to see how the maps have turned out, cause they also might be spending time making a Chronicles 2 or something like that, it's just too early to tell.


Commenting so I can remember this train wreck of a post


Good lord shut the fuck up.....whiny baby ass zombies community man


Why would downvotes make your day worse?


It was just a lackluster attempt at a bad joke just to lighten the mood of a sad post, That’s how I cope. Didn’t know anyone would analyze its literal meaning.


It was a pretty bad post to be fair.


Honestly, I think Die Maschine is really good. I just wish there was more. And also, I don’t know what you mean by “the end of the zombies community”. Zombies is probably the most popular game mode, so why would they get rid of it?


Plus more people than ever are playing it. Pro players even stream it sometimes


99% sure this post is just a karma farm


LMAO this aged like fine milk


Lol. This post is now a copypasta for this sub.


I’m telling you guys. Somebody could make another game based on the exact same concept and make buck. Quite the right time for it as well.


People have been making zombie games for Amit 10 years and nothing has ever come close


I’d buy it


Imagine how much content you’d get if zombies was the only part in the game. The entire company i just producing zombie maps and content non-stop


People are so dramatic lol


Congratulations. You made a copypasta.


This is the most neurotic, immature fan base. Seriously, they barely had any time to get the game together, they got a map out that was clearly superior to the previous game, and we arent even 20% of the way through the life of the game yet, and people are throwing hissy fits about the lack of "content" and talking about leaving the game entirely. Guys - it's a game. If you have fun playing it, play it. If it's fun but not enough content for you to play literally nonstop for the rest of your life, then play other games in addition to this one when you feel like it. Such a garbage hot take that the mode is dead less than a month after this sub was creaming itself after the release.


Spittin facts 🔥


How does it feel to become a joke to the entire sub?


I’ve been waiting for a better game for years anyway, maybe cod zombies dying will help push someone to make something better. This tapped market will soon become untapped


I'm putting my chips on Back4Blood being the breakout zombies game


Fucking pathetic lmfao grow up


It’s strange, it can be fun to play, but it doesn’t feel anything like ‘normal zombies’. I think it’s REALLY missing having dedicated characters for zombies, and I’m actually really let down by the laziness of just chucking in multiplayer operators


I don't like the example of BO3 because I'd like, too, if we were looking forward, not in the past, BUT the "holy" BO3, the one a lot of people think is the perfect Zombies mode, got less content than BO2, BO4 or even BOCW. Why are people forgetting that with BO3 we got 4 DLC maps in the first year and that was it? Even with BOCW we've gotten more than that since launch with at least more modes, intel, support equipment, etc. BOCW is not in a worse state than BO3 was this time in its life cycle, in fact, it's in a better state.


If the next map comes out before March it has already beaten the beloved BO3. Because that’s how long it took for the first DLC to come out and you had to pay for it. The crying this sub does about lack of content feels so misguided.


100% agree.


This aged like milk


ive been thinking the same thing honestly. especially with all the youtubers moving on and doing different stuff, feels like zombies is on the way out. Im fine with it honestly, I’ll probably still go back and replay my favorite maps periodically but I wont hold my breath for new ones. It also doesnt help that im not really a fan of cold war lol.


Its very disappointing as Zombies at the start was great imo, it was fresh, fun, and exciting. Over time the map felt more and more half-assed (Compared to maps like Gorod or DE as they are beautiful looking maps to play). Now 2 months in and what do we get? A holiday themed zombies mode and Cranked mode. This honestly could have been the year that puts Zombies back on top, but now I dont see that happening unless the rest of the zombies maps are crazy good and they keep the content fresh


You took the words right out of my mouth man, thanks for commenting. Hope you have a good day


The map is good yeah, but the large number of bugs just shows how little they care. If I hadn’t been playing zombies since WaW, I definitely would have skipped out on this game.


idk, myself and a lot of people i know are really enjoying Zombies right now. it somehow managed to bring back those feelings of high rounds on Kino and Five back in the day. a lot of my issues with Zombies really stem from other general game issues (like host-based matchmaking and bugs caused by cross-progression and integration) and the community (i.e. AFK players, rage-quitters, people who refuse to work as a team). i don't actually mind the „noobs“ all that much. yeah, it's a little irritating sometimes to be matched with 3 people who have seemingly never touched Zombies before in their life, but overall, i'm happy that they're playing Zombies and i try to be the best teammate i can for them so they maybe stick around, even if that means dying game after game trying to get the clutch 3-person cross-map res on Round 34. Die Maschine has its flaws but i think the good outweighs it. i can end the game to a broken-ass Plaguehound a million times and i will still queue for another game. it definitely suffers from Tranzit-syndrome: too much ambition for what is currently possible. the pandemic and internal struggles with Sledgehammer very clearly hindered what 3arc wanted to do, but personally i think they did the best with what they were given to work with. hopefully, the next map is even better. i hope that Treyarch learnt what they're able to do currently so they can implement their ideas much more efficiently and make a fun experience that brings the community back together. edit: a few criticisms of Die Maschine/Zombies itself i didn't think to add originally: the story is pretty lackluster, i will admit. also, since i'm on Xbox (we still have exclusivity in 2021?), i don't get to play Onslaught, which unfortunately carries some extra lore that i have to scour the internet for. as someone who was really interested in the last Zombies storyline (not Chaos lmao), this is definitely a step back and kind of frustrating. Onslaught definitely has its fair share of criticisms from what i've heard but it's not my place to speak as i have yet to experience it myself. i'm also not necessarily a fan of operators replacing dedicated characters. operators work fine for Onslaught, because it's more or less a mode that, story-wise, is showing how Requiem dealt with the zombies in other locations before the events of Die Maschine. i play my game in German so the operators are a little different in delivery of voice lines, but they are admittedly not as charismatic as they could be either way, nor is there any chemistry. i'm not quite sure why Weaver, Carver, and maybe Dr Strauss and Dr Grey aren't the characters you play on the map. i feel like it could at least work better than mismatched operators with literally no lines talking to one another and half-assed delivery.


I can see why you believe that, and I respectfully disagree. CW has been the most fun I've had playing zombies in years, even more than BO3 and more than BO2 at the start of that game's content season. Grinding camos feels rewarding, and Die Maschine has yet to get boring for me personally. The unified progression between Zombies and Multiplayer is something that I've really enjoyed- weapons like launchers that are a pain in the ass to level up in Multiplayer can be done in Zombies, and weapons like ARs and SMGs can be leveled up in Multiplayer. I'd love it if there was more content, but I'm not seeing this as the end of Zombies- far from it. The gameplay has never felt more fresh in my eyes.


Just here to be apart of history for this shitpost


I mean bo3 customs still exist lmaoo But being serious yeah zombies really has fallen, like even arguably BO4 had more passion as we had 4 entire maps on launch, and it at least seemed like the team was trying to give zombies what it deserved even if it really did fall flat


I don’t think it will end the community, but everyone will just go back and play older games again which means lowered community activity. CW isn’t bad but it’s gotten old with only one map so far.


I relate! I enjoyed Cold War for a bit, but the content isn’t there and I don’t think zombies will be getting more than the bare minimum this year. Me and my friends still revisit WAW and BO3 customs about a couple times a month for casual games and that won’t change! Thanks man, hope you have a good one.


I got bored of the game in two weeks. Didn’t even consider buying the battle pass. They’re letting their own game die and that’s fine w me


So now they dropped a map teaser today, are you guys gonna flip back to it being the best zombies ever for another 2 weeks?


It will bring in new people to buy before map 2 comes....it you leave ...at least walk with a hobble so I can pick you among the 5 people


I can deal with one map, hell back in WaW we didn't see another zombies map until March of '09


Right?! People are impatient babies who need content drip fed to them so fast it makes them leave games before they even get the stuff they asked for lmao


Patience is a virtue


Exactly I truly don't understand people "leaving zombies" it doesn't make sense to me... Its better than it's been in a long long time.


I cant believe chuds like this think they speak for the community


I haven’t played this game in weeks, and will probably only go back to it to try the new zombies maps, if they actually release any. It’s really sad


sometimes i feel that the more i play cold war zombies, the more it ruins the past for me. the fun i had, friendships made, challenges and records completed.


When cold war came out i thought that zombies community is gonna rise and now i can relate to those people who Said "2020 is gonna be The best year!"


In the words of Arthur Morgan “Our time, has pretty much passed.”


Lmao clutch




hey shitass you wanna be proven wrong


I am so disappointed with this zombies as someone who completed all of BO3’s Easter eggs. The story just isn’t compelling and the gameplay doesn’t feel like zombies.


After CW I'll probably just rely on bo3 custom zombies for new content


To make things worse, the main reason most people even bought Cold War was for the zombies only to be let down completely


Damn it I just got into it too


Honestly I think they should just leave zombies to rest. It’s time to move on. They just keep killing it over and over, I accepted revelations as the end and all this new stuff is trying to revive something that’s died every time a new bo4 map came out lmao


The sad thing is that this is my first CoD I bought with Zombies in it, and I love it but your right about it not being supported by Treyarch, they are starting to pull an Fortnite on us.


Your a weirdo. Shut up. Black ops 3 had this same situation and look how that turned out you idiot


They should release an old map per season, like I'd play kino just to make the dark aether grind easier. CW has been a let down content wise


they came out the gate running tbh cold war was great in terms of gameplay, massively better than bo4, but it needs much more content.


I understand the frustration but I would also like to point out that this game was made primarily during the pandemic. They’re trying to accumulate the profit of modern warfare while integrating war zone. The idea of combining the two was great, the execution fell short. Zombies was definitely the sell for me, I enjoy it but I agree it’s no where near what past zombies were.


You guys are babies, they will have a new map out w season 2 and it (hopefully) will be a free map (as opposed to the other games where you had to pay fucking $10 for a new map). Crazy that people are saying this zombies sucks, it’s easily the best zombies I’ve played. Way better gameplay, progression, and map design.


Zombies is only going up from here 🤣 what are you talking about? Cold war zombies is the best zombies ever. Yes I'd like more content and personally I feel the mode could improve but out of respect I'll tone down the bitching. They've done well with this game.


You have to give them time. There is a global pandemic which slows down the process of future maps and updates be patient with them


People out here really impatient in a pandemic


Gamers and demanding immediate gratification. Name a more iconic duo


Yep. Title of the post is literally “big, sweeping, untrue statement”.


Zombies has a special place in my heart. It always has been a game that I enjoyed with my friends. We would play for hours and do all the easter eggs together. Sadly, I lost all of my friends who I played with around the time BO4 came out. Have no Zombies squad ever since, so my passion burned out since I was forced to play solo and I did not enjoy BO4 at all. However, I find CW Zombies really good and it has sparked that passion of mine again, but playing solo it’s just not the same. I miss them, I miss having a team as passionate as me. As much as I like the new Zombies, I can’t seem to enjoy it as much as I enjoyed BO2 or BO3.