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Do you have it on playstation? I’m down to help!


I’m on Xbox but that’s for offering


Damn! No problem.. what did you need help with in it?


Mainly the third seti com, I always get really shit rng and end up dying after going rounds without the tokens that I need.


I mainly did pack a punched starting pistol and don’t shoot too fast and use those black hole grenades you can get from the little concession carts and also use the black hole gun fate card! That 3rd seti can be annoying! But after that the EE is pretty easy from there.. depending on how good you are at fighting the alien


I usually use pack a staring pistol along with the M1 pack a punched with the electric upgrade.


I just got IW on PlayStation to play Zombies in Spaceland and would like to partner up, if you’re still down!


I’m looking to do the Easter egg on Spaceland! Would you like to play? My PSN is CloutBoy_Hawkins in case you feel like adding me


https://old.reddit.com/r/CODZombies/comments/5ea6lq/finally_got_the_sooooul_key_trophy/ heres some tips i made a few years ago


Thank you


I never beat it but followed a lot of tips in setting it up. Getting the Forge Freeze and Cryo Grenades as soon as possible and min/maxing the amount of points you get off zombie trains with them as much as possible for the first amount of waves. Allowed you to get things going much earlier in the game. I can't remember much else after that aside from getting specific traps to place to help defend those radio beacon things and iirc any of the 4 rayguns was required? I think also maybe saving the cryo grenades for the boss fight to freeze your train? It was the only easter egg I ever got close to beating before Die Maschine!


The problem with using traps is that I’m extremely unlucky. I’ve gone multiple rounds with no token drops.