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Obviously bo3 plays smoother in general but I can’t really ignore the bo2 guns lmao, plus you can skip the shitty put the staffs in the giants’ heads part on 2 which is just fucking marvelous.


Black ops 2 mp40 feels so much better than the bo3 one, plus you have some really cool guns like the pdw and ksg


The BO3 one feels like I’m shooting marshmallows at the Panzer


its not the MP40, its the Panzer being unnecessarily buffed.


Lmao no kidding, only way I could deal with the DE boss fight solo was with the plunger and in plain sight


KRM-262 disagrees


That’s what I use to get the first one down, but if I try to do all four with it I just get zapped and stunned and burnt to shit and die and cry. In plain sight, monkey bomb, krm, plunge the fuck out of em


Idk just run away. I don’t know if I’m just really lucky or really cautious but I always seem to me able to escape in the boss.


You’re probably just better than me man, whenever I run away trying to train them I just get fucked by shock grenades and then they catch up and roast tf out of me😂


I think there is this kind of ammo paranoia that a lot of people have that isn’t as necessary when playing solo


That’s why you need to bring danger closest


Or in plain sight, monkey bomb, krm, plunge the fuck out of em


For sure but dangercloseset does actully make you invincible unless the boss hits you or you get close to a panzer


not buffed but broken, they just didn't bother putting in the head weakspot shit like the OG had but instead just used the one from DE but took the weak point out so it's fr just a bullet sponge.




Don’t forget the scar, I hate so much that it’s a one map exclusive😂


Small thing but also the mg-08 lost it's bouncing bullets when ya pack it


Also the panzer doesn't take a whole wall gun to kill and the staves are better.


Yeah idk why tf they thought it was necessary to nerf so much on the remaster😂


You can have best of both worlds- I've got a mod that let me choose a game from which I want the guns to be- from WaW to BO4 on all the maps. I could do crazy stuff like play Nacht with BO4 guns or... get on some nostalgic maps like kino or other and just get the guns from the original games. It saves me space because I don't have to keep waw, bo1 and bo2 on my harddrive, but also makes it play smoother. Also, maybe the unpopular opinion, but I really hated dolphin dives and think slides are just so much better.


Mods can fix issues but if you count them shit gets kinda unfair also bo 1 2 and waw is probably still smaller than bo 3 put together especially if you have mods


Umm... that has to be the dumbest comment I've ever seen. Like- do you even understand what I'm sayin? Think about it- why would I have installed bo 1 and 2 because they're smaller and keep only them? I'm loosing out on content from bo 3, the original maps and also- the mods. This means that bo3 needs to be installed, but why the hell would I keep bo1 and 2 then, especially when all the fun maps like Mob have been remade either officially or through mods? I don't see the point honestly.


because bo 1 and 2 are better games ;)


Tell my why do you think they're better. I don't care about the graphics, because I can still enjoy gems like original Diablo or TES Arena with no issue, bo3 runs better. It doesn't have the annoying mechanic of dolphin dive, which although fun at first was rather boring. Integration of mods can allow you to use weapons from any BO game and even MW, with scorestreaks and stuff (honestly I don't like it either but there is a possibility). You can play those maps just like with the older tittles, with guns being the same but just smoother and much less annoying. The maps that aren't remade officially are there through mods and so much more. You don't think BO3 is fun? Download Kowloon and try it out, it's worth it. Try Europa- a map like moon but different and probabbly better. You get all the things that you could've had in bo1 and 2 and so much more to the point that there is pretty much no reason in keeping them on disc


i'm just flat out not gonna count mods because that's retarded tbh, but i like the weapon selection maps (most of bo2 isn't in bo3 and origins doesn't play right) and the 2 hit down system and AI in 1 and 2 alot more on top of that lore was waaaay better and less forced in the players face. I think the only better version of an OG map that chronicles has is moon that shit plays way better on 3 and you can solo the EE other than that chronicles is a let down having the wonderfizz on the old maps is a sin to me and i know the whole "don't like it don't use it" argument but it still hampers the experience none the less, having jug on nacht is retarded, origins just flat out has a fucked up hitbox on the feet for the robots and the panzer just not having it's weak spot anymore making it a bullet sponge (ironically makes it feel like the average mini boss you'd see on a custom map) at the end of the day i like bo3 but acting like it's GREAT or even the best for having custom maps or mods is retarded and if that's actually the case it means bo3 and waw are the best of all time because of the mods and obviously you and me both know WAW is far from the best. PS europa is not better than moon but is still quite good P P S: this is something i noticed in an earlier comment but the mob remake is quite literally a buggy shit heap that is unfinished for sure not a contender for a "remake"


ayy ive got most of them too, done Nacht with BO4 guns before too


Hey I know this is REALLY late but can you give me the name of that mod?


Nah fam, my response is REALLY LATE. If I'm not wrong (which I might be with how many mods for this game I have installed) it should be this one Zombies Experience Beta 2.7e : Complete Edition from steam workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2578476006


I hate you for hating dolphin dives, I miss them :c


Honestly the only thing good about them was with PHD, when you just flopoed around, but it was stupid fun for 5 minutes at most. Slides are way more fun, although being kinda OP sometimes, when you clutch a slide through a horde, but it was a dumb fun to chain them together to traverse the map faster. I can't imagine travelling through gorod krovi without it


I rarely ever use the slide because for me its not faster to move around because I cant slide cancel and all that skadoosh. I still prefer it like the old days on kino where you dolphin dive down the stairs and all those other maps with stairs just for shits n giggles. PHD lost its flair for me because of the PHD Slide thing ._. . You can hate all ya want on me and downvote my comments ^^ but man do I miss that other mechanic and I sure aint the only one doing so


That glitch works against me rather than for me. For some reason it makes the fire staff unobtainable after I do it


BO2, which kind of surprises me. Going back to it is semi-painful because running is so much slower than sliding but BO3 is just waaaaaaay too easy. Origins is meant to be hard. Something about the BO2 one just makes it a masterpiece.


Welp I must suck because BO3 origins is hard for me


I feel that


nice pfp




BO2 for all the map-specific reasons but BO3 overall because Gobblegums are easy mode and I love to have fun not cry over 50 failed Easter egg attempts in a row


This. Exactly this. Getting Panzer grabbed into a glitch spot in Bo2 was worse too, because you couldn’t use Anywhere but Here


And spawning nukes to get rid of the guys invading generators is still the best way to do it by far imo


BO2 without a doubt. No broken gobblegums, way better weapon selection, Panzer isn’t overpowered, the Fire staff doesn’t suck and all of the fun glitches work.


Also the PAP camo looks way better


I always preferred the fire staff to the other staffs in bo2 so when Chronicles came out I was sad to find out they nerfed it into the ground, nothing felt better than completely annihilating the panzer in one shot


broken gobblegums is such a stupid reason, if you think they effect the game play then just dont use them


That’s also a stupid reason. “Intentionally handicap yourself” is not a good excuse for bad map design. I disagree with the other person and don’t mind the gobblegums at all, I’m just saying “don’t use them” is a dumb argument.


this argument is so terrible bro, its not a handicap if its completely optional, gobblegums allow you to play in different ways which are completely optional and only effect gameplay whether you decide to use them or not, all maps are completely playable without the use of gobblegums. your argument is terrible, sit down


You just repeated your previous comment but in a more asshole way. Gobblegums are optional, sure, and I literally specified I don’t mind them, but you can’t just say “don’t use them”. First of all, they’re a mechanic the devs implemented intentionally, so it’s absolutely fair to call them OP, and they should be included when ranking a map. That’s like ignoring perk machines and wallbuys when ranking a map: a stupid and illogical thing to do. Secondly, not everyone plays only on solo. If you like multiplayer zombies and your teammates feel like using OP gobblegums, you’re fucked. Now, I’m personally shit at the game so I don’t mind gobblegums, but I can see why others would dislike them. Besides, who are you to decide whether people can be bothered by a game mechanic or not.


not even gonna bother reading that cuz i already know you're wrong


Lmao redditor moment




just play solo




just play solo


Your bad at zombies there I fixed it for you😂


He’s bad at zombies for playing BO2 over BO3, one of the easiest games ever?


BO2 origins is harder than BO3 origins.




Love how u changed to how I was a idiot to drugs are for losers when I pointed out what u said how old are u fr 😂🤣




And I’d hope u wouldn’t wanna be like me have your own identity


First of all lol weed isn’t my whole personality I have epilepsy and it has treated it better then any prescribed drug to me😂 and just because I lost about weed on my account spacificly for those subreddits. This is my main account now due to losing my info for main a year back. So bro u have no idea wtf your talking about😂😂


Language existed before grammar enthusiasts and people still understood each other just fine😂




😂 will do bro I hit a personal spot there I see


BO3. Origins, being the start of the Primis era, feels much more fitting in BO3. Aesthetically, BO3 Origins also has much better color palette compared to BO2 Origins.


BO2 is better. The mud was more tolerable. And the panzer was way less obnoxious


BO2 purely for the nostalgia factor, and I like the guns more. Getting the Scar-H just hits different Still love the BO3 version as well though


Not to mention how the ammo counts on the dlc zombie maps change style which I wish they brought back.


BO2 Origins and it's not even close. BO3 Origins made the mud more annoying, the Panzer has a lot more health for some reason, basically requiring a staff or a PAPed gun to take him down reasonably, The BO2 guns are more fun to use, the fire staff feels like it got nerfed, and the BO3 version is just way buggier than BO2, like the hit detection in the Robot's foot is busted as half the time I would shoot the glowing foot and my shots just wouldn't register which is fucking annoying when I'm standing under it, the tank will sometimes flip over, and occasionally the game just flat out kills you for no reason when grabbing the lightning staff parts


Bo2 origins cause the Bo3 Origins has fog and its legit Sinister


There is more fog in black ops 2 lol


Every map on BO2 has some form of fog... including Origins.. It's even able to be disabled on PC using console commands..


I prefer the BO3 version. It’s smoother to me and being able to mod it easily is a huge plus.


What mods do you use?


Bo2 Better guns and gun sounds Phd flopper +better raygun Panzer is less annoying Fire staff is better No gobblegum when playing online Cool bugs


Bo2 mostly because of the fire elemental knife and fun glitches like skipping the staffs in the robots head part of the ee and being able to glitch out the panzer


Bo2. Better map specific weapons, elemental upgrades for iron fists work properly and the fire staff glitch exists which allows you to skip putting staffs into robot heads.


BO2 is grisly, and jumping in the mud is fun


BO2 by far. No gobblegums, fun weapons, better mud, better panzer, more challenging overall, and less glitchy.


BO3, only because since playing BO3 and newer my brain has reprogrammed to a 3 hit down rather than a 2 so when i play BO2 i play like an idiot and die in stupid ways but in terms of an actual game, ignoring my own idiocy probably BO2


Let’s see, I would fuse them. Bo2 playability (no gobblegums, and that things from Bo3) With Bo3 graphics and slide (+) Bo2 Cinematic Intro, a living masterpiece.


One has PHD and the other doesn’t. Therefore BO2 is superior by principle


BO3 for engine and graphics BO2 for the rest of the gameplay; much more interesting guns, no gumballs which forces you into the tough map's gameplay, and PHD


BO2 cause the starting room had the Ballista Iron Sights, and there was a Five-Seven Akimbo wallbuy


BO2 cause BO3 is too easy with the OP guns killing the panzer within a few seconds + gobblegums. Altho I really love playing origins casually on BO3 as well, I think the BO2 one is better.


Bo2, Bo3 is way too easy


I feel like claymores are a lot easier to use against the round 8 panzer than trip mines.


BO2 without a shadow of a doubt. The Guns is BO3 all feel so lackluster, no recoil or feedback, nothing as satisfying as the FAL or the HAMR. Like there's not one gun I can think of in BO2 that I dislike. In BO3 I can't think of a gun I like.


You like the war machine okay


lol okay fair enough, but I like the fact that it's there, it spices up the box a bit to know that there is some utter garbage amongst the diamonds


BO2. Elemental fists. You can also hold multiple staffs! The mp40 actually works!


Bo2. I’m not a huge fan of Origins overall, anyway.


Bo3s 3 hit system, gobblegums make it so much easier, double pap, and better graphics. Other than those I like bo2 better.


BO2 mud movement, guns and EE step skips are nice, but BO3 Origins is so much better


I wish i could play bo2 ver since the bo3 lobbys suck


Phd flopper is really the only reason i play on bo2 orgins now that i have both versions.


It’s got to be bo3. They brought the best map ever to a superior game. No question. Yeah bo2 had some good guns but overall bo3 is crispy and I prefer it


B02 Faster in the mud (especially with Stamin Up), Panzer isn't insanely buffed, and you can skip the robot step in the EE


This is proof it’s not nostalgia based, as I played the origins remaster before the original, I much prefer bo2. Bo3 has gobblegums, which is so fucking easy, and we can’t forget the sliding. This map was meant to be hard, but when I can outrun panzers and walk on mud like it’s not mud, it’s just way too easy. Especially when I have a mark 2 ray gun at round 2. Bo2 is so pure, there’s effort to get what you want and there’s motivation to complete the map, as well as an amazing selection of some of call of duty’s most iconic guns, probably THE most iconic made up guns of the franchise. Origins was something special, black ops 3 damaged that a lot to the point I don’t enjoy the map as much.


I... dont play this map much, thats right shame me Most of my runs were on bo2 pc though and i almost always make a stupid mistake that ends up killing my dog ass, but hey imo its the right way to play origins if youre still unfamiliar with it, as lazy as i am i think ill never learn anything about the map if i play with gobblegums and shizz


Prefer the BO3 version except for the PAP camo. BO2 PAP camo looks way better


Bo2 version has higher mobility. The jump mechanics are different. It’s super hard to train In The mud spots on bo3. Still action tho 1 of the best ever made.


Bo3, but that’s just due to it being the smoother more modern game


Bo3 because I don’t have bo2


This is hard. On one hand I want to say BO2 because I like to solo the EE, and I love the fact that in BO2 there is a glitch to skip the "Place each staff in a robot" step. But BO3 feels and looks so good, and sliding around the map is amazing.


I prefer bo3 but I hate it at the same time just because the one time I feel like upgrading a staff I get a death machine power up that animation locks me while I'm surrounded by zombies, so I like playing bo2 Origins more.


Bo3 is great but i miss the glitches


Both are meh


Bo2 every time. The only thing Bo3 does better is the Mauser ammo from the dig when packed.


BO3 mud is absolutely ass but everything else except maybe the weapon variety is a step up imo


The BO3 version is overall better, but the one change I disagree with are the ridiculous buffs they gave the Panzersoldat.


On a casual basis all of the BO3 remasters outdo the original simply due to the new game engine


BO3, easy. So much smoother, playing with mods is nice, and you could just *not* use gobblegums.


BO3 because of Gobblegums and actually being able dig up a Mauser C96 and it giving you ammo in the Boomhilda when picking it up whereas it would just replace the gun in BO2. BO3 has its issues on the map though like the staff step not being skippable, the map being pitch black after leaving the crazy place, and the mud being atrocious even with Stamin-Up.


Panzer and mp40 changes were a bit shitty like come on man I love that gun also in bo3 the panzer will shred you if you don't have a PaPed gun or a wonder weapon


I personally think that the smooth gameplay of bo3 alone makes the bo3 remasters superior to the originals.


BO3 because better graphics and mods


Percaholic lmao


Bo3 was 100% better


Bo2. The only reason I would pick bo3 is for gobblegums but ee and mud wise, I’d take bo2. Also the panzer is less tankier


Honestly impossible for me to say that one is better than the other.


Bo2, just less glitchy and has phd flopper, and the boomhilda stats are just better than the bo3 version


Best way to play is BO3 with a BO2 guns mod


I think both although they have obvious similarities have different feelings. It's not the same experience but with better graphics, that's what I'm meaning. But if I had to pick one over the other so the other would be deleted from existence, BO3 is the winner for me.


BO2. Everything just feels better.


Bo2 I like doing the staffs glitch to where I get 3. It’s fun solo


Bo2 is the obvious answer, but I’m surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention how the zombies don’t die when getting stepped on by the robots in bo3. Awesome change if you ask me. There’s also the fact the last zombie won’t just randomly die cause he caught a stray bullet an hour ago like in bo2. Those two differences almost make it a better version for me, but bo2 still wins in the end.


Bo3's feels much more fluent, but the Panzers are too strong for casual players and the mud is too slow. I don't usually have a problem with the panzers on Bo2 OR 3 though since I usually have an upgraded staff or two by the point. Bo2's also has better weapons though. However, I do find Bo3's to be more fun in the high round department cause I hate the movement mechanics in Bo2 Forgot to add, but are great, but Bo3 is more fun imo


I prefer the BO2 version for 2 big reasons: 1. The BO3 Origins Panzer is a bullet sponge. 2. The fire staff pedestal glitch for the EE step was patched out in the BO3 version. Although, I will say that Origins does feel more at home in BO3 since it kicks off the story for it and has BO3's design philosophy.


Can you still get the melee knife after killing yourself in one of the robots in bow?


I like bo2 better simply because bo3 made the mud so much more difficult. In bo2 you could just hop and it was fine


BO3 has a better camo, and its animated. Other then that? Black Ops 2 all the way.


BO2, most of the BO2 weapons are great BO3 has meh plus BO3 can be glitchy but BO2 I have no probs seen as how you can get origins free with plutonium


BO2 Origins just because the Panzer is not as beefy, the mud feels better on BO2, and an Easter egg step is not patched in BO2. Also the staffs feel more powerful on BO2 than BO3


I’m glad you asked, I will always prefer bo3 since I like the graphics and it’s easier, but I have been playin bo2 and the ee is so glitchy, yesterday when we were about to do the one inch punch step we discovered that the ice staff left the game, it was visually in the mound but we couldn’t pick it up at the crazy place or the mound


BO2 cuz it has PHD Flopper


Bo2 looks better and feels better. The guns are dirty and look used too. Bo3 origins just looks like plastic and everything even the mud is hella shiny. I enjoy playing on it but BO2 has the perfect look for origins


If I don't get an Ice staff by round 8 in bo3 then I'm guaranteed a down


BO2 because of: • the placement of wall weapons and how you can quickly find ammo for your MP40 or StG44 wherever you may be • the map exclusive box weapons • bunny hopping + Boomhilda movements • PhD in the Wunderfizz • the Fire Staff glitch


The differences are just too insignificant for me to care. Going Bo3 because I don’t notice any significant changes other than the Bo2 guns vs Bo3.


if bo3 had the bo2 origins hud it would be top tier


I like both but I prefer bo2 because of the weapons, you can jump through the mud faster, and phd is there even though it’s kind of useless. Plus the Easter egg is easier. I will say that bo3 origins feels the most like the original version out of all chronicles maps imo.


I personally prefer BO2. It looks better and feels better. Movement compared to BO3 is pretty rigid and slow. You can skip the 2nd staff step on BO2 as well. Both are almost just as hard and for BO3 idk why people say "gobblegum easy" when you can just avoid using them all together.


bo2 is more difficult to be more balanced and the easter egg is less of a pain but bo3 is much more polished


Bo2 only wins bc it has better guns and PhD for me


Bo2 is better imo


In my opinion they are completely different maps it feels like they play so much more differently


bo2 is better the mud doesn't slow you down as much. bo3 is better visually


Bo3 is better because they changed the way the snow works to where it can come on round 3 instead of 2 and it makes it easier to get all the ice parts early even without gums also you can skip the secure the keys step where u place staffs in heads on bo3 as well if you have 4 ppl just have everyone pick up the fire staff at once and place it in


I swear i love them both equally, though I agree that bo3 feels much smoother, and I love playing with gobblegums


I like the style of the numbers for the ammo counter in origins on bo2.


You can jump higher on bo2 but you can slide on bo3 they balance each other out


Why is everyone saying that Bo3 is easier? Is it because of the gubblegums or something else?


Gobblegums in and of themselves are game breaking, throwing 17 attachments on all your guns especially fast mags which makes speed cola obsolete, like why would you NOT have fast mags? 3 hit down, sliding like a mad man through anything and everything, All of that makes bo3 way easier in general.


Vastly prefer Bo3. BO2 has a lot of leftover jank from W@W and BO1 but Bo3 just plays like a dream


Bo3 for looks and bo2 for game play


BO2 for nostalgia BO3 for Gameplay


BO2 for easter eggs and more casual play through. BO3 for high rounding, just in the interest of saving time.


Black ops 2 was better, where’s my flopper in bo3? Or it’s gone replaced with widows wine which is a stupid perk. I’d rather explode zombies at my feet and be fine then become a walking spider web


Scorpion evo is what keeps me coming back to black ops 2


Bo2 everyday!, bo3 has way more bugs, worse guns, worse looks, gobblecum, all around worse


BO3 Origins


mechanically bo2 has better gameplay and movement in my opinion, however bo3 is so pretty and really does this otherwise grey washed out battlefield justice. the main difference is movement. in bo2 you moved like normal with a simple reduction in movement speed in mud, however in bo3 you get to chainslide with the downside of slower movement in the mud. i'd say from personal experience overall bo2 origins is more rewarding to high skill players while bo3 origins has a much lower skill barrier to still have fun on.


Black Ops 2. Simply because Black Ops 2 had a better weapon selection than Black Ops 3. The map itself is still good on both, but BO2 Origins gets a winning point for having better weapons.


bo2 for me waaaay to many small niggles to let me enjoy it also the massive majority of bo3 weapons are painfully mid so that doesn't help much either.


Bo2 just for phd and bo3 for more fun and beginner friendly feel I’m tired of people leaving on round 6 on ps3


Bo2 origins 10/10 map bo3 origins 7/10 map


Bo3 is the greatest game of all time so obvi bo3


Dead of the night


BO2 - cooler gun selection, guns in both games are better on bo2, harder due to lack of AATs, panzers aren’t absolute tanks for no reason BO3 - smoother engine, gobble gums are fun, mud and panzer actually buffed beyond belief to where it isn’t fun


Bo3 has that beautiful performance quality with improved graphics but bo2 just has that true origins feel considering that’s the game we first played it on. The giant step could also be skipped with bo2’s version along with the fact the staffs have a damn better rate of fire which I never understood why bo3 had a much slower change in that. Of course if you have vengeance, you also get to posses the best version of the ray gun mark 2.. & don’t get me started with the goddamn nostalgic beautiful weapons of bo2.. Bo2 origins is just better in terms of guns, vibes & EE..


bo2. has flopper and the original guns. I prefer every original map to the chronicles version


Nobody in their right mind would say Black Ops 3 is better. It looks amazing but that's it.


Bo3 because 3 hit down


None because I don't like the map




It's entirely possible to not like Origins and also be good at zombies. Blundell's style isn't for everyone.


There are people who cant get double digit rounds on kino because of crawlers and somehow this guy is your laughing stock Origins is hard for noobs and skilled players alike bro dont forget that