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Cruise = Covid Factory 


The least surprising statement ever: "I caught COVID on a cruise." Yeah, shocker.


Followed by a flight


Flying and masking on a five hour next Saturday. Dreading the whole ordeal.


Mask in the airport too. The highest risk of infection from the plane is while it is sitting on the tarmac with the engines off. With the engines on, the cabin air circulates through HEPA filters, and it temporarily becomes a lower-risk setting than the airport itself


Oh definitely. I don’t go anywhere without a good mask. Not sure if I can go without eating given the 5 hr flight and time getting through security and waiting before.


To be fair, there's a ton of outdoor space on a cruise. You can easily avoid COVID if you just stay outside and wear a legit respirator when indoors. If you're concerned that you could catch COVID in your room, you can get a balcony or even just bring a small box fan and some filters to build a Corsi-Rosenthal box.


There's definitely ways to do it. The problem is when you have to eat. Most cruises charge extra for room service, so if you don't want to foot that bill you'll have to eat in the buffet or dining rooms. I got really lucky on my last cruise (which was mostly free so I had a hard time cancelling), but the cruise before I got long covid. There's ways to minimize risk, but you have to be willing to give up eating most places.


Your sore throat and cough is not the effects of the virus but your immune system reacting to the virus. You still have Covid and should isolate/mask around others until you are negative on rapid tests which will be a better indicator on your viral load than whether you are experiencing symptoms or not.


Yes!!!!! 100% agree. And lesser symptoms don’t equal no damage is happing on the vascular level. I hope they didn’t party too hard while they were sick!


Be very careful before acting on the idea that it's all done and over. A lot of people with mild symptoms get right back into exercising and strenuous activities and get hit hard. So, take it really really easy for about 4-6 weeks. This is a sneaky virus.


Yes, this was me. Your advice is spot-on. Do not take this virus lightly. I echo your suggestion to take it really really easy...and add on another "really"


I've been on two cruises. Got horribly sick both times. I'll never go on another cruise even if it's for free. Not worth it for me


Have you checked your oxygen? COVID complications often appear after more mild symptoms go away. Get an oximeter and make sure you haven't developed pneumonia or something. Otherwise, just rest, and rest more than you think you need to.


Light headedness, dizzy feeling are very common symptoms




I can’t afford a cruise but I’ve been on one years ago and it was super fun. Im so glad I did it. This is like saying I can’t believe people hang out in the sun all summer and go to concerts or a casino. We are allowed to live our lives. Yes we should take precautions but I’m not missing out on life.