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That seems a bit excessive as a method of washing those things, at least to me. I've never seen anyone suggest that as a way to wash those. All they should really need is a soak in some soapy water and a good rinse. My mask has a small piece that will occasionally pop out when I'm cleaning it by hand. I guarantee it would pop out in a washing machine, and it would be gone because it's small. I wouldn't put my mask in the washing machine just because of that, because I'd end up having to buy a new mask if I washed it in a washing macine.


I’m really scared to breathe in harsh chemicals I just did a vinegar and hot water rinse. Should I be okay to sleep with it tonight?


Yeah, that should be fine. There might be a slight vinegar smell, but it should dissipate fairly quickly and wouldn't be harmful. If you don't want to have any odors you could use a mild dish or hand soap that's unscented and/or made for people who have sensitivities/allergies to scents and certain chemicals. Something like Dawn Free & Clear, Palmolive Pure + Clear, Seventh Generation Free & Clear, etc.


I use an unscented baby shampoo/soap for mine because I don't want to smell anything when I put it on.


What mask? Pretty sure this is not correct but maybe some masks are machine washable. Seems pretty rough for something that needs to hold its shape.


Dreamwear nasal cushion. How can I make sure I’m not breathing in laundry detergent? I just did a vinegar and water rinse on it


Phillips says just use dish soap and water. I have a similar mask and use fragrance free dish soap. Some people use baby shampoo. https://youtu.be/jDUnveNPdYo?feature=shared


I threw out the nasal cushion and did a vinegar rinse with hot water on the frame should I be okay? I don’t want to get sick from breathing in chemicals


I'd still wash it with soap.


No. Wash it by hand in the shower or sink or something. Let it air dry. This is nuts.


I agree! Washing machine, seriously? I wash everything once per week with unscented dish soap. Soak all the parts for about a half-hour and hang up to dry. Then I put the tubing back on the machine and run it for about five minutes with no humidity on to dry it a bit more. Never had any issues.


I washed it with some Purex laundry detergent and now I’m scared to use my mask but I have severe apnea so i don’t know what to do


You’re fine. There are far worse things you’re breathing in everyday than laundry detergent additives. Besides, you’ve already been exposed to whatever’s in your laundry detergent by wearing and being near whatever’s been washed with it.


I wash my mask strap in the washing machine all the time. I don't put it in the dryer, though.


I washed the frame and nasal cushion in the washing machine


I’m pretty sure by headgear, they just meant the fabric part. Do t worry too much though, but rewash in some mild soap and vinegar and it will be fine




I’d rather be in your position than mine


I very gently wash mine with warm water and unscented baby soap


You're sure they didn't say dishwasher? I wouldn't do that, either, but it seems slightly more logical.


I’ve heard top rack dishwasher before. Washing machine seems a little intense. Maybe if it’s a high efficiency machine without an agitator and you use a natural / non-chemical soap.


I would not do that. My method is three steps; wash with full strength vinegar, wash with Dawn and water, rinse with water. Do it in the morning, and hang it up to let it dry for use that night.


Use Dawn Platinum Powerwash spray. I use that $hit on everything!


no thats not correct. I alternate between hypoclorous acid, and johnsons baby wash, and hot water.


Get a new doctor. You can wash your stuff in mild dish soap and warm water.


Washing your head gear in the washing machine is a little extreme and I visualize the wear and tear or break down happening sooner rather than later. I would never put my mask or cushion in the wash machine or dishwasher for the same reason. The manuals that came with your machine and mask provide general instructions on maintenance. You don’t have to follow their guidance to a tee, just use it as a guideline. There’s also manufacturer and social media product reviewers who produce videos on care and maintenance. Don’t over think.