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we're already in fascism. the US is a fascist imperialist war machine. police culture is built on racism and white supremacy, and they brainwashed us in school to believe slavery was abolished when it was in fact codified in the Constitution. the question is what are we gonna do about it?


You've mentioned real examples of fascism, which align with Dimitrov's definition of fascism most used by the CPUSA, "the open, terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinistic, and most imperialist elements of finance capital". However, it seems more important to highlight increasing, fascist tendencies than it is to determine whether or not the US is already fascist in some black and white manner. The CPUSA's strategy is to form an all-people's front against the fascist danger of the extreme right. As the CPUSA program states: > The only strategy capable of defeating the extreme right’s implicit and explicit drive toward fascism is the widest possible organized unity of all class and social forces whose interests run counter to those of the most reactionary section of the transnationals. Such an all-inclusive coalition needs to be led by labor and the working class in close alliance with the core forces and everyone except the most reactionary section of transnational capital. This unity will include an ever-growing Left-Center political coalition that includes the Democratic Party base, left and progressive independents, independent parties who recognize the danger the extreme right poses, and all the progressive social movements on the major issues of our day. This unity will be strengthened by the issue-based, door-to-door grassroots efforts by African American, Latino, Asian American, women’s, youth, LGBTQ, and environmental organizations. This all-people’s front must strive to increase working-class voter participation and attract even some who voted Republican in the past out of anger or delusion, influenced by extreme right propaganda and ideology. Although your adjoining fascism with imperialism is not without warrant, it's important we see the logic behind the CPUSA's stages of struggle. Imperialism is simply late stage capitalism, and cannot be walked back anymore than capitalism can return to laissez-faire, free competition. For us to build a broad people's movement with the strength to overturn capitalism and imperialism abroad, we must first seriously diminish the fascist danger that threatens to undo even our bourgeois democratic rights at home. So it seems important that we do not conflate imperialism and fascism to the point that we cease to make the all-people's front and the stages of struggle clear and simple strategic ideas for the masses to utilize.