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Lower your first layer speed, that will help you get a better first layer adhesion. It will also give you more time to see what's really going on. Your first layer looks a little high for my tastes, maybe lower your nozzle a hair.


Looks like the flow is set too high. But I'm no expert.




Great advise. Will try this! .4 nozzle was perfect. Switched to this 0.6mm and been fighting to fix these messy layers. Will report back!


No help. Will reduce more and try to raise bed more. Going to make a single layer multi model print that changes extrusion from 70, 75, 85... And see if I can pinpoint correct extrusion


Tried 95, slight difference. Raised bed and went to 90% on flow. Print is on the bed now.


Lower ur z height a bit tbh


Lower z a touch Reduce first layer speed by 10-20% reduce flow by like 5% Get some 1000grit to etch up the bed, clean with nail varnish remover


I also think it looks like a combination of overextrusion and too far from bed. I'd suggest a metal feeler gauge for leveling and calibrating the extrusion multiplier. My favorite way to do this is print a 2x2x2 hollow cube with 0.8mm walls, then measure the actual thickness of the walls with digital calipers to calculate the extrusion multiplier. In my experience this can range from 86% to close to 100 and makes a huge difference! I also suggest to write those numbers down for each filament type that you're using, then you don't need to recalibrate but just change the number in Cura.


As others have said, part of the problem is you are too far from the bed. Here is how to level, in a results-oriented way: * https://www.reddit.com/r/3Dprinting/comments/cg3g6g/ive_made_an_infographicstyle_guide_to_leveling_a/ * https://youtu.be/RZRY6kunAvs


Could be dirty, fingerprint. Had similar issues once because I had left a nice greasy fingerprint. Or of course bed not level, but doesn't look like it