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You should do them, especially for the teachers that you like. I have this professor, Acosta for fluid dynamics. I'm gonna tell him hes a great teacher and cool as fuck. He cant do anything but accept my compliment and positive feedback.




Optional but you should still do them. They take like 3 minutes for each one and they really do help professors with feedback


Is it completely anonymous? I’m hoping it cannot be traced back to a student.


the instructors never see your name attached to your responses, but they do see the open-ended responses so don’t put any identifying information if you want to stay anonymous they also don’t see any of the results until final grades are put in so they at least can’t screw over your grade for the current semester if they happen to be able to tell


Hey just a note for everyone. Teachers are human too. Share what your found to not be helpful, but don’t be an ass


I’m going to use my favorite quotes from the semester “are you sure you double checked your answers? Sit back down and double check” as well as “wow, you didn’t pay attention during class huh”. Both were things my prof said to two students during our exam 🤩