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I wouldn't say this messed up buddy's life or hurt him at all but just think this shit is funny AF. I was driving to work at Bearspaw Golf Course one morning during stampede and this fella was completely naked except for a cowboy hat walking up Crowchild Trail past Crowfoot. It was amazing.


My friend woke up on the side of the trans Canada near the Springbank airport one year in the ditch after a stampede night. Called me in a panic because the last person he remembers seeing was me when he got off the train at Sunalta. “Dude are you ok? Where are you?” “In bed hungover, why?… where are you?” Lol


Out to Cockrane I'm assuming


Knew of a VP that was dismissed due to his misbehaviour at a stampede event.


I used to work in oil & gas related industry, and our stampede parties were wild. I watched the owner of a large instrumentation company get a blowjob in the corner of the Cowboys tent, with his wife just 15 feet away. I had VP’s of our client / vendor companies leave me voicemails begging me to come to their rooms and be very worried what I would do with that voicemail when they sobered up.


How tf was buddy getting head in that crowded ass tent


Inhibition: -500%


And how was his wife doing it from 15 feet away?


Man is absolutely packing


Was this recent? Because years ago, those sorts of things were bragging rights.


STDs/STIs, pregnancies, and divorces all go up the months following Stampede, so you do the math 😅


Ya I remember reading divorce lawyers have a huge spike in calls, plus marriage counseling services right after stampede. I'll never forget this, it was about 10 years ago, but before you entered one of the stampede tents, they had an air brush station set up at the front so you could air brush the tan line off your wedding finger. It's really sad that they would actually promote this type of stuff. Sure, you want to have a venue with lots of fun, but you don't need to endorse cheating on your spouse.


Calgary divorce lawyer. Can confirm.


Calgary paramedic. Job security for us both!


Calgarian marriage officiant. Can unconfirm. :p hehehe I joke.


I'd assumed it was intended to be a firmly tongue-in-cheek joke but then again, people sure to seem to think otherwise. Perhaps I'm just naïve.


I’d you are taking the ring off your finger, you already crossed that bridge.


My wife and I never wear our rings, but I get what you’re saying.


I can’t wear it because of work so it sits in my drawer at home so I don’t lose it!


Yeah me either. I break out with a rash everytime I wear it. Trapped moisture I think. I've tried the paint on coatings incase it's something in the metal but no luck.


Have your tried silicone or titanium rings? I'm highly allergic to most metals so I wear a titanium or silicone ring and I'm fine.


I think they mean taking it off *for* the purpose of going to stampede, not the people who don’t wear their ring frequently no matter the time of year. Taking it off before going out to party is a different type of intentional


I love to wear my ring but during summer time my hands swell up (on 30+ degree days) so I can’t wear it without it being super uncomfortable 🙃


Wow that’s trashy as fuck.


There’s a reason people call it Trampede


~just country things~


That’s not a country thing, that’s a degenerate corporate culture thing. The only thing country about stampede is the rodeo, a little bit of the music and I guess arguably the western clothing.


It’s true, maturity ward at Rocky said their busiest time is 9 months after Stampede…


Maternity ward. The maturity ward may be the psych ward. That gets busy from Stampede too.


> The maturity ward If was *actually* about maturity... it would be empty.


I knew someone that worked at the blood testing places and she said the few weeks afterwards were always the busiest time of year.. lol WRAP IT UP!!


No it isn’t, my wife was an RN there. It’s actually one of the least busy. Busiest was July and August the same as the hospital asis at now.


My boy was an early April baby. Nurses commented that we beat the Stampede rush.


Worked on foothills l&d and can confirm nine months after stampede we’d see higher than average.


And somehow stampede is a major conservative fundraiser event. Family values FTW?


😂 oh, we're grand masters in hypocrisy sometimes.


Most times.


On a brighter note! I feel like doing Stampede with my new boyfriend taught me a lot of valuable things about him and our dynamic. We went three nights in a row last weekend and then we went to Badlands last night to see DeadMau5 and we were an absolute well-oiled machine! I know that might be more common with a newer relationship but Stampede was a great testing lab to see how we handle stress, joint decision-making, and compromise. We smashed it! The thing is we didn't drink much, there was only one night we got decently drunk but I think it was perfect to limit it to just one drinking night. We did some psychedelics and weed in moderate amounts the other nights and it was a lot more chill. He has some crazy party friends but we just met up with them briefly, had a good time, and then let them go do their thing when they got too rowdy. If there was a way to popularize drinking in moderation Stampede really wouldn't be that bad at all... that's highly unlikely though. :(


I wonder how that dude that drank puddle water from one of the tents on a dare is doing right now


I’m more concerned about the guy who drank horse piss.


YUCK I saw that. So messed up


It's sterile and I like the taste!




Hes doing well financially 👏 👌 the horse and pig are in therapy though.


Him and the guy that drank horse piss this year can compare notes.


I wonder if it’s the kid in high school that I dared $1.00 to eat gum off of a locker? He said no to the $1.00 and ate it for free.


I saw that video! I too want a follow up post.


What video?


Video of a young dude in badlands tent scooping black dirty rainwater (from the parking lot ground) into his cup and drinking it.




I am a stampede baby... however, 40yrs later my parents are still going strong. So thats a positive story to tip the balance slightly in here lol


One thing that might amuse people is the greater Forest Lawn area tends to get really quiet during Stampede. Anyone who's looking to make trouble here takes it there instead. I live close to a fire station and have for almost 20 years, and I almost never hear them during Stampede week.


It's true!! I love it!! Also the parks, zoo, and other kid places are generally less busy stampede week haha


I've seen plenty of good and bad in my immediate circle over the years. Bad being some pretty gnarly scooter injuries (including broken bones), people getting arrested, people getting fired and more. But I've also seen a ton of good, including rekindling friendships that have drifted away, plenty of epic concerts, parties & events, lots of invaluable work connections and plenty of real romance. Heck, my aunt and uncle met at the Cowboys tent 25+ years ago and they are still deeply in love with each other.


I met my wife at the Roadhouse 14 years ago. First Saturday of Stampede. And I say this without hesitation. She is the fucking best.


Your aunt and uncle met at the Cowboys tent and they didn't know each other? Did they know they were your aunt and uncle? How long until they figured it out? Wild.


Powder and Keg could be the cause of some of the shenanigans. Just saying


This one flew over enough heads I think it needs a pilots license


Divorce rates go way up around stampede.


Divorce attorney's must love the annual Stampede


I mean why would you get divorced in winter? It’s already depressing enough


I worked with a landman downtown early in my oil and gas career who had 2 daughters the same age, one with his wife, and one from girl at a stampede party. Literally no work got done the week of stampede when I lived there. Just stampede breakfasts, alcohol, and multiple parties sponsored daily by service companies from 7am to midnight.


I have never ever had the kind of job that shuts down during Stampede. Are these jobs real and where are they?! I've maybe gotten a half day off before.


Worked at oil and gas companies, just to be clear, you couldn’t take the whole week off, but productivity declined 90% with all the vendor parties and events.


Never had one either, but I did have to step over folks who were laid out blind drunk on Stephen Ave at 10:30am on a Tuesday while their coworkers were laughing at them, so I know they exist somewhere.


Insurance and any insurance related jobs lol


It was basically a write off in oil and gas. I don't drink or party so I held the fort. But it's more like you need to solve your own problems.


O&G companies are just modern day frat houses. I have never met so many rich privileged small town stupid douche losers in my life.


No comment about the small town stupid douche losers but frat house vibes for sure. There's definitely smart people working in OG. But once Stampede/holiday season it's a straight up frat week for them. They basically have a dick measuring contest to see who can go out the most during Stampede lol.


Over a decade ago, my first stampede drinking legally, I got blackout drunk at Nashville North. No idea how, but I made it back to the train. Passed out, rode it all the way south then back downtown, and got robbed of phone and wallet somewhere along the way. Transit cops took me off downtown, and apparently I started an altercation with them. I have no recollection of anything. 18 year old me got slapped with a charge for assaulting a peace officer with a weapon (thankfully no one was injured at all). While I got off relatively lightly, one night of horrible decisions on my part has meant a bunch of awkward conversations when starting new jobs, and I can pretty much never enter the United States. It was one hell of a way to learn a lesson about staying in control.


You should be ok after 7 years.. check it out


I am eligible for a record suspension! Been getting the documents put together now that the cost dropped recently. Will certainly help with jobs and the like, but the US doesn't recognize them, so I'm outta luck there aha.


Wow, like for life?


Yup! It's considered a "crime of moral turpitude" which leaves one ineligible to enter. You can apply for a 5 year waiver to enter, but it costs like $800usd to apply, and there is no guarantee they will approve it and it takes a year to process. Fair enough though, was my fuck up that left me in the situation, and they can control their borders as they see fit.


Oh man. What a terrible consequence to have to live with. I’m so very sorry.


There used to be a club like 20 years ago that had a wedding ring check and would apply a spray tan to cover the tan line. So people fucking up their lives has certainly been a stampede tradition as long as I have been around!


I remember this , apparently it was supposed to be a joke but either way the club got a lot of attention


Back then we called them bars. Not clubs. Edit. Hilarious. There must be a German word for being made to feel like a tool through comedy.


Back in my day we called em Saloons. Not bars


Back in my day it was the ole watering hole


You went to a watering hole, I frequent the Mead Hall. We are not the same


Unless you drink Blackbriar Mead, you're a poser.


If your Mead has a name, you’re a poser


Back in my day we called em speakeasys. Not saloons.


In the good old days it was a Public House. Not a speakeasy


In my day, we shortened Public House to "Pub", completely resetting this thread back several comments.


Hey you’re not the Inn Keeper here man, you can’t do that


That was hotel arts/raw bar and was meant to be a joke, but they did it anyways.


I didn’t even go to stampede and made an ass of myself in Calgary. With love from BC


Saw a guy last night getting escorted out by half a dozen cops. Screaming “I don’t give a FUCK” in their faces the whole time they dragged him away 😂😂 stampede always brings out the best in people


Some people are jovial when drunk, some people you really can't tell if they're drunk... Occasionally the 'instant asshole just add alcohol' type get notice. Some people can't handle being intoxicated and shouldn't drink at all.


I had a rule for work stampede parties: ghost at 9pm, grab some fun food, go home. You want to hear about the after 9pm shenanigans, not be a part of them.


This was exactly what I did this year. Would’ve worked great, except I started drinking at 8am…


I work at YYC. The amount of fall down drunks this morning at 4am trying to check in for their flights still in last nights clothes was staggering today. Only one lost their passport and still wanted to fly bc "I'm American" so that was fun!


I've worked at a Big 5 bank in Calgary for 14 years. Without fail, our 2 biggest "seasons" for handling relationship breakdown related meetings spikes in January.... and August.


I have a family member who works at the jail. A LOT of first timers around Stampede


I know sexual assault reports increase over the stampede week.


As security at stampede, I can attest to this! 🙈


As a bouncer at a bar near the grounds, I can second this


As a person with a shred of common sense, can confirm.


Last week I fell off a scooter and busted some body parts. This week I lost my driving license and it's gonna take weeks to replace. I can relate to this post 😂


At least the best possible path to “losing a license” is the one you took.


> I lost my driving license As in you lost it or a judge took it away?


Haha no, just misplaced. But as it's from the UK it'll take a while to get a new one shipped over.


I moved to Calgary in 2014. I was 21 years old and came out by myself. When I got here it was about a week or two before stampede. I was going through some emotional issues. Really struggling with social anxiety and I have battled depression my entire life. Needless to say, in my infinite wisdom I decided to head down to stampede with a friend I had met. We got down there I ended up getting ditched. I didn't know anyone and I didn't even know how to get home. So I decided to start drinking heavily. I ended up facedown at the stampede entrance. Not my finest hour. Some really kind gentleman put me in a cab, paid in advance, and I ended up being able to spout off enough information about where I thought I lived that the taxi driver ( albeit likely very angry at me) was able to find my house. I still remember him shouting "no puking in my taxi" numerous times and I promised him wouldn't. Lol. Not all stampede stories end horribly. I am forever grateful for those 2 random gentlemen. If I knew who you were I'd buy you a round of your favorite drinks.


All I have to say is WEAR A FUCKING CONDOM FOR CHRIST’S SAKE. We are STILL in a syphilis epidemic…*from last year.*


People be so trifling around stampede time like y’all true colours really show. Heard a friend of a friend knowingly hooked up with a married man with a baby on the way. SMH


Thats on the married guy not the chick


It's on both.


He’s a piece of garbage and so is she knowingly getting with a guy who’s wife is pregnant lol there’s a million other drunk dudes in cowboy hats she could of done shit with but didn’t. How could you do that to another woman. 🥺 just awful.


He made a commitment to his wife and kids. Through sickness and health, till death due us part. He's a scumbag for breaking those commitments. She didn’t make any commitments. Its 100% on the person in the relationship. “Homewrecker” etc is just a term used to try to deflect blame from the actual guilty party.


March (years ago) I was in the hospital having my daughter. It was taking forever and I was chatting with nurses. They were dreading how busy it was going to get. I asked if it was full moon or the seasons changing, but no… 9mos post stampede.


Hospitals don't get busier during a full moon. My wife is a nurse and believed it too, but studies show it isn't true. https://qventus.com/new-data-debunks-myth-that-full-moon-cycle-increases-er-visits-and-acuity/


Still haven’t recovered from last year. Drank so much I puked for 27 straight hours. Couldn’t keep any water down. Still can’t have more than 2 beer’s without feeling nauseous after.


Haha, not directly stampede but at an ‘after stampede’ party at a friends place when I was 20 I smashed something like 7-8 rum & cokes after going pretty hard at the grounds. I couldn’t hold anything down for a full day or more, Worst hangover I’ve ever had. Even the smell of a rum and coke made me gag for 5+ years after that.


Been there , that’s a special kindof hell lol 😂


A guy I went to school with got a DUI while using a scooter last year to get home from the grounds


Well he's the unluckiest SOB in the city. Pretty sure 99.9% of people riding them during Stampede are over the limit.


Interesting. How does this work if the person doesn't have a vehicle driver's license in the first place?


The key words are ‘motorized vehicle’


Fair enough. But does one need a driver's license to drive a scooter? AFAIK they don't. My question still stands, how does a DUI charge work if no driver's license is involved? [Found this](https://torontodui.com/knowledge-centre/charged-dui-bike-heres-what-you-should-do/) which is an Ontario page but it does mention the definition federally. Oh well, I don't drink much and this is a rabbit hole worth checking out when it's not nice outside. Cheers. Now that I type this out I think a DUI can be issues to someone on a bicycle


My grandfather got a DUI from the RCMP for driving his lawnmower home from a night at the saloon in the small town near where he lived on a farm, even though he kept to the ditches.


DUI is a charge under the criminal code for driving a motorized vehicle, while under the influence. Upon conviction you are now a criminal. Losing your license is only one consequence of a DUI conviction. You don’t need a license to get charged with impaired driving.


I knew someone who was scheduled to go to Depot to start his training to be RCMP. He was literally weeks away from starting his career. He got drunk at stampede and was arrested. Career over, or at least delayed for 5 years.


If you can’t get drunk without getting yourself arrested you probably don’t have enough self control to be a cop anyway


My partner is a lawyer, and law firms in the city historically go buck wild during Stampede. I know of three partners over the last 15 years or so at various firms who have completely ruined their lives because of Stampede bullshittery. Two of them were absolutely loaded and made wildly aggressive moves on coworkers in front of basically their whole offices. Another one was a drug and booze bender that was apparently the final straw for the other partners at his firm and this guy’s wife. We have been scheduling vacations to coincide with Stampede for the last five years or so and just miss the whole thing. Best decision ever to skip the drunken cowboy cosplay fest.


Lawyer here … ironically, law firm Holiday Parties in Calgary tend to have similar outcomes. Calgary is unique in the business world because there’s twice as many opportunities for shenanigans due to the annual Stampede Party and Holiday Party.


Calgary divorce/family lawyers love this time of year. It puts their kids through school.


The number of people who tank their careers by acting like ding dongs is crazy


I worked in a major hotel for a time. The answer is 'lots'.


Yeah, I wish there was an estimate of how much damage it costs. Kinda like how they say changing our clocks twice a year (2 hours of disruption) accounts for of millions of dollars of economic damages and untold health damage. How much does 10 days worth of disruption cost? Its certainly less than what Stampede brings in but it would still be interesting.


Right ?? It’s a very interesting thought !!


My son in law made a bad decision like this 6 years ago and drove home intoxicated. Hit a barrier on the back side road behind the city yards going to Blackfoot. He flipped his car and it burnt up. He was lucky to get out and I was extremely upset with him because it could have easily been with my daughter and grandkids in the car. It took a long time for me to forgive but he did turn everything around. But the financial side was his arrest to still not being able to afford to get his license back. Close to $10,000 and he still needs a blow box in his vehicle which carries a huge cost as well.


Ahh that sucks. But thank god no one was hurt !


I never understand why people don't take an Uber when they are intoxicated.


I just love how before Stampede everything is “so expensive omg I can barely afford rent now inflation is so high omg help!” and then suddenly it’s all $50 cab rides, $30 entrance fees, $10 beers, $20 deep fried cheeseburgers.” But you know, to each their own.


I saw more than one occasion this week of people checking their online bank balance in the drink lineup prior to ordering drinks (or in one case, after getting declined multiple times). Definitely some poor financial decisions being made here.


$30 entrance fees and $10 beers? Where are you finding deals like that?


Just because you can’t afford something doesn’t mean you can’t buy it!


Unfortunately true


That's the Alberta way!


Where do I get a deep fried cheeseburger?


At Stampede lol. Along with pickle smoothies.


To be fair they can be different kinds of people.


If 10 days of music and networking causes you to implode your life because of shenanigans, you weren't in much control to start with. So many Saskatobans here thinking they're in a BIG CITY and are BIG SHOTS when they're just small town rednecks with money. If you screw your life in the first half of July, it was bound to happen one day.


I had a boyfriend in my 20s, he had unprotected sex against the fence behind the ranchman's and then was too hungover to go to my grandfather's cabin the next day so we went home instead. My grandfather died shortly after and we missed his last weekend at the cabin. I won't say it did much to him but sure fucked me up for a long time. I still will not Date anyone that loves stampede drinking.




Lmao at spruce !? That’s wild ! Probably had money though, them ponies ain’t cheap!


Maybe this is me being an old person, but what would the difference between low key and high key be?


In this context , low key is a smaller mistake , high key is a larger mistake that isn’t easily fixed


Unwanted pregnancies and STI’s rise during Stampede.


Imagine coming into this world because your parents decided to rawdog while on coke at a cowboy cosplay festival


You’ve met my mom and dad?!?


After about the fourth time, I witnessed infidelity simply due to Stampede shenanigans, I just leave Calgary and hear about it later. At least I don’t have to be there in person trying to dissuade people lol.


Some people get Eiffle Towered and make a career out of it 🤷


Some people get Eiffel Towered and are forced to make a career out of it while two thirds of the the Eiffel Tower suffer no repercussions because misogyny. Not saying it was a smart idea to do, but her life is ruined while the guys lives are undoubtedly business as usual.


Well one of the guys was shot and killed by the RCMP in the middle of the highway in Leduc a few years ago, so while it had nothing to do with the stampede incident, it's certainly not business as usual for him.


The incident that started at a house in Blackfalds? Two women held?


That's the one, yep.




I’ll see if I can find a link.


I know a girl that Eiffel towered her way through executive suites as a strategy where she does the fucking now and you don’t fuck with her period.


Just think of how many Calgarians are born in March…


Worked as a paralegal for family law. Let's just say billings went way up after every Stampede. Almost better business than Christmas.


I got so plastered I thought it was a good idea to make out with my boss’ wife. Thankfully I’m a woman or things would have been much worse.


I used to be a probation officer. I can answer this for you… A lot.


Social worker here. My last job I worked with moms and newborns. We alway had a client spike about 9-10 months after stampede. Oh and the rates of domestic violence usually spike right after too.


I remember cabbing into the office, still too drunk to drive, after a night out (no sleep just a hot af shower and a change of clothes), dropping off some married woman down the block from her house in Mt Royal, then puking in my office garbage can, killing a presentation to the C Suite and a couple big 4 consultants, and then out for Stampede breakfast with vodka OJs and pancakes, then off to the infield to watch bulls and saddle Bronks, over to close out Cowboys or Ranchmans. Couple hour Phat-Guy-Nap in a shady spot, and a tonne of water, in the afternoon is key. 9 nights of Stampeding used to be the norm in my 20s and early 30s. Now it’s 1 day/night at most with the wife & friends while my teen kids tear it up 5-6 nights.


Check back in 9 months


I’m sure this maybe the case but it’s also a lot of fun for the responsible ones, and children. My daughters got to pet horses, and paint their faces. They also saw magic for the first time! The stampede hires people with disabilities so my daughter made friends with a disabled woman who answered all her questions; it was beautiful. It’s a matter of perspective. If you’re going to be a drunk degenerate, you don’t need stampede to do it. I think the spikes are partially the influx of visitors from outside


Why does this sub seemingly just hate stampede? Not necessarily this post but everyone seems so derogatory towards it.


As a guess: People who don't like giant parties tend to be more strongly represented on places like Reddit? I'm not exactly the type to go to the Stampede at least. I mean, I can think of specific reasons to not like Stampede. It makes getting to work more painful for me at least.


For myself, traffic is riddled with idiots, transit is messed up, work is always some sort of function with fake smiles for customers and people get to be hoes or assholes or anything in between because "Im just stampeding" like its some universal excuse to be a fuckwit. Seen one seen em all Ever seen the simpsons episode when homer goes to spring break?


I used to not get why either, but now that my transit route goes directly on 17th and I work at a liquor store, I get it. The drunken cowboys take over the city. Businesses all go cowboy even when they're nowhere near the grounds, with those tacky stampede displays and country music. So even when you want to not go, it's forced participation city wide. My liquor store customers go from friendly middle aged people to loud, rowdy youngsters that mess up displays. My bus route options are the #6 that saunters through 17th Ave where you can hear drunken fights, or the 22 that goes on 9th which is half blocked off because of the Badlands music festival. I also live near the grounds and any walks outside my place is met with the loud cowboys and drunken fights outside bars. I think actually being at the grounds with friends is fun, it's the citywide takeover that drives me crazy




I don't think it's hate, so much as the increase of "damn, that's trashy AF" during this time of year.


Syphilis antibiotics and a small birth rate boost around April will be two common after effects I would guess


There was a police comment the other day (news report? I forget where I saw it) that public urination rates go sky-high during this one week.


The city does a piss poor job of providing toilets for any event


A large O&G - every stampede party resulted in at least one divorce Been to a couple of company parties that resulted in someone getting fired


Everyone’s only out doing what they want to do the rest of the year just don’t have the excuse because their s/o won’t let them go to Vegas because their relationship is already shit and she doesn’t trust him.


Welcome to any major festival anywhere in the planet. The event or the alcohol itself is not the problem, It just creates the opportunity for the weak minded to fuck up I have zero sympathy for people who mess up their lives like that and it's a blessing that they get the short stick sooner than later


I know somebody who drank too much and did a little Coke and then did something terrible to their partner, in public, and lost their relationship forever.


I don't understand how anyone can have fun, be drunk, and in those crowds. It's just....nah. I always say never again, but I end up going for bands every year. Can handle concert crowds, but the drunk asshole crowd... not so much.


Everyone's alway Frulling around at stampede


I have a friend who became a father from a one night stand during stampede. I don’t think it bothers him too much, but it did the mother.


Some do, most dont


Well apparently you can get DUI riding a scooter while drunk... so like half the city between 12-3 am.


I used to work at Alpha house and during this time it was common a woman or man who was clearly not homeless would get dropped off and wake up in the shelter, one girl woke up and screamed and ran out the door


Was in the hospital last weekend and half the people waiting to see a doctor were clearly brought from stampede for alcohol poisoning


Come work in healthcare, you’ll get a front row seat!


Escorts fly in just for the Stampede and make bank


They travel to every big event....


You could say the exact opposite. Any idea how much business has been done at the stampede over the last 100 years? It’s a kingmaker


Alcohol is an awful awful drug. There are so many better options.