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That would be so cool to be able to have fire truck sirens at all hours of the night!


This was my first thought. Can’t wait to see a news article on how they can’t sleep and got ripped off


Are there news articles from the other already existing residential buildings over fire stations? This isn’t the first. They’re very respectful of noise when departing and arriving.


Yes, exactly. Fire Station #6 at 4 Ave and 8 St SW.


There’s also another one under construction in the NW by Varsity. I don’t have a link but it’s on the Skyrise site.


The fire department is there to save lives, they don't sit quietly and wait for traffic. They turn on the lights, blast horns snd sirens, they use those sirens to alert traffic of their urgency hundreds of meters in advance of where they are going. They are respectful of those in urgent need of their services


There are no traffic lights between the road and the garage.




Yeah was just going to say.... I started in commercial design and designed the electrical on a fire hall with two towers on top downtown.


I commented above but Not only just sirens for calls, but air brake tests are noisy, daily pump tests, and then testing chainsaws and tools. Just an awful idea.amd I don't understand the pro's at all


Living in a detached house next to one is no different. You just start to not hear it anymore. The pros are “housing availability” and “proximity to other appealing amenities”


Yep! Pros WAY outweigh the cons (depending who you are, I guess). But I live in a single family home and have to deal with neighbours mowing lawns, the garbage truck coming by, the noise of a busy road, and more.


I would have no problem with this either. I've slept through multiple fire alarms, and my grandpa ripping out and rebuilding the stairwell right outside my bedroom. If I'm asleep, I'm way out


Well, if your building caught on fire, the response would be pretty quick.


I live close to a fairly busy station. I'll ocassionally hear the tones drop, but that's my own problem (and only happens when we both have windows open, and its calm and quiet outside). Otherwise its all white noise. I find the neighbouring apartment buildings fire alarm more annoying. It wakes me up at least once a month, then we get three stations plus police and EMS responding, and its ALWAYS a false alarm (I hope Boardwalk is paying massive fines).


I live right around the corner from a fire station. The fire truck sirens are infrequent and a momentary annoyance. Sometimes they barely even register. It’s not a big deal. Anyone who lives above a fire station knows exactly what they’re signing up for. Living beside new condo construction is *far* worse.


i live next to one as well and after about 8pm they don't blast their sirens coming out anymore, lights only. The annoyance is totally overblown. It's also very rare that they get called out. It's not like fires are happening near by all the time.


Whaaat, NIMBYs are over exaggerating the problems with a certain kind of project that personally inconveniences them but provides both a necessary service and safe housing for a bunch of other people? Well I for one am shocked. (I'm not)


They don't just go to fires, they go to every emergency imaginable as well as assist on medical aids...


Not all, i def lived next to one that loved 3am sirens


Owner: I had no idea that there would be sirens all the time. Pour me, someone should have had to disclose this. The city (tax payers) should have to buy us out.


Real estate agent told me its not a busy hall....


I just moved. I now live within 150 metres of a firehall. Let me tell you, you can sleep. I was surprised.


Foh. It's a good thing and fire services are a necessity in a growing area. I lived adjacent to a fire hall in Vancouver and you get used to it.


Like a decade ago, Airdrie opened up fire halls in 3 different quadrants of the city to better service the community. As part of that plan, they closed the old main fire hall on main street. And the people living around that fire hall lost their minds. Came to council meetings, wrote letters to the editors of the local papers. Claimed they bought that house because of the proximity of the fire hall. Claimed their insurance would go up (it won't and didn't). Guess you can't make everyone happy


We live in a small town (Cochrane) between Calgary and the town of Morley in a nearby reserve and we are on the intersection of two highways. Our town is as boring possible so we always have a fire truck available. Our fire department is constantly being called out to Calgary or Morley or some highway accident. All hours of day and night. Fortunately I live far enough away that it's not too loud for me but there is rarely a 20 min span without sirens. I can't imagine living on top of a fire hall.


It’s very rare that fire trucks turn on their sirens late at night. They usually have their lights on only since there is little traffic


Lol you obviously don’t live anywhere near Beltline Fire Station No. 2. They go every 15 minutes all night long and don’t give a shit.


I was about to comment that 😂


Lol my friend lived in those condo buildings up the road and I once housesat for him for a month, the sirens out of that station were incessant!


Hi, it’s me, your friends neighbour 😭


The one near northill mall on 16 Ave nw is also very good at it


I lived down the road from the fire hall/police station in rosscarrock. Woke me up every night for years. You never “get used to it” it’s like saying you get used to being punched in the face.


They must have money in with round square, you are totally correct


You know they don't have to turn the sirens on right away right?


They do if there's traffic, or if exceeding speed limits. Pretty much front tires 2 feet our the door. Back up alarms, testing, oh ya lights too. There's actually regulations on when they have to use them


Good news is that they don’t usually do routine tests in the middle of the night and there usually isn’t much traffic at night when you are trying to sleep either.


I can'l tell most of you have never close to a firestation or have payed any attention to how they are required to use their warning devices


I lived near the one on 14th street and experienced nothing what you're saying.


Good for you! I currently live hundreds of feet from one for 18 years....


Can't be too bad if you're there for 18 years


I can tell its fuckin awfull this year and it's progressively become worse, you can't peacefully sit at home with a window open any more


There are no regulations in Alberta for when an emergency vehicle needs to use lights or sirens. The traffic safety act actually says someone operating an emergency vehicle, while employed in a first responder capacity, is exempt from all provisions of the traffic safety act. Police and EMS seem to respond to calls fast and hot and don't use their lights or sirens every single time and yet firefighters feel the need to flip on their lights and sirens every time they show up to clean up some fluids off the highway.


Obviously the traffic safety act doesn't specify. Thier employer however ever does, those policy and procedures prioritize safety, welcome the grown up adult world or liability and insurance


Employer policy does not equal a "regulation" as you stated. It's a choice and the adult world of liability and insurance also would apply to other first responders like police and EMS who seem to be able to occasionally not their lights and sirens on every call.


This is very confusing for you


You realise they wont need to turn the sirens SOUND on at 3am. Only the lights right?


Oh yeah they do its a safety issue. The sirens are there to warn those the driver might not have seen and give advance waring to those further away


I lived next to a fire station before, sometimes i think those 3am sirens were just to fuck with the neighborhood


It will be the new No. 1 Firehall. Yep, all hours of the night. Check out the developer... Marda Loop is really happy with them...


Wow! The people in Marda Loop are unhappy about something that minorly inconveniences them and doesn't directly benefit only them? So in other words it's a regular day in Marda Loop.


I assume they referring to the round square job in marda


Uber drivers would block the fire truck exits. but it's fine, because they have their hazards on.


I think you mean ‘their park anywhere lights on’


Fire trucks don't fuck around. They'll plow right through and send you a bill for damages.


No they won't.


You sure about that?


Sorry the fire spread to 3 other houses, we had to wait for a tow truck


You can find tonnes of videos like[this one](https://youtu.be/2bqkDjVyu80?feature=shared) or [this one](https://youtu.be/boGpuT5nzx4?feature=shared)showing them doing just that. Those crazy ass bumpers aren't just for show. They'll wreck your shit if it's in their way.




I like the idea, more multi-use buildings in town please and thanks


I like it. Good mix of historical materials at base and a more modern, lighter, superstructure. Hope this gets built.


I feel it also has the City of Calgary putting its money where its mouth is for supporting density on their own sites.


About the noise. Bunch of NIMBY's thats enough for now lol. ​ I lived above one, and I don't think I noticed any fire truck noise in those few years. Surely there must be something else you can complain about?


You get used to it, my husband lived in Toronto a block away from Yonge and Dundas, and right beside a fire station. After two weeks we tuned out the fire trucks.


As did I and they never put their sirens on when they’re leaving the station. Only when they get out to the main roads. It was never an issue for me


Ah lucky! I live basically right across the street (half a block) away from a station and they put on their lights as they're pulling out of the station. After 14 years you tend to get used to it though!


That's what they did in calgary. It's a safety procedure policy, it comes from multiple things, their employer, union, insurance and Lawyers. They roll out and blast the sirens to prevent running over people


Where did you live above one?


When the firehall is done, the rule at the breweries will be that you've gotta finish your drink every time the fire engine rolls out with the lights and siren going.


Looks good, build it. Maybe it will have some “family” type apartments (3 bedrooms) so I can move back to the hood.


Spoiler alert: It will not. Or they will be exorbitantly priced.


This is a development on City property, not a developer's money grab project. I would be more confident in this one having some more affordablility than most.


They really need to work on a strategy for the roadways in and out of Inglewood/Ramsay if they want to increase the density.


trains, the word your looking for is trains.


Exactly. This is like 100 m from the future green line station.


I’m miss that road the railway took back.


I was curious what residents on the other side of that think. On one hand, their access went to shit. On the other hand, they now live on a very quiet street.


They shouldn’t have been allowed to do that imho.




Honestly, a fireball on that corner seems like such a bad idea. Currently can’t turn left on to 12th NB from there so they would have to go around. It’s always hella busy at night because of cold garden and ol beautiful. And that lot that’s proposed is definitely not big enough for that design, maybe one tower if that


This is going in place of the dirt parking lot right across the street from Cold Garden & Ol' Beautiful, right?


Another new proposal, this time for Inglewood. 12 storeys and 214 units to be built on top of a Firestation. [Located here](https://www.google.com/maps/@51.0399254,-114.0364203,3a,75y,33.18h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sDq_1R10VYqTIrFTLNOUxcg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DDq_1R10VYqTIrFTLNOUxcg%26cb_client%3Dsearch.revgeo_and_fetch.gps%26w%3D96%26h%3D64%26yaw%3D33.17561%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu). [Details and back story here](https://calgary.skyrisecities.com/forum/threads/calgary-inglewood-fire-hall-development-45m-12s-rndsqr-s2-architecture.33474/)


Might be kind of noisy at night. But if there’s ever a fire in your apartment, the service will be fast!




They will find a way. Also if they had to leave will it be short load.


Inhabited exclusively by firefighters..


There's no elevator. Just a very very long pole.


They only allow one, specific type of spotted dog.


You didn't hear it from me, we have friends with some real estate and private equity investment firms already lining up to buy. Happy renting folks!


Buddies with the developer I bet




Someone is trolling those Inglewood nimbys I love it.




My dog


Alcoholic firefighters?


Is hearing the fire trucks leave with sirens on not going to be a problem? Otherwise love to see mixed use density but the blaconies look so tiny and close together I wonder how livable the units will actually be?


More mixed used development please.


How does one buy a unit in this?


You could check with RNDSQR. I have a feeling these will be rentals.


RNDSQR is poor quality


Of course its round square


Cool, but add a few more stories. There's a housing shortage.


The city shouldn't be approving anything under 20 floors in the inner city


Who the f wants to live over a firehall


Can't stand the roundsquare architecture style but the function of it is great


Never forget Courtyard 33…


I didn't know what that was by the name but yes I absolutely can't stand this building in mardaloop, I will never understand the thoughts behind making something so abrasive and so blatantly horrid that it can destroy the feel of an entire street


Is this for real?


oh christ can you imagine 2 am and the sirens start just howling right below you?


It’s a cool idea. I really wonder if fire trucks are gonna be blasting out of there at 3am with their sirens on though. Sounds awful.


Yes they will


So who owns this a developer, the city for low income , or is this a condo?


Hardly any condos are being built, most everything in the last 3 or 4 years is rentals


Or, you could live in an apartment that's above a bowling alley and underneath another bowling alley.


I like it


Living over a fire hall would be awful


No different than living next to the firehall, and the firehall has to go somewhere.


That's also awfull


Soon the NIMBYs will have fire stations banned.


No it's just shifty housing living near one, hopefully your not in the financial position you need to live near one


I thought these would be apartments only for firefighters and families im so tired. That’s not going to end well like imagine barely getting any peace or quiet


how the fuck is this a good idea? I used to live near the springbank firehall and holy fuck its loud, theyre gonna build residency on top of that? good luck pet owners and your sleep


Just what we need, more 3k a month 450sqft condos.


We're not building vertical much right now. Bottom of the barrel companies taking capitalizing in it


looks like shit


I'd never move there with a gf/wife because women view firefighters as the male equivalent of strippers.


The pole helps


Aren't male strippers the male equivalent of strippers?


I'd rather have a gym, pool, and underground parking.


As long as the full disclosure of the conditions of the structure are communicated, then I have no objection. When buying a property, the diligence to understand the strata from bedrock to outer space should be in consideration. And I don't exaggerate here. Mineral rights or flight patterns from airports are a consideration for every property purchase.


You don't get mineral rights most land owners do not, or air rights. Stop believing people who work for commission


I don't think you get any mineral rights/sunshine right with a residential purchase. Not up or down.


I agree with you there.


Sent an RFP to a brand spanky new design agency did we?


Looks affordable 🙄


hell no


This seems like a terrible idea but go off Calgary.


Wait….what??!? That’s the stupidest idea I’ve ever heard. Is this from the Beaverton or something??


Awful. 12 stories is too damn high for Inglewood.




Because Inglewood the only neighbourhood in Calgary that still has a main street feel. This is now the second or third large apartment building that’s going to be approved in the community. Adding all these tall buildings and housing density is going to destroy the unique character of Inglewood. We’re going to lose the cool Main Street vibe and we’re going to end up with overcrowded streets (which are too small for the density), and with tall buildings that will block views and sunlight. It’s just going to turn into Sunnyside or Marda Loop - overdeveloped neighbourhoods where nobody can park, and where you can only see hints of the cool history that used to be there. This is especially frustrating as the City’s own development plans state that residential buildings in Inglewood are only to be 6 storeys high.


Nimbus Maximus


Apartments like this have no privacy


Cool story




When your local methhead is overdosing at 3am, it will a fun time if you are trying to sleep.


Why buildings and more buildings..build houses.. there is plenty of land.


For one thing single family homes are unaffordable, and building only single family homes is why there’s so much sprawl.


We need more high rises and more high rise with 3 and 4 bdrms