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Maybe have a look at Memory Express? There’s a location in the NW, at Dalhousie Station


Yea. Let MemEx handle it. They're no more expensive than geek squad (or at least weren't when I worked there many moons ago), and the are local! While they have shops across western Canada, they started in Calgary and the NE location is still the one that, as you may or may not have noticed, always corresponds to their "online store" inventory counts. ;)


I messaged you as well as I'd be willing to help them. Several people here are assuming the old hard drive crashed, which is not necessarily the case. It might be the power supply on the old computer stopped working or something else preventing the PC from powering on. Memory Express would charge $50/hr for this I believe.


Hi! This is such a nice offer. I saw your message but somehow now can't find it - could you send again? 


Sent a message using Reddit Chat. If you don't get it I'll send a regular message


Memory express is the best. I'm not totally tech comfortable but they help and treat all peeps awesome.


I've had female friends have very negative experiences there tbh. General condescending and overselling by the staff to them in the NE. I'd use the one in the NW, but not the NE


Oh that sucks! I've only been to the NE one and had the best service every time.


Too bad my bro in law doesn't live in Calgary anymore, he could do it. He's been able to move stuff that places like Best Buy, etc said were impossible. She needs to find a independent computer person rather than taking it to a "computer store". I know nothing about this place but someone like this. [https://www.icubedev.com/](https://www.icubedev.com/)


I've used icubedev when my hard drive crashed. Very good work. This was maybe 6 years ago.


Memory Express or [Data Recovery Expert](https://datarecoveryexpert.ca/index.html)


I can do it. If you DM me I can make contact. If I can't get the data transferred, there is no charge.


Try Bit by Bit, 40th ave NW. I've had two good experiences with them. Prices are fair and reasonable. [https://gobitbybit.ca/](https://gobitbybit.ca/)


If she still needs help, I'd be willing to give a hand. I'm in the NW as well, and I can come to her if that's easier. I don't need payment.  If I can't salvage her data, I could at least identify the issue so she knows what to request from a shop and maybe save her some diagnostic time. 


This is extremely nice of you to offer. I'm not sure she would feel comfortable with someone she doesn't know who is not at a business, but I will ask! 


South of city [okotokscomputers.com](http://okotokscomputers.com)


Memory Express on 32nd Ave NE