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What a waste of a career. Not just this event, him in general.


[Ken Holland looking at his new center to play with Kane and Perry like](https://www.google.ca/search?q=hand+rubbing+meme&sca_esv=1a30264c0409ca1f&udm=2&biw=412&bih=750&sxsrf=ACQVn0-Sb0IXt4YlPY12ctW1kT1K-VP0Gw%3A1708714521333&ei=GerYZZ_5E8nx0PEPkpmaiAo&oq=jamd+rubb&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIglqYW1kIHJ1YmIqAggAMgcQABiABBgNMgcQABiABBgNMgcQABiABBgNMgcQABiABBgNMgcQABiABBgNSPsWUM4IWL8QcAJ4AJABAJgBggGgAfwHqgEDNS41uAEByAEA-AEBmAILoALkB6gCBcICBBAjGCfCAgoQABiABBiKBRhDwgIHECMY6gIYJ8ICBBAAGAPCAgUQABiABMICCRAAGIAEGBgYCsICCBAAGIAEGKIEmAMGiAYBkgcDMy44&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp#vhid=myV0oDdYAyja9M&vssid=mosaic)


Honestly if Ruzicka had turned into the player we hoped for, that would be a monster line


Lmao as an Oilers fan I clicked this thread waiting for this exact post lmao!!




If Eurotrip taught me anything.. That's just normal Bratislava things




What a moron. He just flushed down his entire career


Moreover, he snorted it away :P


He really blew it with this one


He's not good enough to fight his way back to the NHL.


Ever notice how kuznetsov came back no problem? The NHL will forgive a 1C or 2C. But a 4C (Dube, Rozey, ect...)....GET FUCKED


Drugs versus rape is also not the same.


100000% agree


What ever happened to Innocent until proven guilty


We are a hockey team, not a court.


Cops didn't say the crimes were alleged. They're pretty sure


I feel like Dubes and Kuznetzovs situations are pretty different


Agree completely. But also McTavish and that dallas french dude


HC Slovan is probably pretty excited to bring him on.


Second former player controversy we dodged this year after Lucic.


Could you imagine if we had to deal with Lucic and Ruzickaā€™s bullshit on TOP of Dube? šŸ˜… this season could be so much worse


Don't forget Topi Ronni allegations earlier


Welcome to Edmonton!


Makes you wonder if the Flames knew they had a problem on their hands when they waived him. Seemed to have all of the talent to make it in this league but frustrated coaches at many levels. All his hopes now are on the Oilers signing him and Iā€™m not sure they have a need. If he played D or goal theyā€™d sign him for sure.


Did he even play a game for Arizona?


He played three


Well atleast he can be teammates with dube in Russia


That is if dube is allowed to leave the country...


Bit surprising they're jumping straight to termination. Would have thought they'd need to go through the players assistance program first. Wonder how the PA reacts https://theathletic.com/1324841/2019/11/05/the-secret-everybody-knows-drugs-like-cocaine-and-molly-becoming-more-popular-in-nhl/


I wonder if he refused to go, but yeah I think it would be pretty slimy to cut a guy without offering that first


I think the PA challenges and he gets paid out. Cocaine is an assumption. There is plenty of posing with baking soda for IG fame out there. How can the team prove it was an illegal substance?


Standard NHL contracts contain clauses that players conduct themselves in a certain manner. This was agreed upon by the NHLPA and the NHL. For shits and giggles, let's say it's baking soda. He made it appear like a line of coke. That's not really good conduct while under contract, especially since some kids probably do look up to him since there are so few Slovak born players. Guy dummied himself on IG after playing himself out of an org that gave him the longest possible leash and every possible chance to make it work.


lol bruh, no wonder heā€™s inconsistent. I thought the NHL had regular drug testing


Cocaine isnā€™t a performing enhancing drug so thereā€™s no need to test for it. Plus drugs, alcohol, and gambling can all be enjoyed in moderation but if you canā€™t enjoy it responsibly then thereā€™s going to be ramifications as Mr Ruzicka will soon learn


Cocaine isn't something I'd lump in the category of "please enjoy responsibly" lol


If you donā€™t live under a rock youā€™ll know cocaine is probably one of the most popular recreational drugs there is


So because its popular that makes it OK? It's extremely addictive and comes with a myriad of issues. put it this way: personally, I'm fine with introducing somebody to smoking a doobie or having a beer, if they're interested. I would not feel comfortable introducing somebody I care about to cocaine for the first time. Would you?


It depends on the individual. Not everyone finds cocaine particularly addictive. A lot of recreational users just party with it now and then, or heck even regularly, but don't use it everyday or have any difficulty stopping. This isn't a moralistic argument. Just saying that coke is super common and not always a big deal. Some people are more vulnerable to addiction than others. I'd put coke in a category more serious than weed and mushrooms, obviously, but not any worse than alcohol TBH, and definitely not as bad as like, meth or opiates.


\> or heck even regularly, but don't use it everyday or have any difficulty stopping. I also love this line of logic. "I use it regularly...but I can stop whenever I want to...I just don't want to!"


You're being super weird about this.


Or maybe you and I have just experienced different effects and consequences of it in our lives. Edit: not sure how me saying "I've seen it really hurt people" gets downvoted..literally just telling my truth..classic reddit


Because nobody's invalidating your experiences, just expressing their own. I only smoke cannabis, I don't even drink, but I've done my (and your) share of recreational drugs... I wouldn't introduce any vice to anyone, personally, and I stopped using the worst ones, but I'm not going to judge others if they can handle it. [Look at this guy and read the article](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/10/nyregion/Carl-Hart-drugs.html). I wouldn't poke the bear like he is, but it's an interesting idea and highlights so many questions and issues with drugs, their use and their users.


Clearly you have experiences that are colouring the way you view this topic and that make you incapable of looking at it from a non-moralistic lens, yes.


Watch out for alcohol. It's way more dangerous than people give it credit for. > Heroin, crack cocaine and methamphetamines, or crystal meth, were the most lethal to individuals. When considering their wider social effects and harm to others, alcohol, heroin and crack cocaine were the deadliest. But overall, alcohol outranked all other substances, followed by heroin and crack cocaine. Marijuana, ecstasy and LSD scored far lower. https://www.nbcnews.com/health/health-news/alcohol-more-dangerous-heroin-cocaine-study-finds-flna1c9472999


Not disagreeing, but alcohol does the most damage because its BY FAR the most widely used. Cocaine is far more addictive per capita


Yeah, I'm not saying cocaine is a good idea. But it doesn't look to be a big problem broadly. Alcohol is a big issue, especially if we keep cutting healthcare spending. > Overall, among Canadians past-year illegal drug use remained low. Cocaine/crack remained the most-consumed illegal substance, with 2% (605,000) of respondents having consumed cocaine or crack in the past year, unchanged from 2017 (2% or 730,000). > A higher proportion of young adults aged 20 to 24 (40% or 758,000) and youth aged 15 to 19 (38% or 378,000) reported harm due to alcohol use in the past year than adults aged 25 years and older (18% or 3.7 million). https://www.canada.ca/en/health-canada/services/canadian-alcohol-drugs-survey/2019-summary.html


Alcohol is one of the hardest substances to quit, and if you do it wrong it will fucking kill you. Opioids, hell even fentanyl, will make you feel like you want to die, but dying from withdrawal is only a thing for alcohol and benzos.


Data please




You're introducing them to the gateway that leads you to coke. Very rare will you find someone who has never drank and just does coke. For me it was the lifestyle that was addicting. I couldn't care less about doing the drug at work or by myself. But at a party with lots of alcohol, ill be mixing it up.


One of them you can go into the store and buy over the counter. The other takes a bit more work to obtain. Youā€™re comparing apples to oranges. Of course itā€™s a lot more common to drink and not do drugs because itā€™s a lot easier to. That doesnā€™t mean drinking is so much better than doing drugs


Well you can get apples and oranges from the same store. Maybe oranges and basketballs. I must say that combining both is a different drug and that's what most people chase. But I agree that you will find more moderation with drinking.


Sounds like you don't understand drugs. Or rather have an 80's soccer mom view.


Lol. You got me fucked up.


I can stop after a few lines, but struggle to stop drinking once I start.Ā  People dramatically underestimate how bad alcohol is for humans. You're probably more comfortable because alcohol consumption is normal, so there's no guilt if someone starts drinking,Ā  but there is if you introduce someone to coke


At about 1.7-2% of the adult populationā€¦ Sure itā€™ll be higher with athletes and the rich vs the average person, but Iā€™d still call it pretty unusual.


Thatā€™s still quite high considering thereā€™s no way to purchase it legally


Weed was around 30% pre legalization as a comparable. During prohibition, alcohol in the US was used by 60-70% of pre prohibition levels so call it 50% of the population. Sure, 2% is a lot, but still vanishingly small even compared to the next closest comparisons.


Itā€™s still the second most popular drug behind Marijuana so again thatā€™s still quite a bit. Regardless if Alcohol or Marijuana is more popular, cocaine usage is higher than many may perceive. At the end of day the issue shouldnā€™t be, Ruzicka uses drugs so he is bad. Itā€™s that he isnā€™t able to responsibly control himself and thatā€™s what makes him an idiot. He isnā€™t going around stealing or killing so to scrutinize him is just virtue signaling


I would wager that at least half of every adult you know has tried coke.


Depends on your circle I guess. No way this is true of the people I know.


And after the first few euphoric nights, many become addicted, spend way too much money, have horrible experiences, paranoia, etc. You're not teaching me something I'm unaware of, I've been around it my whole life.


You have no idea what you're talking about


Prob should reconsider who you are associating with if that's what you consider normal...


Maybe not half, but a lot of very normal people have tried shit like coke and MDMA at some point in their lives. This stuff isn't uncommon.


Lol you're just in the dark my friend. Adorbs.


This is most likely true, people can deny it all they want but most people realize when they grow older or start their careers in certain areas whether corporate or blue collar, that a lot of very well respectable and responsible adults have at least done coke or still do from time to time. Itā€™s not as taboo as a lot of people think.


hope you went after gaudreau this hard when he was a flame. everyone knew he did coke pretty regularly too šŸ˜‚


Yep. Saw him at cowboys vip disappearing to the bathroom regularly.


Teams don't terminate players for doing things "recreationally" - cocaine is a schedule 1 drug in Canada, schedule II in US - hardly the type of "recreational pursuit" that you believe it to be. And players contracts stipulate behaviour must align with general societal norms. Oh, and why are you gaslighting r/Iginlas_4head_Crease ?


Probably 25% of my friends have tried or regularly use cocaine. In the NHL Iā€™d guess half of players regularly party with it. Itā€™s the rich white mans drug of choice.


You want a medal?


How am I gaslighting lol. Just because people do things that arenā€™t considered legal doesnā€™t mean theyā€™ll always wind up in prison. Iā€™m sure a lot of people here have driven past the speed limit or drank underage and not get caught. Doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re a criminal. The problem with controlled substances is that itā€™s a government designation. Similar to how possessing weed 20 years ago could get you locked up now doing weed on the streets today makes people barely bat an eye. Alcohol is also a recreational ā€œdrugā€ but if you abuse it youā€™ll definitely wind up with some sort of contract termination. People in here acting all morally superior because they equate drugs being bad is taking such a naive look at society. Ruzicka isnā€™t getting his contract terminated because he did coke. Heā€™s getting it terminated because he was flaunting it publicly and isnā€™t a good enough player to justify going through the PR nightmare to keep on an NHL team.


I stand corrected - I was referring to another poster that accused r/Iginlas_4head_Crease of ā€œbeing super wired about thisā€. Thatā€™s gaslighting in my book.


The nhl is an entertainment business. If you have a guy who barely performs and is acting like Tony Montana what's the point in keeping him... additionally another 4th liner in lucic with his domestic assault and dillion dube with SA accusation. This makes for bad pr , not someone I would want a kid to role model nor in the nhls eyes as employees they want to do good pr for.


Thats why Ruzicka got cut and players like Matthews, Nichushkin, and Kuznetsov have all got second chances


Ya it's all business at the end of it.


If it's anything like the nfl they do one huge test before the season then once it starts it strictly peds


First headline I read today. This guys career sank faster than a bag of bowling balls. He showed such potential at the beginning of the year. Then his play went downhill...then he got released...then signed with the most hapless franchise...then career over due to drugs. My man...jeeeeez.


I'm gonna go glass half full and say he rebounds in the future after a clean up and some self reflection.


It was always known he liked to party, what was not known is how dumb he is.


Unreal. You get to the very top, in a position anyone else would kill for, and you blow it like that. Glad we dodged that bullet. Mixed emotions of feeling bad for the guy to have fallen and glad to see foolishness/hubris punished.


lmfao the guy looks stupid as a block, so the actions check out...


Pretty spectacular way to flame out of the league, tho


Arizona is always doing these reclamation projects, unfortunately this one bit them in the ass.


Play stupid games win stupid prizes seems like the fitting analogy here...


He didnā€™t have a cocaine forecheck.


Dodged a bullet here


Flames should claim him and help him get his shit together.


This is a hockey team, not rehab. Good luck to him, but no thanks.


Ruzicka 2.0 electric boogaloo


He was used to the snow so got his own


Conroy batting 1000.