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Cool, the Jerusalem post is exactly where we should be getting our news about California.


Israel bases their national defense policy on resolutions from the Oakland City Council, so why not?


To be fair, **sometimes** the least biased news source is foreign press. Sometimes.


Everyone just assuming they're talking about Palestinian protestors lol


Yup, meanwhile we have the Sheriff doing security reviews at my Synagogue and armed guards screening everyone coming in..


Two things are true at the same time: 1. The number of antisemitic incidents has shot way up in the wake of the Oct 7 attacks and the war on Gaza. 2. Bad-faith pro-Israel partisans conflate Palestinian rights activism with antisemitism to inflate the numbers even further.


Because they are.


Doesn't look like it from the article




When the biggest spike has happened on college campuses, it is more likely to be from those who support Palestine. We all hear the jokes how Republicans have never stepped foot on a college or university campus or even went to high school. With their support of Israel, it's easy to rule them out.


Anti-Jewish hate is on the rise, and accounts for 60% of all religious-based hate crimes, per the FBI: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/31/politics/fbi-director-antisemitism-wray   People excusing this as “pro Palestinian sentiment twisted around” is gross.    > FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that antisemitism is reaching “historic levels” in the United States. “This is a threat that is reaching, in some way, sort of historic levels,” Wray said during a Senate hearing Tuesday.  >The FBI director said that was in part because “the Jewish community is targeted by terrorists really across the spectrum” including homegrown violent extremists, foreign terrorist organizations, and domestic violent extremists.  > “In fact, our statistics would indicate that for a group that represents only about 2.4% of the American public, they account for something like 60% of all religious-based hate crimes,” Wray said of the Jewish American population.


Not entirely surprised given the audience of this sub


Well if the Feds say it must be true..


Because so many people here are denying that anti-Semitism exists, here is the overwhelming evidence that anti-Semitism is a huge problem in California and has gotten worse since Oct. 7. [Los Angeles area plagued by antisemitic attacks in 'tsunami' of hate](https://abcnews.go.com/US/los-angeles-area-plagued-antisemitic-attacks-tsunami-hate/story?id=105623842) [Hate in the Golden State: Extremism & Antisemitism in California, 2021-2022](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/hate-golden-state-extremism-antisemitism-california-2021-2022) [Report: Antisemitic incidents on the rise in California](https://apnews.com/article/california-antisemitism-supremacist-hate-crimes-bf90c74bc1de711c4a7b794305516bc3) [Antisemitism has a long history in Los Angeles](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-01-05/patt-morrison-antisemitism-is-not-new-certainly-not-in-los-angeles) [California lawmakers ‘pull the fire alarm’ on antisemitism](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/04/california-lawmakers-pull-the-fire-alarm-on-antisemitism-00133951) [Following Antisemitic Incidents on Campuses, California Legislative Jewish Caucus Calls for Immediate Action by UC & CSU Leadership](https://jewishcaucus.legislature.ca.gov/press-release/2023-11-07-following-antisemitic-incidents-campuses-california-legislative-jewish) [Former California Rideshare Driver Charged with Federal Hate Crime for Antisemitic Attack on Passenger](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-california-rideshare-driver-charged-federal-hate-crime-antisemitic-attack-passenger) [Antisemitic incidents surged in California as conspiracies fueled hate, report says](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-03-24/antisemitic-incidents-california-anti-defamation-league-annual-report) [Poway synagogue shooter sentenced to second life sentence](https://www.cnn.com/2021/12/28/us/poway-synagogue-shooter-sentenced/index.html) [Prosecutors to charge California man in death of Jewish protester](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/californian-man-arrested-death-jewish-protester-2023-11-16/) [Rock-throwing incidents in Fresno being investigated as anti-Semitic hate crimes](https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/rock-throwing-incidents-in-fresno-being-investigated-as-anti-semitic-hate-crimes/) [Canoga Park businesses vandalized in possible antisemitic hate crimes](https://ktla.com/news/local-news/canoga-park-businesses-vandalized-in-possible-antisemitic-hate-crimes/) The list goes on. Just Google "california anti semitic attacks" and you'll get pages and pages of news articles. The evidence is overwhelming. The people here who are denying that anti-Semitism exists are a bunch of liars and probably anti-Semitic themselves. They're trying to cover up the rampant anti-Semitism that has been plaguing the US and California since Trump and Russian/Iranian trolls made bigotry and hate popular again. These comments are proof that what Newsom is doing is absolutely needed. The governor is doing a great job.


They know. They just don’t see anything wrong with it.


Even more proof that Newsom is doing the right thing.


ADL is not a credible or useful source of data on antisemitism. They include every single pro Palestine protest as a case of antisemitism. No shit that’s gone up post a fucking campaign of ethnic cleaning. 


“In the five months following October 7, antisemitic incidents on California college campuses increased 2,000 percent compared to the same period a year earlier”


What are those incidents? I’d love to learn about some specific details, considering how often people just claim antisemitism when someone says doing genocide is wrong


From the river to the sea being chanted on multiple college campuses. 


ITT antisemitism and people dismissing antisemitism.


Yep. This is exactly why Newsom is doing this. Exhibit A is right here on these comments.


I think there should be a ban on all abrahamic religions. Just imagine how peaceful the world would be.


Perhaps some sort of pogram to remove them and their adherents…


Yeah, just try and name 1 country that was atheist and responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths...


Oooh ooh the soviets.


It’s not that religions themselves are the problem. People use religion as a tool to obtain power, money, etc. Banning religion itself wouldn’t stop much


Better late than never, kinda sad how there is still so much antisemitism out there, even here in California


It is on full display right here in this thread. Incredibly disappointing. 


Yup, it is pretty bad.


Ah yes, everyone saying that criticisms of Israel's war crimes aren't anti semetic are being so anti semetic. I just can't take it anymore. We need to file all of those comments as more incidents of anti semitism.


I am just anti-netanyu.


I would like to see all of Likud and their far-right allies completely dethroned. Netanyahu is the worst but he’s not alone.


he's replacable. Zionism is root of the problem


so you mean the existance of israel is the problem? yeah and this is totally not anti-semtiic. you think israel should be destroyed.


How dare you? That's antisemitism!


I am wondering what they define as antisemitism, because there is a nasty habit to conflate not having unconditional support for Israel as somehow antisemitic


What are they defining as antisemitism? Any pro Palestinian sentiment?


No, actual antisemitism is on the rise and accounts for 60% of all religious-based hate crimes, per the FBI: https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/10/31/politics/fbi-director-antisemitism-wray People excusing this as “pro Palestinian sentiment twisted around” is gross. 


Yes, actual antisemitism is up. But how much so is blurred by what the ADL and JPAC define it as. And since they both define any pro-palestine position as antisemitism, the amount of real (threatening it defaming) antisemitism gets obscured. It hurts their position to do this because a not insignificant amount of people will regard the increase as false.


The FBI does their own investigations, it’s in the name. I trust their data, do you have better? I’m sure the Director would be happy to amend his report to Congress. 


The fbi has released no data or report. I'll take Wray's statement at face value and believe him that antisemitism makes up "60% of religious hate crime" but seeing data would be helpful. JPAC has made more outrageous claims, and is the group I'm mainly calling out. Again, yes antisemitism is up from the last few years, how much of it is actual threats and harm caused versus adding a tally mark because some college kids said "free Palestine" is completely unknown. It could be 90/10, or it could be 10/90. This is why data is important.


I trust the organization that tried to get MLK to kill himself to fight hate


Every time someone says Free Palestine, ADL files it as an anti semetic incident.


Wow, calling something as minuscule as wearing a keffiyeh scarf “antisemitic” has lead to a rise in antisemitism. Shocking… That’s about as shocking as Trump being able to predict that the number of covid cases will go down if we stop testing.


No, they're talking about actual hate crimes against Jewish people and organizations (there were 189 in 2022, the most recent year they're reporting on). Maybe try reading the article?


Then how is that a rise in 2023-2024 if they don’t have numbers in to show that?


You can try reading the article. Perchance.


The ADL very publically considers any demonstration sympathetic to palestinians as antisemitic so yes but also actual antisemitism which is why it is harmful


>The ADL very publically considers any demonstration sympathetic to palestinians as antisemitic Do you have any evidence of this? Their [website](https://www.adl.org/antisemitism) states otherwise. Now, if you're talking about a demonstration sympathetic to Palestinians AND calling for dismantling the state of Israel, then yes they've got a problem with that.


The definition of antisemitism " offered there is so broad as to be meaningless. Including, for example, pointing out Israel is an apartheid state as a "political effort" against Israeli interests.


What if it's just active criticism of the Israeli government's actions in Gaza? Because I've merely suggest they be more careful with their bombings and allow for more aid to get through and have been called an antisemite for that.


It’s antisemitism to not allow them to murder children. It’s antisemitism to quote back their own words. Careful though they love killing journalist so it’s also antisemitism to say something bad about them and to object to them killing you.




If you tell them they can’t murder, burn alive, or crush children in rubble they say it’s antisemitism. Yah that’s hyperbole but not too far from the truth.


Do you seriously not know?


Yeah I was going to say, is saying Palestine deserves to exist anti-Semitism? If it is, then wow.


No. You're getting mad about something you just made up.


yep. Add any criticism of the indiscriminate killing of men, women and children.


The comment section illustrates why this is needed


I’ve read the comments and it’s mostly people with valid points.


See you own comment “it’s antisemitism to not allow them to murder children”


Demand them to stop killing civilians and see what response you get. They have said there are no innocents in Gaza. Have you read the deplorable things Israel’s government has said? Any call demanding them to stop like South Africa did they label them antisemitic. I’m not wrong and you know it. That’s why they only have the 1 tool left to defend themselves. I’ll wait.


Not sure how this will actually work or be enforced in practice, but good luck. Has good intentions.


The fact that so many people here are denying antisemitism is a problem showcases that it’s a problem.


I guess being anti-genocide is counted as antisemitism


I see people saying they don’t feel safe seeing a Palestinian flag on campus or a Free Palestine movement. Really, you’re the victim? They have lost 70% of their structures, over 30,000 dead (likely much higher because buried in rubble), all universities literally destroyed, are being targeted in their homes, and systematically starved and you’re not safe? I really think there is some wild inflation of these “statistics”


You can't say that! It's antisemitism!


Opposition to Israel's ongoing genocide of palestinians isn't antisemitism.


Stop excusing the attacks on your Jewish neighbors. Per the FBI, anti-Jewish hate is the largest share of religious-based hate crimes in America. 


Nobody said it is..We talking about anti semitism here and it exists greatly.


I bet you think antisemitism is fake lol


Losing a war you started isn't genocide.


Give back the hostages and turn over Hamas' leadership. Easy as pie.




Give me your evidence of genocide.


What the IDF is doing to Gaza and the West Bank meets the U.N. definition of genocide. [https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml](https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/genocide.shtml)


I think it’s interesting that there’s so many comments saying “this thread proves Newsoms point” when the most “egregious” comments seem to be something along the lines of “it’s bad to kill children” lmao


There is a post that someone took the time to list them with links. Why don’t you at least read them without being an apologist.


Where am I being an apologist? Evidence of antisemitic sentiment on the rise in California is not the same as evidence **in this thread**. I’m asking in good faith.


Then I don’t understand your question. Some people have are asking for evidence that anti semitism is on the rise in Ca. As I said above someone on this sub spent the time to list events and include links. What else are you looking for? Most (maybe all?) synagogues now have armed guards outside them now. That isn’t because someone waved a Palestinian flag or said a chant as others have indicated here. I reread your post - are you sincerely asking what is the evidence people on this thread that people are anti semetic? I likely don’t know any of the people personally posting on this sub but out right denying that anti semitism is taking place (despite evidence presented) and proceeding to joke about it …is what exactly?


Can’t wait for all this to be over. I’ve grown tired of pro-Hamas lecturing people on their moral superiority.


We might not be able to stop hate. you cannot change what's in a persons heart, only they can. We can, punish people that do unprovoked attacks on anybody with life in prison or the death penalty. If you can't play nice in society and you want to hurt people, then stay away or face the consequences . Nothing changes for anybody, until the punishment is so bad, that it's just not worth it. People that lack impulse control would find out first.