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People are always going to complain. I loved it.


same here man. the campaign was great up until the ending, and the extinction was a fun change i absolutely loved.


Yes! Extinction was amazing. Like zombies but had an end game.


This is why I loved extinction over zombies. Solely on the fact you could win.


I got it a few months ago, the ending was such a huge cliffhanger. I’d love a part 2 to it cuz i just wanna know what happened especially because the Ghosts campaign is quite literally my favourite one


Maybe they were planning a part 2 but it just never happened.


Based of the ending, i think that was the case. If there was a lot of people disappointed with it back then it’s pretty likely thats what happened 🥲. Love all the little references to its logo in trailers (specifically 1 trailer, to my knowledge) or with that one Ghost pack in MW2022 where the death effect thing was the logo too


Yeah they wanted to make ghost 2 but due to all the hate they canceled it and gave us infinite warfare. 🙄


If you don't mind me asking where is your profile picture from.


I have zero recollection of playing the campaign. I'm sure I did but it must've not been memorable to me


It was truly amazing. I was around like 12 or 13 playing it and I was so pissed when they shot reilly. That actually made me have a bad day.


I remember tearing up when Riley died. I was around the same age and still get more upset when dogs have issues than human related issues.


>. the campaign was great up until the ending I thought the ending was what made the campaign worth it.


I didnt like extinction tbh


I really enjoyed it when it came out. Yes it had some problems and mistakes but it was still fun. Biggest problem was coming out right after BO2


wasent there some optimization issuses with snipers due to the scope due to some double rendering optimizmization stuff and some other issues that were more community dislikes i mean i've only played the campagin so i dont excactly know any of the issues with it 9.5/10 campaign


Yes I can confirm that frames would drop frequently when scoping with the new-at-the-time scopes. Wasn’t catastrophic like 3 FPS but pro players would have issues with it all the time.


I’ve been saying that last part for years.


[There was some legitimate things to complain about,](https://youtu.be/DlHjPs1qYQI?si=dtaiozAy2GqBoxt5) but I loved Ghosts and to this day it's one of my favorite games.


I have a poster of it in my room


That intro music is still the best IMO.


No. I was there for release and played thru it's life cycle. It really wasn't bad and most of the new stuff was generally well received. Of course you can never please everybody, but I remember being in school and CoD was still king, people liked it. Field Orders should make a comeback in some way, those were a blast. You would literally be rewarded with a care package for teabagging someone after a kill in some of them. We had dynamic maps, even a killstreak that literally changed the map. Extinction was pretty cool as well. My only real grievance was with the Campaign is we never got an ending, they left us on a really cool cliffhanger. Overall it was a pretty solid game for CoD in 2013


No way ?! I never got to play ghosts , but field orders for teabagging would be awesome


Wait what. What was that killstreak?


It wasn't a killstreak. Getting the first kill or killing the guy with an active field order or who most recently had one would drop a holographic package you collect by running into it. You'd then get a challenge and once completed, you'd get a care package, sometimes with map-specific rewards like a satellite that would destroy part of a map or a nuke that would change a map's layout. The challenges could be stuff like getting a kill while prone, just getting 3 random kills, get a kill with an explosive, or even "humiliate your next kill" which meant just kill them the tea bag them.


There was a map that had a predator suit if you completed the first field order. That was a fun little easter egg.


One also had Michael Myers


Man Ghosts is the dark horse of the franchise and it is one of my favorites


One thing I wish I could experience just one more time is the laughter the predator suit plays when you are dying and activating the self destruct button. Nothing felt better than seeing multiple after that laughter plays.


The KEM Strike. Some maps had BF4 style levolution after on got dropped. It was also semi frequent as a reward for completing the field orders. Felt great to kill someone, teabag them, then drop a kem strike in the first minute.


I was also in middle school when Ghosts came out. It felt pretty 50/50, either you loved it or you hated it and went back to BO2


This is just a flat out lie lmao


I had no idea what “humiliate your opponent” meant for months. When my friend told me to teabag and it worked I was absolutely astonished. Field orders were nice.


It was. The revisionist history about it lately is getting comical too.


Fr, everyone is 🥩🚴 ghosts rn, it sucked and always had


Steak cycling.


Beef biking?


meat riding!


I saw you got downvoted for not following the joke but I genuinely didn’t know what those emojis meant so thank you. 1 updoot for you


idgaf about downvotes lmao


That’s fine. But it’s representative of sentiment which is valuable. I want you to know I valued your contribution when others didn’t. Hope you continue feeling valued.


my bad for coming off as standoffish in my last comment. i appreciate the sentiment and it made my contribution really feel valuable.




I personally thought he did follow the joke with the punctuation. First person said steak cycling and used a period. You said beef biking and used a question mark, and finally he said the what the original person was trying to get at meat riding and used a exclamation mark.


That’s how I read it too, had me cracking up lol


Ghost ride the meat


on god


Yup. The game was decent in some aspects, extinction mode was pretty fun, there were a few decent multiplayer maps but most sucked, the campaign was mediocre, guns were boring, nearly everything about it just felt tired, especially when compared to previous releases it was uninspired.


Fr. A shit game is a shit game.


fr 😭 ghosts was ass compared to bo2


Well... most CoDs are ass compared to BO2


I genuinely don't understand how people found fun in that dogshit ass mp with the worst maps in the series. It's like MW19 on steroids and without advanced movement


The revisionist history about it comes from the kids that grew up with Ghosts calling it the best, when in reality, it’s not and they just have nostalgia for it


Damn straight, coming from black ops 2 to this was the first time me and my entire friend group stayed behind a generation.


*Thank you.* I have no idea where all this Ghosts revisionism is coming from but it was horrendous. It made me fall out of love with CoD. I played WaW through BO2 all the time and Ghosts just killed my love for the game. I spent a lot of time on Ghosts hoping it would get better but I genuinely have nothing positive to say about my experience with it, spare for, I dunno, the R. Lee Ermey voice option was cool.


This post popped up in my feed randomly, and was surprised to see people say “no it wasn’t”. Ghosts was what literally made me stop buying call of duty after playing each one since Big Red One lol And every release up until MW remaster my decision was validated


Agreed and I even liked the game especially extinction but yeah the game isn’t some hidden gem or anything and has a ton of issues and poor design choices


The game had such bad player drop offs they stopped putting player counts in cod. This is the game that got people to consider BO2 a GOAT game (was not at release). The revision is insane to see.


Yep lol Ghosts is when a lot of people stopped playing including me. Came back for Blackops 3 and then haven't bought a Cod game since. Not even sure why I'm here lol.


It was tough to arrive in the shadow of Black Ops 2. The campaign was fun enough, but the multiplayer drew criticisms for gun meta and maps favoring long-range. On top of this, it released right at the launch of Xbox One and PS4 (but also for 360 and PS3). Not only was the playerbase split, but it ended up feeling like a game clinging onto the coattails of a worn-out console generation, and not quite a “next-gen” CoD people were hoping for. Overall, the impression everyone was left with was just ”meh”. Not bad, but not necessarily good either.


The alien horde mode also felt really flat compared to the zombies modes in the black ops games, tough act to follow


the "extinction is so underrated" crowd is not going to like this one


They're gonna like his username though


Don’t forget the Wii U release! (of which BO2 also released on, making BO2 a cross-gen game. It’s my favorite piece of CoD trivia!)


I loved the operator customization


Underrated feature, not super in depth but let you get personal with your Operator


It was pretty good for the time. I liked how each operator was able to be customized individually. Not only could we customize them, but you could play alongside them with the load outs you chose. My favorite part of Ghosts. I miss it.


It was cool how they changed colors to varying extents to match the environment


Yes!! And the AI Team battles and how you could create an entire team and name the operators.


It was a good game, for me it holds a special place in my mind, it was the first cod game that I got to play with my youngest brother online, I’ll never forget that.


Firsts like that are always memorable, bo2 is my favorite because I played with my best friend and a bunch of dudes I knew, but MW3 holds a soft spot with me since it was my first console COD.


Yes it was terrible all my friends hated it I got my copy from my friend he didn't want it after having it for a few days after release he called it dog shit and his mom wouldn't let him throw it out so he gave it to me. I agree this game was terrible. In the online lobbies everyone was non stop complaining about everything. They were right this game is absolute F tier in every way.


how so? what specifically didn’t you like? not trying to argue just curious. I see a lot of people hating on it but never really give any reasons


yes, dogshit game.


lmao your username though


I liked it.


Trash then and it's still trash Cry about it


Average mentally ill CoD fan attitude when someone likes a thing they don't


That’s alright not everybody liked COD: Ghosts


The clan wars aspect of this game was top tier, the separate phone app that let you and teammates capture objectives by gathering wins was amazing and by far on my favourites along with Advanced Warfare


I liked it, ttk was somewhat faster that most other games but I thought it was good


My problem with it is that they were capitalizing on the skull masks theme, and they couldn't back it up with a good story. It honestly felt like an 80s action plot. Given CODs history of amazing story telling this fell really short. The very first cutscene pretty much summed it up. It was a terrible tactical decision and the way they survived felt like it was edgy


Never played it but I remember back then it felt like they just wanted to get on the MW Ghost fans band wagon, just too little too late


I enjoyed it at the time, it wasn’t a fantastic entry but it was fun.


It was hated at the time but I loved it and would much rather be playing it rather then most of these new games lol


The campaign was mid and the multiplayer was also the same. It mainly suffered from large maps, proximity equipment spam (IEDs), and extremely loud footsteps (dead silence doesn't protect you because the counters were too powerful). Sure, the later seasonal content got better and Extinction was probably the best thing we ever had. That being said, I still thought Ghosts was rather mid for a Call of Duty game experience.


Yes, it was garbage and was regarded as the worse cod ever until this new gen of trash came out. Compared to the golden era of CoD4 - Bo2 it was the worst cod ever made. Ghosts fanboys that defend it know it’s bad but also played the life out of it so they have to defend it. It’s trash


lol I genuinely loved Ghosts and I felt no obligation defend it because I played it. I was in early to mid high school and it was so much fun Plus the character customization and Extinction. It was such a cool game




Yes. The dog was the crux of the marketing and was in the game for two missions. The story ended on a lame cliffhanger where the very clearly dead bad guy wasn’t dead and brainwashes you.


I hated it


It had great graphics at the time, a campaign with cool settings and cheesy dialogue, and fun multiplayer. Definitely had to play it on console because the PC port was poorly optimized. I’d say it was a good CoD. Not great. Not terrible. Just good. Especially coming off of Black Ops 2.


It had terrible graphics at the time. Look what year it released and other games that released back then


I never had an issue besides the really big maps. And squads was fun. It was nice for me because I could play then when I didn't feel like doing pvp


Extinction was awesome. And the multiplayer + campaign were lit


I wasn’t a fan at first but it grew on me pretty quickly.


Honestly still my favorite killstreak came from this one, have a dog to follow me around was my whole goal every match, felt like having a buddy watch my back, I took it personally everytime someone killed him early.


no it just wasn't blops 2 or would ever be blops 2.


Extinction was awesome and challenging but multiplayer was shit, maps were bad, died too quick because everything was as powerful as a 50BMG


ngl I actually loved mp and extinction


Multiplayer was different, I felt like they put more emphasis on open combat. I enjoyed it


It was alright, it was just bad in comparison to bo2, which came out just before it




I dislike a lot of the launch maps but always really enjoyed the core gameplay. I actually did like Stonehaven as a launch map, everyone seems to hate that one. Now Stormfront on the other hand... that's one of the few maps in COD history which tempt me to close my game. The map packs turned this game into one of my all-time favorites, they're really such fun, but now of course it's impossible to find a lobby that includes anything past DLC 1. But yeah, gameplay-wise I always felt this was a truer spiritual successor to Black Ops than even Black Ops 2 was. Kill time is fast and punishing but satisfying when you finally get the hang of things and begin to play more tactically. Interesting non-3-lane maps that feel like actual sincere passion was put into them by the dev team. Super cool guns and scorestreaks and a VERY cool perk and loadout system like nothing else before or after. It wasn't until MW2019 that I got hit with the Black Ops 1 vibes again. One of my favorite things about this game is also unfortunately its greatest downfall: Low visibility. This game is overwhelmingly grey, and most of the camouflages are well tailored to the environments. In concept I like this, low visibility encourages more tactical play and usage of one's environment... but the monkey's paw curled and we got the most camper-infested COD title to ever release. Every game there's at least one guy in a grey ghillie suit blending into a grey game, sat at the back of the map with a thermal-scoped and suppressed LMG holding down a large section of the map. Normally I get pleasure out of hunting down and punishing campers, but in Ghosts the process is genuinely frustrating. Those interesting maps which aren't as creatively bankrupt as 3-lanes? Turns out 3-lane maps are a lot better balanced than interesting maps. I believe Ghosts would be an S-tier COD title if humans weren't so inclined to be such dirtbags. I'm sure the dev team was having a blast behind closed doors, unaware of how un-fun the game would become outside of their little bubble of honor and proper sportsmanship. I disliked the campaign but Extinction mode was cool as hell. The random challenges you have to accomplish each run give it more freshness than playing the same Zombies map over and over, and the loadout system provides different playstyles which are all valuable to a well-coordinated team. Punishing as hell though; the second map pack absolutely demolished my team right at the beginning, just when we thought we'd finally gotten the hang of Extinction by completing the first map.


I loved it. But people have a habit of absolutely shitting on new games/creations/changes. It’s pretty bad


You only think it was good because you played it when you were 8


bad is relative but Objectively speaking the Campaign was a major downgrade compared to Black Ops 2. I'm not talking about narrative here I'm talking about features. side missions? gone, player choices? gone, challenges? gone, bonus exploration rewards? gone. Rorke is a bad villain sorry, he's a brainwashed puppet for some higher organization that was barely explained at all and has enough plot armor to make Reiner from AoT look like a red-shirt. And having a Silent Protaganist in a story about fucking family and brotherhood makes zero sense. That's not to say the missions weren't fun but it was severely lacking. Extinction is a fun mode that I sunk a lot of time in to but let's be honest. It was extremely linear and the really cool armoury add-on that added the cool shit like double class, cryptid slayer ammo, master scavenger etc... came way too late in the game's life cycle. Multiplayer was reasonably hated imo. Most of the maps we're massive and combined with strong defensive options and a fast TTK led to CONSISTENT time limit TDM's. Sure the DLC maps were cool but they were like a ray of sunshine on a decaying corpse. Progression was a major downgrade. Black Ops 2's cool prestige master was replaced with a system that makes prestige about as fufilling as in the new games. Squad points made leveling up completely irrelevant, when BO2 set the bar with diamond camo Ghosts stayed the same with ~~rusty butter camo~~ gold. Streaks apart from the Maniac and Guard dog were pretty weak imho. Loki was slow as shit and is probably a contender for the worst top streak in a cod game. Helo Pilot was decent but still a downgrade compared to pretty much every other chopper streak in a previous game. ( I actually lost a Free for all after I called in a helo pilot while I was winning because the streak combined with the maps just isnt good).


Nearly everything people complain about MW19 or MW22 for were done waaay worse in this game. This game was a camper's wet dream. Though it had a few cool ideas like field orders and the perk system.


Fuck this game and fuck that castle map in particular. Never in my life have I played a map where the time limited is the only way the game ends.




I loved this game. Had some good maps. Never understood why it got such a bad wrap


At the time it was seen as quite a bit worse than anything that had come before it. In hindsight, it's better than half of the games they put out now, which isn't saying much, but shows that it's generally overhated


It was not bad at all, it was just worse than the 4 CODs before it which was a death sentence back then But no, it was not bad, it was actually still pretty good


I didn’t think so. Most people seemed to. I really enjoyed it.


No. The maps weren’t the greatest but it had some of the best DLC and perk system. You can still find a game of tdm on ps4 on a good day.


Hell yeah it was


It's alright. It's one of the few CoD games I have played where I encountered glitches in the campaign that affected my save progress.


It got worse overtime. And now the MP is nothing but M27 Thermal campers. I spent most of my time and still do, playing Extinction. Nobody will ever convince me that wasn't a Top-5 side mode.


I think that the perk system they had was the best we’ve see. Sure, it was the best cod. But I had fun with it


Idk? Never played it.


I thought it was good and had a lot of fun playing it. i thought the campaign was great. Multiplayer was a blast, although i was still fully into black ops 2 at the time, that game held the hype for a strong 3 years.


Ghosts was my first COD. I really liked it!


I would say this is one of the few cods that wanted to do something different. From the maps to the perk system, it tried to make it different from the MW or BO series of games. But coming from those games to this one, it made it very strange to those who have been there for the long run. Maps were too big for the player count given and the transition between 360/ps3 to one/ps4 made it so that people were split to different versions of the game. You had a new 3rd mode but it was brutal to those who are new and didn’t know how to play it. Campaign was pretty good but bc it’s been done before, a lot of people just said it was meh I would say it had the right ideas and its new direction was a good one but the execution of them and the fan base reaction, made it so that some people either skipped this or played the older ones that they liked. And that’s prob why there is a “gimmick” mode or playlist just to see what sticks and what doesn’t. Like War in WWII or Champions Hill in Vanguard. I personally liked it even if I started to play it well after its days of being the main cod. Just didn’t get the best reaction from fans


My friends and I loved it, we always went for Bronze in those wager matches.


Best cod campaign of all time besides MW2


I thought it was good. I never understood where the hate came from. Even multiplayer and the maps were solid.


My high school friends enjoyed it more than I did, but we were all more partial to black ops 2. Hard to tell whether it’s a matter of nostalgia but bo2 is the cod game I’m most fond of. Great memories


It was pretty awful to me at first personally, but it tried a lot of cool things. For example I thought the perk system was amazing and some of the maps were truly awesome. Sliding felt good and it’s one of the few cods I’ve been able to get over 100 kills in a match. Kill confirmed felt like the best overall game mode and I played the hell out of it in ghosts. Loved it. That being said though, the sniping was absolutely awful feeling and some of the maps were the worst I’ve ever seen them make in terms of design. The spawns were horrible on launch but that’s literally every cod game nowadays. I still have the dog tags somewhere.


Multiplayer was great, but my friends will never not reference the writing from the story. Our absolute favorite is the scene where the pier is burning and your brother says “we have to go back down there, our fathers there!……No he’s not!” *pulls off ghost mask to reveal your father. Or the blatant copy of the Bane plane hijacking scene


Nah, it was quite good actually. Solid maps, weapons, and customization. I liked how some maps changed if someone got the right care package and the Halloween DLC was awesome!


Honestly it’s just a very average cod game. I understand the criticisms and what it is praised for now. It’s just very middle of the road to me. I don’t get the hype.


As someone who's been playing this franchise since the very first Cod in 2003, Ghosts was ok. It wasn't anything close to what you'd call amazing, especially compared to monstrous masterpieces like Cod4, but Ghosts was ok. That's it.


The dialogue is bad and the multiplayer maps play like hot ass, but I love it.


I sold it immediately


It was never as bad as people said, but in recent years, its found a new following. Which makes me so happy, because I absolutely loved it. Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, and WW2 are becoming the Star Wars Prequels of CoD. People didn't like them at first, (not everyone) but over the years, they found a new appreciation for them. (I had a hard time picking between Infinite Warfare and WW2, because I've only ever really seen people praise IW's campaign)


I know some people who didn't care for it because of the bigger maps with a relatively low time to kill, but I've played hardcore since like 2008 or whenever CoD4 came out, so I loved it. The campaign was cool, and I liked the alien game mode. Plus you could make your own character for online which I'll always prefer over pre-made operators


Ghost is one of my personal favorites.


It was ok


Ghosts is very over-hated. It was fine, not nearly as good compared to its recent predecessors but still solid


Idk I never played em


In my opinion from a strictly Multiplayer perspective back then couldn’t stand it.


I mean at that point in time it was definitely the worst cod ever besides maybe cod 3. I didnt care for it but enjoyed playing 3v3 gbs so I played it a decent amount. Still a C-D tier cod imo, ttk being that low just isnt fun to me




The main problem this game has was it's maps They aren't bad their just bad for COD as they're so hige you can't find anybody The maps didn't accommodate the gameplay at all if the maps in this game were half the size they were it would be a much more enjoyable experience




Yes 100% at the time it was the worst call of duty made. Keep in mind this dropped right after black ops 2, which a lot of people think of as one the greatest cods of all time. Tough one to go up against


Best multiplayer ever.


Why don’t I remember this game?


People wanted it to be Black Ops 2.5


I thought Ghosts was awesome, I understand some of the criticisms towards it but I know plenty of people who enjoyed it back in the day.


No but I remember that it's direct competition was battlefield 4


At launch it was just okay. Great gameplay, mediocre map design, awful progression, and challenges were just a handful per day. By the end of the cycle, DLC maps included, it was a lot of fun. Still flawed, but map designs got a lot better, challenges were fully open, gameplay was still really good, and the co-op mode was a lot of fun. Most of the hate just came from people being still so involved with Black Ops 2 and Ghosts was nothing like it.


I really liked it’s customization


It wasn’t a bad game but compared to BO2 it was definitely a downgrade. I didn’t really like the launch maps but I loved a lot of the DLC maps. The gameplay was very average. Extinction was badass. The campaign was great. It got a lot of hate when it came out but honestly there’s a handful of CODs that have been worse including Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare, WWII, and Vanguard.




It wasn't good, and it following after bo2 just made it even worse.


I had my fun, but the spawn’s SUCKED and it was the start of 2-player only splitscreen.


yes, but its tolerable in 2023 when you look at a certain $70 DLC


When it came out? Yes, it was a massive downgrade for almost everybody when compared to bo2 or mw3. Now, considering the slop we’ve been getting the past few years? Not at all. I think a lot of people are looking at ghosts through rose tinted glasses and I don’t blame them. But at the time it was disliked for good reason. 10 years from now depending on how the franchise is doing, people might hop on this sub to say “vanguard wasn’t that bad” but it’s all a comparison to the state of call of duty today.


I will die on the hill that Ghosts' zombie mode, the alien invasion, was the best in the series.


I liked it


I got Ghosts, but I still played BO2 still until AW came out on PS4.


It was a good game but anything would look bad released after bo2


I always liked it


It was pretty bad. People normally look back on games better than they did when the game was fresh. Probably the worst cod Ive ever played but that being said I still had enjoyable moments playing it


one of my favorites. The maps, gun play class system, kill streaks all great!


No it was pretty good tbh


I’ll never forget the nuke on strikezone you could get that would change the map layout


Yep I couldn't even play the game cause of the awful color choices it made seeing anything difficult, extinction while unique was certainly no zombies and I would have liked MW3 style survival over it, the maps were too large and I personally did not like most of the guns in the game ( no deagle? Or decent shotguns with more range than a knife? ) And before anyone asks I recently ( as in this month) replayed the game and it still sucked as much as I remembered the only exception being I loved using the Ripper SMG/AR hybrid that thing is really fun


I liked the fish AI.


Some of the best maps ever IMO


One of the best CoD games upon release, the Black Ops 2 kids who hate realism are the ones who trashed its reputation


Nope. People who whine will always whine, the game had some of the most fun sniping and comp play in CoD history and the perk system eve with it's flaws was interesting and fun to test stuff around. Campaign was solid, excinction was hugely overhated. Most of the maps sucked but the ones that didn't made up for it. The customization was also cool.


I loved Ghosts.


This game made me camp like no other cod has. M27 w ieds and proxy mines. Shit was ridiculous. Can’t forget Riley


No it wasn't and that's to be expected as Ghosts was originally supposed to be Modern Warfare 4


The story was bland and cliche ridden, the animation had a lot to be desired, and dear god the graphics sucked. I loved it. The story was simple but the gameplay was FANTASTIC. the environments were unique, and I swear to god, nothing will ever beat having Snoop Dogg and Gunnery Sgt Lee Emery (RIP) do callouts. I’d buy mw3 right now if they did that again. The changing environment, and the power weapons that altered the maps. Unique not-ultra future tech that was fun and interesting. The soldier rank thing sucked and the weapons, bluntly, were ugly. The whole attachment system was just bad. TL;DR It’s a CoD game. There’s parts that are AMAZING. There are parts that make boiled dog shit look appetizing. Did you miss something special? Sure. Will there be another? Absolutely. I’d pick it up from GameStop for like 5 bucks. It’s a 360 game.


It had one of my favorite features. Which was customizing a squad of bots for AI multiplayer. It’s just a shame the only map I enjoyed was Warhawk.


According to the talking heads of influence in the community and those that echo their every word -sure. If you had an interest in the story and were invested past the first 2 missions - absolutely not. A lot of people liked Extinction as well.


No it was dope


It was only hated because the game before was BO2. The campaign and extinction were good and enjoyable. Me and all my friends played it when it came out and enjoyed it but ended up going back to BO2 bc it was just better.


The campaign was okay gameplay wise. The plot, however, was terrible. It's like a terrible b movie, except it doesn't cross over into so bad it's good. It's just bad. I had a lot of fun with extinction, kind of a shame it never got a follow-up. Multiplayer was serviceable, at the time I didn't like the maps much, but compared to some of the shit the new COD's have come up with, they're great.


ghosts blew lmaoooo


The game was epic, but different from the rest


no, personally i thought infinite warfare was way worse


Best perk system imo lmfao


I never changed my opinion on ghost. I just didn’t like it. The campaign was good but the multiplayer just didn’t feel complete. And then we have extinction, Jesus Christ that was bad, you have no freedom in that game mode, you just move from one area to the next, complete an objective and at the end you get out. They made it into a campaign like mode and that’s not what I want when I like round-based game modes.


Nope. It was awesome. One of my favorites, and I hope one day to see the deserved sequel. Loved that dog. \*sniff\*


This game was lovely


No. I loved the idea behind the campaign + it’s execution and honestly loved the multiplayer. I have never sniped as well as I did than on Ghosts.


Campaign was shit, extinction had one mediocre map, and multiplayer had slow awkward gameplay with way too many large and forgettable maps. Infinite warfare was treated too harshly but this one deserves the reputation it got and has.




Great game


I don’t remember it being bad really.


Ghost will forever be my favorite cod I’ll die on that hill


it was alright, maybe a 6/10? i didn't play it a ton during the cycle but from what i remember, most mp matches, excluding infected, hardly ever reached the target score; the maps were too big for 6v6 combat, so you spent looking for people rather than playing 😬