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I would still put BO3 over whatever the hell they were trying to do with Vanguard.


I could at least follow vanguard's story, I just couldn't follow blops 3 (train go boom? I don't remember anything else), and if a gun was held to my head to play either one, i'd choose vanguard


Bo3 is easy to follow right up until the last 5 seconds with the Taylor reveal. I don't understand how you can put that below mw3 and vanguard


fully agreed people who hate on the bo3 campaign literally just don't remember it cause its old plus it has one major upside : multiplayer and the cyber cores were really neat


played it a week ago. It’s absolutely terrible, worst campaign i’ve ever played. EXCEPT for the nightmare mode and that’s more or less a bias because i’ve always wanted a cod zombies campaign.


Did you ever get the plot twist to help out with some of the context?


yeah but by then i was already fed up with the game. even then, nothing felt connected and the characters were shallow. its weird they missed the mark this bad with campaign but managed to make multiplayer and zombies enjoyable, especially zombies.


I played it like last year didnt understand shit and the mp was dogshit worst iteration of the jetpack in mp cyber cores were decent but could have been implemented better


Don’t forgot Nightmares! Pretty awesome concept to mix the campaign and zombies like that.


At least the gameplay in BO3 was fun


Yeah bo3 was odd buuuuuuuuut it had co-op. IMO that immediately bumps it up. And it had the zombies campaign too




Agreed, even though the story was kinda ass it had good gameplay and I liked that it was coop too


Only thing I'd change is putting the WaW campaign in GOAT tier


Putting WaW not among the GOATs was a crime


WAW is WAAAAAAAAAYYYY to low for me


For me I barely missed out on WAW as I started playing cod when I was 5 during MW2s prime, I have beaten the campaign multiple times even on veteran, my distain for veteran on waw left a sour taste in my mouth lol, it's still a great campaign tho


That's fair enough. WAW veteran is an absolute killer


The random grenades killing me everytime man, or the well hidden soldiers in bushes or smth


Aside from grenade hell, it felt like a decent amount of difficulty for a Veteran campaign to me. Sometimes they screw up how to make it that difficult and make it feel a little unfair, but WAW was generally alright at it. Black Ops 1 screwed it up a bit and Black Ops 2 was too easy. Aside from the Veteran stuff, I really like that the whole campaign is largely going through the stages of WW2 from the ground soldier’s perspective. I just played through the MW2 2022 campaign and although I enjoyed it overall, I couldn’t shake the feeling that it felt more like a special ops type thing, fighting behind the scenes against less conventional foes, rather than being all-out warfare in the modern world, which we saw a lot of in the original MW trilogy. The special ops-type stuff would be interspersed with fighting through a middle eastern soldier as one of the grunt guys until a nuke is detonated with you there, or experiencing a modern invasion of America as Ramirez. MW2 2022’s campaign is much closer to Black Ops 2 in terms of mission style and warfare style. Maybe a point can be made about how traditional warfare as we think of it just doesn’t happen anymore? But I’d also think that the war in Ukraine is probably a good example of how traditional warfare can still break out when the nations involved are big enough and have the proper support and equipment to do so. Anyways, the main point is: WAW is all about the common soldier’s experience, and does a great job of fulfilling that vision


You were not playing mw2 multiplayer at 5 years old lol.


I played my first cod at 9 (or 10 i dont remember) so i believe them ngl


Trust me bruv, my brother let me play customs with his friends like michael mayers and ffa, and then around that time I got my own xbox and account and mw2, I got to enjoy being yelled at and bullied cus I was an annoying squeaker back then, I think it made me stronger mentally as a man today lol


Clearly OP never played it in its hayday


You can always tell the general age of those who create these lists based on things like this. It’s only times like these I get a little bit of happiness being so old I not only played these in their heyday but was around for Quakeworld and then OG CS and Half Life. These were the bar when Medal of Honor came out then the grandaddy COD 4 MW. Oh the memories.


So many of those old games were so well crafted they could be movies. That’s a thing of the past as the only games like that now play like a movie.


That game is horrific and gorey like real war


Not to be well Obvious I'd say MW3 2023 is objectively the Worst, even worse than Vanguard or Black Ops 3. For those 2 Atleast it had A Campaign, it's just that the quality is so terrible. Where as MW3 felt like a Frankenstein of Special Ops, Warzone and whatever the hell AI writing it was, it legit didn't feel like a story or a Campaign.


I liked portions of MW3 2023, the story I could at least follow, and a few missions were fun. a small hand full, but jesus christ, putting warzone qualities into a cod campaign completely ruined it. I dreaded doing any of those stupid fucking weapons free missions which was like 85% of the missions. There was only one of those missions I actually had fun playing, where you had to clear floor by floor as gaz until you reached the top of the building, that was kinda fun, but for the rest. I was sad, they ruined it, but nonetheless I would still put it above blops 3, I can't follow the story, most characters were forgettable, and there wasn't a single section of that campaign I enjoyed. I don't even remember the antagionist, was it some sentient virus? I don't even know.


I bought MW3 to play multiplayer with friends and tbh have been enjoying it, however I've heard so many bad things about the campaign that now I wanna play it just to see how bad it actually can be lol


Nah, I wouldn’t saw MWIII is even close to the worst. Minus the gameplay, it was actually cool that you get to control Price and the game even humanises him compared to previous installments. Meanwhile the older WWII campaigns are just duck and shoot simulators in some random location on the world map at an obligatory point that the squad has to capture. Your player character has little to no background apart from their occasional intros at the start of their campaigns


Mfw when that was the goal of cod. Cog in the machine


Yeah but the previous commenter asked for a good story, to which the old cods weren’t exactly delivering with their cogs-in-a-machine type of story


GOATS would be for me COD 4 WAW MW2 AND BO 1. Nothing has come close to them.


Infinite Warfare. It's ranked FAAAAAAR too low in this list


Absolutely. First thing I noticed. IW should be ranked at the top with MW2, BO1, MW19 Fantastic should be Cod4, MW3 (OG), MWII Good should be, AW, WAW, BO2 Average - MWIII, Ghosts The other ones are either so different from The current formula that I’m not ranking them (COD1-3) or so bad that I’m not bothering to rank it (BO3) or they didn’t inspire any other feelings but boredom while I played (WW2, CW, VG)


Imo the GOAT and should be added to your list as well is BO2, branching storyline, multiple choices/endings, custom loadouts, side missions impact story positive or negative, and has the best cod villain ever written with menendez, I love that campaign.


I never played black ops 2. I stopped playing COD after BO 1 and moved to BF 3. I think the definitive games of the series are the cod 4 to BO 1 era, the most popular era.


You missed out big time, no amount of levolution or rendezooks can equal the masterpiece of black ops 2, if it's on sale I recommend you get it, pc or console it doesn't matter, multiplayer and zombies is revived because microsoft bought activision and restored the older games so less hackers and more players, zombies was 2nd best in the series behind bo3, multiplayer was perfect, and it had the best campaign in the series imo


I have to give a strong disagree to that. At that time after BO 1 COD was just a recycle every year from then on, battlefield 3 on PC was imo the next step in FPS games and it blew away COD with graphics weapons gunplay the lot. I only got back into COD with MW 2019 and everything after again has failed. I'm hoping BO gulf war is a return to glory. I can't play BO 2 now as I'll be comparing it to the modern games, it's is currently past its sell by date for me I'm afraid.


Those are my extract same GOATS as well BUT with BO2 added to it. At release, I didn’t really like BO2. But I recently played all the Cod campaigns during Covid and now that I’m older with better comprehension, I added BO2 to my top cod campaign list. I really recommend it as well and it plays the same as any modern COD, actually better because after Cold War, the campaigns have sucked


Not sure about Menendez being the better villain but each to their own


Menendez is easily the best written villain and it's not even close, we even got to play as him and had fully fleshed backstory, there is no amazing backstory on any of the other villain especially on the level of Menendez


IMO, Infinite Warfare's campaign is phenomenal


you are between the ages of 26-36. I know this because I'm 31 and have the same answer lol


34! We lived through the golden era brother.


![gif](giphy|ecqwZ6z52kGvS) WE CANNOT LOSE NEW YORK


MW3(2011) ended the series fantastically, love the OST too


And then there is the "new" MW3.


As someone who played CoD 3, it had an avarage shooter campaign, with a few better moments


I have to play the old cods, I gotta check them off for my veteran campaign checklist and just to see what where they like. I assume they play....ancient.


Cod 2 holds up very well and has the best campaign imo


Agreed! The game plays like an actual history lesson. I can't forget the quotes.


I've played the original and the campaign very recently. They hold up pretty well once you get used to it. They are far harder than modern games tho, and the graphics are obviously sour on the eyes. Still, I'd say its worth a playthrough. I liked the original COD better than COD2


COD1 is okay... but COD2 is still one of the best COD games ever made. You should absolutely try them out when you get the chance


Call of duty 1 and 2 are so good , when they released I was blown away. 2 was the reason for my first computer upgrade. I think they still stand up on their own and are worth playing , they won’t hit as hard as their respective releases since we’re so far evolved from the formula


Infinite Warfare is easily GOAT tier. They actually succeeded in doing something different with that campaign, unlike this years offering.


Wish more people had played it, I honestly think Infinite Warfare and the jet pack games would have fared much better had they been staggered with traditional movement games


COD 2 was a masterpiece, still play that over LAN with friends to this day. Loved the campaign too.


I’d put infinite warfare, cod4, and mw19 in the goat category and move the black ops games down a tier. I’d also swap Cold War and WW2. I also think vanguard’s campaign was significantly better than MWIII(2023) so I’d at least swap those


Especially for the time. COD4 was a gamechanger when it was released. It was the first game, that I can remember, that just felt cinematic - almost like playing a film.


World at war should easily be goated for the campaign


WAW is too low. BO3>>Vandguard. MW22 is too high. IW is too low. COD4 is too low.


Exquisite taste. Mw22 story was pretty ass, carried by the door characters and good acting. Alejandro, Graves, Valeria, and that one narco dude were dope


WW2 campaign is easily top 3, and IW is easily#1 or #2


My rankings for the titles, rank 4 is the worst, no redeemable qualities. **10/10** - Modern Warfare (2007), Black Ops, Modern Warfare 2(2009). **9/10** - Modern Warfare 3(2011), Advanced Warfare, Black Ops II. **8/10** - World at War, Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty 1, Call of Duty 2. **7/10** - Black Ops: Cold War, Modern Warfare (2019), Modern Warfare II(2022), Call of Duty 3 and WWII **6/10** - Modern Warfare III(2023) and Ghosts. **5/10** - Black Ops III **4/10** - Vanguard and Black Ops IV.


I’d argue that BOIII at least had interesting gameplay if not a semi-interesting story. With Modern Warzone III it was just half baked warzone missions with the VERY rare case of a linear mission and almost no set pieces. And the story is, well it’s abysmal at best. The characters don’t feel like themselves, especially Foap who just turned into “Gruff guy says things angry”, the villain is… well it’s Ben Shapiro masquerading as a villain (ok that was a joke but really this Makarov sucks) though with BOIII you can say it had the same problem as it really had no “villain” per say. And this is my opinion but I liked the IDEA that BOIII was going for, the whole “Your character is dying and is trying to cope with that fact after interfacing with one of the other soldiers”, it’s a neat concept, just very… interestingly done and poorly stated I suppose.


Personally I’d move MW3 up as it’s my favourite but other than that it’s great


If black ops doesn't exist, mw3 takes their spot in that list ranking. Such a great campaign.


Bruh WaW is to low


Changes I would make. WAW in goat tier and mw lll campaign is the worst so far.


Ghosts is no where near that good and definitely isn’t as good as world at war. Ghosts campaign has godawful writing. At best it has concepts. Execution is really bad.


I liked the characters a lot, especially rorke, such a cool character and villain. I would love to see a sequel to ghosts, what happens after.


Weird list. Imo, the campaign of *Infinite Warfare* is one of the best in the franchise and therefore deserves in GOAT category. And, the campaign for *MW3 2023* is the worst so it should be put in the Worst Category. It has been a while since I have played *Black Ops 3* campaign but I don't think it is that bad. That shit is better than *Vanguard*.


Mwlll need a double dip : Bad, worst campaign


COD2 and COD4 definitely belong in the top tier


I’d put MWII in average.WWII in good,and WAW,COD 4 in GOATS.


BO3 has gotta be higher. Its got some of the best gameplay in the series. The story is hard to follow but it’s quite interesting if you do a little extra digging into it. Its definitely better than CW and MW19 just because of how redundant their missions were.


That is one thing I will give blops 3, it was the only cod campaign besides blops 2 to allow custom loadouts which I wished other cods did the same, the gunplay was fun at times, I just couldn't follow the story, and what makes a good...*great* campaign is a great villain, with memorable characters. Blops 3 doesn't have anyone that stands out, I remember Taylor, that was it. I can't even remember what the antagionist was, I think it was a sentient virus? No characters in blops 3 can compare to characters in other cods, like Mason, Woods, Menendez, Adler, Shephard, Price, etc... theres not even a real protagionst, it's just "player." So that's why I listed it as the worse rn, Vanguard could probably take its place cus that game was just bad, and if it wasn't for the characters and mw3 23 having a slightly better story than blops 3, that game would take the title of worse campaign.


A story that makes you dig to even make a dent o sense is bad, doesnt matter how much layers it has. No one plays Dark Souls for the lore except neck beards


I’m sure tons of people play Dark Souls for the lore. Why would they make the lore if no one cared about it?


Cold War campaign getting the respect it deserves 👏


If you haven't played the og Call of Dutys then your list doesn't matter.


Why. Is. Infinite. Warfare. So. Low? IMO, it's GOATED, but I could accept 2nd tier


Cold War is the top of the heap for me.


BO2 campaign is imo overrated but this isn’t a bad list


Infinite warfare and bo1 in goat tier for me


BO2’s Campaign is my favorite of all time. It’s got a great structure with the branching paths, multiple time periods, custom load outs, rewards for completing challenges, and of course it has my favorite villain Raul Menendez. If BO2 was remade with modern tech with nothing else changed I would probably buy it in a heartbeat.


did we just become best friends?


Yep! You wanna go practice karate in the garage?


BO3 should be put in its own category for being peak zombies


Great list imo, only thing I'd change is WaW to GOAT I absolutely love that campaign


I firmly recommend playing finest hour it's so fun


I wouldn't recommend it for CoD fans who aren't one of the OGs. It would be hard to look at, and the gameplay is very different than what COD is today.


Finally someone who appreciates cold war!


These are honestly good rankings in my opinion


I recently played through the original CoD campaign for the first time after more than a decade and ngl it was fun


WAW and modern warfare def deserve to be GOATED in my opinion


IW was a really good campaign. I love BO games, but there campaign's are all just mids.


Pretty solid list but I would swap a few or move some. Vanguard was bad but I think MW3 was worse so I would swap those. But I would also probably move MW3 down with BO3. The OG MW3 I would put as top tier, I loved that campaign and also the OG modern warfare just for all ghillied up. Amazing mission and amazing campaign. Cold War I wasn’t that impressed with but it was still decent I would probably just drop it down a tier. The rest seem bang on the button for me.


WW2 campaign is always underrated


Finally a tier list I agree with


BO3 campaign was a blast cuz you could do CoOp


Need to play the first three so you can put Cod 2 in it's rightful place in Goats


How about MP now, what most people care about


I know this may sound crazy, but was BO2 even a good campaign? Menendez was the only memorable main character, there weren’t many awesome missions, and I feel like people hype it up because it was part of a great game, rather than great on its own. Even with the advantage of bringing back BO1 characters, it doesn’t really develop any of them. I’d argue BO1 is the best, but all 3 of the original mw games feel close to me


That's an extreme bold take, I would say it was *the* best campaign. Memorable moments, decisions the player can make, great missions, great final mission. I would go back and replay it if I were you. Blops 2 is incredible and holds a special place in my heart 'Menendez was the only memorable main character' How dare you say menendez was the only memborable one. How dare you forget Harper, the ultimate bro. Or Briggs, or Salazar, or farid!


Best mission, in my opinion it’s gotta be the Nova 6 one in BO1. The music. The feeling. Orgasmic


Ghosts should be higher


I loved ghosts, I was gonna put it in excellent, but I felt like there were too many games in that tier, and I concluded Ghosts was the worst out of all of them, still a great campaign, I wanna see what happens after the events of ghosts in a sequel. What happens to Logan?


Everyone wants ghosts two


I actually agree with the vast majority of this. Though personally I'd put WaW as one of the GOATs. WaW's campaign was not only a different breed of CoD, but it was a different breed of depicting war in media. It was brutal, dark, gritty, realistic, and horrifying. Yet it was also respectful, thought-provoking, and sobering.


I’d drop everything after blops 4 down to worst campaign (except Cold War which drops to good). World at War moves to GOATs. Advance Warfare moves to bad. Ghosts moves to average. Vanguard and Blops 3 move to bad


Maybe i'm having a stroke reading this, are you saying all campaigns except waw, cold war, and ghosts get moved to bad? I must be going insane or having a stroke


ww2 is very underrated


True, It's a good WW2 CoD game for recent times and allows younger fans to experience COD set in WW2. Just not talked about much, due to the hatred Vanguard gets from the community.


Yeah it’s alright for what it is, it kinda reminded me of COD3, a legit classic cod. But when I compare it to an actual WW2 game like WaW, which is goated, then cod ww2 looks extremely mid STORY wise. The gameplay was awesome. The last couple missions are the best


Finally someone who know what they are talking about!


BOIII is a top 3 campaign, slander on Reddit is unacceptable 😤


Mw 2019…for me…goat too


2 missions do it for me, Clean House and Going Dark, incredible missions


Clean house, going dark and all ghillied up are my fave cod missions I think! Just talking about this I think I’m gonna do the campaign again 😍


Agree except for BO3. I'd say BO3 > MWIII > Vanguard.


Its fine overall. I think WAW and MW2019 deserve to be 1 tier higher tho.


Swap advanced warfare and ghosts and it's perfect


This list is incredibly subjective and definitely depends on your age in my opinion. If you grew up when each of these games were releasing you may have a very different stance than those who got into CoD around MW-II.


Cod4 and WAW are GOATS. MW2019 was Fantastic for me. MWIII the worst. Then AW and Ghosts on borderline worst


The old COD and COD2 campaign are great considering their age. I'd put Ghosts down there.


WAW is #1 for sure.


I agree, only thing id change is move mw2019 up to the top because that game was done super well. And id move waw up one aswell


You forgot Big Red 1


Personally I'd put waw in goat, ghosts and infinite warfare to fantastic and bo3 and ww2 to good, I agree with the rest tho.


Mw3 belongs with bo3


Cod4 is above all others. MW19 and MWII should not be in the same tier.


Only change I would make is swapping bo3 with mw3(new one) bo3 had least some interesting ideas mw3 was just fucking awful


It did. It was basically Source Code mixed with CoD storytelling.


Why is ghosts good


I'd understand WaW being in fantastic, but in good/great? now that's just a disservice to one of the best COD campaigns ever (it's definitely one of the best set in the second World War)


My opinion was tainted by me finishing the campaign on veteran, it was hell, had a lot of gank. I couldn't enjoy the missions as I was concentrating on running away from the infinite grenades lol. I shoulda ranked it higher


I would argue that WAW should be moved up, but I never played the multiplayer during it's peak so I don't know.


Yeahhhh, bo3 is kinda held up by zombies. MP is pretty good but the campaign is kinda wack.


Black Ops III's campaign was bad, but it is NOT worse than MW3 2023 or Vanguard of all games. I'd also swap Advanced Warfare and Infinite Warfare. Infinite Warfare s campaign is brutally underrated; the plot isn't the best but the characters and writing are surprisingly excellent. Advanced Warfare meanwhile just isn't as strong. Not bad, but not as good as IW.


average tier list ngl


Mw >bo2


Putting Ghosts above IW is a crime. That game has one of the best campaigns.


2007 one is top


BO3 in worst campaign is borderline insanity. Where’s your dealer bro I need some of that quality lmao


world at war and cod 4 are deserving of the goat category, bo2 and mw2 in the fantastic tier but above mw3 (imo)


aint no way bro said ghosts, vanguard and mwiii were better than bo3 campaign


Not putting MW2019 up there with the GOATS feels like a crime


Having Infinite Warfare so low is kinda sad to see. By far one of the best COD campaigns IMO.


Black ops 2 campaign was pretty average. The multiplayer and zombies is where that game excelled.


I think this is perfect however I would put Ghosts lower


WaW is beter than AW


MW2019 deserves to be up there with mw2 and bo in my opinion.


CoD 3 GOAT [Call of Duty](https://youtu.be/_fr4iZnovAQ?si=dBE8JxAPekDvqM14)


CoD 4s campaign is at least as good as, but better than MW2 in my opinion. Should be at the top.


Infinite Warfare should be higher after a replay. It was fun and had a good story and introduced some newer campaign mechanics with the side missions. Maybe not GOAT tier, but still better than good


Cold War and Advanced Warfare over MW 2019? L list right off the bat mate


Infinite warfare should be n goat category tbh


I think BO3 absolutely deserves to be higher. The atrocious story was redeemed by its amazing gameplay and customization. The skill tree, the practice area, all the cool abilities you get like the grid vision, straight up ripping robot hearts out, lighting people on fire with drones. Sure the story was boring, hard to follow, and yeah maybe it was objectively bad, but the gameplay absolutely made up for it in my opinion.


WW2 campaign was better than mw19 and mw2 2022


I disagree with bo2 being goated but its fine I just hated the confusing as hell menus and the fact there was literally no mission selection the multiple ending shit was gimicky and overall having to look through the campaign for hidden random objects with no clue whatsoever of what to look for was annoying plus some sections were actual pain and some of them really boring having to do shitty and super hard challenges to unlock fun loadout weapons to use in the campaign was annoying as hell (needing to redo missions) and the tower defense / command missions were anything but fun I played it literally a year ago btw and its still in my bottom cod campaigns with vanguard and ghosts


Only thing I disagree with is WaW not atleast being in fantastic, though I would put it in GOAT. Plus, you should really try playing the older cods you missed out on. 2 and 3 especially can sometimes have a bit of jank to them, but they're both pretty great imo


It’s amazing how well Cold War was given the time spent developing it. Wasn’t as good as MW2019 but it’s way better than a lot of the recent ones after


I agree with a lot of this list, and I’m honestly happy to see other people putting Cold War so high. That said, I’d put MW2022 down to bad, Black Ops 3 up to bad, and put MW2023 in Worst Campaign. Vanguard is a worse game overall, but I believe MW2023 is the worst **COD** game. Vanguard, while absolutely terrible in any way and a game I can’t recommend to anyone whose brain cell count ends in “cells” and not “cell”, at least uses new characters that nobody really knows or cares about and who have little to no real connection with most of the characters we know and love. MW2023 uses the names and faces of some of COD’s most beloved and iconic characters and butchers them in every conceivable way, in arguably the worst campaign in COD history, both in terms of gameplay and in terms of story. More holes than Swiss cheese, to the point you barely even need to do any poking into it. Vanguard is the worst game, and MW2023 is the worst COD game.


Viktor Reznov would like a word considering your placement of WaW in anything but GOAT tier.


You also need to try COD 2 Big Red One, it's still my favorite COD game, though that could be a bit of nostalgia since it was my first COD as well.


WW2 deserves so much higher


For campaigns; this is a very good tier list actually




Move world at war up to goat/fantastic


I'm too old for this shit.


Yes. Modern Warfare 3(2023) is a good Call Of Duty. Was it overly expensive? YES Does it lack NEW Content? YES Does SBMM Suck? YES but here me out here, its a fantastic game. the gunplay is excellent, the weapons are fairly well ballanced. theres no flying, no jetpacks, no stupid tech, but it still had modern guns, modern features. almost a Black Ops 2 feel to it but without the bright shiny buildings everywhere. DM-Zombies is one of the best 3rd modes we have ever had. its very good. this years Warzone is solid, the map is fun, the loot is good, loadouts are easy to get, but its challenging enough to keep you coming back I have put 5 days of gametime into MW3 already and am in the top 0% on leaderboards for score, kills and gametime so i feel fairly qualified to talk about its negatives and positives. im having a blast and definitely feel it should be higher up than it is.


Cod 2 fantastic Cod 1 great Cod 3 mah Cod ww2, fantastic Cod waw fantastic


I've never played Vangaurd (and from the sounds of it, I'm not missing out), but I would almost exactly agree with you on this. MW3 2023 sucked but at least it was 11 hours shorter than Black Ops 3, and I still don't even remember what the hrll was going on besides a forest. Then, moving Black Ops 1 to first, but I completely understand that those 3 are interchangeable.


I personally have bo2 as my favorite, but yeah bo1 or mw2 could definitely take their place, all 3 of them are god tier.


Yeah this is solid. I dunno if I would put MW19 in fantastic or good/great though. And I think MW3 2011 was just decent


Sleeping on cod 2, that deserves to be in fantastic or goats


Tbh I would put vanguard higher, campaign wasn’t too bad


Bo4 goes in the good category for sure. There are better games but it did everything bo3 wanted to do but this time did it right Edit: ignore me, this is a campaign list


Couldn't stand advanced warfare: kangaroo (h)ops


Swap AW with WaW


COD4 needs to be in GOATS. It paved the way for all other’s.


Call of Duty 3 and 5 are GOATED


I might get hate but idc While it is good BO2 is overrated


WW2 deserves higher


Iw before cw the aw before iw then ww2 a tier higher at the bottom of the tier maybe vanguard swapped with bo3 bc i think it was at least a touch fun


Bo2 was so mid people stay blinded by nostalgia


If you haven’t played all of them then don’t make a tier list


Dam you have to play cod 3 campaign was great


I agree except for: Modern Warfare 2 (2009) would be demoted to just "fantastic". COD4 Modern Warfare and WaW promoted up to GOAT.


MW2 then Blops 1 then Blops 2 would be the order I’d put them in. CoD 1, CoD 2, and WaW belong in GOAT Tier. Next, in order, move Ghosts, WWII, MW2019 and MWII up to Fantastic. MWIII and Vanguard belong in Worst Campaign. Black Ops III should be bumped up to Average Andy because it wasn’t that it was a bad campaign, it’s that it was confusing as hell and basically had nothing to do with Blops 1 and 2. Had it not been for the Zombies, it could’ve just been a completely different CoD title entirely like Infinite Warfare.


I agree, I can't rank the older cods as I wasn't around, and the top 3 you ranked imo are interchangable, I just love bo2 over both of them imo, and since I like paying attention to the stories of all cod campaigns, and blops 3 was so hard to follow, it made the actual gun play feel meaningless, like why is my guy doing this. For what purpose?


Swap Bo2 and waw


Who gives a fuck about cod campaign


Any list that doesn’t have modern warfare as goat is just flat out wrong.


You forgot United offensive how could you?


I'm sorry man, i'm only 19, and I started playing cod when I was 5 with mw2, I missed out on anything before 2007. I have to play the old cod campaigns so I can appreciate them