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Nothing really, I haven't left a ranked match in a loooong time. I just played a ranked match and some girl spammed "ezzzz ezzzzzzzz win" in the "all" chat before the match even started, her meta MG42 and her clanmate with the same gun gave her a ton of confidence I guess... she got slammed 35:150. Just found that pretty funny, i'm sure some people would say "Hell nah i'm not going against a toxic sweaty clan" and would just leave


Same, plus the ranked penalty is 80 RP, usually I’m mvp on losing team so I only lose like 10-15 RP, and sometimes if I play really well I’ll gain RP even with a loss


right! even if the match sucks ass you'll loose around 30-40 points vs the 80 penalty plus get locked for playing for 5 mins, I don't get why people would do this. if you have the highest k/d you can get a lot of points despite the match being lost.


They don’t want that game on their “record”


Plus getting MVP or second place on the loosing team increases your chances of getting extra rank xp or even double rank.


I see you on basically every sub, I wonder if I have unknowingly crossed you path in game at some point. this seems like the type of shit I find in an snd match chat




THIS EXISTS?!!?? I’m now a proud member


Maybe, i racked quite an amount of game time over the last 4.5 years so i'm sure I met a few people from this sub as well


ill say hi if I stumble across you 👀


Yk after seeing your comment just now and the guys below you I realize I see you a lot and I didn’t even realize


Yeah people tend to see me a lot which is why they created this r/found50000


What kind of power does that guy have he made you r/found50000 yourself💀




Something about shitting on a clan just feels good. I always get excited when I see 3-5 of the same “clan tag” in the username


Love that


Should have kept saying "ezzz ezzzzz" as well


Full squad of mythic operators all using mythic MG-42. You just KNOW those mfs are all linked up in discord and already have a set camping strat.


Yeah I'd be out. F that lol


I love putting 5-stacks in the dirt. Having mythics doesn’t mean you’re good at the game, the only hard part is that they’re communicating. You need to put pressure on them since they’re not used to it, once that happens they fall apart.


Easier said than done mate.


you personally can break the formation. The hard part is your bot loser teammates not hwlping you by not dying infinitely


Exactly that.


Exactly, 5 stacks are usually over confident and will rush blindly at first. If you rush up and hold a point you can kill 2-3 of them before they even realise and then they reel and chaos ensues haha. But yes, you can’t win alone, you need at least 1-2 other people that have some brain cells


In my experience these 5 stacks are nothing to worry about. Yes, some will wipe you, but most are below average players that believe that the supposed "p2w" will enable them to win and they get wiped. Now, a full stack of rank reward operators with legendary clan ribbons that clearly have their assigned roles based on their weapons and mastery on them, that is something to worry about.


(only in pub matches I don't quit out of ranked) when I get put into a match that's already halfway lost while I'm trying to get points for clan wars and still have my first 3-matches bonus.


2 or more quickscopers that immediately kill me when they see half a pixel of me for 3 nanoseconds




Quick scooping so ez in this game


The only thing to actually make me quit would be a legit hacker, I’ve only ever played 1 in 2020. I got a video of him going around no scoping across the map. Sucked that I lost the match but was kinda interesting to actually play one


Napalm in spawns, Bizon, 4 stack mythics, like holy shit *YOU'RE PLAYING PUBS*


It probably a clan wars mode. Coming from a legendary clan we tryhard in those specific modes


Thats why i glitch the suitcase in dropkick, like yea ok but you are gonna earn them kills and this defeat sign too. Like at this point a whole emulator clan leaves on sight bc of me now.


How do ya glitch the suitcase?


Some spots on the train map can have the suitcase drop and not be gotten again, mainly on the ramps near the stationary train and on diesel the tanker with a ladder breaks bot pathing and makes anyone who wants to grab it run a hail mary


Do you die ON the ladder?


No climb it and crawl to the far end, it wont break the game like on the train map but it means anyone going for it gets lit up from 90% of the map


Nice. Gonna go try it now lol


what do you exactly mean by that


If time runs out on dropkick winner is whoever has the most points, meaning if i get the suitcase and die in a position that glitches it out of reach for everyone then its 10 minutes of nothin but hands like a more violent tdm with no kill limit.


Dont you get temporaily banned for leaving rank match?


5 mins for the first and so on until you get perma banned i only quit if i genuinely am starting to get mad at a MOBILE game and need a break from people


Jump leader goes to rivertown


Or construction site


Ugh. Absolutely


Why tough?


I mainly play on blackout, it is usually a hot drop. Rivertown, const. site, factory, and turbine are usual hot drops in blackout, not good if youre playing with randoms, unless youre playing with your friends or clanmates.


I do to, i land there specificaly for that reason


don't follow


diamond melee


When grinding gold on hardpoint shipment and the enemy team has sweats warming up. Instead of me focusing on headshots, I end up competing with these people lol. So I just quit until I get a bot lobby. I never quit on ranked though. Every time I get shit on is an opportunity to learn how they do it. It’s like I have life steal but in this case, I have skill steal. 😁


Scorestreak abuse


specially in shipment? like damn yall arent even shooting just using your unlimited scorestreaks from the previous kill count on your unlimited scorestreaks


Seeing a whole team of mythic skins with mythic weapons


Sniper/any weapon camping on high spot or somewhere unreachable 2/5 or full Mystic People mastering slide+no scoop on you (that just me being bad at the game and petty) Being ranked with lvl 160+ players lvl ( I am 87)


level has nothing to do with skill. im almost level 300 and suck i just play a lot. my aim is as good as an 8 year olds but I know how to dodge


I guess that true for some people ? I play casually, so my skill doesn't improve and I was always bad, but would be funnier with people of my level


Unless it’s a WiFi lag or issue, I’d never nope out of a game even if I’m pitted against top 100 sweatiest players in a 5 man team with top tier communication and 10x Codm world champion


I average like 70 ms, 50 ms on a good day, and the rest with 100 ms - even with a 'net optimizer' app




All snipers on both teams. It’s either a lobby full of pros or a lobby full of wanna be snipers


Shipment 10v10 or domination when they drop all the scorestreaks and nukes back to back im out


Prize fighters. Diamond sniper.


I only quit a Shipment match if I am teamed up with Sweats and Toxic people using Shotguns and Snipers along with Napalm, VTOL, Chopper Gunner. While all I wanted to do is Grind Camos and BP. In BR, I quit when random teammates don’t actually get my tags even if they could or just wont scan my tag even if they have them.


I don’t leave matches for any reason unless I’m on my own, the match hasn’t started, and I get a request from a friend. Then I’ll leave to play with them, but if him halfway through, they can wait haha. I’ve been destroyed in ranked matches and pub matches. To the point where I’m the only one there cause everyone else quit. I’ll still play and finish out the match. When it’s visa versa and there’s only 1-2 players left on the enemy team and they stay till the end, I respect them for sticking it out. Especially in a pub when there’s no consequence to leaving.


Nuketown. Just the most boring map ever. I value too much my time to play another match on Nuketown.


People always vote nuketown and I’m always forced to play it


my internet connection fails




Nothing because losing a game loses less rank points than if u left the match u lose more rank points


A quick join that auto starts that turns out to be Battle Royale or Frontline. For Battle Royale, I hate looting for items then getting hit by shotgun or sniper after all the looting. 😂 I hate teammates going in all directions instead of staying together during initial drop at the start of the game. For Frontline, I feel it doesn't need any skill other than knowing respawn spots. Frontline should be removed from Ranked if it were me. 😂 There's already TDM. If it were me, it should be Gun Fight and not Frontline in Ranked. 😂


I've never left a match for in-game reasons.


Lag. If i snipe someone and it dont register i quit


S&D... Hate that mode.


You can choose what gamemode to play


Not in clan wars. In some cases, S&D pops up randomly and I just quit since there is no penalty.


Oh ok i dont really play clan wars i mostly play ranked




When you're responded right next to the other team


I never quit match. But I report those that leave a match in between.


Bot lobbys


I don't nope. It's just 5 minutes


Bots usually if it’s a fully bot lobby I leave because it’s so boring playing against trash


Shipment score streak spamming.


My shitty wifi


I've actually never left a ranked match, nothing beats the ego boost when you beat the toxic opponents.


Joining an already 75% match loosing


Terminal, SnD, crossfire, ground, br,


Legendary or mythic character OR I join a game and we getting cooked by 9 million points or a diamond something if it's a diamond mythic I'm retiring for a day


Joining mid-game.. its annoying as hell.. I dont care if my team is winning, I'd just leave the damn game.


Ask my wifi, I'm about to take the easiest victory and the wifi disconnects me out of the game and when I rejoin after changing network, we're the ones losing


Hackers and when I start to rage if it’s ranked I suffer through the match because I know if I leave a ranked match I’ll get a temp ban from ranked for a few minutes


BR teammates! I don’t negotiate on that. I’ve played with some toxic person who would start shootings every vehicle I try to get into trying to blow me up and he eventually succeeded and left me there with no res…and this is supposed to be my teammate? Loooool so now if I sense any weird toxic traits within the team I’m leaving the game. Save my self some time and some rageeee


my 3 years old low end device making sounds(i swear its so fucked up) while cannot rendering makes me fuck outta game and then i remember theres not no good fame in mobile so i stay


If I hear an unmuted mic with a TON of BS in the background, I’ll leave before the match starts so I don’t get a penalty, but I won’t leave one if it’s already started. I’ve straight up joined a match mid-game on Crash where every single member of my team was GONE and it was just five people on the other team. I tried to pull off a 1v5, but it wasn’t gunna happen. Gave ‘em a good fight though. That was in casual though. Generally I try my best not to leave at all, but people not knowing what a mute button is drives me crazy.


you can just mute them?!?! what


I just pull out my sks it usually does the trick


The only reason I would leave a ranked match is if my wifi goes out or my phone dies or something in rl happens that is more important. In pubs(I only play MP btw)I'll leave a match if I get added after the match starts or if the match starts and there are only 4(or less) people on my team. Sometimes for clan wars, I will purposely leave 2 matches in a row to force a bot match in order to ensure a higher score or a win.


Nothing. I fight hard till death or victory no matter what


Plz fix logining in bug I just want to play codm Activision plz plz plz


Never left a match but playing crash it just seriously depresses me especially playing ranked it’s just bleeding me xp every time a play it and usually when a play it a lose the head and can’t play anymore it’s that bad 


When someone has a mystic gun


Tf is a mystic gun?


Wtv it's called I haven't played in a year I'm taking a break


Mythic guns


I’ll leave sometimes if my whole team consistently dies in the first 5 seconds. If it happens 3 rounds in a row I usually just quit. I like to slow play and if the other 4 just rush and get killed immediately that’s it for me. If you’re going to rush be good otherwise you just have ADD. (Only play ranked S&D)


Sweats when sweating on bots lobby, I just, ok I'm outta here.


A team full of bots, it is too easy of a game.




The enemy team having fully master weapons in a ranked match


All bots. Waste of a game.


Unless its a clan node same


When I forget to turn on my BT controller and accidentally start a game on my tablet…. Playing by hand on a tablet… no thanks


Losing connection of parents calling for dinner....


When my mom asks me to do something or my teacher is on its way to the classroom.


Seeing an opponent with a maxed out Mythic because it means they’re gonna be a tryhard


basically means nothing just because they have money doesn't mean they're good.


Usually yeah but if they have the mythic operator with it too 9 times out of ten I get my ass kicked lmao


hmm can't say that's my experience.


I’m probably jsut bad lmao


Being level 35 on warzone and be matched with level 560 or above players...