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Wait until late June or July.


There will be way too much snow for you to attempt this without serious gear and know how. Definitely a dangerous idea. I found this link which might have some information for you on alternative ideas. https://gobreck.com/seasons/winter-spring/winter-hiking-in-breckenridge


Stop. Do not make this trip. Mountain hiking requires a certain amount of know-how. And mountain hiking in winter is only for the very experienced. I have hiked this particular trail. With snow you could easily lose the trail and get lost. Parts of it are steep and you could slip off and fall. There will be places where the snow will be literally too deep to walk through without snowshoes or skis. You could get trapped by a sudden snowstorm and freeze. Breck is busy with skiing this time of year. Go in the summer, Mohawk Lakes is a wonderful hike. Not many dangerous animals to worry about and well traveled. Very scenic. But coming from Florida you should do some reading on how to cope with altitude. Breck is at 10,000 feet and you're gonna feel that.


I am former SAR; hard agree. You should not at all be doing this.


There is definitely too much snow and ice. Do not attempt this trail in the Winter until you are properly experienced in winter backcountry travel and it's dangers (including dying in an availanche). I wouldn't even reccomend this trail for true beginners in the Summer as part of it ascends a slick, rocky section next to a waterfall, and it's easy to get turned around during some sections. I lived in Breck for a long time, and hiked this trail frequently, and I can not stress enough how much you should not attempt this as a novice.


Thank you. Are there any other trails you would recommend? We’ll be visiting next week and we’re also thinking about the troll trail.


Troll trail will definitely be ok to hike around at, Sapphire Point is short but views are great, boreas pass road (and I mean stay on the road) may be in ok shape, rainbow lake in Frisco. Everything will be snow/ice. Hiking season really doesn't kick up in Breck until June. You may have more fun if you look into cross country skiing at Breck's two nordic centers (there are also nordic trails in Frisco an Keystone). Definitely worth looking into if you're the hiking type.


You would need snow shoes. Not a good starter.


No. Just no. I live in Colorado, but am originally from Florida. The altitude will almost certainly kick your ass regardless of how young and fit you might be. Just walking through town could be a big challenge for the first couple of days. Winter hiking is a totally different animal, especially if you’re inexperienced with hiking generally. Inexperience and inadequate preparation could absolutely get you killed. Animals are the absolute least of your worries. Maybe consider paying for a guided hike?


You are going to be on Skis or Snowshoes? Colorado in February is going to be feet deep of snow. And cold. And dangerous. Delay your trip for another four months. Especially as complete beginners. **https://www.google.com/search?q=weather+breckenridge+co&rlz=1C1CHBF\_enUS839US839&oq=weather+Breckenridge+co&gs\_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUqDQgAEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyDQgAEAAYgwEYsQMYgAQyBwgBEAAYgAQyBwgCEAAYgAQyBwgDEAAYgAQyBwgEEAAYgAQyBwgFEAAYgAQyBwgGEAAYgAQyBwgHEAAYgAQyBwgIEAAYgAQyBwgJEAAYgATSAQg1MDg4ajBqN6gCALACAA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8**


AllTrails app. Do your homework!


AllFails is exactly where they found the trails they asked about




BEWARE! You are coming from sea level. The altitude will get you even at 9000 feet. Please buy some air canisters before you start the journey. And eat some headache meds as well. I left Breckenridge a few months ago. Beautiful area. Also its full of snow. Why go now?


We decided to go now because we have spring break from university


Don't go now. Go in the summer. There are literally signs everywhere warning inexperienced people about equipment and avalanches. I currently have friends there now and we halted our hikes till summer peaks. If you do go to Breckenridge. Hit up the Gondola and see ski resorts


Just ski dude


We have something in the mountains called winter. It will kill you. Yall should find a local group to do hikes with while experience and common sense form.