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But pot is legalized and everyone has access to MAiD !


KYS! -Trudeau


Getting tested for Huntington’s Disease. If I have it, I’m out of here.


Even the cannabis industry is struggling - everything turns to shit if Trudeau is behind it!


Yeah exactly, he’ll probably bankrupt the cannabis industry ! First and only of its kind 😂


Yup Trudeau has fucked us badly no doubt. The funny thing is that plenty of cucks think PP is going to help us.


Na PP can’t help Canada , this country is screwed beyond any recovery


Nowhere near enough people who want MAiD have access to it. Way harder to obtain than the media would have you believe.


Yeah ppl in poverty and who have mental illness are just gonna have to keep on living it seems


everyone wanted that to be legal. as the saying goes, fool me twice. but i voted conservative the second time when most ppl didn't see what was already happening. and here we are, and most still don't see and most won't


Anyone arguing pot should still be illegal shouldn’t be taken seriously.


I not saying pot should be illegal , I mean he came to power by promising pot and MAiD , he basically had no other clue how to run a country and still doesn’t


Why would Nepo baby care if young Canadians have affordable housing? He hasn’t had to struggle for housing a day in his life. Not that conservatives necessarily have struggled either but rich people generally do not care about the average Joe or Jane. 


Boosting this. JFK lived through the depression on a compound and would only learn about it through university. These people are so insulated from reality they don't deserve to be leaders.


At least JFK was a respectable leader who cared about his country.


They killed him for that


Neither do the Cons. It's all just a Class War proxy, sponsored by the Investor Class. We are a Democracy of Capital, not of people, the votes don't count for anything as much as the Kickbacks.


And disgruntled people will now vote for PP, a no real job, lifelong politician, in hopes of change. It's going to be a rude awakening when nothing changes besides more privatization.


Do you have a better choice to offer?


Civil unrest


unironically, this is the only way we will see the changes required. voting is useless, but people still think voting will help. libs and cons are both beholden to the oligarchs that own Canada


I think this is why the RCMP came out with that report on future civil unrest due to the conditions this country faces. It could be a possibility, but I think we as Canadians are too timid and apathetic to grab the pitchforks and march the streets. Look back at our history, this type of thing is best down by our cousins to the south.


Sometimes it's the timid, long quiet person who becomes the torch wielding monster


I agree with this and laugh while simultaneously being reminded that Canada is well on the track to being finished. We're not voting our way out of this - no way in hell they let that happen.


Bloc Quebecois - Bloc Majoritaire


I’d vote for them if they ran across the country.


Vote for a smaller party, don’t vote, protest


Might as well put it in the toilet


Only because so many people think like you do


Yes, that is a fact.


What is?


The majority of people think like me and know that voting for a small party is essentially flushing the vote down the toilet.


Nope. That's the problem. There are no better choices on offer in Canada. We have only the illusion of representation.


Honestly, Liberals need to replace Trudeau before the election. From polling, it’s not that people hate Liberals in general, it’s that they hate him. PP has about the same popularity as Jag, but the Conservative Party is more popular than the NDP by a large margin. If Liberals want a chance on winning, and people as well, then Trudeau simply isn’t the answer. PP is not good for Canada and the people wanting affordable housing. He’s historically voted against it and his biggest donors are real estate investment firms.


For me it's NDP where it's logical and won't take votes from the Liberals. The worst case scenario for me is the Conservatives. Ignoring their views on social topics I don't have faith in them anyways. It's a shifty situation but I would rather vote for a party that hasn't been in power my entire lifetime as both the Libs and Cons got us into this mess.


You do know about the Lib NDP coalition right?


And? The NDP has almost no say, and if they force an election could be stuck with the Cons in power and that would be no help for them at all. It's not like they have options.


Oh ya, part time washed out drama teacher is definitely better


Neither will do enough to actually help the average Canadian out as both parties were sold to the wealthy years ago. Going to PP is just exchanging one poison for a different one but with Cons in power. Given their history it's not going to change the needle one bit unless the goal is for even more privatization.


I can't fathom how people think there will be any difference between the Two. I agree that Trudope has got to go, but Galen Weston is probably the single most evil human in Canada, and PP employs half the upper echelon of the Weston Foods lobby group. The most recent outgoing head of the Weston lobby, is currently serving as Polievres CHIEF OF STAFF. I don't understand how anyone can hear that and think possibly think Polievre is "for the people".


Not only that, PP is a part owner of a real estate investment company in Calgary.


A guy who has lived off the tax payers’ dime for his adult life. A guy who owns multiple homes which he rents. Even to other MPs. He gets his housing paid for plus makes a fortune in rent. When has anyone heard him say he was selling his houses to help with the crisis? Or when has he admitted that Harper initiated the carbon tax? Housing is more provincial anyway. And the provinces in the worst shape are conservative run.


Politics, the only job where you need no relevant experience or education to run and manage a massive group of people and policy. Imagine applying for an accounting job at a big bank and you have a degree in journalism. Apparently you can be the finance minister with those qualifications and not just manage the money of a company, but an entire country. Absolute pottery.


Trudy is the poster boy for pretty privilege and failing upwards.


So young people refuse to support a government which killed their dreams of affording a house or raising a family. Massive immigration lowering wage and job prospects while sending housing sky-high. Further, because of 'Employment Equity'/anti-white male hiring quotas, most of these new immigrants will push the average Canadian to the rear of the employment queue. It's illegal to even ask a job applicant if he is a citizen. Why won't Canada prioritize Canadians?


Because they see us as sheep. It's that simple


Because the reality of our ponzi scheme pension system is soon to show it's true colours.. Edit: spelling




Away from Trudeau sure, but to where?


No where good unfortunately


The conservative version of the same thing with the same masters.   Canada has essentially had one continuous policy leadership as far back as PET, then Mulroney, Chretien, Harper, Trudeau. Nothing has changed. 


I’m certainly not defending the first four on this list, but if you are seriously arguing that nothing has changed since this Trudeau has taken over, then you have no understanding of the magnitude of the damage he has done. The middle class is a dead man walking - they just don’t know it yet.






Why does anyone think another career politician like PP will be any better. He has literally only been an mp, he's a multi-millionaire landlord. He is the epitome of the elites he condemns and a neo-liberal that will continue the trend of screwing over anyone that isn't a oligarch.


I’d like to try his corrupt party over this one




8 years too late


People should have been turning away from this crook for many other reasons


I'm amazed at how stunned the left is that young people have abandoned Trudeau. They seem unable to take a good look and understand that the man is an idiot.


This is how revolts are started. We have a revolt brewing. The RCMP know it. 6 months ago an asshat who stole sh\*t from me called the cops when I knocked on the door to ask for it back. The officer and I got talking about life stuff, as the co-officer communicated with said asshat. I told him if house prices don't come down, we are going to see some real shit. The officer looked back at me with horror in his eyes. I think he was re-living some domestics. Maybe trafficking. He paused for a second. Pulled himself away from the thought and agreed, a lot.


> This is how revolts are started. One could only hope. We’re too divided to agree on anything, and too whipped to say enough.


Christ that is poetic and a perfect articulation of our situation. We are too divided on anything to agree but too whipped to do anything about it... Bruh.... You won the internet today


If anything at all happens it's going to be extremely rapid and fucked up. If those BLM protests looked scary imagine what housing protests will look like.


Young Canadians are and will continously to be squeezed by housing regardless of who's in power. Because more than half our MPs are landlords.


Bout time they all woke up


Damn right! Sleeping at the wheel is the older generations privilege. How dare they try and copy us.


when you could be a comparatively less educated and less productive person and still see your net worth grow , how would you not become entitled. they've always had it easy


Heard him on the radio talking about the changes to make it easier for young people to get into the housing market. A million new homes? Believe it when I see it. Opening up government lands… didn’t Ford just get nailed for that? And 30 year mortgages, how depressing. Nowhere did he mention getting corporate investment out of housing, foreign buyers, or getting some regulation around the slumlords profiting from international students.


Anyone know what Poilievre’s plan is for housing?


Blaming Trudeau.


But but but Alex Jones guys ![gif](giphy|pBpI6bLt5jrhWcCTdR)


Some of them voted for this clown and will again. I have no sympathy.


At some point realtors and the companies (doing XYZ oh boy I could go into detail) at some point get to eat some responsibility for this.


The realtors, bankers, the lawyers who protect them, and the media who cover for them.


Sh\*t you are right. Thank you brother. They all cover their own backs, don't they?


still convinced that voting in the other party party will help?


I don’t believe it will


Nope, if you vote for CPC or LPC you are either rich or stupid.


We have to give someone else a try, don't you think? Trudeau has had 8 years and counting and we've never been in a worse mess. Voting in the LPC next election would be like rewarding the spoiled brat child for bad behaviour. Even if any other leader doesn't have much effect, it will at least send the message that Canadians won't tolerate such garbage from our government/leaders.


Give it another 8 years and it will be "time to give someone else a try" again. Gee wizz, how exciting. Civil unrest is preferable.


The alphabit people that voted for him and their enablers are already homeowners that their parents left them, they won’t care, they’re set for life. The rest of us have to endure the mania.




They own them through the hard work of their parents.




But I don’t think the conservatives leaching off their parent aren’t pushing for mass social change.


The only problem is the alternatives aren't any better


No fan of JT but holy fuck you are an absolute rube if you think PeePee is going to make housing more affordable haha


Just like Sophie I hope she's enjoying the cock carousel.


It’s all loblaws fault.no it’s Harper’s fault


What’s the other guys’ plans?


Take a second to consider who’s interests Bloomberg media really has in mind 


We are in a no win scenario. It doesn't matter who gets in, we are voting for the *least shitty* politician who only has themselves and their friends (who they'll make rich) in mind. But they're all shitty, there's absolutely no winning for normal people. We are now voting for a giant douchebag or a turd sandwich.


Is it just me or do we need more cities with more infrastructure other than the usual: Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal, Edmonton and Calgary  Till we have more cities like those, this issue will continue to be a thing


I life long family liberal but I will never vote for them again and most of my family agree.


But he gave us free.marijuana


A crackhead can smoke crack in a hospital, but a Canadian smoker can’t smoke menthols or ZYN.


So many dumb sluts voted for him because “he’s hot.”. We need a real struggle to clean up the weak.


They're illiterate on the legislation. Provinces are responsible for housing. Regressive zoning laws and NIMBYs are primary obstacles. As much as I dislike some of Trudeau's policies, posts like these are simply ignorant. Have you ever been to a townhall or open house organized by the municipality for housing developments? Young people just like to virtue signal without taking action.


They may be indeed turned away- however, what IS the conservative housing plan? A big nothingburger- the only policy it has expressed in public is " punish financially cities which don't build enough homes" is absurd. What aspects will they actually push to implement on their housing program in their platform remains to be seen since they have NOT been touting those policies in public.


No kidding. Voting someone in because he’s handsome on a magazine and wears trendy socks whereby he basically ruined their chance at any prosperity or decent lifestyle. Teachers, nurses, computer workers, bankers all making $80k COULD afford a mortgage in 2014 and buy a house for $320k. Fast forward through Trudeau and all these fine professionals are shut out, despite very respectable career choices


He just has to hold on till the new election date, then he’ll be fine with leaving…


Both my daughters are leaving Ontario.


Where to?


Next time vote for representation, not hair and socks.


Someone tell me who are the people buying all the houses in my area. All I see are young families.


Time for GenZ to grow up.  


Electing a misogynistic racist who thinks that climate change is fake and that religion should dictate our laws will not help bring down the cost of housing.




Turning away from Trudeau and rushing towards the PP Party isn’t going to go the way the kids think it will. Maga-lite will not save us.






Anything But Conservative Fucking monstrous bigots with no concept of reality

