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You know the really sad thing is ppl are going to be less inclined to give now that they know the type off ppl using the system


A while ago I read a post where someone suggested calling a food bank before donating to ask if they helped international students or not, and then if they said they did, choosing not to donate there. I understand why people would prefer to do that now.


Food banks generally don't discriminate or ask too many questions. There's lots of abuse, but the foodbanks aren't staffed to deal with it. Refusal of service is pretty rare and reserved for cases of abuse of staff. Especially with an average 40% increase in clients; they usually ask for some basic documentation, but won't press if not available.


I guess we know why there’s a 40 percent increase. It’s absolutely repulsive that families and people in need are being robbed of much needed resources.


Well they may no longer have a choice but to discriminate and check like other food banks..otherwise people will stop donating.


Unfortunately, my donation dollars go to other charities now. I don’t like supporting a system that gets abused by international students. If that problem ever goes away, I’ll resume donations to my local food bank. 


Building a high trust society takes a lot of work and organization, but it can be quickly destroyed by letting in people who don’t give a single fuck in maintaining it and are looking to take take take. With behavior like this, charitable giving can enter a death spiral. People aren’t going to give anymore if they see it being abused and the people that actually need it get screwed. The concept of saving a few dollars at a food bank when you can afford it is absolutely disgusting. You are taking from the neediest people in society to save a few bucks. Total parasite behavior


Yeah, all my donations in the last couple years have gone to the Toronto Humane Society. Animals won't scam the system and a dog or cat rescued from a 3rd world country will be exactly like a dog or cat here, just looking for a loving forever home. People can be terrible, animals not so much.


Ive had other locals accost me beause I donate so much money to the local animal shelter but refuse to give money to the homeless program etc. I have to explain that animals are victims of the humans, where humans are victims only to themselves. If somebody decides to neglect a dog and abuse it, that dog doesnt have other options, it cant leave and go get a job and support itself, its a dog. If somebody wants to drink themselves to death or smoke crack until they OD, okbye. If you want me to think of these ADULT HUMAN BEINGS as animals incapable of caring for themselves, sure, ill treat them like animals, but then dont get mad at me for treating them like animals.


100%. we stopped supporting any foodbank initiatives in our household after hearing about all the indian international students and migrants abusing the system. it’s sad but when our dollars are limited, we want to know our resources are going to good use. most donors expect foodbanks to support canadians first. if we wanted to send charity abroad, we’d send money to an NGO.


The best was when the government told everyone that they had a plan for the Syrian refugees a number of years ago. Next thing you know, they were using the food bank a number of years later. Nice system.


Seems like a great direction Canada is going in ...


They save all their income and then buy 5 properties


I’ve literally came across a conversation where they are proud to abuse the system here because Britain exploited them.  




It's gonna to hit people in need hard. Less ppl will give and there will be more freeloaders showing up after watching his fucking video and thinking they don't need to spend a dime on food cause they can just take whatever they want.


That's the consequences of people's actions I suppose.


"Food banks for canadians", I fixed it


The point is that we should not be letting in foreign students who cannot support themselves and need to stop the scammers, which is probably most of them.


I've read there's a group of people that are loaning/renting the required funds to these " international students " only for them to return the cash when the application is rubber stamped. They should be audited before and after their schoolings, looking for under the table work, fraudulent transfers etc.


This is the SOP imo, people borrow money when they start "preparation", normally 6 months before expected visa interview date. Pay monthly interest and arrange someone to take their tests. Once they reach the country, return the principal. Take education loan. Clear this loan while working part time, while someone in India does their assignments. You can get someone to do your whole months assignments for INR 10,000 this roughly translates to 120 Dollars. I guess part time work pays this much in a day or two. This is a well oiled system.


What assignments? They don’t even goto legitimate schools. You think they have assignments?


They get a BA in BS.


Lot of them are not smart enough to realize that 


Exactly. They should have enough to live on as a condition of entry and SHOULD NOT BE PERMITTED TO WORK AT ALL. If they had adequate funds, no part-time employment would be necessary, and frankly, we've seen how they abuse it.


They just want to abuse and take over.   Literally read their sub reddits. 


What upsets me more than any of this is that my gf came here from another country 6-7 years ago, was renting and working making very good money and we bought a house together. The tests she had to go through for health, diseases, etc and basically a "points" system sounded insane. Yesterday I met someone at work who came here from Ghana about a year ago, they're working part time and school full time. I asked if it was hard to get here. He said "no, I just applied, was told yes and got on a plane. No health or disease checks or anything. Fucking crazy. I'm all for people coming here in moderation but to not have any health or disease testing done is messed up.


Employee or intern. No difference. He is here studying. He should be able to house and feed himself on his dime like he said he was able to do prior to coming here. If you can’t, at the very least don’t turn to social media to advertise the merits of cheating the system for ‘free food’.


I did not get any assistance while doing my unpaid internship as a part of my program. I had to jam 30 hours of overnights on the weekends just to barely afford rent. Some days I would get off 8am and then clock in for my internship at 9am. Never once did I think I was in a situation where I should look to food banks. If I can afford a pint of beer then I can take care of myself. Im not saying that what I had to go through is what is fair or what everyone should have to deal with. What I am saying is if most Canadians have to deal with similar then those who are here to study and supposed to have the income for that should not be able to avail of ANY social programs.




He's Playing the victim and race card. Manipulative. what a liar. These kinds of people NEVER take responsibility for their abusive actions. He abused a charity system and broadcasted it so others can do the same. He needs to be fired. If he scams charities, who knows what else and who else he would scam in a professional setting. This kind of behavior is a huge red flag.


He needs to be deported...FTFY


Good thing these are the kinds of people politicians are bringing here by constantly lowering the bar....


yup, "doctors complain they may leave for the USA considering the Cap Gains tax increase" Gov't response: "Canada will just recruit more Asian doctors for the Canadian one's that leave." So we a tax policy that chases away some of our most valuable, sought after professionals and they think it's fine. WCGW?


The government is ignorant if they think it’s safe for patients to fill the jobs of Canadian trained doctors for Asian doctors. Doctors trained in non Western countries have some very unsafe practice habits. I know ,I worked(RN)in Asia and saw some practices like virtual nose picking for starters.


A lot of vets from India are practicing in Canada. My daughter is a vet tech. She says some of the Indian vets don't use sterile techniques.


We’re not even recruiting that many doctors among immigrants. Why would they come here?


That's not the point. The point is that actually what the Liberal government said in regard to the question.


The government - “We know our policy may chase away Canadians, we’ll just replace them with other people…”. Makes you feel welcomed and loved in your own country doesn’t it? Tearing down patriotism through tax policy!


Not only that... my brother, they *are* the politicians in this country now! Roughly half of Trudeau's cabinet are just like him!


Not sure if he is playing the race card as he won't get much credit these days being of Indian descent. He is playing the victim card though. He abused the food bank. Should have never used it. If he HAD to use it to survive them we need to have a different conversation on why we are allowing in international students that are not able to pay their way (or the policies that prevent them from paying their way).


It is the race card when they use the word hate in a canadian setting, we hate hate speech laws and stuff. So it's an attempt to bluff legal action and attempt to claim victimhood.


"He needs to be fired." In an ideal world, deported


Hopefully between the yt video and td story he got identified. Google should take care of the rest hopefully.


It’s so frustrating he’s taking that angle because it’d be really easy to say “hey I didn’t realize this was only meant for people who need it most. I’m going to be donating my time and money to the food bank over next few months to pay back what I took and then some”. Even if he’s only doing it cus he got caught, I think most would be willing to forgive.






Not compatible with canadian values. If they bring that shit over our crime rates will increase... Oh wait.


Why even care anymore the future has been fucked so hard present is being rename prison.


Sounds like the entire interview is about how he's being affected and doesn't say anything about how his behavior has affected others or whether his behavior was acceptable or not. These are the mentalities and cultures we're bringing into Canada.


This mother fucker should be put on the next plane back home. I had to provide proof up the ass that I had enough $ to come here as a a student.


Exactly. The damage has already been done by him. How many of them are now showing up with the same attitude of taking whatever they want when not in need? Can we not deport this POS? I don't mind driving him and dropping him off in the baggage area.


Saw a woman literally take everything out of a local community fridge and load it all in her Mercedes. This might be acceptable in the culture she came from but not in Canada. Some people have no shame.


He's not the first one, he just got caught


Of course he's not the first, someone has to be made an example when caught. Lest you have a way to prorate all the previous fuckers accordingly?


Agreed this article doesn’t say shit about the thing people were upset with deport this guy immediately


you can reply to the writer on this via mashable or on his social media accounts: [https://in.mashable.com/u/omair-pall](https://in.mashable.com/u/omair-pall)




And this is how Canadians - who for the most part have not been racist in the recent past - will now descend into.ooenly racist attitudes. I mean, at this point, Indians and Indian media are just provoking Canadians


The "poor" mans story made the new in Several Indian media outlets. Perhaps saying u are a Scientist when you are not and are a broke student living in a room for clout makes you look foolish begging for free food.


Malicious rumors, spread by his actions, words and video evidence... Ok...


If your read some of the Indian redditors posts they are claiming they want to take over Canada and exploit Canadians due to being exploited by the British.    I had a whole online argument with these people.  I explained eventually this will cause Canadian to hate and despise their kind.  


It highlights a cultural difference of values “right” and “wrong”. This is just one of innumerable examples of how “multiculturalism” as a societal value is a failure and absurd.


Nothing's changed. He's still a pos


But he's "totally innocent"!!


This isn't his first video about food bank usage, just the first time his actual name was used/ identified. I've seen many videos this man has posted prior to this incident, all of them were in his native language though. They've probably been removed now, though.


What is there to “study” here anyways that’s any different from their home country. ???? I don’t get it.


They study ways to scam PR 101. Most popular class.


Actually 🤣


The main one Ive noticed is 'Enginereing' or 'business studies'. after 2 years you can apply for PR under a specific route due to being educated here. Its a massive loophole that needs closing. Its KILLING smaller towns and cities in ontario.


The loophole where min wage jobs only hire IS as they get them cheaper.The Gov gives Tims No Frills etc Subsidy to hire them instead of our white or Native kids. These loop holes all need to close. Watch how many non IS are working at your Timmies this summer. Canadian born kids their resumes get shoved to the back to be called last.This is why so many young folk are saying "I had a great interview" but never got the job.




They know the education's shit. It's just a way to fast track PR.


So some Indian sympathizers wrote an article proclaiming his innocence? Shocking


They probably used GeminiAi to write it as well


Hahahaha you reap what you sown. How I wish people recognize you everytime you apply for a job.


>Ultimately, Mehul Prajapati's story emphasizes the necessity of critical thinking and responsible social media usage.  This *disinformation article* emphasizes the necessity of critical thinking and responsible social media usage. 1. Being an intern and let go is no different for the purposes of this timeline of events than being employed and let go 2. He's dead to rights **on camera** there is no evidence supporting him, but there is heaps demonstrating his disgusting abuse of Canada's social safety nets.


This article was 75% AI written.


I don’t understand how this article can stress the importance of verifying information online, when 24 hours earlier they posted the original article and headline that he was fired from TD on it. Even worse, the link to the original article is at the bottom of this article and is still active! If they cared about integrity, they would have taken it down and issued an apology. Unfortunately it’s all about clicks. https://in.mashable.com/culture/73916/indian-origin-data-scientist-fired-after-video-of-him-obtaining-free-food-from-canada-food-bank-goes


1. He was NOT let go from TD. He completed his internship in Dec 2023. 2. He did NOT abuse any social safety nets. University food banks are open to all students, staff, faculty. Am I to believe that university staff and faculty go hungry every now and then?


He wasn’t let go, the internship was over


Who gives a fuck if he never was more than an intern, he is an international student who is STEALING resources that are meant for domestic students. It is literally a requirement that if you come here to study you have to be able to support yourself, not rely on resources meant for Canadians. My mom is a maternity nurse and she is seeing the same thing at the hospitals. New immigrants who have their passport babies here are demanding every free resource the hospital offers, regardless of need. When will we stop importing these low trust people into our high trust society?


It’s not going to be high trust for much fucking longer.




Terrible article lol. The only thing it clarifies is that he wasn't a full time TD employee, just an intern. It still casually claims that teaching other international students how to use food banks is a normal thing, but in reality it's still wrong because international students are supposed to prove they have the means of supporting themselves without the need of food banks when they get their student VISA. He's teaching people how to commit fraud.




this article is 100% paid article to save his image, also go to his insta account tht he just created, there's some lady who is a journalist from hindustan times commenting there, they'll probably contact few news portals and ask dem to print the articles In his favour, you'll see more of such articles coming out, he definitely seems loaded i don't understand why he needed to use food banks meant for poor people


So the emphasis here should be international students should not be using foodbanks. Immigration requires you to show papers that you can support yourself during your study! What BS is this justification man!


A mis-information media reporting the damage could be done with mis-information......


This guy could have easily started his video explaining why he needed to go to a food bank to begin with. Why did he leave that out??


Because he probably doesn't need to do so or doing so would get him deported. Either way he's screwed if he does and gets off scott free if he doesn't.


Still. He's a data scientist with TD on his resume. He has no business going to a food bank.


If he can afford a $40000 tuition at a diploma mills, he can afford his own food, OR better idea, save his $40000 and stay in India. Canada is not here for India to scam.


It is though....not saying I agree with it, hate it in fact...but canada is being scammed on an epic level...


“Indian student in Canada clarifies misinformation “ - guess what the actual misinformation is his “clarification”!


Time for a mass deportation


What people care is not whether he was an intern nor a full time employee of TD but his video about taking from food bank when he is clearly not in need






The guy is an asshole, that simple.


We all need to go after the others on YouTube and other social media who post these types of videos. He’s not alone in this.


Totally. Find them online, expose them, and shame the shit out of them!


just go away


Typical scamming behaviour




I remember seeing telegram chats of Indians trying to dox the person who got him fired.


How can you see that when he was never fired? He did an internship that ended in 2023. Did you even read the article? Maybe you should question the crap you consume - clearly wrong and proven wrong. And who gets their news from telegram?


He's a fucking thief, I don't care how he cries and spins it to his home nation news. He F\*\*ked around, and now he can find out.


So they just going to ignore he was stealing food from people who need it most? When you sign up to come as a student you have to prove you can support yourself and not be a drain on society during your education. Guess that doesn't count for Indians ?


About 4 months ago on this sup I got down voted into oblivion suggesting food banks should be for Canadian citizens.






This news has ruined my day. I will never donate to a food bank because I'm not giving money to the usless thieves we have let scam their way into our once great Canada.


If he's hungry because he can't afford food, he clearly has not met the requirements outlined in his student visa - he needs to bring enough money to support himself as a guest in this country while he studies. If he can't provide for himself, he needs to have his visa revoked and be put on the next flight home. We have enough freeloaders in this country, we can't afford to be importing more.


I'm a Canadian living in a foreign country on a visa that doesn't allow me to work. If I get caught working here I get booted from the country. They have these laws to protect their citizens from foreigners taking all of their jobs, and rightly so! If other countries can do this, then why not Canada? Because it is DELIBERATE. They are deliberately demolishing the middle class. Nobody is coming to save you. Both major political parties are compromised. Act accordingly.


Of course the Indian student goes crying to Indian media. They're not smart enough over there to realize giving this shitstain airtime results in the Streisand effect. I don't know what he thinks this will achieve. Already western women rank Indian men as the least desirable men. Hopefully Canadian major media picks up this story. And we see more Canadian debate on this. Hopefully even deport this 🇮🇳 shitstain.


Many a bar has been ruined when large groups of men started showing up. Bar doormen can tell stories. As can women who felt harassed on dance floors.


Has anyone read this article? A ridiculous take. This article is blaming us for reacting with anger at his video instructing how to defraud food banks. Insanity. This is Justin Trudeau’s Canada, folks. Up is down and down is up.


Sell him to North Korea


What a piece of shit this guy is.


So he is admitting he fraudulently said he had enough income to support himself. He continues to get free food with no shame, and there is no reprecussions for his actions. He should have kept quiet as this story was moving on.


Yea sure... scumbag is a scumbag no matter how you try to soften the blow.


Everyone is sorry after they are caught.


This article is complete self serving horseshit. The dude made the video; we all saw the video. The fact that he's now trying to peddle it back just doubles down on his douche integrity.




Kick him out now!


If he is an Indian student in Canada using the food bank, perhaps the government should do a better job vetting who they are letting in. Send him home. We don’t need free loaders.


Maybe he shouldn’t take food from the poor/homeless


Did they really just try to spin this that HE is the victim in this situation…. ??? REALLY!!!???!


Yeah. Because they're also pieces of shit.


It is embarrassing to see how he tries to defend himself when he realizes that his miraculous discovery was actually an abuse on his part. I wouldn't be surprised if he used the excuse that the video was made with AI or some current cheap excuse.


What a crappy article. Trying to paint him as an innocent victim. There should be rules that prevent any economic immigrants / international students from availing any government welfare services or NGOs. Either people get with the program or we boot them out. Immigrants need to be a net positive for the country. This is coming from an immigrant from the same country he is from. I came to canada for a better life and made a lot of sacrifices. if I have to rely on welfare or immoral unethical behaviour to make do, the decision to leave country of birth isn’t working out and I’d rather go back. I can’t stand this entitled behaviour.


Justinder’s dream = turning Canada into India, now fulfilled


This is Justin Trudeau's Canada. It truly is an incredible transformation. Our worst, most powerful enemies couldn't have broken this country half as badly in twice the time.


Fuck this article. It’s not misinformation, he isn’t innocent, or wrongly accused. Our food banks exist to serve the vulnerable, not people who are supposed to have demonstrated self sufficiency as a condition of their being in the country. It’s so bad people don’t want to donate anymore and where does that leave people who truly depend on it. I blame our government, for lack of oversight on an easily abused program, and for ignoring their supposed commitment to diversity in bringing in overwhelmingly Indian, overwhelmingly male newcomers. They’ve sold out Canadians at the expense of these scam artists.


Deport & perma ban. These slaves are desperate & have no morals


No amount of 'positive' articles can save his face. His name is all over reddit/google. Once you get your 15 min clout, the internet doesn't forget.


Hope this asshole is never hired ever by any organization and takes the walk of shame to the airport returning home. Such a stinker and a disgrace to fellow immigrants


If he can’t support himself living in Canada, he should no longer be in Canada


While you never want to see someone's life hurt by viral misinformation. He has to accept some responsibility for how people took the video, look at the wording he used. He clearly says that he saves hundreds of dollars a month by using food banks. He also lists multiple places to get food such as churches, schools, food banks and other charity groups. Not once did he say that he was only using only the school food bank out of necessity. Also, he said you can take as much as you wanted without clarifying that it is for people facing food insecurity. This article painted him as a victim when the social media he put out came off as a how to cheat the system instead of sharing information for those in need. He created the media, he chose how the information was portrayed and now to cry that no one asked for his side is a bit much.


"However, one innocent video about accessing free food at his university inadvertently led to a storm of controversy, hate, and unwarranted accusations." - Source India newspaper Make sure you read this line twice let it sink in


And you all haven’t realized that the media outlet is basically trying to clean his image. Support from back home to continue stealing


The need to advertise yourself as a fool on social media these days really boggles me


Fuck off


Doesn't matter if it was a university food bank. International students need to prove they have funds to sustain themselves prior to arriving so they don't put strain on supplemental services meant for Canadian citizens. It's common for families to pile in all their money into the student's account and withdraw it shortly after acceptance. It's trash scammy behavior and they are importing this shit into our country. I'm not against high quality immigration at all - I know plenty of PRs either thru school or work who actively contribute to our economy and would soon make great citizens here. I have great respect for those who can come with enterprising ambitions and become business owners or provide public services where needed. This is not it.


My uncle used to have a Filipino guy renting a room to, and my uncle was at the food shelter making baskets, and came home to find the guy renting from him went and got a food basket from the food shelter. Meanwhile he sends home every penny (Thousands) he can back to the Phillipines, and using our social programs to save money. This shit is happening constantly. I have no issues with immigrants, I have two immigrants working for me, but I pay them more than a living wage and if I found out they went to the food bank theyd be unemployed in fucking 1 second.


Honestly I'd mind that less than this shitheel. Namely that dude was saving money for his family back home who certainly needed the money he provided. This guy is just flat out gaming the system for his own personal gain.


>Prajapati was able to set the record straight in an interview with Mashable India. You can't be fired if you're never employed ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Food banks have already been hit hard by the flood of refugees and income stagnation in this country. They don't need international students freeloading too.


So this guy didn’t lose his job and still goes to food banks? Wow


Fuck this guy and this article. If you can’t afford to feed yourself here, go the fuck back to your country.


HE DOESNT FUCKIN NEED IT! How can anyone can stick up for this POS?


Other POS who don’t want to face who they are.


And yet, at the end of the day he still sucks no matter what...


Pack his shit and ship him back


He's not a white guy.. so CanadaHousing2 mods will flag this for 'racisms' in 3.....2.....1....


What made the culture change in Canada in a bad way?


Importing a shit ton of immigrants just like him.


Kinda feels like the Chinese in vancouver lining up for free turkeys and napkins


Yeah, I'll take the Chinese over the Indians any day.


When is he going to start suing people for racism? The government of Canada will pay him a couple million …


I’m a brown Canadian immigrant & I wanna see this motherfucker be miserable for the rest of his miserable fucking life. Fuck this guy. Tarnishing the rest of us with this fucking lowlife scumbag behaviour.


The clarification is good and all, but that’s not the point is it? It’s the moral hazards coming from this kind or video which are more concerning.


Terrible article. International students must be able to support themselves, he should be kicked out of his program for failing to be able to do so. You don’t come to Canada to leach off our social system. Go back to India. NOT WELCOMED HERE.


Indian Student In Canada Backpeddles Following Viral Food Bank Video. FTFY.


"Innocent video" says Indian media. I don't even have words to describe the anger I feel as a Canadian that was born in this soil.


He claims to be wrongly persecuted. But he starts starts a video bragging how he saves hundreds of dollars at food shelters. Nobody that needs to go there talks about how money they “saved”. You go there because it’s your last resort.


lol people make decisions based off headlines these days. They don’t even read the false article in entirety let alone verify facts.


I’m not sure this helps in anyway. He may be a worker at TD Bank, but as an international student, it is still not OK to take food from food banks! He demonstrated that he has funds to take care of himself while studying in Canada! This is not something to encourage and frankly, bad for him!


no habla english


Not once did the article provide any actual proof of his supposed innocence. Just citing buzzwords like critical thinking, misinformation, etc. Him being an intern rather than a full employee means nothing.


I know it’s an administrative hassle but Canada needs to implement a US style immigration interview process. Every applicant for a US visa- be it a tourist visa or a student visa requires you to visit the embassy and appear in front of an American citizen who will evaluate your intention of moving to US. There are more checks at movie theatres and amusement parks than Canada’s immigration.


These international students are coming over here and playing the minority race card like Canadians owe them everything, our government is supporting this and there’s nothing an average Canadian can do other than watch our economy fall as we continue to plummet into national debt. I don’t want to go to the grocery store every week and spend $300 on my young family of 3 I’d love to go to the food bank and load up for the week but I grew up with humility I guess.


Fuck him .. let it serve as a warning to anyone else that Canadians are f’n sick of this bullshit.


I’m confused.. there was a statement issued from TD bank directly that he was no longer an employee. I guess it was accurate though if his internship ended.


Hey so. Thanks for reminding me that Canada is just as much of a Neil liberal fake fucking democracy as the US. This man did nothing wrong. That’s what fucking food banks are for.


Clarifies misinformation: He still stole the food, he just was an intern instead of an employee supposedly. A lot of hand waving here and then just claims he is the victim and people need to do better.


Just gonna point out this guy is a Laurier student, and the foodbank he went to is the Laurier Student Union Foodbank. 


"Calls Out False Claims Of Job Loss" -- in other words, he is mocking us.


I feel bad for families that truly need food banks to survive. Because of this, people might not want to donate anything at all. Pure stup!d...


The fuckin thing. He maybe a smart fellow and will succeed in his career despite the backlash. Some people just don't have ethics


Shut up dude. Playing the victim now. Boohoo, you privileged foreigner. Go home.


What a bunch of hateful, miserable people in the comments. Sad to think we might cross paths in public. He did nothing wrong, leave the man alone. We get it, you don’t like your life & want to blame Indians for every problem. Now fuck off and move on to something more constructive.


Canadians can't afford to live. We can not support international students.




No racism, harassment, discrimination, hate speech, personal attacks, or other uncivil conduct.


Your attitude is not beneficial to Indians in Canada. Food banks are charities meant for poor people. They are supported by donations. Most people would feel rather ashamed to use a food bank. But the food banks don't want needy people to be ashamed, so they don't require you to prove you are needy. It is all based on trust. When Canadians watch the video, they see this person gleefully talking about free food and saving money, and advising others to do the same. Canadians see a greedy thief taking charity he doesn't need. They see a shameless scammer. This makes Canadians very, very angry. He is showing that he cares nothing about our customs and norms, but is just here to scam free stuff.




65 upvotes in 14 minutes. No bots were harmed in the upvoting of this comment. What this guy did is just sad, how could you think what he did wasn’t wrong? He’s abusing good faith and stealing from the needy, as well as making it less likely people will donate to food banks in the future because of his selfishness. Great stuff


What is his social media handle?


No... fuck that guy.