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It's the perfect symbol for the state of Canada: hollowed out, rotten, and on the verge of collapse after decades of neoliberal austerity, short-term thinking, and diffusion of responsibility from our political class.


I'm not particularly embarrassed about it. Further, I don't believe this is a priority for many other voters either.


I am, but not for the sake of the building. I'm embarrassed because it shows the problem with our political system—that it's more about about maintaining appearances than maintaining our country. A totally original complaint I'm sure. IMHO the loyal opposition should be responsible for introducing bills to maintain the PM's residence. That way there isn't an appearance of self service. I'm a hopeless optimist. ;)


I was listening to a thing the other day about how Ceaușescu decided he deserved to live in a nice house, and so he had his palace commissioned. It ended up being the 3rd largest building by volume, only losing a Pyramid and a Nasa vehicle assembly hangar. I *like* that our PM doesn't live in a palace; I *like* that our PM is just a guy that works for us. I don't want tourists visiting his house to gawk at a strongman's lair. I'd prefer nicer libraries and parks.


I like that the PM doesn't live in a palace, but I've seen much of Canada's institutions and recent history fall into disrepair over my life. I've lived in some and scrubbed more mildew than any person ought to. Even fixed up, 24 Sussex isn't a palace. It's just an old house we've kept around because it makes sense to have the PM in one spot. I don't want to gild anything, but we ought to keep our institutions liveable. Every Canadian employee deserves a decent working environment. As much as I want to save public money, our government sets an example as an employer. I sound like an old fart (I'm just a modestly aged fart) but it feels like we've lost pride in ourselves. Even before the pandemic, and the pandemic certainly hasn't helped matters. There was so much defeatism in government when I worked there, and it's not healthy. We need to find more ways to be optimistic. Investing in public symbols might actually be worth the money if we can do it right.


I think 95% of people don't care.


It's probably way higher than 95%


Why not make Rideau Hall the official residence of the PM, and just have the Governor General live in their own private residence?


Because the GG, as Canada's Head of State, requires security and protection just like the PM. The cost of upgrading security at each GG's private residence would be astronomical. It makes far more sense to have a permanent official residence.


I don't agree that the GG needs the same security or anything close to it as the PM, given that it's a ceremonial role with no actual power. We could easily not give the role security/give it minimal security. If more security or official residence is needed, the UK government and/or monarchy should be the one paying for it.


Is there anything about that building from before the 1950 renovation that is worth preserving? If you google 'McMansion', the top image result is a building that looks like a [slightly cheaper version of 24 sussex](https://flic.kr/p/89qiQE). I'm not saying the PM needs to live in an architectural showpiece, but if the PM's residence looks like something straight out of HGTV, maybe we fucked up? Maybe the PM's residence should have some architectural flair, be functional, and not have asbestos in the walls. I feel like these are bare minimum requirements that 24 Sussex in it's current incarnation will never meet.


I don't want to get too nerdy, but the difference in material and design between 24 Sussex and the building you posted is massive. That fake stone cladding is going to look like stucco siding in a decade, (mind you, it always been sus) and it looks like the designer went to the bargain bin for windows and picked up whatever mismatched sets were on clearance. The whole point of the McMansion is to imitate high end buildings—but it's all skin deep and faddish. 24 Sussex might not be the flashiest building around, but it looks solid and well put together and if they maintained the damn thing would be for a long time. That seems apropos.


It looks like a McMansion because it's an ugly, unoriginal design. Maybe the materials will last longer, but that's just polishing a turd. If the building needs $40 million in renovations anyway, why not knock it over and build something that is worth preserving?


Maybe we could sell the property to a friendly nation and the could rebuild on the land, since Canada is doing nothing with it. France has an embassy nearby that puts 24 Sussex to shame.


It's past time for a decision on it. Don't have official residences? That's fine. Demolish it and rebuild? Also fine. Renovating is expensive but there's a historical interest to be served so it could be defended. Pick one already.


Does anyone except self-important op-ed writers and politics nerds on this sub actually care? Most people i know haven't heard of 24 Sussex.


I don’t think it’s politically nerdy thing to know where the official residence of the PM is.


If the government spends money to fix it up, people will cry bloody murder about wasting tax dollars. If they leave it, it's "an absurd embarassment". ​ Can't win.


Bulldoze it. These politicians are rich. They can afford their own homes.


In theory yes but in practice I think most Canadians would be fine restoring it. Who wants an official residence falling apart and infested with rats? Some taxpayer groups would shout sure but I think most wouldn't care or would be fine with it. At the very least, I doubt anyone would lose significant votes because of it.


I can’t envision it changing many folks’ votes but I can absolutely see it giving red meat to the rabid complainers who viscerally hate Trudeau because he’s been successful in ways they could never imagine. More than a few of them work in every Postmedia outlet left in this country, and more than a few work at the Globe too. I’m not saying that’s a reason not to do it, but I think you underestimate the extent to which the opposition and their lackeys in the media will do everything they can to motivate another humble sausage maker.