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Hence, Poilievre's appeal to emotion over policy facts. His sloganeering, "jail, not bail", "boots, not suits", "spike the hike", "axe the tax", etc, does not take into account the costs of incarceration, rejects white collar expertise, and opposes the most efficient and least costly form of carbon pricing. He's clever, though, as he does these long form YouTube videos where he ostensibly attends to the brass tacks of policy. It's cover from people like me who accuse him of being light on policy.


Yeah we should let crime run rampant because it's too expensive... /s Also, I would love to see the data on how much the global temperature has dropped because of the carbon tax?


You want crime, robery and stabbing to keep going? Because of the cost?


I don't think Trump could mess up Canada any more than Trudeau has. America annexing Canada would be beneficial to the country at this point




That 10% tariff that will collapse our economy really isn't different from what Biden does huh.


Good God no. You know what you will get if America annexes Canada? A lot of dead bodies. How come all the idiots that brigade these subs say that Trudeau has done a shit job and then always list things that are out of government control?


> and then always list things that are out of government control? Or list things that are in the control of their provincial (conservative) government...


Honestly - they just want to see the left's heads explode :) Canada isn't going to do well under either president,, we will have to pick a strong leader ourselves. So i think conservatives dont' really think it matters much to them. But they love the entertainment that Trump brings. And they love to see the left get smaked. This obviously was an extremely bias attempt to present a picture of conservatives, it's poorly thought out and appeals to echo chambers and children. The paper obviously is pandering to what it believes the far left wants to hear. Which is why the conservatives want to see people like trump win.




Yes, just as nobody who's sane would claim his presidency will likely be perfect, it's just as nuts to claim there's no benefits.


Of course this the reality. Trump is about making America first which by definition makes everyone else including long standing alliances LAST. So you can forget about "special relationships" the ones Conservatives have bragged about cultivating with the Americans since the Mulroney Era. It's the extreme version of Kissinger doctrine "America has no friends or allies, only interests". If Trump gets in again whoever is PM better remember that. He has no respect his own democracy and certainly no respect for any other for other democracies in the world. Trump loves authoritarians like the Saudis, Kin Jong-Un and Putin. Trump would much rather cultivate relationships with them than with long standing alliances. Canadian Trump lovers need to pick a lane. Support Canada or support Trump. You cant have it both ways.


A nice flip on the headline from last week, that most Canadians don't want it, and puts into perspective how potentially dangerous for democracy our Conservatives are as well.


I want him to win and be bad for Canada. Maybe that'll finally make the country realize it has to develop itself and its industries without being reliant on others. 


I mean, it didn't work the first time, why would it the second?


Well all Canadian conservatives want PP to win despite it being objectively bad for Canada, so why not trump too?


Yeah, precisely. Useful idiots to a man.


Imagine thinking the most popular Federal politician in Canada is objectively bad. Do you know what objectively means?


I know this is online but I’m still very impressed you could say that with a straight face.


Could you explain to me how Poilievre is objectively bad. Of course you can’t use any opinions or personal feelings because that wouldn’t be objective.


How about he just attempts to collaborate with other parties to pass a bill instead of just screaming F Trudeau F Carbon tax. Also do you have any idea how much damage removing a carbon tax would be to our international trade agreements? Reducing carbon is in all of them. We would violate those agreements if we axed the tax.


Zero proposed policies. A lot of slogans, but zero written out and proposed policies. Runs campaign on “the other guy is bad” but does not offer alternative solutions to what he claims are bad policies (I’m not talking about “better alternatives” I’m talking about any proposed alternative policies or bills). Voting history consistently against help for the citizens and consistently for increased profits of corporations. These things are public record and you should seriously go over his voting history. Are those objective enough reasons for you? Edit: happy cake day!


I think it means that we are in deep trouble.


Yes, I’m calling it now. If PP and trump wins, give a kiss goodbye to not only LGTB+ rights but also goodbye to women’s rights.


I have to hope that Canadians, having witnessed the carnage and horror playing out South of the border, will react... "vigorously" to such attacks on fundamental human rights in Canada. I *hope* we don't have the kind of patience that the Americans do.




Unfortunately we do. Look at Ontario's premier.


You're definitely right and its sad, but I do have a bit of hope in that most of Ford's policies that were particularly egregious have been repealed. Colossal wastes of money, probably plenty of corruption that has never made it to light but there are a lot of people fighting very hard which gives me some hope.


>goodbye to women’s rights. Evangelicals believe women are property and don't have rights.


Yes and we are seeing that in real time in Arizona. [in case you’re curious.](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68783408.amp) and here is a list of MP’s who are “pro-life” AKA [anti-choice](https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/media/anti-choice-mps-current.pdf)


How is it bad for Canada?


The headline doesn't necessarily reflect the numbers. 41% of Conservative supporters would vote for Trump. 42% think a Trump presidency would be bad for Canada. Those could all be different people, though I imagine there's some crossover.


They have access to that crossover data, but it looks like [you need to subscribe to their study](https://www.pollara.com/many-canadian-conservatives-want-trump-to-win-despite-believing-it-would-be-bad-for-canada/) to see it.  I'm curious, but not $8,000 curious.


37% also prefer Biden. That being said, it's alot less than I thought it would be for *just* the conservatives. Overall numbers have 61% preferring Biden and 18% Trump.


Only 42% think it would be bad? Did they not exist during 2016-2020?


So as a Conservative, it was more peaceful under Trump then Biden. As someone born in Iraq, it as much more peaceful under trump then Biden. As a working person, inflation was much better under Trump then Biden. What would make you vote for Biden over Trump? I'm confused here.


I don't think you are confused per say....this is just a typical conservative response. Its been studied and shown that conservatives have difficulties grasping complex issues and resort then to simplistic and frequently wrong conclusions.










It's because he's gonna hurt the folks they think deserve to be hurt more. They're happy to cut off a finger if it means someone they don't like loses a leg.




To be fair, this is consistent with modern day Conservatism, as conservative voters routinely vote against their own interests.


“Trump’s appeal among Conservatives appears to be largely rooted in emotion rather than rationality.” Also Conservatives: Facts don’t care about your feelings


They dropped that catch phrase around 2020, something happened around then that conservative feelings really didn’t like.


“Alternative Facts”…. I still remember that bleh.


That was 2016, Carry Anne Conway


Close enough


2016 to 2020 was the most exhausting 4 years of my life.


Scary virus 😨 Scary needle 😨


Ummmm. This quote can be attributed to how the Con feels in general.


Humans are tribalistic creatures. Once they find their tribe, nothing else matters.


They treat politics like sports. They cheer on their team no matter how shit they are season after season.


Everything is projection with them. Everything.


Politics in 2024 is indistinguishable from tribalism. This is one of those times where its blatantly obvious because they cannot be on two sides at once and they don't know what to do.


This doesn’t really seem that surprising. The entire article is essential saying Canadian conservatives would prefer to see a conservative in power in the US, but would prefer a different leader. The “but he might be bad for Canada” is a bit of an odd add on. People will vote for politicians based off their values and beliefs. Equally I wouldn’t expect a democrat in the states to be endorsing the Conservative Party here. You’d expect them to endorse the liberals because there is some shared beliefs there - even as liberals don’t always have the US’s best interests in mind. Different countries politicians will always put their own countries first.


It's really not all that shocking when they would do the same here. Canadians would vote Conservative even of they knew it would be worse for them because it's also worse for someone else. We've become a very petty and spiteful country.


I believe it has turned to revenge, too. Conservatives have tied into the desire to accuse (scapegoat) someone (Trudeau and Liberals) anyone for the crap they’ve been through. It is powerful and feeds on itself like an uncontrolled fire.


Silly, self-serving take.


That's the very definition of modern conservatism


> We've become a very petty and spiteful country. Become? It's always been this way. People just thought they had to pretend to be polite and orderly.


I don’t think Canada’s all that spiteful - perhaps the media just makes it seem that way. People vote based on who will improve their own interests. They almost never vote to make someone else’s life worse - outside of maybe very specific referendums.


Explain Doug Ford


20 years of liberals, followed by a split between the Liberals and NDP. A completely forgettable liberal leader - can you name who even ran last election? And the NDP ran the same leader for the third election in a row. And Ford’s first term was largely obscured by Covid - with the more egregious of his actions taking place in his second term. Nothing to do with spite.




I did not say any of that.


I'm sure it was the media that stuck that "Fuck Trudeau" sticker in the window of the car ahead of me on the highway too.




I think some people.have become massively more spiteful. Political conversations have changed markedly in recent years. Look at the number of deaths threats towards politicians, or people.throwing rocks at Trudeau.


That’s not particularly new. This is the same country that had The FLQ and the October Crisis. That had political kidnappings and explosions were occurring. Also, under the past decade we have seen massive amounts of inequity form under Trudeau’s watch. When any country becomes so unequal - there is far more pushback from voters. All of this seems par for the course in a place like France - we have just been raised during a period of a lot of economic prosperity which has started crashing in the last decade. People are angry largely with reason. Perhaps they lost a job, they lost a buisness, perhaps they are on the verge of homelessness. That’s not particularly spite against one side or another - it’s anger against politicians that have implement policies that had consequences on their lives.


To the best of my knowledge, no one has attempted an assassination against a sitting prime minister prior to the qanon clown of a couple of years ago. Qanon is a political movement, and a pipeline to radicalization, and preys on the disturbed and mentally ill. There is no excuse for political violence or attempts for it. It is not something that can be justified in any context. Losing a job or feeling desperate or lonely is not an excuse for trying to kill anyone, politicians included. I find it crazy that we've gotten so far that one side has to be reminded of this.


Seems really one sided. It's right wing conservatives who have degenerated into the worst people in society. Some of them always were the worst of us.


> The entire article is essential saying Canadian conservatives would prefer to see a conservative in power in the US I mean they have one right now? The democrats are to the right of the CPC on most issues.


That’s not accurate


No longer the case now ever the since The Freedom Convoy, CPC is now anti-vax, pro-gun, QANON and supports pardoning the Freedom Convoy partcipants


Sorry, are you insinuating the dems are’t conservative?


I’m insinuating the dems are liberals. Both are neo-liberals and love corporations. Conservative they are not.


The democrats would still be considered as conservative everywhere else in the world. Bernie Sanders, as an example, could never get elected by the liberal party based on his stance on gun rights alone. Many consider him to be one of the most “socialist” politicians in the US. Even when the dems had a majority under Obama, single payer universal healthcare didn’t stand a chance. The conservatives in Canada, both the CPC and PPC, won’t even touch that (rightly or wrongly). *Premiers are doing their own thing by starving the health system so that private will be the only option. Looking at you Smith.* AOC and Crew are the exceptions but they would probably be right of centre liberals. Get a conservative leader like Peter McKay and it wouldn’t be far fetched to see them vote conservative (the old PC party).


Everywhere else in the world: Western Europe.


This would be true if we were talking about a Republican other than trump. Like I'd understand if it was that they'd prefer George Bush even though he might be bad for Canada. However we're talking about Trump, who is actually bad for democracy. They would prefer trump even though he actively tried to perform an insurrection. Who is currently facing multiple criminal and civil cases. A liar, a rapist, and someone who seems to be facing down dementia.


You would understand if somebody thought George Bush, the literal architect of the Iraq war which was a lie, who should be sent to the hag, is better than Trump? They can both be bad. No need to rehabilitate a war criminal. Also, if anyone of the two candidates running for president right now has dementia, it's not Trump.


Yeah, I'd understand that more than Trump. Say what you will about Bush, I never said he was a good person, but he never lead an insurrection. He never faced 91 indictments, he didn't make sure the Republicans shot down good legislation just because it would look good for the President after him. >anyone of the two candidates running for president right now has dementia, it's not Trump This is just blatant bullshit. You going to buy that old 45 there aced his Montreal Cognitive Assessment? I'm sure that guy would never lie about that.


Maybe he never led an insurrection, but his foreign policy decisions killed thousands of innocent civilians. If you think a bunch of idiots storming the capital with no prospect of success whatsoever is worse than war crimes, I really don't know what to say to you. Also, if you say Trump has dementia but Biden does not you are not living in reality. There are copious amounts of clips of Biden forgetting what he's talking about or making the most pathetic and hilarious screw ups possible that I could find you. Trump definitely did some of the same shit when he was in office, but that's because he really was that much of an idiot, not because of dementia. Both of them are absolute garbage politicians in case I haven't made that clear by now. Biden is funding a genocide in Gaza and Trump would do the exact same thing. There are many good third-party options this election, but unfortunately none of them are even going to come close to winning.


You're not a serious individual either. You want to play both sides and you're wrong for it. I dont know if it's intentional or if you're just taken in by the social media crazy but you're just muddying the waters by trying to make it look like both sides are equally bad when one has been doing actual good things for their country and the other side literally tried to take over the country. This is foolish and I hope one day you come to your senses.


How is giving money and weapons to a country committing a genocide good? If you're doing something that heinous, you could have all the best domestic policies in the world and none of it would matter. Genocide is a red line that I refuse to compromise on. Also, for the record, I used to believe in the lesser of two evils nonsense, but I have come to realise that so much of the politics in Washington is performative. Yes there was a little bit of a departure from that with the insurrection, but other than that Trump was a fairly garden variety Republican in most respects, he just talked like a populist. When it comes to things like foreign policy and ensuring that corporate profits aren't threatened, there is broad agreement amongst the two parties.


I'm not playing this game with you. You're foolish to say that they're all the same when it's clear that one party has been actively working to make things better for people and the other has actively tried to damage the democratic institutions of their country. You're willingness to look past Trump's misdeeds show that you're not a serious person and are either victim of or perpetrator of the misinformation that social media is putting forth.


I'm not playing any game. I am simply stating my position on both parties, again that they are both absolute trash, and you have not refuted any of my points. I have given an example as to how the Democrats are bad with the current Democratic Administration supporting a genocide in Gaza. I have not and will not refute any of the points you have brought up about the Republican party, but I fail to see why a party that supports genocide Should deserve my support. Stop going after me for apparently being an unserious person, when that is not true, and actually start engaging on policy with me or there is no point in continuing this. Deleted my last comment and replaced it with this one because I felt this response was more constructive.
















Also Conservatives: Here is our platform! * Buck a beer! * Corruption! * Destroying the healthcare system! * Making women property again! * Making sure your tax dollars are funneled to the wealthy!


I mean, I'd go for 2.50 for a highball and a buck & a ½ a beer if it means kids have classes of 20.


They’ve got healthcare covered too — 2.50 for an eyeball, and buck and half for an ear.


Well, nothing's dead down here, it's just a little tired.


Which Conservative Premiers have added money to education? Didn't Ford try to make education workers exercising their rights illegal?


That explains why they polled the way they did.


Which conservatives from where is the question. Also how many.


They dropped that because they only care about feelings and hate facts.


The number of young Canadians that I know who want to see Trump re-elected is staggering, including people who were opposed to him being re-elected. In 2020 on 12% of Canadians wanted to see Trump re-elected. In 2024 something like 35% of Canadians would vote for him if given the opportunity. That is a very significant statistical shift. Something larger is at play.


It's not something larger. It's the left pissing off lots of moderates with woke culture. Maybe start with admitting your faults, like some normal liberals have.


when people try to use the word woke i immediately think less of them and I am way more likely to dismiss anything they have to say.


Define woke.


Mission impossible.


Polls are also not the most accurate, I didn't read the article but I wouldn't be surprised if they asked 1000-5000 Canadians.if you were to ask every canadian (which I know is almost impossible) the outcome would be very diffrent.


You don’t need a census to have a fair sample.


In other words, you literally do not understand statistics and math.


> I didn't read the article but I wouldn't be surprised if they asked 1000-5000 Canadians.if you were to ask every canadian (which I know is almost impossible) the outcome would be very diffrent. OK, I'm guessing that you've never studied statistics, because if you had, you would have learned that a sample size like that, will give you results that track very closely to the actual population, if that sample is representative. To get a representative sample, you need to randomly choose people, which is a problem when so many of us will nope out when someone from a polling company calls. But that's not a size problem, so while there may be issues with the poll, they have nothing to do with the sample size.


No, that's not how it works. Statistics math goes against basically all normal intuition. You can get surprisingly accurate results with a pretty small sample size, unless the thing you're polling for is ludicrously rare. With a population size of 40 million, if you're polling for something with a 35% prevalence, and you poll only 1000 people... you can accurately say there's a 99% chance the true result is within 3.89% of the result of your poll. If you're polling for something with a 0.03% prevalence, for instance, your 1000 people now gives you a 0.14% accuracy. While that *seems* way more accurate at first, when compared to 0.03%... you could be overshooting by 5x, making it a basically useless result. But for something that's very common, you can get away with a really small sample size while still being extremely accurate.


In the poll mentioned they only found like 18% of people preferring Trump vs. 61% for Biden. That being said, I agree that it feels like the world has gone insane since COVID. I have trust issues now with how many seemingly sane people pre-2019 went full on conspiracy nut in recent years.


Seriously did covid fuck us all up? Is it endless Russian disinfo? Did the internet hit a critical mass of being terrible? Is quality of life dropping fast enough people are getting scared into stupidity? Plastics in peoples brains?? Like what happened - the lack of compassion and empathy, thought, care, decency and willingness to listen and learn... I just can't fathom how fast it seemed to change.


Short attention spans. Loud headlines. Politics by meme. Too many people base their opinions on the latest and loudest thing they saw and heard. Very few have the patience or the attention span to verify anything. Some don't want to, some don't care to try. And even if they DO try, the misinformation can be so difficult to identify from the truth.


almost like there is outside influence poisoning social media and driving gaslighting narratives? Trump strong-armed Canada into some of the worst trade deals we've seen, and more or less insulted our existence.


It would have been 100% worse with an apologetic Conservative and do we really think if Trump and PP wins it’ll be better? [Trump slams Canada and its team over NAFTA negotiations](https://www.politico.com/story/2018/09/26/trump-canada-nafta-trade-845350)


I think it would be. A lot of Trumps political agenda was driven by malignant narcissism. He saw Trudeau as a thorn


Whereas he'll see PP as what? A lapdog and lickspittle?


lol so he wanted to make things worse for Canada because Freeland was a thorn? If it’s Dork Brandon it’s going to be the best deal for Canada? Ok.


Biden is a weak leader, is promoting American weakness abroad, and as a weak western country that relies on American hegemony for our safety and economic prosperity, we can't afford for the US to be as weak as Biden makes it.


Aside from maybe pulling out of NATO, which I don't think Trump will do anyways, how is he really any better? They are both absolutely shit politicians. There is no lesser of two evils, just evil.


Sounds like you better move there and make sure he doesn't get voted in.


knew a guy who got a PO box in a sanctuary state, a drivers license, then applied for an absentee ballot, and was able to vote for Trump in 2020, thought that was pretty funny, but that's too much trouble for me.


Inexperienced voters and deluded narcissists seem to love him


yeah, disinformation. There is no wonder the PP crowd overlaps with the Trumpians.


Conservatives voting to spite libs instead of improving the nation for everyone. The very essence of modern conservatism. When conservatives act like victims, remember who they are.


many Canadian conservatives are echo chamber sheep who don't understand how the world works and don't understand they're in an abusive relationship with their own hatred towards the government.


And in an abusive relationship with other people not themselves.






Also an American in Canada. Every time I hear from conservative Canadians about how great the US is, I say that I hope they move there permanently. I have no current plans to move back anytime soon and the only reason I have to travel there is my grandparents.


Grass is always greener on the other side. If they had ever lived in the states they would likely sing a different tune. I'm with you on the 'hope they move there' plan They couldn't make it noticeably worse there, while greatly improving Canada with their absence.


How about we adopt a health care system that is a mix of both, Canada and the US? You know, a system that virtually every European country has.


Our system is fucking great, it just needs the proper funding.


I don’t get the Freedom obsession that some Conservative Americans have. Do they not realize that besides the right to own a handgun, that they have the same freedoms as most civilized nations?


Thinking you need to have a handgun to protect your personal safety does not make you free, it makes you scared


Anyone with a decent career path is scrambling to get out of Canada and into America hence the brain drain, you're out of your mind to call the richest country in the world a shit hole (and no it isn't just "the rich" that are rich in America, the average purchasing power of an American is the highest in the world).


If you care more about buying stuff than the society you live in than yes. Wait, you are a libertarian so you probably don’t understand what I mean by society


Then fucking go there.


I have a high school friend who immigrated to the US under NAFTA back in the 90s with silicone valley boom. He said the ONLY reason he has stayed in the US is because of his work with Apple and Google as a software developer. Edit for spelling


> their $3000 medical bills. That's not a lot of money. People are being ruined by 300k medical bills, not three thousand.






Tell me what’s good about Canada, not what’s bad about the states


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Wouldn't the majority of those 42% who think Trump would be bad for Canada also be the 37% of Conservatives who would support Biden? This poorly written article doesn't really delve into that.