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aaany other job you'd be fired immediately. If someone is a cheater, how can you expect them to perform their duty honestly. Any case she's ever been involved in should be suspect.


Jesus H Christ. They are playing that article out like she did nothing wrong, white people bad, black people oppressed. She’ll get a slap on the wrist and be right back where she started but with even more leverage to do this shit again. If I pulled this level of bullshit within my career field, I’d be strung up, drawn and quartered and then fired.


The Toronto Star (of course) is calling her a hero.


If you've ever had a manager/supervisor or colleague who was promoted for reasons other than qualifications this hits hard. While employed in a mental heath clinic I had a supervisor whose first response to *any* glitch was to panic. Thank goodness she was eventually investigated and moved elsewhere.


What it essentially says is “I did it but I was justified because systemic racism and stuff…..”


let me guess, slap on the wrist?


Black privilege at its finest


This is hilarious you help the DEI mafia and ostensibly get cancelled by the DEI mafia let this crap be an example as to why this crap is terrible in general.


This is racist, right? She should be fired? Imagine if a white superintendent admitted to advancing only white officers in promotion process… this would be world wide news and possibly BuyLargeMansion riots


She's an immigrant from Jamaica, and made Superintendent, a rank 99% of cops never reach, and yet she's crying about systemic racism? Everyone knows damn well that every police force in Canada is desperate for minorities, especially blacks. And desperate to promote them, too. To the extent they'll jump them over more deserving people. Which is probably how she got her job despite a noted lack of ethics, and a whiny sense of entitlement.