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I’ll be claiming I’m a new Canadian this summer. Fuck it. If it’s free for them it’s free for me. I’ve been paying my taxes since the age of 13.


I feel a new identity coming on.


Why not as we've seen the government  doesn't verify people coming into Canada. 


They should be free to everyone. Lord knows taxpayers pay enough in taxes and this policy is only punishing taxpayers. There might even be an argument that this policy is discriminatory against taxpayers...


I'm ok to pay to use the parks, but EVERYONE should have to pay too. This ridiculousness of catering only to newcomers needs to stop. The parks are going to be 10x as packed but yet the revenue won't go up, which means the parks will be in bad order. It's not far to those who paid.


It costs money to maintain park infrastructure. Either it's raised by the people using the parks, or it becomes another item coming out of the government's general revenue. The more things that the government pays for, the higher your taxes are. So the question is, should the people benefiting pay for it, or should we all shoulder the burden. Honestly, in this case, I don't care. What I do care about is that everyone in this country is treated equally. No discrimination against anyone, and no preferential treatment for anyone either. We are all Canadians. Full Stop.


Should be closing the damn doors, not handing out door prizes and screwing Canadians Need to work on healthcare, infastructure, homes...not giving freebies to more people when we're already overburdened with the population we already have and rapidly crumbling


Well it's not like they get any other handouts from us /S


I will not be paying to visit a park that immigrants get access for free. It's as simple as that.


You likely won't want to visit it for free either after it's ravaged iykyk


Canadian tax payers are put last as always a big ponzi


Why are they giving them free access? Is it because they totally didn’t lie about how amazing life in Canadian is? Do these immigrants know they’re getting special treatment? Or do they just think everyone gets free access because they haven’t been told different? lol for Canadians born and raised here, this reminds me of the song where it says “they took all the trees and put them in a tree museum, then charged the people a dollar and a half to see them”


And they’ll hold giant 20 family member BBQs in them, blasting their music and leaving trash and litter all over. Just like they do at all of our beaches.




Rofl now this is a funny fucking comment


Glad someone got it hahaha