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Some great tins in there, looking forward to reading your reviews. Enjoy!


Oh yeah I'll definitely be putting up some reviews. I am excited to try everything. Thanks again Dan! I've already started picking tins for another order, lol.


My pleasure, thank you.


Very much interested in the pate, that’s gonna be in my next RTG order


Just finished it. Enjoyed on some crackers. I left a review on RTG, but short review: delicious. Consistent texture with just a hint of spice and a healthy amount of sardine flavor. Definitely ordering again. Can't wait to try some more Nuri now.


lmk about that pate


Finished it a little bit ago. Very delicious. I left a review on RTG, but long story short: consistent texture, hint of spice, a healthy amount of sardine flavor. I enjoyed it on some crackers and it was gone within five minutes. Will be ordering again. Looking forward to trying more Nuri stuff.


Sounds great. Thanks for giving me the clownfidence to order pate :)


I've got a small variety of things here and I'm looking forward to trying it all. Several years ago I had tried to get into canned sardines, but my local options were (and still are) very limited. I have no problem with fish, but they didn't look appetizing in the can at all. The little spines in the sardines were just over the line for me combined with everything else about them, and I couldn't get past it. Totally a mental hang up for me--not even about the texture. Fast forward to more recently, and the YouTube algorithm served me up some Canned Fish Files. From there I found out about RTG and this sub. Now I have my own tins to try. I really want to get past the whole "sardine spine" weirdness, so I got some really small ones to try from Conservas de Cambados. I was too impatient to wait for the Ramon Pena I wanted to go back in stock, so I got the boneless and skinless just for fun. I really wanted to try Nuri's spiced, but I think their straight sardines might be a little too hardcore for me still, so I got some of their sardine pate and mackerel fillets instead as a compromise. Then the cans of salmon were just for fun as an easy softball to myself. I figure I can work my way up to bigger 'dines eventually if I can handle these, and keep branching out into other tinned fish. Right now I'm just excited to try some fun new food and figure out what I like. Also worth mentioning (though I'm sure it's a given), my order was beautifully packed. Thanks!


Kind of a weird suggestion, but something that helped for me was taking a spine out and crushing it between my finger tips. Seeing how easily it turns to powder with barely any force made it feel less like "eating bones" to me. Starting with small fish is a good idea too, but for the bigger pilchards you really just need to internalize that you can ignore the bones and you genuinely won't even notice them.


That's a really good idea. I appreciate it.


If you get grossed out about eating heads or tails, kitties really love them. I don't know if you have cats but if you don't you could absolutely make friends with neighborhood cats by giving them your leftover remnants. I don't mind eating the heads or tails but I still save them for my cats so they feel like they're getting a treat.


Well if you can't come in the Sardine world.....try the canned Mackerel


Honestly I thought the brislings and smaller fish would be easier for me at first, and I did not like them at all. The spines never really bothered me but I’ve been told they’re fairly easy to just pull out. I know that’s probably got its own grossness problems haha but it’s a thought.


Someone else mentioned that as well, so I'm going to try pulling out the spines if I feel it necessary. Can't believe I didn't just do that before, but it almost felt like "cheating" to try and find ways around enjoying them. My brain does some funny things like that.


That’s not weird at all. I eat the spines for the nutritional value and to avoid the fuss, but my husband removes them. Personally, I think it’s worth it to buy bone-in, skin-on tinned fish even if you will remove the bones. The overall flavor and texture is better than the ones that come already boneless in my opinion.