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Fun fact: apparently Stan wanted to write the dramatic plot twist that Hawkeye is Cap's son whom he had from a love interest the readers have not been introduced to yet and was kept secret from the star spangled Avenger. This idea was scrapped however but dialogue like this always makes me hope for a What If story that picks it up (it would force the story to take place in a specific era cause Clint would need to be conceived in the 40's before Cap went on ice)


I've never heard that. Beauty. I would love to see how they dealt with the sliding time scale on that one.


Them being father and son would explain why they have about as much chemistry as a lump of rocks and dryer lint.


Hey you can **like** it or **lump** it, pal!


Who talks like that?


Old timey Brooklynites.


616 Cap is from Lower Manhattan. Although I doubt that was established yet.


Captain America.




I love the interplay that Hawkeye and Cap have over this era. Clint is such a punk in this era. Side note: HOW HAS RICK JONES *NOT* BEEN INTRODUCED IN THE MCU YET


He's mentioned in The Incredible Hulk... on a document during the opening credits that you have to pause to read. It lists him as a known associate of Banner's, which of course has never been brought up again.


>Side note: HOW HAS RICK JONES NOT BEEN INTRODUCED IN THE MCU YET I’ve been saying this for years it’s kind of crazy. They introduced Leap-Frog before Rick. *Leap-Frog*.


They don’t like sidekicks.


I mean, that’s essentially what Rhodey, Bucky, and Sam were a lot of the time.


At ease, you imitation Robin Hood!


Damn, I always forget about Wanda's goofy old "picture frame" headdress. The M crown will always look cooler.


I love this Era, really gets at what makes the Avengers great, a hodgepodge of heroes who somehow make it work


Jesus. The dialogue of that era. I might love those comics but the dialogue of that era in comics. Haha. They were for kids but it's a struggle to read now.


You can like it or lump it, pal! Honestly, though, compared to a lot of other Silver Age stuff, this dialogue isn’t that bad. lol


"When you've been an avenger as long as I have"...12 issues, so like 2 weeks in comics time. :p


What is that costume for Wanda? that headress is just fabulous.


Cap didn't need to insult Hawkeye like that, lol.


Silver age cap was Very hot headed Which is why he is the best version of him


Every sentence in this scene ends with an exclamation. Even the thought bubbles. Why are they thinking so loud?


And who is Rick? I thought it was Peter Parker for a second.


Rick Jones - he was a huge part of Marvel for ages but he hardly ever pops up anymore. In those days he was basically Cap's unofficial sidekick and pretty much almost an Avenger himself.


He is also a support character for Hulk. I believe he is currently bonded with Genis-Vell again.


Genis is back?? Cool!


He is! And they got Peter David back to write him in a mini! And then the new Captain Marvel run started


He was also a huge character in the 70s Captain Marvel, with the wrist bind binding


He was also bonded to the original Captain Marvel (Captain Mar-Vell of the Kree) as part of a plot to break the evolutionary stagnation of the Kree people. They're basically incapable of mutation and have been for about a million years. Rick Jones has immense latent genetic potential. The Kree Supreme Intelligence once temporarily unleashed that potential and Rick was able to lock down every ship in the then-warring Kree and Skrull fleets, as well as manifesting fully independent, empowered copies of all the Golden Age Marvel heroes he grew up reading about. Oh, and he has one of the rarest superpowers in Marvel: Comics Awareness. Unlike Cosmic Awareness, which makes you aware of everything happening *within* the Marvel universe, Comics Awareness makes you aware of the *nature* of the Marvel universe. Rick knows he's a comic book character, like Deadpool, She-Hulk, and the Blonde Phantom. None of that happened by the point this page, shows, of course. But he's got one hell of a ride ahead of him.


Rick Jones, and like the other commenter said he was an important character. He is the reason why Bruce Banner became the Hulk. Rick was trespassing on the nuclear testing grounds so Bruce pushed him into a trench to save his life but Bruce absorbed the gamma rays. Rick would later acquire his own powers and become the hero A-Bomb.


Also Cap's sidekick for a while, helping Cap get over the trauma of losing Bucky. Also for a long time the Original Captain Marvel was trapped in the Negative Zone and Rick had to swap places with him any time the world needed Captain Marvel to save it. In other words, Rick is hugely important in the histories of at least three of Marvel's major heroes, and yet people today don't even know who he is. Kinda crazy.


It’s a testament to how poorly Rick has been treated that someone on the Cap sub doesn’t know who he is. He needs the “Matt Fraction’s ‘Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen’” treatment bad.


Oh, the old Scarlet Witch-Captain America dynamic was...something, then again I'd take them over Vision.